Sergey arrives to a metting with the SWIFT executive members and CEO

>Sergey arrives to a metting with the SWIFT executive members and CEO
>Mr. Sergey, we've considered taking up your offer on a formal partnership but, due to the high $1 price of your product we've decided against it. Don't call us.
>LINK dumps to 1 cent
>LINK holders single handedly caused LINK to dump down to nothing by memeing it and causing it to rise in price


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why do you think 350mm are earmarked for institutions

But then SWIFT is interested again

give it up already you useless faggot. This is the next ethereum of moons and will be a top 5 coin EOY.

Your fudding wont work anymore. This isn't a Veeky Forums coin anymore. Pandoras box has been opened and normies are finally realizing the potiential of this massive project.

Get fucked

>t. has no idea how much fucking money these companies move

The dollar price of Link doesn't matter. It's divisible to 18 decimals.
Link could be a billion dollars per token, and you could still pay someone a dollar cent's worth of Link.

Why do people say 350mm or 1mm. It's just million. Why not just 350m?

350,000,000 Link are stored in a private wallet for the first enterprises and projects willing to work with Link

so that we can pick out the normies


thank me later

Fuck off faggot

Fuck even I have more chest than that flat earth girl

>next ethereum
>is forever pegged to run on ethereums chain

>flat earth girl
I don't know why but i just pissed myself laughing

It can run on any chain. Stop spreading nonsense

where did that boy get that chainlink shirt?

But srsly though

I'm not sure you grasp how an 18 decimal cryptocurrency works.

I'm not filling your bags nigger

then why did they use ethereum and not made their own platform from the start
oh wait because they dont even have a working product

Because m is for meters. Can't have mi because that's for miles. Can't have ml because that's for milliliters. Anyway mm sounds cool.

>Newfags can't spot the fake FUD to drive the price down

Doing God's work user

i just like to collect (You)'s from upset linkies
enjoy your 1$ pump dump is coming theres a lot of bags to be sold

Yeah, 350 milliom. What's the issue newfriend


>meanwhile skateboard coin has a 2 billion dollar marketcap while being ""pegged"" to ethereum

Blame pretentious latinfags who started using m for thousand because "mille = thousand muh roman master race" so now we're all saddled with mm (thousand thousand = million). It's just jargon that should have been abandoned long ago.

Yo dipshit, it's divisible. Plus SWIFT doesn't need to fucking buy insane amounts of LINK to utilize it for smart contracts. They just need to pay in FIAT for usage for transfers of LINK held by the few biz geniuses who are operating nodes.

Biz impresses me with new levels of retardation every day.