At the third session of my epic campaign, I presented the BBEG. He is a sinister lich who uses minions and mind controlled people to erode from within the kingdoms around him.
The problem is as I was presenting him one of my players x carded the whole thing, how can I continue my campaign if the BBEG can't exist anymore??
Fuck off niggers we talked about this stupid shit in the last thread.
Angel Brown
I thought getting rid of quests was supposed to improve Veeky Forums.
Luis Anderson
You were lied to.
Nolan Bailey
Stop trying to force a meme
Charles Cruz
Stop trying to force /s4s/'s retarded meme. Seriously, Pepe has been a part of Veeky Forums for years, he's not going away just because a few autists like you screech. You're worse than /b/tards.
Hunter Sullivan
Behold the punishment for your hubris. Getting rid of generals, however...
Isaac Richardson
>Getting rid of generals Generals are required as autism containment units
Kayden James
>Remove quest threads >Shocked all the creative people left with the content they were here for I'll admit not all of them were good and sometimes it was rough, but it did more harm than good. Just look at the catalog and count how many troll threads are floating around at any given time.
Kevin Cruz
Do you really want all those autismos just loose and creating threads for every little thing?
Quest threads were nothing more than wish fufillment/fap bait.
Aaron Miller
Pepe is a dumb fucking meme
Christopher Rivera
The X-Card is a tool used to identify which players you should eject from the game. Now that the problem player has been identified, you can remove them and continue. You simply misunderstood the rules.
Noah Edwards
>Playing with an x-card You deserve everything bad that happens to your campaign.
Jordan Robinson
Also an important place for beginner resources. Want to get into X? Hop into the X general. It probably has everything you need to know dressed down and without any marketing speak. It's brilliant. Quests on the other hand saw everybody and their mother clogging the board with their own, shortlived sessions that are far better served by a forum or a fucking tumblr than an image board. It's like trying to fish with a rock: it can be done but there's a rod literally right there. Quests were great before everybody wanted one. Unfortunately once that house of cards fell the only solution was to ban them.
Cameron Miller
>Just look at the catalog and count how many troll threads are floating around at any given time. A very small percentage that don’t soon get deleted or moved, actually. You just hone in on the 2-3 bad ones (which exist on EVERY board since its inception; you can’t completely eliminate shitposting) because then it supports your narrative that removing quests was a bad idea. It’s actually funny people like you and never seem to be in the blatant fetish and animeposting threads denouncing them, but then again most of the quests that were on Veeky Forums were just /a/ garbage anyway.
Grayson Thompson
>Pretending that has gone away with all the fetish threads (you)
Dominic Williams
I didn't realize I had a trip or board ID on and you knew exactly where and what threads I went to. Really need to fix that, oh wait.
Brody Gomez
>t. butthurt frogposters
Eli Gutierrez
It did. It didn't make things magically perfect, but at least we don't have shit threads like this AND quests.
Anthony Foster
>2 - You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18. >3 - You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography. >6 - The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.
Justin Wilson
Fuck off, frogposter.
Camden Wright
Now I just know this shit will remain until it hits postlimit or gets archived, and no single mod will touch it. While threads like 'Veeky Forums what is best in life?", the kind of shitposting that is actually fun, get deleted.
Mods, if you happen to read this - you worthless useless faggots. Eat shit.
Isaiah Gonzalez
Generals take up the front half of the entire site shutting of pretty much all other discussion while providing no worthwhile discussion of their own. They should be moved to /tgg/
Isaac Rogers
The problem with the X card isn't the idea - it's good for players to talk about what they aren't comfortable with - but the implementation. The DM needs to know exactly what the problem is. Is it that the guy is a lich? That he's using mind control? That he's undead? That he's eroding the kingdom?
The X card precludes any useful transfer of information. It can only be used in its current form as a "shit player detecter". If a player uses it 3 times they're out.
Levi Sullivan
THIS so much this if anyone actually uses those it's just a sign saying "im insufferable please eject me"
It's solving a problem that isn't there in good groups and it wont salvage bad ones. Good groups should already be communicating. Here's the thing that people forget way too much: They're your friends. You can talk to them. In addition it acts like being made uncomfortable is some kind of heinous crime. Sometimes stories are meant to make you uncomfortable, sometimes you sit back and let things happen because it isn't a big deal. It's part of the social contract. To use a term I'm not fond of: it would lead to a very toxic group dynamic wherein everybody must eatch their actions and all feel a sense of entitlement as to how everything should be with no compromise or communication. That's not a healthy relationship at all.
Easton Adams
>It’s actually funny people like you and never seem to be in the blatant fetish and animeposting threads What are you doing in there user
Daniel Price
>creative people is this what questfags really believe?
you idiot frogposter you shouldn't even know who the bbeg is at this point
Easton Brown
>necromancing this shit thread
Fuck off, frogposter.
Dylan Rodriguez
>bumping this dead shit thread
Fuck off, frogposter.
Jackson Wilson
Yeah, I feel like I have been on here for a while but I want to know what an X-card is too.
Angel Ortiz
Sounds like a pacifier for snowflakes to take the “triggering” things away.
Jaxon Bailey
Where are all the fish pictures?
Benjamin Cooper
When the GM says, does, or describes something another player finds distressing, that player must draw a card with a large X on it.
The standard etiquette for drawing it is loudly exclaiming "SORRY TO DISAPPOINT YOU GM, BUT YOU TRIGGERED MY X CARD". At that point, the GM loses half his Life Points and it is now his turn.
Ian Campbell
The only correct answer to this is sorry but this game can no longer continue. The other players will blame the x card user and attempt to make a group with you behind their back. Or they will support the card user in both situations you win
Bentley Clark
>x carded I just Googled this and what the fuck? If you're playing with people who are so afraid of being uncomfortable that they can't even have a proper conversation about it, then you need to find new people. What an incredible lack of respect for your hard work to effortlessly veto it like that. It should take more than a momentary whim to change the story like that.
Jaxson Carter
Easy, the lich he x carded was just the backup lich, the real one just hasn't shown up yet.
Ethan Reyes
Up the anti make it an eldrich horror. If they x card that say no worries you’re char is insane bubbling mess now YOU can leave the table and REMOVE yourself from what is triggering YOU
Benjamin Cook
The "X card" is a proposed communication system to avoid overstepping boundaries. It's just a card with a big X on it, which you tap to say you're uncomfortable. When you do that, the group is supposed to immediately move on from what they're talking about or what's going on. Then you have a discussion about it after the game, which OP seems to have missed, because OP's story didn't actually happen and they're just bringing up a topic that gets guaranteed replies screeching about the Tumblrs.
It's a pretty rare thing to use, even among said Tumblrish types, because most people will just actively say what they're having a problem with. The original creator of the X card system said that merely explaining the X card is more important than actually using it, because it gets everyone on the same page that they're just playing a pretend game and don't have to do anything that makes them too uncomfortable. It's the 'no gaming is better than bad gaming' thing again.