Admit it Guard players. 90% of the reason you play guard is for the feelings of moral superiority you have over the other armies.
Admit it Guard players...
oh yes... especially because I've converted every one of my dudes to be my ultra special unique regiement/planet
they're special because they're EXTRA shitty compared to other IG, I mean
I just think it's fun to have an army nearly as full of expendable meat shields as it is incompetence.
But we ARE morally superior comrade. Did not the priest tell you so?
I just really like blast templates.
And now that they are gone, what do you have?
>moral superiority
In what sense?
I know at least one guardfag (not guard player mind you, but a guardfag) who won't shut up about how underpowered guard used to be while he's tabling me by turn 3.
how exactly does one make guardsmen even shittier?
I just liked converting my own guard regiments out of random bits I find across the internet.
When was that, fourth edition? Guard has been top to high tier for about the past decade.
Guard's power level in 5th was massively overblown.
It was certainly at least high tier, even if it wasn't the absolute bullshit everyone made it out to be. Now Grey Knights, that shit was blown out of proportion by everyone.
As far as I know guard have always been decent, they just couldn't compete with 7th ed tau and eldar.
The only reason it was considered high was because stuff that countered them wasn't meta or popular.
So both casuals and waacs didn't have the tools in their typical army list to beat them very easily.
As a long time guard player, I can vouch that riptide wing and wave serpent space were pretty hard for me to deal with at the time.
Wifebeaters and glowsticks instead of t-shirts and flashlights.
Simple. They are human. Plain normal people that have to fight things that are over-the-top. And they are badass because of this.
Think like The Empire from WHFB, but more modern.
I used to play Guard because I liked setting out 11 large blast templates, 12 small blast templates, and 16 flamer templates a turn. I could give a shit about the Imperium of Man, I was going for maximum models hit per turn.
No other army had proper tank companies
I just really like mechanized pushes and operators
>Conscripted from criminals, junkies, thieves and murderers
>Moral superiority
Sure thing OP
Guard was bullshit in 5th because of two things. The first was that vehicles got harder to kill compared to 4th, so all the pre-5th armies were paying a lot of points to be less effective against armor in general. Nids, for example, were permitted maybe one or two viable methods of dealing with tanks in 4th - and then in 5th were really only updated to include hiveguard which were still too light to stop heavy vehicles.
The second was that Guard was suddenly allowed to field nine heavy tanks and put all their infantry into transport vehicles. So basically nobody could fucking kill them and all the blast templates let them table all of their more infantry-centric counterparts.
In fact, the whole meta of 5th was to stash your entire army into transports, so the army with the most vehicle and transport options were dominant, with Guard being at the top of that heap.
The only thing about that? If you were going head to head with a guy who KNEW for sure he was facing the Guard Leaf-Blower, it was feasible - only if he was playing a non-Tyranid 5th ed army - to take enough anti-armor to win the match pretty handily.
Space Wolves with three squads of krak launcher Devastators, with their asses parked in cover to save them from high AP weapons, for example, were cheap enough to fight a lot of the Guard bullshit while still having the option to turn their anti-tank into anti-infantry blasts. A handful of lasguns bought elsewhere could deal with the heavy tanks.
I just like playing the plebs.
anyone who plays 40k is a pleb.
fantasy is where it's at
I just like rolling shit tons of dice and making the other player contemplate surrending during the first shooting phase.
And it was still a lot less infuriating then 5e bangles with deep striking everything, troop choice dreds, FA14 hq dreds which could fly and fucking mephiston
I like how their vehicles look. Thats about it
huh that actually sounds like it would be fun to see on TT
I just really like them because tanks and tracked vehicles give me a big 'ol stiffy.
Oh, and a side helping of it being cool to me that these fuckers have the courage/commissar's gun to their head/drugged out of their minds strength to stand up and fight against stuff like chaos, nids, and necrons.
if you ain't armor you ain't shit
this thread must be the whining of some pathetic heretical leg who's salty at his betters
3rd edition guard weren't terrible iirc, but the term used for them was "a lot of rope to hang yourself" if you weren't careful. Back then you could only squeeze three leman russes into an army, it was move or shoot, etc.
Now, catachan jungle fighters on the other hand...
Rolled 8, 6, 9, 8, 1, 7, 4, 2, 4, 9 = 58 (10d10)
nah, I just like rolling lots of dice, same reason I play exalted with tiger warrior training as my favorite charm.
I'm just in it for the artillery.
I started playing guard because I had a a metric crapload of Old Glory WW2 US army minis complete w/ halftracks and armor. I could play 4000 point games and never had to buy any new figures.
Not really. I have over 5000 points of guard goodness including 12 leman russ tanks and over 250 infantry, and I totally play Guard for the moral superiority.
If I had the money, painting skill, and patience to put together a 40k army, I would play Guardsman for one reason. I love Tanks and Artillery. I would probably drop as many basilisks as possible on the table in addition to the standard hordes of guardsman to hold the line.
Also heavy gunner teams because reasons.
Am I allowed to be sick to death of Astra Militarum wank? GW blew up your planet for a reason.
fuck those are some cool ass minis
Hahaha holy shit, I actually went back and read the thread. Looks like the general consensus is Tank/Armor-abos are drawn to the Guards.
This surprises you?
>. Looks like the general consensus is Tank/Armor-abos are drawn to the Guards.
tank lovers in a game about war are drawn to the side that used tanks made from 1930s super science?
Actually I just got a pretty cheap deal.
I play guard to drown people in tanks
What's next you're going to tell us Tau players really like robots?
>sister of battle shirt
>kekistan shirt
>imperial guard fanboys
I guess I'll give a (You) for what looks like a drunk 6 year old Russian made.
You're allowed to be sick of whatever, just don't be an autistic faggot about shit that never happened.
I used to, then Skitarii happened.
I like to run the Magos as Black Adder. Or use a Warpsmith to count-as the Magos and run him as Professor Membrane
>using vehicles makes you a fanboy about armor
This is some next level desperation.
Every time I take mass infantry people complain that deployment and movement phases take too long.
So then I take tanks and everyone complains that my army is too hard to kill.
What does?
>5e Guard was still less infuriating than 5e Blood Angles
I don't know if that's true. Blood Angels got a lot of stupid stuff, but I don't think they were a whole lot worse than Space Wolves. Though granted both armies were a clear case of "Space Marines but better" because they got access to the same weapons and vehicles for fewer points.
The Guard "Leaf Blower" dominated the big tournaments until people started making lists to specifically handle it. Nobody was prepared to handle that many tanks. At the time, I was under the impression that Cruddace must have hated Nidzilla - the old list where having six Carnifex was a big deal. The guy clearly nerfed Tyranid monstrous creatures hard enough. But then he turned around and said "lol nine tanks plus transports" for Guard and it really did get rid of every competitive army list that wasn't in metal boxes.
I don't remember Blood Angels fucking tournaments sideways at any time. Although maybe it was only because they came so late into 5th that there was other bullshit to think about.
In hindsight, Guard were probably the army for me but my first 40k army was Chaos Space Marines and so it was their renegade allies that became autistically organised, encouraged particularly to show up that lazy idiot Guard player at the club that in all his years of playing might have learned a little brush control by accident.
Throw more scions at them. It's the perfect mix of fuck you while still squishy.
>more infantry than tanks
Learn to live off salt.
I play krieg. Because it like WW1 asthetics and they are a nice down to earth counterpart army to my bombastic BDSM pirates and cleptomaniac martian cyborgs.
+ I like the idea of fighting everything the universe can throw at you with just a shovel, flashlight and gasmask.
But user, there is no Guard in Imperium
Obviously you change nothing and continue to win games.
Are people really having that much trouble dealing with massed guard infantry? I never hear anyone complaining about hordes of guants or boyz, but apparently t3 5+ infantry that run away from a stiff breeze is just too much to deal with.
1. Most flexible, guard can do anything. Flyers, Airborne infantry, mechanized, tanks, human-wave, elites etc etc etc.
2. Guard are literally just regular old hoomans fighting these fould xeno hordes, therefore have the biggest balls
3. Refer to point #1. I play human wave DKOK or mechanized manouver warfare tempestus. THEY KICK ASS.
>be me
>playing 2000 point game of purge
>bring 15 russes
>mfw i have no face
I was legitimately surprised that other people shared my opinions.
A few of the posts above mine said they specifically IG for Tanks/Arty and was pleased to find it so, as I share that feeling. Not everyone on this site says things ironically just to get a rise out of you.
Boyz can't shoot, and gants can only shoot so far. Guardsman get lasguns, 5+ saves, and their choice of heavy weapons. It's not nothing.
4th would be about right. Back when they could take doctrines. They were probably one of the weakest armies in 4th, but the gap between bottom and top was a lot smaller then.
Some doctrines were /baaaad/ and meant that certain concepts would struggle. Feral Guard was possible, but very weak. Other doctine combinations allowed for very fluffy and specialised armies. Even moreso than now Mordians played differently to Salvar Chem Dogs played differently to Tallarn Desert Raiders.
>not taking redundant backup commissars
Top kek.
How can SW cucking 40k so easily?
90% of the reason I play guard is to self-insert as the commisar.
Tacticool guard doesn't make sense. They try so hard to drill it in that guard need massed las gun fire to kill anything because "muh ordinary humans in a galaxy full of horrors", then on the other hand we have these fags murderfucking everything to death because they found the high setting on their flashlights. In a galaxy full of roided up warrior monks, space elf wizards and screaming football hooligans, operator guard is the thing that makes the least sense.
Isn't it mostly about wanting to play WW2-style human armies but being too dumb to play actual WW2 wargames?
I always just assumed the imperial guard was there to appeal to the old traditional British war game hobbyist. The sort of people grew up painting WWII airfix kits.
You know the guys been playing Warhammer since the 70s when it started? That guy's uncle.
Plus orders to make them fire more shots or get rerolls..
And Fantasy is dead.
I'm sending hundreds of men to their deaths every single game for paltry nothings, how am I better
This. I got into 40k in 3rd because of the Imperial Armour book (the first one, not Vol. 1) and the Chapter Approved Armoured Company list.
I begrudgingly had to buy a bunch of infantry (first metal Cadians, then Steel Legion when they were released) for a Codex Legal army.