>tfw no Music Cleric
What the heck, Veeky Forums? With all the religious association with music you'd think there'd be a Cleric domain dedicated to it, but no, only the bard is musically oriented, and the bards are all known for their sluttiness! This needs to be fixed ASAP.
Tfw no Music Cleric
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Bards are already one disappointment to music, no need to expand the roster
The entire point of a class-based system is that if anyone says "I want to be a music cleric" you tell them "that's a bard" and if they say "but my concept is a cleric" you tell them "classes don't exist in-universe your bard can totally be a priest as their job" and if they say "BUT I WANT MY SHEET TO SAY 'CLERIC'" you call them a whiny bitch and don't invite them back to the game.
That said, there probably is a music cleric someplace in the complete book of clerics because DnD has never understood how to be a class-based system.
But there's already Nature Clerics and Paladins with Oath of the Ancients despite the fact that Druids already more or less fulfill those functions.
and in 3.5 there is a divine bard alternate
unearthed arcana, maybe?
Just make your own music domain out of bard spells. It isn't hard.
Current fuckups do not justify future fuckups.
The shift from "Clerics are Catholic priests, Druids are Pagan priests" to "Clerics are Catholic and Pagan priests, Druids are Tyrant Lizard Mages" is one of the great sins of DnD.
Best girl coming through
Name one IRL religious order that is exclusively based on music. Not a choir or music master of another order, a whole order specifically devoted to music.
I'm with here. You're way better off refluffing a bard than creating a Music Cleric class.
And assuming it's 5e we're talking about, even if you really, REALLY want to create a class, you're better off starting with a bard. Make it the College of the Divine or something.
D&D ain’t real life you mank.
I don’t see why a College of the Divine and a Song Domain can’t co-exist.
Because you are a bad writer.
There's also no religious order dedicated to storms or light but that doesn't stop DnD from having those domains. If God himself has an angelic choir then why can't music be a domain in itself?
Because of how DnD does things, where you have to develop skills/classes/proficiencies/etc individually rather than picking and choosing, it is generally better for gameplay if a character concept exists zero times and forces players to make shift than for it to exist twice.
>storms or light
You realize those are just DnD being cowardly about using "Thor" and "Mithra" as in-universe deities right
Fair enough, but I don't see why they can't be the same thing either.
>the bards are all known for their sluttiness! This needs to be fixed ASAP
>posts a slut
never change, Veeky Forums
DnD is just weird about Clerics, instead of worshipping a particular god they worship aspects of a god. If they're going to go that route they might as well make music a domain as well.
make your own then OP
Sun worship is really common user.
Find a god of just music
why metal when forge exists?
Fuck you. I'm a decent writer and I'll fucking prove it you NEET fuck.
Not OP but I fucking will right now. I'm gonna make both a bard college and a cleric domain for 5e and they're gonna be at least serviceable. Stay tuned anons it'll be a bit.
>instead of worshipping a particular god they worship aspects of a god
Either you are extremely confused, or the 5e writers decided they were basic the core cleric on a misreading of the variant Deism-World Cleric suggestion.
Bacchus might work. Hes the god of wine and revelry, and I'm pretty sure there's music at most revels
>no religious order dedicated to storms
Norse Thor, slavic Perun and finnic Perkele were all storm gods.
>they're gonna be at least serviceable
They will both be less serviceable than if you only wrote one of them.
It's right there in the fucking root of the word music you fucking uneducated troglodyte. Euterpe, one of the nine Muses, and the goddess of Music, Song, and Lyric poetry. Apollo is also often considered a god of music.
because as we all know pant is a wholesome angel who is never sluty
Good taste.
Because the whole point of the domain is a shitty pun
Read op, then go get fucked, faggot.
And suddenly you see the problem.
Apollo was of music, but also the sun, healing, all art not just music, and truth and prophecy.
Hathor was of music, but also dance, motherhood, mining, fertility and foreign land.
Huehuecóyotl (Coyote) and Kokopelli are trickster gods of music, dance, luck, mischief, fertility, and uninhibited sexuality.
It just never really happened. They're always foremost something else.
Most common seem to be "all invention and art" or "sexual trickster"
Isn't music the domain of Apollo, though?
Muses were of all human invention, not just music.
YHWH. the abrahamic god of jews, christians, and technically mooslims, is described as being literally "the word" as in "In the beginning there was there was the word and the word was god". so its more like pure idea/consciousness causing vibration that holds the universe together than actual sounds that make up ideas. music is technically words in this sense.
Yes, but Euterpe is specifically the Muse of Music, the other 8 Muses do the other arts.
Just roll a cleric and multiclass into bard.
So, it's like worshipping one aspect of Angharradh's Maiden, Mother, Crone trio.
Yeah, and Zeus wasn't just a god of storms either.
Gospel is pretty affiliated with music
lmao really?
That's a genre of music not a religious order.
What about whirling dervishes who dance to get closer to God as their most notable mystical practice?
This is true. Here is the fruit of my labor. Obviously needs play-testing, some refinement, and some more fitting art.
Dude, I like the additional uses for the Bardic Inspiration die, but the ability to cast Bane and Bless every turn without expending spell slots or maintaining concentration for 10 turns straight is insane. I get that it's a daily, but think about it. Wizards don't get to cast a spell without expending a slot until they hit 18th level. Sorcerers have to expend their class resource to regain spell slots, which means they can cast a spell without expending a slot (in a roundabout kind of way, it's still expended but they get it back) but that's at the loss of metamagic.
Giving any class or any race the ability to cast multiple spells without expending slots, or multiple concentration spells of any level, is overpowered.
Ah shit, I got the amount of turns in 1 minute mixed up and thought it was 6. That was the main thing that convinced me it wasn't OP. I mostly based that ability off the College of Glamour's 6th level ability, which lets them cast command as a bonus action for a minute without expending a slot. How about this: instead of casting bane and bless, it just lets you designate up to 5 friendlies and up to 5 hostiles. The 5 friendlies get advantage on attack rolls and saving throws for a minute, while the hostiles get disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws for that whole minute if they fail a Charisma save?
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