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Does Masquerade have any bloodlines or other vampiric groups specifically from Central America or South America? I know that Requiem has a few, but I'm wondering if Masquerade has the same.
And no, I'm not counting the Samedi for this.
Off-hand there's Pisanobs (Giovanni subgroup)
Fellow Sons of Ether, I must ask you all how many times have you incorporated Flubber into your game?
what sphere & ranks would that be? forces / matter?
Pisanob, Tlacique. South America's poor in vampires, if you want national flavour, go to Africa.
Mysteries are supernatural mysteries. They get capitalized because of the importance they have in Mage society, and because Mages get obsessed with them. You can scrutinize any supernatural occurrence and learn about it, but that doesn't solve the greater Mystery behind it. Like you wouldn't suddenly solve the Mystery behind LA's Astral intrusions by studying a piece of a wall that popped in from the Temenos. You would learn about THAT particular wall, if you had enough Mind to cobble together a good enough pool.
The most recent thing my character scrutinized was an Iris, as part of an investigation into a bigger Mystery. He didn't learn absolutely EVERYTHING about the Iris, because he only scrutinized it with Space, so his the information he could uncover was limited to the nature of it being an Iris. He found out it wasn't made by Supernal powers at all, that it had a kind of luminous flame flickering around, that it was only decades old, and that it was made by a power that was similar in function to Weaving.
So, from what another player learned from postcognition, we came to the conclusion that it was a Shadowed Door, an Iris that leads to the Shadow and can be made by the activity of a spirit, which the other player (who has a dot of Spirit) identified as a Sol in his postcognition, a sun-spirit. Hence the flickering flame.
And that's how it's been for every Mystery so far. When we scrutinize, we get immediate information that has greater implications that we have to think about. You get a piece of the puzzle, not the whole thing solved for you on a silver platter.
Beckett's Jyhad Diary introduced the Drowned Legacies (
Filthy traitors. Once, as antagonist's creation. Also Prime and Life. Ranks needed would depend on whether you're a Storyteller.
Oh, and Shaitan moonlighted as the Aztec's god of war or something, so there's prolly some Baali bastard bloodline around.
But there's none yet.
Huh, interesting. I wonder if they're going to be something of a unified whole against the Camarilla and Sabbat akin to the likes of the Giovanni or that they're not going to be a real power and more like a bunch of unaffiliated monsters.
Well, they exist in the oWOD universe as far as V20/V5 is concerned, we just don't know exactly what ticks them and their power
>implying that Giovanni are a real power
Giovanni as a clan is a joke and their "Antediluvian" is even a greater joke
As far as BJD, the same book that retcons heavily everything its authors bothered to read, concerned. They may be in V5 onwards; they weren't in VtM and aren't now. Yet.
Come to think of it, what does happen with Augustus Giovanni in the Gehenna scenarios where the Antediluvians wake up?
BJD is technically V20 still so...
Stomped by a bunch of fledglings or a single elder.
We once ran a chronicle where a bunch of thinblood Harbs/Salubri single-handedly extincted their entire clan.
He's so unfunnily weak because he couldn't consume the whole of Cappadocious' soul that no Antediluvian takes him seriously; he's the laughinstock of other Antes and ends up murked quite easily
He's still a third gen, so's an excellent target for amaranth after your pack hits fourth.
Let's keep VtM, V20 and V5 separate, alright? Just like we keep MtA and M20 separate.
Well yeah but diablerizing an already weak fake-3rd gen (since Cappadocious' soul wasn't devoured entirely) will leave you half as strong as Giovanni was, so pathetically weak for 3rd gen standards; at that point it's not unlike (and you'd be better off) using Path of Blood to boost your generation to the 3rd, and even 2nd + etc...
What happens when you use Path of Blood 3 and your successes are enough to push you to 1st, 0 -1st, -2nd... generation?
You don't need his power, such as it is, you only need antediluvian power cap - no cap, that is. Also, he doesn't come as a shitty baggage like the rest of them, even if he did any of you should be able to utterly destroy whatever tries to linger quite easily. PoB is by its nature complementing.
>plot device
Or God takes a dump on you from the heavens.
It sounds like Detective Mode in the Arkham Asylum games, but also a magical circle jerk
Any Mage game is a magical circle jerk.
Any Vampire game is bloody circle jerk
Any Werewolf game is a furry circle jerk
Any Wraith game is a haunted circle jerk
Any Promethean game is a necro tranny circle jerk
After going through the rules for demonic courts for Demon: The Fallen I have to wonder that if you want to play a game like that, why not just play Vampire? If you want political skullduggery, wouldn't it make sense to play the game that's all about that sort of thing instead of going for the game about faith and redemption?
Since thin blooded vampires can digest food, is it possible for them yo gain any weight? What about 16th generation vampires? Also, is it possible for them to lose weight? It is Time of thin blood said that they can get hungry for real food, so that probably means that their digestive systems can temporarily somewhat work.
don't bully giovanni
Nah, Vampire is suck, Werewolf is sodomy, Wraith is impotence, Promethean is, what was the word for ne'er getting any?
But user, every world of darkness game is about political skullduggery. Besides, demon the fallen has different themes than vtm, and is a superior game anyway
Neither game would work with the official retarded splat population numbers though.
Eh, fair enough.
Plus, there's like 2 million Fallen so that assertment is correct. Not sure about the vampire population though.
According to white wolf, there is a vampire for every 100000 humans in a city (Camarilla) but the numbers are triple for Sabbat
So a Camarilla city with a population of 600000 will just have the pc coterie, a prince and his sire
Prometheans are incels.
>there's like 2 million Fallen
Speaking of strange things Mages get up to, let's get some homebrew up in here:
>"Various Legacies speak of the a fourth and Final Attainment. A mage who attains it becomes an Epitome of her Legacy...a notable path in that it apparently doesn't require archmastery...should be available to Masters-but not all Masters. Legacy Scholars possess a rough understanding of the theoretical prerequisites, which in game terms would be a Gnosis of 9 and five dots in the Legacy's primary Arcanum...Legends say that the Final Attainment alone does not guarantee Ascension, but maakes it possible.,,the final requirement may be universal or personal...The Epitome undertakes a quest to prove herself the living archetype of her Legacy. Only then may she unite with its Supernal principle"
>Imperial Mysteries, p. 69
Based on what little we know of them, what do you guys think would be a good Epitome for the Choir of Hasmallim, the Thrice-Great, the Celestial Masters, the Stewards of the Celestial Orrery and the Reality Makers?
See object. Scan it. Computer/ST tells you what you need to know. Are there any STs really talented with setting up Mage mysteries? I read some of DaveB's broken diamond and thought it was dull as hell
That means that a city the size of Amsterdam has a Prince, a Sheriff, an Elder, a five-man Coterie and a Malkav who's not entirely there. That's just dumb.
From Days of Fire. Most of those will still be in the Abyss though. That's means that there's one Fallen for every 3796 people.
That's pretty stupid, user. You could say the same about any sight based power in any of the games. Hell, you might as well call rolling Investigation in any CofD game "Detective Mode".
>See scene
>Scan it
>Computer/ST tells you what you need to know
You're completely ignoring the fluff behind it, the mechanics of how it actually works, risks involved, and what it actually does. Probably because you don't know and are regurgitating what you've read on here. As for talented STs, my group is literally making a flow chart for ONE Mystery.
Keep in mind that of these two millions (one-third of all angels), only around ~666 escaped the Abyss as Earthbound prior to the 6th Great Maelstrom and that after it only a tiny fraction composing the smaller and weakened ones managed to escape through the cracks of the Abyss
So I'm currently in a Mortal campaign with 5 other people.
Someone redpill me on the Mortal experience within this world, is it really a call of cthulu type game mostly relying on investigation? Have you all had fun playing Mortal campaigns?
Transexual vampires mad about Donald Trump and murdering republicans?
Swedish muslim immigration problems affecting Mage politics?
I fear for the future of World of Darkness.
I don't know about Call of Cthulhu, but yeah, it's mostly about investigating weird shit and punching up against monsters.
Is there anything I should be looking out for?
I'm playing a "tortured artist" who is plagued with visions and voices of spirits. How could I incorporate that into my foreplay, or helping with investigations?
Yeah, there's only 666 of the old Earthbound in the world, and 72 of them are at the bottom of the Dead Sea courtesty of King Solomon. But for those of them who are still around, there's plenty powerful even if D:TF is limited to five dots in Attributes and Abilities.
Chronicles of Darkness is pretty good for horror-style games, and in a straight up fight you will get killed. But if you play your cards right, investigate and lay traps there's only a few enemies that you won't be able to beat.
The first is just Gehanna gonna Gehanna. As for the second... well, is it a Traditions victory? Or is the power of the Technocracy waning? And do the Mages who live in the area agree with that? Or is this going to be a conflict between the Ahl-i-Batin and another faction?
can someone give me a quick rundown on Celestial Chorus
Mages who believe their magic comes from a vaguely-defined divinity (the days of DEUS VULT are over) and by believing in the One it's possible to reach Ascension.
>Gehanna gonna Gehanna
What does Trump matter to Vampires, and what good is murdering republicans to them? Kine politics aren't relevant.
Writing based on personal politics and ideals, and trying shame and demean contrary opinions is egocentric and poor storytelling. Especially for a harsh and morally grey setting like Vampire.
So are they like gnostics or is it based on something else?
God shits on you for being a cheeky powergamer.
>quick rundown
Where would the Bogdanoff Twins fit in WoD?
Blood Brothers
You could take the Dream Merit, and say it's because of your visions. You'll be able to help, that way.
Whatever monotheistic God you're PC believed in.
Or alternatively whatever one your mentor did.
By internal compromise they decided that every member believed in the same God with different ways of reaching him. Because otherwise they'd tear themselves apart
Both. There's Gnostics and Abrahamics and Hindus and Bahá'i and Zoroastrianists and tribal faiths and even vague New-Age bullshit on the Divine.
Sons of Ether, because clogging up the Consensus with weird science shit is how they roll. Might also be Vitual Adepts.
>clogging up the Consensus
fuck wish could go back to the 90s
The Bogdanov papers assert that there is evidence of what happened during the first 10−43 seconds of the Big Bang, known as the Planck era. Present knowledge is unable to determine what happened during the Planck era, and the Bogdanov publications purported to have discovered what happened during this earliest epoch, and even before the moment of the singularity itself.
How would you stat the bogdanoff brothers?
Is there a list with every vtm discipline? Supplement disciplines included
Thats a lot of spheres. Why prime? Prime is catch all magic juice for when nothing else fits the bill.
Also id prefer my flubber to be not rebellious so im not giving it life.
essentially theyre just religious magicians.
They decided to go unitarian (as long as youre monotheistic) because theres a lack of members. And it fits the bill as to why a islamic magician can create miracles as well as a catholic one.
Also note that while there's a few muslims in the Chorus, most of them stick to the Ahl-i-Batin because Crusades and shit.
>there's plenty powerful even if D:TF is limited to five dots in Attributes and Abilities.
Is there even anything explictly preventing them from using Lore of the Flesh (rank 5 comes to) mind) to bypass the usual five dots for Physical attributes and stacking basic demonic relics that have Visage powers (such as the ones that grant +3 attributes) to get ridiculous dicepools?
To be a jerk to Luddite in question, but of course! It is meant to be rebellious, yes, yes.
All things serious, It was living, but not-quite-living in canon. If you want a bouncy toy, you can get by with Matter alone. The thing I've used was the slime monster with Flubber powers cooked up by deranged etherite pissed off that his nutjob college was shut down.
Going by the wording on page 120 mortals are limited to 1-5, while demons could go beyond. No demon I can find has Attributes over 5 though. Funnily enough the only entities in all of Demon: The Fallen to go over five dots are the vampires, werewolves and ghosts in the Storytellers Companion.
I love it.
I hope there were flubber based traps laced all around the college as the heroes went looking for him.
and some Catholics stick with the Knights Templars
Do you think that in the oWoD Veeky Forums was created by Wyrm servants? I mean Book of the Wyrm mentions that BSD kinfolk tend to be misanthropic weirdoes who hang around on the internet a lot.
Yes. It was also supposed to behave unpredictably when magic was used on it or around it with intent to affect it, hence Prime. And, well, can't go wrong with Prime when you're making new and unnatural things if you have it.
Final Fantasy XV is absolute shit
It was created by salty Virtual Adepts.
But they patched in being able to drive off road! And surely the full game will be out soon!
oWoD Anonymous is Pentex-backed.
>celebrity pride
Aren't they Mages that were rejected by Traditions and Technocracy both?
No, you're thinking of the Incognitos.
I wouldn't be surprised if they were one and the same, given how similar their MO and contingent are.
squeeze my balls and rub my ass
Worth mentioning: virtually every supernatural and everything a supernatural or mage does is also a mystery.
Also, EVERY mage spell works as a supernal realm incursion mystery, as in you can flat out have spell effects that manifest on their own. When someone makes a Hallow, this sort of Mystery gets distributed throughout a city.
For example, a Mystery may flat out be a ban effect or a region where goetics are given materialization. They're not always something that's a super fancy major plotline, is what I'm trying to say.
Most m(M)ysteries aren't Supernal in origin, apparently. Only truly special cases are.
>So a Camarilla city with a population of 600000 will just have the pc coterie, a prince and his sire
For some reason I find this kind of scale pretty cozy.
Does Masquerade have any Vampires along the lines of the Pillar Men? Or does that one group of Mummies the closest you get?
No sabbat, no goombas, no whacks, no woofs, no mages, that's why.
Well yeah, but I mean as soon as PCs get cookin with Hallows, there are gonna be a FUCK TON of Supernal Mysteries going on.
Tzimisce Methusalahs?
How much does the supernal cover? Is it like the God machine only in the fallen?
If Tzimisce methuselah all were inflamed faggots. Oh wait...
I wish the devil's due rule of max attribute was a thing in regular DtF
The only places without the Supernal underlying phenomena are the Lower Depths, which are devoid of certain Arcana. They represent a distinct lack of something.
Is the Hedge a lower depths
What's that rule again? The Divine Potential power where you can increase your Attributes/Abilities to a maximum rating of either 5 or your Resolve (which would be Faith in D:TF)?
Yeah, that's the one
The Supernal represents the Hedge and Arcadia much like everything else
CtL Arcadia fits perfectly as a Lower Depth.