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I enjoy reddit and Veeky Forums
No, you confess you fat bald bastard. This is the inquisition, you are charged with
>needlessly making a stupid thread
>not observing proper rituals
>not posting in latin
>being fat
>asking for confession without first showing credentials
>not wearing the true and correct ritual attire (hat missing)
>of being a suspected heretic
>of not getting dubs in your OP post
So YOU confess. Or do you intend to plead not guilty?
I'm piss afraid of working on my setting because every time I go back to it my thought process is usually "wtf is the point, I'll never run a game with this anyways, and it's so shitty and uninspired that even if I did people would say 'wow, this is a pile of horse shit' to me."
Now that I've said that I'm retreating back to /r9k/ and you can't stop me.
As penance you must sage three shit threads
this one would count
Whats your setting friend
For penance spend an hour on 9gag
I make all my characters female as a way to cope with the fact that I cannot change my sex at will depending on my mood.
I've put up small amounts of info on /wbg/ but going to that thread makes me so fucking depressed its not even funny.
> napoleonic era tech and general cultures, star wars force-styled magic (not usable by most people)
> not!American/Russian/Romanian/Spanish-Portuguese/Italian/Greek human countries
> german dwarves in a mountain range with mountain fortresses
> elves with sengoku jidai culture, samurai and guardian spirits and katanas and shit
> orcs patterned after zulus with mongol mix
> centaurs, werewolves, insect people, etc. scattered around various minor nations and subcontinents
I don't have a map beyond the ugliest fucking ms paint sketch and every time i go back to it I realize my countries and places of interest are barren pieces of shit that are name/species swaps of IRL countries at best. I know I'm whinging here, but I can't fucking shake the discouragement of going onto this board and seeing everyone make such immensely unique and interesting worlds with seemingly barely any effort.
Remember this; very, very few people, even great designers like gary gygax, made what they made with 'barely any effort'.
I confess I once spent seven YEARS working on a setting that ultimately didn't work out. I burned it. Never looked back and moved on to the next thing.
I want to play rpgs but I have no friends and get anxiety talking to strangers online. One online friend I have wants to play but I'm scared cos they're inviting a friend or two
Try following this guy
Hes pretty good, download gimp if you dont already have it
This guy always makes racists jokes in my group and I haven't kicked him from the group yet.
Dont be scared, theyre people just like you who just want to play
How do the other players react to this person
That's why I'm forcing myself to stick with it. I don't wanna let other people down. It wouldn't be so bad if I was just playing, but they want me to DM. The responsibility and attention is intimidating, which is a shame cos it looks fun and I think I'd be ok at it
Just remember that youre doing it for fun and it shouldnt feel like a chore or make you anxious, ease up and relax, and know that youre in good company
2 of the people in my group laugh at his jokes and sometimes chime in, but I can tell this on guy (who is a paladin) is very uncomfortable. I thought that If I ignored it or didn't care he'd get bored and stop the jokes, but the other 2 keep enabling him. I should probably get a different group with some less retarded manchildren. I didn't think they were like this.
I like Iranian food like Pilaf and Iranian girl puss
I burned a large pile common and uncommon of Magic the Gathering cards because I was too lazy to sell them or give them away.
I joined an existing group, and caused two people to leave.
Then I flaked from it after only two sessions.
I was the GM
I'm a godlike GM and have given players the campaign of a lifetime in the past, but won't do it again solely because I loathe Discord and it's the only thing anybody uses anymore
Doing it in-person is also difficult because I live in the middle of nowhere and it's an hour+ drive to meet any potential groups, and no amount of convincing will make them play anything but D&D
I'm rotting and letting my powers go to waste, and I've nobody to blame but myself and my foolish petty grudges
Thanks, that genuinely makes me feel a bit more at ease about it
Bring it up with the guy who isn't laughing and discuss it with him, then bring it up with the 3 kids if it upsets the other guy
Im an Eternal GM and I write up a lot of material for myself to get a "feel" for the setting, then promptly abandon it 3 sessions in. Then I get bored with the campaign even though the players love it, so I go through the motions as I'm already planning the next one.
Try to find a setting that might include every fascet of interest you have so youre less likely to abandon it
For penance take testosterone blockers and estrogen for the next several years.
But for real you're probably trans
My female paladin has a wightfu.
But she's also married.
Wat do.
HRT is not necessarily the only course of action even if someone does have gender dysphoria
You can have dysphoria and try to live a normal life anyway
Cutting words
I will confess nothing, son of the cloth! Do you hear me? Nothing! I defy you!
i invested heavily on Champion of the parish few months ago but the card didn't gained a cent since then, is God angry at me?
I don't know how to accurately set challenge levels in my setting. My current method would say that a level 15 enemy is acceptable for a group of level 4-5 to fight. Yet that somehow doesn't seem right to me.
Forgive me father, for I have sinned.
I derive pleasure from entering otherwise positive, productive threads and ruining them with bait, inflammatory observations and political references. My only goal is to feel the anguish of posters as the thread putters into the gutter.
I often fudge rolls, especially on random charts.
I mean sometimes it's necessary. Who wants to tell your friends GF she rolled "healing breastmilk" on the random mutations chart?
My characters lately have been exclusively lesbian women.
I think Warhammer 40k would be better off if it had the tone and aesthetic of an anime, I don't think there's anything wrong having monstergirls and demihumans in a setting and they can be attractive without taking away from the setting, and I don't care for Magic the Gathering or any card games at all really.
You are right, however should at least research their options, and probably talk to a therapist about it.
I still daydreamed a scifi story with the same plot since my early childhood, until I recently ruined it by killing off the main character then resurrecting him four IRL years after his death. I want to run a campaign set in the world but it's way too autistic to ever run with real people. I've statted out all of the main characters in Savage Worlds and I'm working on statting them out in GURPS as well. I'll never run it or do anything with it because like I said it's autistic garbage and I don't even like it anymore after ruining it. Now that I've fucked that up, RPGs really and truly are my only reason for living.
I know that feel, user. I too daydream this ridiculous, incredible, and incredibly autistic heroic epics.
I should be writing a story for a setting but I just can't find the motivation
My group cycles every other week between two DMs and two campaigns. One I have a lot of fun with. The other, I can't stand the DM's style and I hate his game. Constantly bored.
I put up with it so I can continue to play the other DM's game, and cant avoid it since we play at my place.
What are they like?
That's true, but depending on the intensity and their general disposition and mental state it could be something worth looking into.
Can't get between two married people user, lest you violate the holy mystery of marriage. He has to go full knight and love her, pure and chaste from afar. Dream the impossible dream my man.
I hit depression a while go and it morphed further than I've ever gone.
Now I feel like I've lost my maximum for caring. I mean, I'm trying but it's hard to care and I'm not really planning, I've got no one and nothing and while I'm not moping about it, old me would have figured this shit out by now.
No lover, no money, no friends, barely any hobbies, no strong plan, the thought of murdering myself from pure frustration has arisen once in a while.
And on some level I just don't care. I'm so sick of everything, I just don't care.
Effort is both harder and easier to put forth when you're just focusing 90% of your time enjoying yourself to keep yourself sane.
This is too real for me, I hope you can find a way through it
Not that user, but I no joke have this world where I'm transported into it and I'm OP and go through trials getting stronger till I eventually retire with my wives, one being a gentledom futa oni and the other a normal sadistic witch. Their names being samartha and vivi. I also have 3 friends. A paladin named bret, a goblin named tyra and a assassin named Kobe. To say nothing of the god's and godess's and multiple worlds.
It's very autistic as the other user put it.
why do you loathe discord?
Eh, I think that's pretty common. I kind of have a similar thing, if a little more modest
I'm not sure if I know how to really describe it, user
Basically I feel like it changes people, and everyone I've met who starts using it comes back with this attitude I find appalling
In theory it's just IRC with voice support, and I've tried using it to be with the "cool crowd," but for lack of a better way to describe it I guess I'm just getting too old for what's "in" with the hip kids?
It's great for voice, but all the emojis, the exclusiveness promoted by its invite system, the way it feels structured like a social network, etc, I just can't stand it
Sorry if that sounds like a cop-out answer; if I truly understood exactly why I hated it I'd probably be able to find some way to around it
But it's probable that I'll just wait it out until the trend dies and something better takes over
It sounds a lot like you just hang with the wrong group.
It, kinda, is a social network, like Skype. You make groups and talk to those people. That's it in a nutshell.
idk, it's just weird man.
You might want to check out Maladaptive Daydreaming. I had a friend who had it. That shit was tough.
I've created an entire card game with my own materials that I've had several public/anonymous playtesters say trumps Ascension, Munchkin, Clank! and others, many of them offering to buy the playtest copy, haven't touched the project in months because I'm poor and too afraid to invest the money into publishing it and I've fallen for the "card games are dead" meme.
Don't trust myself to make a high quality kickstarter campaign for it.
Because he's a fucktard grognard? He heard somewhere that "muh discord steals info" Most Likely over facebook, or is simply being the same old contrarian faggot.
Talent is wasted on the undeserving
It's not even a group- everybody I encounter who uses it is obsessively attached to it, like breathing
I withdrew from social interaction for a little while and upon coming back it's like any attempt to contact anyone is met with "what's your discord bro," like some kind of sci-fi mind control device that makes it into the only thing anybody wants to use
Even Skype I always felt was just a useful voice tool, where you'd call someone and then log off when you're done, and was disgusted to see people forming shit like text-only groups where they hang out in their little cliques
And that's just the thing- I like having contact with players for a campaign, sure, but I don't want to be a part of cliques, and that's all I see in it
Pardon my paranoid rambling, because I really doubt its users see it that way (otherwise they wouldn't be using it)
But I definitely dislike this new mindset it promotes, and miss being able to contact people without having to be part of all these tight-knit "friend" cliques to do it
Fucking Kill yourself. You've tried and failed twice now to articulate yourself. Your so-called "reasons" seem to be "It's different!" and "muh cliques". This is a Potent hatred I feel for you in this moment
I haven't actually played a traditional game in over 5 years
That's good, because you sound exactly like everything I hate as well
I propose we agree to disagree
Open question, but is it worth it to join a forum or other social media platform when there's already a solid clique there? Like, the kind of thing where everyone knows everyone else and you either have to spend hours every day for the next year ingratiating yourself to the crowd, or just call it a lost cause and move on.
You are right and hey I'm not judging but you don't see texting the same way? I mean, yeah, discord is thee way to talk to people, especially gamers, even traditional gamers.
If I didn't use it, I'd use something else of course but it's just a medium to talk to friends. It kinda sounds like you have a legitimate anti-social problem.
These things aren't just tools, per se, I mean right now I'm talking to you through a phone, through internet, through a website, in a section where people like traditional games.
If we had profiles (ha, God no), and I asked "what's your Chan name" and then made a group out of those people, who chatted and used voice together, would that give you the same problem?
I dislike how my players want to constantly be in contact through discord, even though I generally like discord.
If I log off, I want my space, leave me be
That's honestly a pretty good question- a long time ago I use to feel the same way about texting, like it was taking over all other forms of interaction and people were getting addicted to it, but eventually I begrudgingly started using it too because of the convenience of it and the fact that everyone else did it
Hell, I didn't even get a cellphone at all until my 20s, and by that point I had just slid into "this person won't talk unless through text so I guess I have to text them," but when it comes to discord I guess it's just still fairly new and I'm having difficulties accepting that it's becoming the same thing?
What you're describing is basically becoming a forum though, and no, if Veeky Forums were a standard forum I'd just go to another website
I concede to your point there- I like anonymity because I dislike social interaction, but at the same time I like tabletop because other people bring things to games that you just can't get from, say, playing vidya or something, which is a real conundrum
Still, I've used grandpa shit like IRC and email and never felt there was a problem with those things themselves, only some cases with the people who used them, so take that as you will
Yeah, I don't think it's impossible to fit into a pre-existing group, otherwise how would the group even exist to begin with? It'd have to have gotten members somehow
It's not always the best option to try to do so, but it CAN work
>otherwise how would the group even exist to begin with?
When the vast majority of "regulars" were got 3 years ago.
Forgive me, father, for I have sinned.
I've invited my friend's gf to my campaign for the sole purpose of having some common ground with her, so I can try to steal her later.
A thousand plagues upon you
I have not played a heterosexual character since highschool.
Full stop my child. Do not be a dick.
It's alright, there's nothing wrong with being gay.
Have you tried talking to him like an adult
Maybe he's not an adult, how would he talk like an adult then?
I've always been really against constant escapism. Sure, sometimes it's good for stress relief, yeah. But you've only got one life to live, and you should do that to the fullest. You need to improve yourself. You gotta take control.
I've said that kind of shit for years and years and years. I've said it to friends in really bad places. I've said it to acquaintances who seem weird. I've said it to strangers on the internet. This world is great. You can be great too. Go out and seize it.
Lately I've realized I want to be literally anybody but me. I don't even know why. I'm a college graduate. I'm working on a cool project. People generally like me.
But I fucking hate myself. So much so that the most recent times I've felt truly happy were when pretending to be somebody else. This has gotten especially bad since I started regularly visiting that one sex RP site that cannot be named.
A lot of people think I'm cool or funny. I've had several friends express jealousy at how things seem to come so easily to me and how I can be dedicated and work on these projects, or how I'm creative.
But right now, for no fucking reason, I just... hate it.
Am homosex
Take a swig of cheap bourbon and OD on fentanyl, that should put you in the right state of mind.
I keep wanting to go back to any of the shelved campaigns we have even though the group's schedules haven't synched up for years and our DM has made it explicit that he doesn't find the campaign and possibly the system fun anymore. I've resorted to watching session streams and brainstorming characters for games that by all measures will not exist.
Cliques aren't as solid as many people believe. Similar to the way larger social group are built up out of smaller units, cliques have their own internal dynamics.
If they don't shut you out wholesale then it's just a matter of finding out who you gel with and hanging out with them.
I browse Tumblr more than Veeky Forums lately.
Both websites have their pros and cons. I'll find a lot of different conversations here, but not a lot of them will be interesting to me. With tumblr, I'll only find things that interest me, but there's not a whole lot of variety.
Me and a chick in our group do ERP through private messages of our D&D characters on the side. Our characters have had sex in-game (fade to black sequences), but the other players have no idea about our dirty roleplays.
the characters are a male Gnoll and a female Elf
There's nothing wrong with this, expect perhaps being the filthiest of the beast-races.
Seriously, what does a Gnoll have that a Rogarou or Tabaxi doesn't have better?
My group wants me to run D&D 5e because in all our years they've never played a real fantasy game.
I have so many ideas for games to run and I've already played enough D&D for a lifetime so I deliberately sabotaged session one and made it nonsensical bullshit, but they absolutely loved it.
Now I don't know what to do.
The crazy part of tumblr is not a representative of tumblr as a whole. Its great for porn and keeping tabs on my favorite artists. The only people that REEEE about tumblr are the ones who think Veeky Forums is a sekret club of internet elite.
Not that user, but hyenas look cool.
Hyena look like filthy humpbacked dogs.
sage literally doesn't do anything anymore.
I believe the proper spelling is "tranny", user.
Power trip fantasies are pretty common.
I for one have a vampire fantasy where I find some of those weird twilight goths and get them to serve me, keeping the ambitious "dom" types weak and making the crazy "sub" types my right hand men and women.
I just came here from fapping to obese anime girls, I'm probably alot younger than the rest of you elegan/tg/entlemen and have already got a bad back, I am bald because I foolishly tried to come up with a scientific explantion for the floating islands in the setting I'm putting together more reasonable than 'Muh Mejiks', and, my greatest crime of all, this is the first time I've been to Veeky Forums. *hangs bleeding head in shame*
said. Hyenas are cool.
>first time on Veeky Forums
Escape while you can, fool. I watched a guy I knew in high school turn from kinda autistic to full-on 'want to be the gf' types. He even has an ahegao anime girls as his steam pic now. It's more than a little depressing.
I purposely pit a player against eachother over meta shit so i can watch them hate eachother and have a laugh. Bonus points if they're two non-confrontational passive aggresive bitches
thanks friend, but I'm fighting an uphill battle here because I've been looking around and my asberghers' is singing with joy at the enviorment.
it likes to be around people reasonably like itself.
I revealed my power level to my friends about the various fantasy settings I enjoy and that I used to speak Khazalid for Warhammer Fantasy and now they rely on me for lore things.
What do you mean "used to speak Khazalid"?
Did you forget?
It just sped up the process. He was doomed from the start anyway.
it's been ten years since I learned klinkarhun, I used to be able to write paragraphs and speak it. But yes I forgot.
I like Dwarfs. I still remember enough to pick out basic things when I see them though.
Like Grung Zint in Total war warhammer, it means Tin Mine. Grung for mine, Zint for tin.
Qst threads should never have been kicked out of tg.
That's still pretty cool you remember some of it though.