Why does Veeky Forums like 40K?
Why does Veeky Forums like 40K?
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Because it appeals to children, retarded Nazis, and autistic neckbeards. The core of / tg / anyone who isn't a complete moron should disassociate with anyone who enjoys 40k.
it's way too early for you to be acting retarded, user
Because it's popular IRL. Some people like it and others like to hate it.
Fuck off 40kid, stop wasting your time masturbating to your retarded fantasies of running a Fascist state in space, and killing all the "heretics" and "xenos" otherwise known as political dissidents, and minorities.
Dissociative kid's weat dream, now nostalgia.
The game is shit and the lore is becoming shit. No clue honestly.
Its cool
40k is really just /pol/ the game, Veeky Forums really just needs to stop playing something that shows a fascist state in such a light that people actually root for it. Its also a shit boring game, with stupid childish memes, and even stupider people who play it. 40gay should just die, fuck you edgy fucks who actually like it.
You fuckin serious?
Yes, /pol/ loves it for a reason. 40k is something every fascist can enjoy, when you have actual fascist's flooking to a product, you should know something is wrong.
Oooowoooo the cry times begin.
Need better bait if you want a (You)
These are bait, do not respond to them
>obviously ignoring escapism, power fantasies, and high sci-fifa
This is probably OP trying to give Veeky Forums an epic bait and switch troll
>Balls to the wall setting.
>Dark comedy.
>Encourages 'Your Dudes'.
>All factions caters to different tastes.
>Part of Veeky Forums's origins is shitposting related to 40K.
Its not bait, i'm sick of this board being flooded with "le edgy heresy" memes, and threads defending a literal fascist state. 40k needs to GTFO everyone is sick of it.
"It is the scale and depth. Anything can happen, and it does, all day, every day, at 250% maximum awesome. It is the over-the-top-80's, super-gritty-90's, and depth-demanding-2K's all blended together into one multimedia story. It harkens to the classic tales of the Gothic Age, the epic fables of Northern Europe, the darkness and detached sentimentalism of WW1, the corrupt tales of the urban underworld, the mind-warping fantasies of Lovecraft, and all while maintaining a sense of dark humor and romantic heroism." --user
It's right there in wiki
As much of a clusterfuck as it may be, 40k unironically has some pretty fucking deep lore. What other setting has volumes and volumes of codexes and novels that each introduce something new for a faction or the universe as a whole? As much as it has become "cool" on Veeky Forums to shit on 40k, you cannot deny how much raw content it has.
This is some high quality false flagging user, good job.
Why do you think i'm false flagging? is this the fucking Boston marathon?
Because religious fanatics flying around trying to broadside each other like it's the 1700s is uniquely badass.
I like 2000AD, Metal music and history.
I like it because it's a big fun goofy setting that can be used to tell any kind of story. From forbidden love to spectacularly sized turbo wars to furtive mysteries. It can be made as young in cheek or as genuine as you like. My favorite plan for a black crusade game (that I'll never get to run) is to have the players all make normal humans on a recently compliant world, who hate the imperial occupation and lead a revolt against their new terran overlords, going as dark side as their characters deem necessary. Previously I ran a great crusade era game of deathwatch where the players got to be the second legion.
How about you leave Veeky Forums, you raging fucking newfag.
>skull on an ordinary barrel
God i love 40k
How about you leave? if you want to larp about killing all the dissidents i know the perfect place for you.
So what do you play?
Geez dude, chill out
Its an obscure setting that dominates a niche hobby
Just because you dont like it doesnt mean everyone cant like it either.
If it gets to you just go to another board
Bitch I'm an anti-fascist communist Taufag with an army of Emperor's Children on the side. Fuck off, 40k is for everyone.
>doesn't deny being new
No, but you're definitely acting like it is with how much effort you're putting into it.
Now, I could just end this on a "Smug anime loli pic" post, but instead, I'm going to point out that you're far more angry and willing to shitpost about 40k than anyone in the thread is willing to defend it. This is hilarious, because at this point all we have to do is prod you along to get a reaction out of you, like that kid in elementary school who we all knew was mentally handicapped, but hadn't been diagnosed yet, so getting a rise out of him was fair game.
I am saying all this, and it will change nothing, because you're incapable of NOT replying, as that would give me the last word, and the fact that I'm even pointing this out and knowing it still changes nothing is also why I'm feeling more smug and condescending than any anime pic would allow.
Communists are just fascists in denial, it seems all the mentally ill ideologues love 40k.
Which edition?
Remove Tau. Glory to the Exalted Powers! The Promordial Truth will set us free!
It's really fucking cool.
One of the last things to consistently demonstrate strength, masculinity, and the will to power, with enough opposing powerful factions and doomsday scenarios to shake things up. The 'rage against the dying of the light' feel to it is very appealing.
>the lore is becoming shit
>implying it wasn’t mostly shit to begin with
>implying he actually plays tabletop games
Any idiot who lurks Veeky Forums enough can just spew forth some secondhand opinions from the numerous DnD thread to make it seems like they play. Don't be fooled.
>The brain on fascism
Don't reply to this >
It's Dune + Judge Dredd + Mad Max + Blackadder on steroids. It's actually a generic setting, but consists of a mixture and attitude that's very unusual (for Americans) so it comes across as unique, yet extremely flexible. Noble heroes rescuing kids are just as viable as cold-hearted storm troopers gunning down everyone in their way, and that's just the Imperium! It's funny, it's spooky, it's melancholic, it's ludicrous and over the top; in short it's a setting that's actually open to a very wide range of interpretations. Everyone has a slightly different or personalized view of what 40k really "is", and I think that's great. It's a tool kit/sandbox of a setting, something that gamers can put together and pull apart however they like in their own groups, so I don't think it's any surprise that it's popular.
All that, plus it's one of the largest miniature settings in the world, popular video games, etc, and it's no wonder that it's foundational to Veeky Forums. Now, if we could only have less /pol/ shit posting and fewer debates about which color of spac emarines is best... well, one can dream, anyways.
I was going to make some post about the blend of lovecraftian horror, arthurian myth, over the top scifi etc, then I read this.
So yeah. This.
No YOU are just baiting about it. If you honestly hate something that bad that Veeky Forums was founded on ignore it, otherwise you’re just being an autistic twat.
Btw Imperium of Man much closer to a theocratic communist state than it is to fascism. Commisars really should give it away.
I dunno OP why do you love cocks?
For shit like that.
What fascist are just socialists in denial too.
Because it's retarded and hilariously over the top, and thankfully some of the writers have not forgotten it. I mean, look at the chronostrife
>Hey dude you got the date wrong it's M.40
>What are you talking about it's late M.41 you fucking heretic
>Cue fucking civil war
Or the goddamn exorcist tank, which is essentially an organ mounted on a fucking tank that shoots missiles out of it's pipes when you play it. You don't get more 40k than that.
Also this
Veeky Forums was set up as a 40k containment board by Moot to stop threads about it cluttering up the rest of Veeky Forums, it's the reason this board exists in the first place.
I'm not fooled, I'm putting the cunt on the spot.
The Art, some of the Lore, some Audiobooks and Dawn of War.
You should just leave, people should be able to talk about trad games without your autistic fascist sympathies coming up everywhere.
>which color of spac emarines is best
pink emarines or bust
One reason is that it makes the limp-wristed D&D/MtG soys really mad that they have to share a board with us.
Holy shit, no one cares.
I always liked Gold, Black and Red. So Teutonian Space Marines?
Leave and never come back poltard
do not reply to moronic bait
everyone with a single working brain cell knows 40k is a half comedic half straight-faced take on old scifi and 2000AD comics, might as well nuke this thread now
Because it is the best sf mashup ever. It's THE shit.
Just don't respond to him. They guy is clearly baiting. Ignore hateful the shitposter and he will cease to be!
I love the contrast and absurd darkness, I like that its a setting that is super interesting on the grandscale but also perfect for small scale stories, its rich enough that you can allways find some history to draw on while leaving enough space for your fantasies. There are many great executions of tropes too, the Imperium, the Warp, Orks are all very well designed. Besides that i havent seen any depiction of spacebattle that is so fun and interesting as in 40k.
Are you doing this falseflagging because you genuinly believe 40k is a game only suitable for rightwingers and that lefties hate it?
Both of those are shit also.
it's a shitty setting that appeals to nu male leftist urbanite faggots.
"le grimdark xd" you are R*ddit
I'm doing this false flagging "which its not" because 40k is normalizing fascism.
Cool. Maybe now we'll finally go the fuck back to space.
Superstructure < Base retard, its totally irrelevant. Read Marx.
>Are you doing this falseflagging because you genuinly believe 40k is a game only suitable for rightwingers and that lefties hate it?
It's just a shitposter. Don't reply to him.
>Besides that i havent seen any depiction of spacebattle that is so fun and interesting as in 40k.
I like that 40k has the range right, battlefleet gothic is cathedral submarine battles in space
The three things I miss in 40k are
1. middle-massive wars, we need more wars that involve thousand of worlds
2. Minor Xeno empires like Fra'al or Q'Orl being a danger for human supremacy
3. More Chaos undivided.
Okay, time to give the user what he wants.
I have long since dreamed of a day when we can be free. A day where every last one of the filthy negros hang by the neck from trees and the crafty Jews are returned to the concentration camps where they will forever labor. A day when the Mexican hordes have been driven behind the Great American Wall and the yellows have been shipped back over the Pacific, where the land only supports glorious Christian temples to our lord and savior and where only the steps of the straight white man cover America and Mother Europa.
Is this what you want to hear, user? Well here it is, enjoy the (You).
real life is normalising fascism
Its a real shame that minor Xenos receive almost no attention, there are some really interesting ones hinted at in the lore. I really hope Tau offer an excuse that there will be more rules and models for them at some point.
>chaos undevided
Some of the most underused lore space imo
Why are you taking the bait?
Alright, hear me out... there are a few reasons.
>highly-developed lore
Self-explanatory. It's been written and rewritten for decades. There is enough stuff to read and learn to fill a college major.
>no god-complex... focus on gravity, but not always reality
Not everyone is a dragon-killing demi-god just because they want to be. This adds just enough realism to wild-unrealistic universe to create something that seems almost believable. 7ft tall hulks don't get to be stealthy assassins, 100lb women and effeminate manlets don't get to be barbarian combatants, lowborn peasants don't find themselves on important quests, humans are humans.
>dynamic lore evolution
GW's retcon-proofing tool has become one of my favorite aspects of the lore. Since humanity is lost from it's former glory and distant from xeno races, everything that is known about the universe is subject to change. This is quite immersive. It makes you feel like you're living it, subject to the limitations of historical research and the influence of propaganda... as opposed to (somehow) being all-knowing sages running simulations from a past that they understand with 100% accuracy.
>model building, conversions, painting
It's fun and has a very high skill cap. You always have something to practice and improve upon.
>the game is fun
It has it's problem, but I do still enjoy it.
I knew it
Only because of scumbags like you
'fraid not, you'll have to learn to live without censorship
but I'm neither black nor muslim
Fascists need to be censored, most of the EU agree's with me. We don't need another world war thank you very much
But you are probably american
I like it because the aesthetics are amazing.
It's the fine line between retarded and awesome.
It's broad enough of a hobby that I can attend one of my friends' parties and yell "For the Emperor!" and have a high chance of getting a "For the Emperor!" back.
no walmarts in my contry sonny
Have you ever considered how fascists can be subtle and just bypass that censoring, while at the same time banning normal people from speaking?
>Some of the most underused lore space imo
Absolutly, it changes Chaos from Space Satanism to Space Buddhism. A viable if terrible way for humanity.
You dont have to hide your self hate.
All right I will expose all my self hatred to you.
I am slightly chubby. That is all.
It that's the case we need to double down on hunting the fascists, hate speech is still not free speech though. If your not a fascist yourself, you shouldn't care about not being able to incite hate.
Because it’s fun.
but there really aren't walmarts in my country, what's so good about them that life without them make you hate yourself?
Perthro. Get back to rolling dice and playing rune cards you fucks.
How about commies too then? We don't need another [INSERT ANY OTHER MAJOR WAR SINCE WII], right?
>hate speech is not free speech
objectively wrong
Commies are just fascists in denial, so yeah they should be banned too.
Genuinely curious now... could you define 'fascism' for me?
Dictatorship opposed to equality, freedom, and democracy. Communists might say that their for all three, but you can tell through history that they were just red fascists.