Honestly though, why can't I just get a halloween skull and a styrofoam ball, cover it in greenstuff, and have something that looks almost exactly the same (read: shoddily made)?
Matthew Taylor
Looks like a halloween themed dog toy
Ethan Bell
Chaos warriors don't need to eat, so thru don't shit either.
Carter Cooper
DESTRO FLUFF WHEN?! I'm sick of them literally being a footnote battle on Chaos and SCE journey to honk each other off all day.
>all the trolls making fun of legacy stuff >mathlann is back >purple sun is back >80% of AoS models are from WHFB >all these old characters like Gotrek are coming back >Warhammer legends rules coming soon for old characters >its really just a continuation of WHFB instead of a new thing, but kinda shitty lore wise right now >GW realises spacemarines alone wont make a settng work, because the people who want that already all play 40k
Charles Wright
So last thread I posted a pretty shitty list with Sacrament and Deathmarch mixed. I agree that they're a little front loaded. So this is my base list. How do I fix it and take it into 2000?
Allegiance: Grand Host of Nagash Necromancer (110) - Artefact: Ossific Diadem - Lore of the Deathmages: Fading Vigour Necromancer (110) - Lore of the Deathmages: Overwhelming Dread Wight King with Baleful Tomb Blade (120) - General - Trait: Lord of Nagashizzar - Artefact: Deathforged Chain 40 x Skeleton Warriors (280) - Ancient Spears 20 x Grave Guard (320) - Great Wight Blades 10 x Skeleton Warriors (80) - Ancient Blades 10 x Skeleton Warriors (80) - Ancient Blades 5 x Black Knights (120) Deathmarch (110)
Have you literally never seen any living armor hentai, not-user?
I highly recommend it.
Oliver Reed
>its really just a continuation of WHFB it always has been that
Isaiah Rivera
So, i play Blood Angels and Khorne Daemons and i would like to get into the Deepkin but i need a scheme that is different from my first 2 armies (Black, Red, Gold, and silvery-grey metals). Any suggestions?
Jason Barnes
blue and grey/white
Jeremiah Lee
greens with blue, like they are covered in algae
Jonathan Wright
It really shows that Kirby fucked it up horribly and now the writers who were told to kill the old setting as quickly as possible are now able to bring back the good bits from the old setting which is great.
Fuck Kirby
Luis Phillips
next year after new death and slaanesh
Carson Bailey
Green dark blue and brown
Brayden Jones
>its really just a continuation of WHFB Not with that rulebook and end times it ain't.
Start with this core list: Allegiance: Grand Host of Nagash Arkhan The Black Mortarch of Sacrament (320) - Lore of the Dead: Spectral Grasp (Deathmages) Necromancer (110) - Artefact: Ossific Diadem - Lore of the Deathmages: Fading Vigour Necromancer (110) - Artefact: Grave-sand Timeglass - Lore of the Deathmages: Overwhelming Dread Vampire Lord (140) - General - Mount: Flying Horror - Trait: Lord of Nagashizzar - Lore of the Vampires: Vile Transference 40 x Skeleton Warriors (280) - Ancient Blades 40 x Skeleton Warriors (280) - Ancient Blades 5 x Dire Wolves (60) Mortis Engine (180) Lords of Sacrament (70)
Total: 1550 / 2000 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 128
Add VLoZD or 4x Morghast to taste.
The Vampire lord on foot allows you to get an extra +2 attacks thanks to Lord of Nagashizzile and his command ability and is also a wizard, so arguably better than the Wight King for not much more.
This is pretty much the best "bone zone type list I can think of since you'll want to leverage the great bone zone buffs/artifacts from GHoN.
Jonathan Parker
% of AoS models are from WHFB >and it's still unplayable and will never get any real role in the lore
Yeah I had a feeling I'd have to run Arkhan and gang in any list without Nagash. That's fair. He's the best support hero we have.
Is Deadmarch not even worth it for the one-drop or extra artifact? I mean, it's still extra regeneration and at least a free move on turn one. 12" is rather generous.
You could try a triple VLoZD list or sub Neferata in, but then it's not exactly bone zone.Death feels like it has the least variety of "competitive" lists in the game, and even then they're not even top 20.
Kayden White
So I have a Gunhauler and I'm thinking about how to paint it. Going for a sort of naval theme for the Kharadron's themselves based on 18th century uniform.
The problem is their boats are metal not wood and just doing them the silver of Ironclads might be a little overwhelming. So my question to you, /aosgtg/ is - Dazzle Camo or WW2 Naval Camo? Or something else? If I go camo should I use the color scheme of the Kharadron's themselves or emulate the stark black/white/grey of naval camo? I feel like just those colors might be a bit dull but a blue or green might ruin the effect.
>I'm so cool no one will notice my cape is just a Mantic water elemental
Chase Evans
Glad these came out, they'll give me great bits for a chaos dwarf army I've been wanting to do >dwarf explorers get lost on their way to the new world >praying to ancestor gods for help but no response >almost out of food and water and getting desperate >lesser god of tzeentch based off of dagon offers them a deal >worship me and I'll not only save you but provide you with the location of every sunken treasure in the oceans >they agree out of survival and lust for gold >now evil dwarf pirates with big fish hats and tentacle beards lead by sorcerer captains I like Hashut and the standard chaos dwarfs but I never understood how dwarfs+lesser god of khorne could lead to a society with a magical hierarchy
Side note if I run Camo should I extend it to the Endrinn itself?
Isaiah Peterson
The fact the surf board is the wrong way round is triggering my autism something fierce.
Jackson Taylor
I.. I am eyeing Vanguard forces.. Lord-Aquilor, Palladors, Gryph hounds... Stop, i don't want to be a faggot.
Lucas Wood
Thanks user. And yeah, I know Death only has a handful of pure meta lists, but I think it's still fun to play/against. I don't really think I'll have a tourney ready army for a while, and I'm only semi competitive at best.
Plus I love the little skeleton fuckers. I might even try to wiggle in some Nighthaunt dudes and junk. Just for funsies.
Parker Thomas
>tfw I hate stormcast but I still bought a ton of Bretonian helmets back when they were cheap just to make Bretcast on the off chance I'd find myself liking them.
I don't even want a Stormcast army since the Chocabo riders/ Vanguard are shit in game.
Jacob Allen
They also have the best dragons. I went through the same process. Don't worry, you'll lost interest soon enough.
>caring about how models do in game over how kickass they look You guys are the ones who killed 40k
Jack Evans
How do you figure? Stormcast haven't even appeared once in the campaign and Nagash sucks shit. Seriously, what kind of pussy wouldn't choose the fight option.
Charles Gonzalez
>Not caring about your armies general aesthetic and theme
They’re going to release the souls of the SCE that Nagash is now finally able to steal back
Dominic Brooks
did anyone else read the background lore of Age of Sigmar and basically think it would make a great 4X game? 8 maps with gates interlinking each, bonuses for factions on certain maps.
Luis Ramirez
There are three kind of people voting that: >those already playing Death >those that would chose and option that would advantage the not-Order and not-Chaos factions >those that see all options as benefitting Nagash and choose to go all the way with it
Jayden Martin
>not caring about whether your several hundred dollar investment is playable in a what is primarily a game about little plastic men
You are the kind of person killing any hope of (((Games)))Workshop ever releasing anything that even smacks of a remotely balanced and enjoyable game that people can play other than some sort of hoarder's paradise of shelf warmers.
Josiah Howard
>>those that would chose and option that would advantage the not-Order and not-Chaos factions
This makes no sense, Nagash is the worst possible thing that can happen to Death. Not only is he a shit character, but he's also the only head honcho they have.
Luis Myers
>Nagash sucks shit What? He just wiped out half your army in a single trap.
Carson Myers
Does anyone have any documents that go into detail about how to run a territory based campaign?
I want to run a campaign based around a bunch of players fighting over land on a map, but I have no clue how to begin.
I am also on the look out for unique Battleplans that feature Sieges or defense and attackers.
Justin Rogers
Those are some wrong opinions
Jordan Reyes
user please i don't want to end up as Stormcast guy
David Turner
>Nagash is the worst Seriously, fuck off. I'm tired of people saying they want Death, but no Nagash. Thats like saying you want Chaos, but no Chaos gods.
Even the FEC still worship or fear him, and since he is the litteral god of Death, thete is no way you can get rid of him.
Luke Baker
Nah, hes a terrible character and locks all death armies into being his shitty minions.
Even the chaos gods hate each other and fight among one another. What reason do I have to play Death vs Death? It's not like you can use 40k's "it's a training exercise, durr" excuse. Face it, Death as a monolithic entity is boring, especially led by someone as lazily written as Nagash,
Settra, deliver us from this knock-off, charmless, and incompetent Skeletor expy.
Caleb Baker
>Thats like saying you want Chaos, but no Chaos gods.
No it's not. Undead don't inherently have anything to do with Nagash. And even then there's at least four Chaos Gods rather than one faggot like Nagash.
thinkin about getten into AOS, buddy offered me this -
-15 Archers -25 Spears -7 Silver Helms -10 Ellyrian Reavers (Island of Blood) -2 Eagles (pewter, painted to tabletop standard) -Dragon Mage (dragon is basecoated) ON dragon -Griffon rider (Island of Blood) -4 infantry (just randomly armed
for 60 CAD, good deal?
Connor Baker
The same applies to literally every army except some, but not all, of the Order ones
Luke Ortiz
>Undead don't inherently have anything to do with Nagash. >Undeath has nothing to do with the guy who invented it.
Camden Adams
The thing is that most of that is shattered into different armies for some retarded reason and you wont be able to use a lot of it.
I learned the hard way buying an empire lot when I could not use the 20 empire knights that came with it.
Aiden Hall
>It's OK for a game system to be poorly written because the primary purpose of the company is to sell toy soldiers
Why can't we have both good models and good rules? Nearly every other company at least tries to blend the two.
Elijah Carter
>What reason do I have to play Death vs Death? Both Neferata and Mannfred, or any of the thousand of nameless vampires, necromancers or wight king, have a plan to overthrow Nagash and take his throne, and they end up fighting between each other or against Arkhan or any of the forces loyal to Nagash
Isaiah Cruz
Nope. Order, Chaos and Destruction have Pantheons. Death is just that faggot Nagash.
Xavier Russell
Nagash didn't invent it though, it's a naturally occurring phenomena with Dark Magic. Kroak was undead long before Nagash also.
Noah Gonzalez
I wish they'd push this narrative more instead, honestly.
Easton Lee
Because GW does not really care?
Have you been living under a rock?
Models > Fluff > Gameplay
That's their priorities in order and it's been very clearly working for them for a longtime and doesn't appear to be changing anytime soon
Christopher Brown
You mean people nobody gives a shit about
Bentley Thomas
GA Death Seraphon when?
Landon Garcia
>What reason do I have to play Death vs Death? Death doesn't need to make sense Nagash also has a wicked sense of justice
if you can't work with these premises you shouldn't be allowed to make /your dudes/ because they would be shit
Eli Davis
>He does not remember the vampire wars
lmao shit taste
Easton Bell
Yes its a good deal. You can play a solid order soup/High elf/Swift hawk agents army using those as base, the dragon mage for 60 is in of itself a deal, its used in tornement elf lists.
Hunter Hall
Take your lore back to your dead game's general.
Asher Phillips
So how much is a diverse army really needed in this game? Like how many of each weapon type should one have? Does using spears vs using swords have any impact.