Your character gets to meet Mr. Rogers. what happens

Your character gets to meet Mr. Rogers. what happens

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He becomes intensely uncomfortable. While he'd certainly respect Mr. Rodgers for his faith and values, he's not used to nor does he enjoy people being kind to him or treating him well. Mr. Rodgers would also probably disapprove of his self loathing and literal flagellation, which would make him feel some kind of way

At first? Nothing, he'd be as boisterous and thick headed as he's always been. But as time runs ever forward some of the stuff Mr Rogers told him will get stuck in his head.
I don't know if he'd become the person Mr Rodgers knew he could be. But late at night, when the tavern is quiet, he'd certainly feel guilty that he's not.

Oh geez. Not well. Character is basically a wannabe-gopnik petty criminal/con artist who has a boner for embarrassing authority figures. He is not a good person. He is not the person Mr. Rogers knew he could be. But I think Mr. Rogers would like him just the way he was anyway.

My character is a nerdy wizard, honestly it'd probably go okay as long as the rest of the party isn't there to ruin things.

She doesn't speak English.

He teaches Mr. Rogers some magic, so that they can actually travel to the Neighborhood of Make-Believe.

>khornate berserker gets to meet Mr. Rogers
Honestly?They probably sit down, have a talk and Mr. Rogers convinces my character to quit being a violent douchebag

Well, I can see stuff going down in two ways.

a) my priest thinks this exotic red jacket-wearing odd little wizard in an is making fun of him by speaking in such hushed way and angrily leaves.
b) they become good friends

He gets to eliminate the BBEG (UGH!) that's responsible for brainwashing the entire kingdom into being wimps that can't take the needed step of genociding the evil race that keeps raiding them...

Mr Rogers will tell him off for enslaving all those people a decade ago but probably commend him for being a good father and attempting to atone for his crimes.

>That moment when the idea of Mr Rogers meeting your character is almost universally positive on TG/ it warms my heart.

I like this.

Invite Mr. Rogers back to the inn the party purchased to sing songs before the hearth and introduce him to the family. Then see Mr. Rogers safely back to whatever magical portal spat him out.

>Mr rogers having a quiet conversation with a cripplingly depressed lich

Holy fuck my heart

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I've had lots of characters of all sorts of outlooks on life, but it's hard for me to imagine any but maybe one of the violent or evil ones not being significantly affected by having someone calmly and confidently offer to talk about their issues purely for the sake of being there for someone.
Would a few more people like this make the world a much better place? Maybe more people than you'd think just need a hug and a talk.

He'd try even harder to be the hero that he dreams of one day becoming.

>Mr Rodgers in the 40k universe

>So why do you do all this blood and skull business?
>Well, fighting is all I've known and I guess once I got into the feeling of rage I've just seen red ever since. It's easy you know? life is simple when you all you do is kill and all you have to think about is the best way of doing it.
>I understand, you live in a tough world and fighting is inevitable. But horrors of war need not be the only thing that makes you who you are
>But how can I be anything else?
>Well, the fact you ask is a start and sometimes a simple question is the start of the path to being the best person you can be.

Veeky Forums may squabble a lot, but Mister Rogers is pretty universally respected here.

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well i modeled my characters mentor after bob ross, so probably pretty well.

except that he has an insanity right now where he thinks everyone else besides him is in on a hidden plot

There are no mistakes, just "convenient" little accidents.

Probably wouldn't understand much of the message. He ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, after all.

My cleric has the intelligence of a child and a good heart, so I'd say they'd get along wonderfully.

My character would rather meet trump. He would cuck Mr rogers

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>Arrogant kung fu motherfucker seeking the ultimate martial arts so as to never feel weak or helpless again.
Upon realizing that his kung fu killing art is pitifully weak in the face of true power, goes through some real pained self reflection way earlier in the campaign than I had originally intended.