What's your least favorite type of character archetype/trope/concepts
>Le bard has sex with everything xddd
What's your least favorite type of character archetype/trope/concepts
>Fighter is a farmboy but knows jack and shit about farming
Looking at you, Valeros.
Dickass thief that tries to steal from other pc's as well as important npc's
>literally anything that gives one the delusion they have license to be smug, ever
You can be smug over something unimportant. You can be smug about something I'm on your side about. You can be smug in direct support of me. But the instant I see it, I will be consumed by a rage I cannot find any reasonable means to silence.
>Being a tree hugging hippie is the only part of their """"personality""""
>The weeaboo fag that wants to play a naga but then gets upset and starts ranting about furries when someone plays a dragonborn
It's the modern urbanite view of a druid. Real life druids(i know there were celt druids, but they were a bit different) would likely be social darwinistic types rather than peaceful hippies
>Somehow being a wizard destroys anything involving respect for anyone
It is very rare to see a 'traditional' wizard that isn't a smug motherfucker or lolrandom idiot.
I've always liked playing a druid as being something along the lines of "Diogenes with fey superpowers".
>Le bard has sex with everything xddd
That one desu
Exactly that one.
I blame Veeky Forums virgins who are stupidly thirsty.
Anything one dimensional. Like a gimmick in pro wrestling. If you come to the table with only one thing defining your character's personality, then there's not a lot that can be done with that. The worst is if someone bases a character on a meme. Holy shit does that get bad.
the "not evil" Necromancer. It doesn't matter what way you try to justify it, creating undeads will ALWAYS be a reprehensible act.
There have to be some stories with this. Please share.
>Dark edgy lone wolf
Got a story to share?
Which is why I really like Circle of Orboros from Iron Kingdoms.
This. I hate lone wolves so fucking much.
The only good example of this is Sabriel, the heroic necromancers who make up the Abhorsen's use the same magic, but focus exclusively on putting the dead down rather than raising them up.
>Mary Sue Female Elf
This seems oddly specific? Care to share?
>The DM that writes up some elaborate story involving all of their favorite PC's they created from old D&D games and railroads the party to be simply viewers and observers of the DM's personal little fantasy land
>The DM will never let you do anything which might change the outcome of a story- not just THE story, but any side-story he's meticulously planned out and hoped the party would come across
>Instantly and permanently punished for attempting to do something fun or whacky that doesn't involve homoerotic jokes against other party members.
This is the only archtype I hate.
You guys totally forgot the worst one
>people that complain about how other people want to participate in a fantasy story
>People should be immune to criticism
Go away
It's not like shitposting on an autistic basketweaving forum is going to stop them from making shitty chars,it's just an entertaining thread
Daily reminder that people haven't used le unironically for nearly a decade
I never base my characters/npcs on things from fantasy so I never have these problems. I have to remind myself to put demi-humans in the setting, in fact. I try as hard as possible to stretch the re-fluff capabilities of D&D to be something that usually ends up being a weird toss-up between anime and videogames. I'm not intentionally being contrary, I just never really thought of fantasy RPGs as exclusively Tolkien-esque/traditional fantasy. My characters are far more falling into the typical anime tropes like "fighter is just a really strong, really oblivious but happy kid who wants a good fight" and stuff like that.
>criticism should be immune to criticism
Mix of a player and character issue
>The character who's from an entirely different setting
>Character is a samurai from notJapan
>Half of what he says is about notJapan
>More or less worldbuilds notJapan in and out of character
>Becomes uncooperative or uninterested in any plans unrelated to notJapan
>We're playing Curse Of Strahd
The concept of criticism is immune to criticism, you're complaining about complaining, not criticizing specific complaints
To be fair, lone wolves work well when you make the character accustomed to working solo, happy to be solo and not very socially skilled or comfortable. They just have to understand that some things are better done with help, that they're the outsider to a group that sees them as an add-on, not that they're the star of the show with a bunch of useless sidekicks, and to be totally willing to contribute to the team and work with them, just potentially less able to do so in an efficient, fluid manner.
Just think about civilization from the standpoint of someone who has absolutely no need for any of the things most people rely on civilization to provide for them for a little while, then remove everything about the typical druid that seems like an expression of being polite, civil or catering to the delicate sensibilities of civilized people.
Gone are the hairless-bodied nubile women who dress in robes and dresses that are just oh-so-willing to go au naturel while being comically naive that they're giving the men boners but also totally willing to bang. Gone are the placid hippies singing songs to pan and talking about peace and love. The druid is a hairy, clothed-for-comfort homeless guy who figured out how to talk to squirrels, got his shit together and found out getting food out in the woods is easy and awesome, and knows how to get that green dude in the swamp to chill the hell out and let his city friends pass because these fucks love picked pigs feet for some goddamned reason so you stole some from the goblins up river to shut his mouth.
>Gunslinger in any setting that isn't the Wild West
Not inherently bad, but massively overdone.
You would have come over the table at me if you were there for my last Warlock. I was the smartest character (and player) at the table a god damn was I an evil ass about it. Mostly to NPCs but there was one case of PvP (that I didn't start) and I may have crossed some lines.
>mash-up characters that throw all their fantasies into one nonsensical character
>"he used to be a pirate captain so everyone knows hes a badass with a reputation and i can intimitdate everyone, but now hes a monk because hes trying to attone for his sins (read: just so i can do monk skills) and im going to spend the entire campaign being a smug edgelord"
Have rage comics really been around that long?
Pretty much this type.
I'm so fucking tired of characters who aren't really characters, but are just collections of stats and abilities. Most of the time, they don't even have a reason to have the powers and skills they do, and are just made to satisfy some build the player found on the internet, or as an experiment to see how hard the game can be broken.
So you get characters like
>The scholarly wizard who fled his home to escape his ambitious father, and who favors spells that curse and hinder rather than directly harm
>The formerly pacifistic monk who is out for revenge against the nation that conquered his homeland, and who might be getting a little too enthusiastic about the divine glory of violence
>The older warrior brother and younger sneak-thief brother pair who grew up on the street, but owe the monk a debt for helping defend them against a gang
>The half-fey half-fiend half-celestial half-kitsune half-dragon swordlord swordmaster edgemaster edgelord wizard mage sorcerer cleric paladin who uhhhhh is from another plane yeah that's it hey are we fighting yet who wants to yiff
whats wrong with the first 2?
Anyone playing as the opposite gender
Nothing, it's the last one that's bad, and it's meant to compare the first four to the last one
Ah. gotcha
>I'm so fucking tired of characters who aren't really characters, but are just collections of stats and abilities.
Good god, this. And it's always justified with some inane "backstory" that was thrown together in 10 seconds, then gets completely disregarded the second the first die rolls. Bonus points if you call them a rollplayer and they unironically bring up the Stormwind Fallacy while simultaneously avoiding anything that isn't mechanics like the plague.
deus vult /pol/adins that have on character beyond memes
>while simultaneously avoiding anything that isn't mechanics like the plague.
It's always hilarious to try and get these players into debates over morals or ethics or philosophy because they have a grade schooler's understanding of this shit and watched too much anime and played too many video games.
>GM: (presents a villain that espouses a gross and deliberate misinterpretation of Nietzsche's philosophies)
>A Bad Player: (for real cannot find a flaw in it or argue against it besides just blurting out "BUT IT'S WRONG" sounding like a Saturday morning cartoon's end-of-episode morality lesson)
This too. I've thankfully only run into it twice, but these people are just absolutely incapable of roleplaying. I didn't think they could possibly be worse than the gender/sexuality checklist made-up-pronoun garbage players from tumblr, but hoo boy, everything is a jew reference or a muslim analogue for them to smite. One dimensional ass basic bitch roleplaying that even a child can outdo.
I think he meant 'party' instead of 'characters'. I was confused as well until the last one.
Let's just say I have a lot of bad experiences with wannabe philosophers and their habit of trying to rationalise what is objectively a horrible, horrible act. I'm kinda sick and tired of having to deal with them and just wanna play heroic fantasy without having to accommodate to that.
>ok the other players are celebrating and carousing at the tavern after defeating the cult leader
>what's your character doing?
>"sitting in a corner, keeping to himself"
So you joined a roleplaying group just to roleplay a character that doesn't socialize. That shit is the opposite of fun. Maybe the next time the party gets a quest you won't know anything about it because you were brooding somewhere, and they leave your dumb ass back in town.
Go fuck yourself, Mike, you always play this fucking character.
I'm so tired of this, and of people who act like tropes by themselves are bad, and they always have to be subverted. It's like they'll literally die if they're forced to play something straight or be -- god help them -- SINCERE. Nope, everything has to be tongue in cheek wink wink nudge nudge did you spot my clever subversion bullshit.
>plug a chicken
That doesnt sound right
I really fucking hate this archetype. It's always the same thing with druids and I never see one trying to do something different, just "I love animals" and basically frolicking in the woods.
Another archetype I hate and that goes against the very principle of an adventuring party is the mysterious stranger that refuses to communicate and cooperate with the party because of "muh past". Had a couple of those fuckers and it was the worst fucking RP experience I ever had.
I absolutely love to play straight heroic fantasy. Heroes ride around and help people, take down bad guys and get waved goodbye as they ride into the sunset. My players also like that and I'm grateful that they play along with it.
Why does it seem like an ever growing number of new players are "tired of the same old tropes" that they've never even played? Everything is moral shades of gray and subversion, there's never any true heroism or pure evil. When was the last time that literally anyone saved the princess from the dragon without some horseshit popping up like "the dragon was secretly a polymorphed knight who had sworn to protect the kingdom from an evil sorceress who disguised herself as the princess" or some shit? Why is it that I've never played or heard of someone regularly playing these timeless tropes, but for some reason they're "tired" and "overused" and "cliche?" It seems like all the shitty writers in the world agreed that stupid and contrived plot twists are the pinnacle of writing and anyone who doesn't use one should be shunned, and people fucking listened to them.
How the hell is putting a dead, unfeeling, unthinking corpse to work 'objectively a horrible, horrible act'? How does this evenhave anything to do with wannabe philosophers? It seems like a pretty clear cut case of you having a strong but entirely subjective personal preference about the matter. That is fine, of course, but why claim something's objectively bad when it's just personally disagreaable to you?
While they may never played those tropes in TTRPG they still encountered them in books/cartoons/vidya/etc. Though I agree that all those "clever" subversions and tweests usually are stupid and uninspired, if you are tired of old tropes come up with something new, not try to build moder art sculpture out of dead horse you lazy twats.
New players have nothing to base their ideas about tabletop on except general entertainment media, in which tropes played straight are very prevalent. Yeah, there's been a shift away from it in the last few decades, but generally speaking, in 90% of stories the protagonists and their friends are generally good, morally unobjectionable people who save the day. As you play, you gain experience with tabletop, and when next you come to make a character or campaign you consider your tabletop experiences rather than entertainment media as a whole. Because of new players and the current entertainment climate, that experience tends to be largely grey and edgy, with subverted tropes. In reaction to this, longer term players tend to shift back towards the other end of the spectrum and favour tropes played straight.
Give it long enough and the majority of players will be playing tropes straight again, at which point more hardcore RPers will shift towards subversion, and the cycle will repeat again.
My paladin is a farm boy and I took all the points I could in knowledge nature and profession farmer.
>How the hell is putting a dead, unfeeling, unthinking corpse to work 'objectively a horrible, horrible act'?
Not him but if you dug my granny up and put her to work in the fields where crows could peck at her and upset my mum, I'd be writing a pretty strongly worded letter to my local MP let me tell you.
In most settings, most people are going to feel the same so going "Lol they're just biological robots" is never going to cut it for excusing a Lawful Good necromancer unless s/he inhabits a society established from the ground up to see nothing wrong with using their predecessors as manual labour.
Also of note in basic D&D setting Undead are fueled by literal death energy and may or may not actively contribute to the death of the entire world just by existing.
Same. I’ve been playing a cleric straight (always do the right thing, save the most people you can, be merciful when possible, and smite evil that can’t be saved), it’s fucking great. My favorite moment was when some bitch ass vampire gave me this speech about undeath being superior and how his evil will prevail, to which I just responded “No.” and hit him in the face with my warhammer.
But in your example it's the insult towards tradition and the bereaved that makes necromancy evil. In other words, the act of raising the dead isn't in itself inherently or objectively evil. In a society where animating the dead is just something's done, where people maybe sometimes sell the rights to their dead body in order to make a bit of extra momey while they're still alive, necromancy wouldn't be evil by your logic. Which, just to make it clear, is fine and sensible logic. It just happens to be logic that argues against breaking the established norms and mores rather than against necromancy in general.
I wish I had more players like you.
>playing 5e
>new guy joins, playing GOO Warlock
>ultimate edge, long black hair, pale skin, wears an all black hooded robe
>his cahracter is "fighting against the darkness inside, while trying to make the world a better place, but struggling due to his alien desires"
>adventure with him a bit, is actually tolerable
>engage him in conversation while walking
>he engages, fleshes out his character
>ends up becoming a socialized member of the group
>goes from "I brood in the corner" to being the party face over 5 sessions
>the evil alien patron ends up becoming a plot about the power of friendship
They started around 2007, which was 11 years ago, and peaked in popularity in 2012, which was six years ago
My Paladin and the party Rogue kobold had an understanding that he couldnt steal from the party. That lasted 4 sessions until the party war mage picked up a magic gold lantern, but couldnt figure out what it was. The rogue repeatedly wanted "dibs" and basically screamed when the party unanimously decided to hold onto it until we knew what it was. The rogue stole it, but the war mage noted it missing (because he was going to get it appraised that morning).
A few questions and Zone of Truth later, Rogue wants to initiative, he goes first and tries to stab then bolt, gets Webbed, long story and Power Attack later we now have an edgy Warlock who does the same shit but isnt stealthy enough to get away with it.
Theif players suck no matter the class.
I think you just wanted to bait us into posting smug anime girls
What's up with this person's eyes, are they a naruto character?
Seems boring desu
You were saying?
>sperging out on her eyes when that cleavage is doing whatever the fuck that is
How so? It's not "completely lacking in everything", I just don't tend to make things with traditional fantasy in mind. I only ever read Tolkien, apart from that I found medieval-type fantasy pretty boring.
Some guy who was born into a farming family but hates farming and runs away at the first chance of adventure seems like a reasonable PC backstory to me...
What's wrong with the cleavage?
>from a different setting
I almost exclusively play these kinds of characters because I never know any of the settings my DM likes/uses, and I am rarely given opportunity to learn anything about them before he whisks us away to another one.
What if someone is shit at roleplaying so they have a strong silent character, does that also grind your gears?
Completely coherent and realistic female armor.
In Guild Wars since necromancers are just reanimating dead flesh and can do it to any dead organic creatures, you get necromancers defending people by reanimating dead animals and shit into flesh golems. How's that a bad thing?
I'm suddenly nostalgic for nature
>"DUDE! You can talk to animals! That's so awesome! What's my dog say when I tell her I love him?!"
>The druid turns his baleful eye towards the labradoodle in question
>Labradoodle's thinking aloud about the likelihood of getting petted if she did that thing her master did with the tiefling harlot the other day
>Druid looks at the overly-excited city dweller
>"She... she says she loves you, too."
Agnostic Druid
>"Were I not Alexander, I should wish to be Diogenes."
Absolutely based.
>Le bard has sex with everything xddd
Always played by the most uncharismatic person at the table.
>I charm them
>Ok what do you say
>Got a 18+12 so 30
>...but what did you say?
>I don't actually have to say anything I have a +12
"I wrote a 64-page backstory for my PC detailing why is he so very cool."
Fuck off, no one cares, please learn to play in a team, we're not NPCs to cater to your ego.
my dm recently let an autist(who to be fair is a genuinely nice guy outta game) play a Drow Rouge in 5ed who refused to group with the party for 3 sessions and constantly tried to fuck over party plans if he didnt agree with them. Highlights include backstabing a druid we were negotiating with
who was currently in a place of power, had several dryads and centaur near by, and had a unicorn around her
I fucking hate uncooperative characters
A philosopher walks up to your king in a marketplace and says
>If I were not Diogenes, I would still wish to be Diogenes.
How do you respond?
I ask if maybe the real Diogenes was the friends we made along the way.
To be fair having even one dimension is at least a start. The key lies in character development and letting it happening.
this is the exact reason i make my bards monogamous, no one wants to hear you seduce every creature out there guys
Strong silent type is totally a viable character, so long as they *do* things. Just brooding off in a corner makes people question why you're even there.
That is fucking amazing and your whole group sounds awesome
I hate the edgy guy who redoes his character build over and over just so that he can max his states doesn't role play and instead basks in his "badassness" that he can roll such high numbers on dice
>Everyone always plays "lol I gotta fuck everything" bards.
>No one ever plays massive asshole bards who are too arrogant to have sex with anyone and whose bardic buffs and debuffs are accidental byproducts of his confidence and shittalking.
That's me, I'm the goody-two-shoes of the group to the point where I've probably annoyed the other players once or twice. Even in a game where everyone is objectively an asshole like Shadowrun I'm still the guy that uses a stun gun.
I just can't do evil. Best I can do is the grouchy mad scientist that tells you to clam it while I'm stitching you back together. The world is too dark as it is, y'know? My escapism is being the unapologetic hero.