Long ago, before the Moon Tael fell to become the Taelish Mountain, when both Morre and Yene cast their tyrannical flame upon Erens, the lands hot and constantly battered by the Shrieking Seas, more blood than water.
Seeking a home for humans away from the hunger of the seas, Witch-Mother Izdihar ventured forth.
Through the scorched mountains, over the lifeless prairies, past the teeth of the forests Izdihar went. Great were her magics, but greater was the power of Morre and Yene.
When all hope was lost, Izdihar collapsed in the dead land now known as Izdihar's Salvation, where the Jinan people found her. The Jinan, blessed by the Silent Ones, brought Izdihar back from the brink of death and taught her how to tame the Seas. In return, she gave them two sons, conceived with their King. The King offered Izdihar his heart and a crown, but the Witch-Mother instead went to her people, the humans.
By the time Izdihar returned, her sons were full grown and almost as capable as their mother in great acts of magic. Izdihar lashed the seas to her will, and raised new fertile land from beneath them.
The Witch-Mother's sons became kings, Karam the Wise, and Rayyan the Jubilant. The Witch-Mother's people split between the two, creating the ancient civilizations all humans come from. The Witch-Mother herself left to meditate, although many places claim to be the place where she sat for three hundred years, none can prove it.
Morre and Yene were not content to see humans become prosperous and grow. Yene, ever more aggressive, pushed herself closer to Erens, to scorch all life from it. The Shrieking Seas began to turn to steam, crops wilted, the magics of Karam and Rayyan were used to shield the people, but Yene just fell ever closer to the land.
Idzihar returned from her meditations to unleash her Devouring Void, using her own soul to strip Yene's Fire and to scatter what was left of Yene into the Darkness, creating stars. Morre became cold and distant in revenge.