Humanity is enslaved by an alien race that is looking to prep humans for the intersteller markets. In this vain they have conducted a number of various experiments both biological and mechanical in order to make various "models" that will be attractive and useful for potential buyers. One such model is the Hybrids who are humans who's bodies and dna have been modified and mingled with that of local earth flora/fauna. When the enslavers were eventualy driven out the Hybrids were quickly taken back by what standard humans remain and now armed with the technology of the enslavers and with few to no allies in other aliens humanity is forced to fend for itself alone and unafraid in the universe
I never said anything about hiding it but then obviously I didn't make that case known in the OP.
So I'm on this particular kick to inject technology into everything. So the idea was that a great deal of cybernetics is needed to help the hybrids live at all because the human physiology isn't designed to be a giant wolf/bat person.
So imagine the bat person who has giant wing arms like the Raven chick from MGS 4 and shit so most of them would be like that. I can't do anything about anyone wanting to fuck it in their own imagination afterwards.
This is a good idea. Human enough to interact with other humans, but very clearly built and designed for combat purposes in a specific way.
Not so much furry fantasy, but more “hey what if the healing church from bloodborne was thrust forward in tech and weaponised their eldrich horrors?”
Austin Hall
responses like this are such BS. like because furrys are a thing and are a bit obnoxious now all anthropomorphic anything is off limits for serious or interesting discussion. do you know how many old cartoons, books, films, game systems, video games, etc would have never existed if you followed this type of hyper phobia agression? like most of them, hell the fantasy genre as a whole would basically be stripped bare because you cant seem to seperate anthropomorphic characters from a barely related toxic sexual fandom. have fun being like that, guy
Landon Lopez
I like it, got the set premise of putting humans at a strong but few advanyage we typically never get to have, whilst sustaining the scrappy dirtbags with a heart of gold vibe we so desperately enjoy being. You got yourself a good setting. Hell you get a party of 5 meta-humans going on space adventures, befriending fellow enslaved races, kicking out the man in space opera metropolises it sounds fun as hell.
Wait, if the aliens were going to sell the humans as some sort of exotic animal, wouldn't they try to keep the humans as unmodified as possible? It seems to me that since the aliens can readily modify complex living organisms, there wouldn't be any need to make "models", as that would ultimately lower their value. just as how natural gems are far more valuable compared to synthesized gems, even if their structures are exactly the same. not being "natural" removes the novelty from humans as an exotic species.
The only justification I can see for modifying humans in this way are if the aliens: A) Don't posses tech advanced enough to synthesize complex organisms from base elements B) Are prohibited from modifying, or selling, certain organisms, as might be the case with a galaxy-wide "Geneva Convention" being enforced C) In fact, the only/first alien race technologically advanced enough to visit other planets, and have no respect for other sentient life forms.
Alexander Parker
>keep the humans as unmodified as possible
But we hold up certain animal breeds that we've genetically engineered ourselves. A ton of dogs and cats today are the result of selective breeding to create them, not the result of natural development. Same with various plants, etc.
Aliens would sure as shit toy with us as much as possible to create their ideal pets. Why would you settle for some mutt human when you can have a breed of pure awesome humans complete with genetic deficiencies and crippling defects?
Andrew Wood
If you insist
Jace Peterson
Genetic Engineering =/= Selective Breeding
The pure-bred and the mutts are still the same species, where as the alien's modifications would turn those hybrids into a separate species
It would take a disgustingly large amount of humans fucking each other, over an insanely long period of time to even get close to what would result in those "hybrids" with selective breeding
The main argument is that aliens would already have done that with the flora and fauna of their own homeworld, and doing the same to an unknown species would be pointless, save for scientific and research purpose, which is clearly in opposition to stated reason. The novelty of an unknown species that resulted naturally, would have far more value to a civilization that can already create artificial organisms.
>Why would you settle for some mutt human They would be seeing humans for the first time. As such, they would have no frame of reference for what makes an awesome human or a mutt.
Leo Allen
"We" are a primitive species who are still territorial and still rely on sexual reproduction. Who have yet to send any living being beyond our own planet's moon
The aliens would have most likely have created a perfect food that they have long grown tired of eating. They would have grown bored of modifying their own flora and fauna and creating as many variants as their imaginations would have allowed.
For such a species the novelty and allure of a sentient race in it's natural form would be far more valuable to them in, their current state, to anything they could create.
The closest analogue I can think of to explain this is why we find situations of happenstance far more amusing then contrived happenings. Or why certain hand-made things are more valuable than if they were factory made
it all comes down to "novelty from naturalness"
Logan Reyes
>Genetic Engineering =/= Selective Breeding >"some broad definitions of genetic engineering include selective breeding."
>It would take a disgustingly large amount of humans fucking each other, over an insanely long period of time to even get close to what would result in those "hybrids" with selective breeding
They wouldn't have to, they got science.
>doing the same to an unknown species would be pointless
If they've already done it to everything they know, you think they wouldn't welcome whole new species to splice up? They're clearly not shy about it.
>For such a species the novelty and allure of a sentient race in it's natural form would be far more valuable to them in, their current state, to anything they could create.
So why not try and return their own flora and fauna to their natural form then?
But, ok, lets say they find unmodified species and go "owo, what's this?" How long will that last until they get bored with it and try to see how they can fuck with it?
Dominic Lewis
>They wouldn't have to, they got science. Exactly, that's the point I was trying to make. Selective breeding is genetic modification, not genetic engineering. To engineer something is to create something from the most basic elements. to modify something is to make a change to an existing structure. Engineering is at least one order of magnitude above Modification And the fact they can change humans at will suggests that they have genetic engineering down to an art.
>So why not try and return their own flora and fauna to their natural form then? depending on how old this alien race is, the majority might prefer their modified flora and fauna and only the wealthy or eccentric would desire the "natural" forms of those organisms.
Your forgetting that the whole premise is set as preparing the humans for prospective buyers and no other reason. So getting the highest sale price would be goal for the aliens attacking and modifying humanity.
Nathan Harris
>Selective breeding is genetic modification, not genetic engineering. >"Genetic engineering, also called genetic modification or genetic manipulation."
>Your forgetting that the whole premise is set as preparing the humans for prospective buyers and no other reason.
And if they're conquering Earth and using it as an animal farm, they clearly got a big enough population of rich people to warrant creation of more than just natural humans. Diversifying your portfolio is always a good thing and if Human Zero turns out to be a less popular item than Human with Lime...
Robert Reed
>But, ok, lets say they find unmodified species and go "owo, what's this?" How long will that last until they get bored with it and try to see how they can fuck with it? That is entirely up to who ever is writing the premise to begin with, Thats why I gave those 3 choices of justification here The main dissonance is that, given their technological level, they can easily just synthesize humans from scratch without going through the trouble of modifying nearly every human on the planet, as is implied from OP's sentence here >When the enslavers were eventualy driven out the Hybrids were quickly taken back by what standard humans remain How many unmodified humans remain is not clearly stated, but this suggests that the unmodified humans may be the minority or that humanity itself has declined to a shadow of it's former population
Basically the aliens are doing something very unnecessary and tedious for some space bux. When they could essentially just 3D print custom order humans on an industrial scale.
Jose Kelly
>synthesize humans from scratch without going through the trouble of modifying nearly every human on the planet
I was under the impression they made a hybrid species, not that they put each individual through gene-therapy.
Also, we can grow stakes in a lab, but I'm sure most people would prefer one that has come from a live animal. Just like many would prefer natural materials in clothing, etc. rather than all synthetic.
>Basically the aliens are doing something very unnecessary and tedious for some space bux.
That's why they're getting paid the big space bux. I mean, when you look at some of the stuff rich people put their money into, this shit would not even register on those lists.
Elijah Parker
>"Genetic engineering, also called genetic modification or genetic manipulation." Google "false equivalence" then you'll be able to understand why I specified: >To engineer something is to create something from the most basic elements. to modify something is to make a change to an existing structure. Engineering is at least one order of magnitude above Modification
Nathaniel Rodriguez
>reject actual definition as false equivalence >substitute own definition
This is why I specified "novelty in naturalness" a few posts up as to why unmodified humans would be more valuable than straight up genetically engineering humans into to something that doesn't resemble a baseline human.
>Source: Wikipedia I'll just go and correct that wikipedia page now...
In summation, OP just needs to work on his premise a bit more. Since his premise is essentially the inverse of my own premise I was working on, so I couldn't help but criticize it a bit