Age of Sigmar General /aosg/

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>Army and Skirmish Warband builder

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>Warscroll battalion blank elf photoshop template.psd

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>Callis and Toll The Old Ways!JNJiwSLZ!HM0fIa9VjF2hWWpJOS0fymB6kd944VYdHmrk7yKQ2N4

>The Tainted Axe!QRx1gIwS!X3bvo8LQgV6V1Q12C2Y5dnM3m4lF5IkvxTKMzdQuazs

>The Witch Takers!5URyAJTZ!edeqlJAaUNRXsDVBHyGuyL5g3JXlbLej0Ug_oY7qtao

>Thread Question
Will StD get a battletome?

Attached: PRETTY EEL PAINTJOB.jpg (900x415, 185K)

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So what do you think Wave chad will do? How about octopussy?

Any AoS novels with elves?

Octopus dude is probably a wizard,
Wave Chad is a named centerpiece

Eh, I like the mounts and weapons, too. I can see myself kitbashing those helmets onto pic related, since those look great in every aspect except the heads. But give them the eel-rider helmets and voila, badass bare-chested Incubi.

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Seems reasonable desu

Are there books about StD?
I don't feel like reading about a particular chaos factions

Octopus dude will probably be like the Nurgle scribe, so neither priest nor wizard but buffer nevertheless. Count Chocula of the Horrible Proportions will be the Wizard.
Cod Emperor and This Is Bait will be named

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I have 140pts left and I'm not sure what to add for a Ladder game against lizards next week. My options are: Hag, Slaughter queen, Medusa, witches, or melee sneks.

I get another prayer and witch brew

Less useful after the first (general) but still killy. Witches are probably better

Spells are always good, and the stare is stupid good. Plus, she's no slouch in combat.

Tons of damage, though I'd be adding dagger/shield witches. Specifically another 10 to the one I have for the battalion.

>Melee sneks
Haven't used them yet, but they seem strong on paper for sure.

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So I have a Gunhauler and I'm thinking about how to paint it. Going for a sort of naval theme for the Kharadron's themselves based on 18th century uniform.

The problem is their boats are metal not wood and just doing them the silver of Ironclads might be a little overwhelming. So my question to you, /aosgtg/ is - Dazzle Camo or WW2 Naval Camo? Or something else? If I go camo should I use the color scheme of the Kharadron's themselves or emulate the stark black/white/grey of naval camo? I feel like just those colors might be a bit dull but a blue or green might ruin the effect.

Side note if I run Camo should I extend it to the Endrinn itself?

Attached: DAZZLE.jpg (740x575, 85K)

So I re-tooled my list. Dropped Deathmarch because aesthetic isn't worth 110pts if half the shit doesn't work. Still a bit on the side about it, and I don't know what to do about the ten skeleton dudes. Taking Dire Wolves sorta ruins my aesthetic of bonezone, even if I take some kind of alternate like spiders or something. I don't know of any skeleton beast I could use. Anyway, here's the list. How's it look?

Allegiance: Grand Host of Nagash
Arkhan The Black Mortarch of Sacrament (320)
- Lore of the Dead: Vile Transference (Vampires)
Wight King with Black Axe (120)
- General
- Trait: Lord of Nagashizzar
- Artefact: Deathforged Chain
Necromancer (110)
- Artefact: Ossific Diadem
- Lore of the Deathmages: Fading Vigour
Necromancer (110)
- Lore of the Deathmages: Spectral Grasp
40 x Skeleton Warriors (280)
- Ancient Spears
20 x Grave Guard (320)
- Great Wight Blades
10 x Skeleton Warriors (80)
- Ancient Blades
10 x Skeleton Warriors (80)
- Ancient Blades
2 x Morghast Harbingers (220)
- Spirit Halberds
1 x Corpse Cart (80)
Mortis Engine (180)
Lords of Sacrament (70)

Total: 1970 / 2000
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 136

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Only stormcast novels so far. About 20 of them.

How come there's no cleavage anymore?

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You have enough points to turn that wight king into a vampire lord

Oh yeah I guess I do. That's fair.

Someone asked before what kind of armies could be done for death besides the ones that already exist:

>Mortuary Cult
New keyword in the Tomb Kings compendium. Probably a Devoted of Sigmar equivalent army with Liche Priest and Death Altars.
>Desert Legions
New keywords in the Tomb Kings compendium. Mummies, undead statues and skeletons from the desert.
>Obscure Vampire Bloodlines
Bring back old obscure vampire bloodlines from the World-That-Was, like the Jade-Blooded or the Locust Vampires outside of the Flesh-Eater Courts and Soublight factions. Maybe even the Monk goodguy vampires mentioned in one of the first Age of Sigmar books.
>Mad Science faction
Monsters made with alchemy and taxidermy. Essentially Frankenstein monster.
Guess they could be a form of undead. Complete the Halloween setup.

Also, consider combining the two 10 man skellie squads into one, since GG are battle line for GHoN.

But honestly, Wolves are better point for point than skeletons in any amount but 40, plus you have a corpse cart which buffs them even more.

>Thinking the human is the focus of that model and the fish isn't the character that will be on the scroll.
The female will get the second row attack profile, supporting the dominant fish attacks.

As major characters? From what I've read so far no

As for minor characters? City of Secrets, Auction of blood, and Hammerhal

>Mad Science faction
You mean Clan Skyre?

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Because muh essjaydubs reeeee

There, that's what you wanted to hear, right?

Constructs when?

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Which I assume to be a promise Kirby made to them in the first place.

I want an earnest answer.

Yeah, but less ratty and more Frankenstein Monster.

I also found the name of the Locust Vampire Bloodline:
Here's the Jade-Blooded too:

Also i can't believe these are not listed in the Vampire Bloodlines section of 1d4chan. Pain in the ass to find.

Probably when they figure out what they want out of Desert Legions

Tell us about /your dudes/ tg. Who are they and what are they up to?

My dudes are lizardmen(real flesh and blood ones, none of that star magic shit) from a big jungle region in Ghur where they live in a Free City together with humans, aelves and even some dorfs who started worshipping the lizardmen gods long ago. They're famed beast tamers and the temples boast a fair amount of mages taught by the skink starpriests.

They're not really doing anything specific at the moment. They're mostly just trying to stay alive, expand the city, fight off WAAAGHs, explore ancient ruins and searching for ancient artifacts of lost civilizations.

Attached: Fantasy_art_aztec_lizard_men_1920x1080_19885.jpg (1920x1080, 340K)

In the case of the Deepkin I think it's actually a prestige thing. All the Hero models are fully clothed while the melee infantry runs around shirtless and the shooty infantry wears pretty flimsy stuff. So I assume protecting themselves from the chill of the sea is a privilege only afforded to the higher caste, which the lass you posted clearly belongs to.

Yeah I just cant find a model I like for it. If I can figure something out, I've no problem swapping in
If I swap the Wight King to a Vamp and take 10 wolves, I'm at 1950, which is less than desirable. If I keep the Wight, I can do 1990 with 15 wolves..

pretty sure you need to take legion of sacrament to take lords of sacrament

Reminder that an user made a template for Your Dudes on a warscroll but it is no longer in the pastebin.

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Still waiting on the rules debate on that one. Afaik as long as you can take the models in the battalion, allegiance doesn't matter.

Maybe turn 10 skellies into 5 GG and Wight King into a vampire lord? Then you have enough for a squad of 5 wolves when you swap the other skeleton squad

I'm not a huge fan of GG but if you can make them work, go for it.

I also think the Hourglass is one of the best items in the game just for sniping support heroes into bolt range. Give it a try, someday and see how you like it.

FAQ explicitly says no, you do not. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to take battalions in GA soup lists.

>that blocky page number edit

I like what you did, user, but my autism is flaring up thanks to that. At least use the burn/blur tool on that spot


I like how the GG look mainly. I've heard mixed things about them. They're pretty nasty, in combat, but they seem relatively frail. If you're gonna take em, do it in 20-30 and make them survivable, I suppose.

And yeah, I love the Hourglass. It's partially why I wanted to run Deathmarch and Lords of Sacrament together, so I can take three artifacts.

Looks like I got the basis of a list though. Lords of Sacrament seems to be a must have. Brick of 40 skeletons. Corpse cart. Dunno what else to bring. I'll figure it out.

More factions I just remembered to make the Death faction more racially diverse.

>Gazul duardin faction
Some somber looking dwarves that are all about grave building and stuff like that and the lesser-known brother of Grimnir and Grungni. Plus Josh Reynolds said Gazul was the entity that saved Volker in Tainted Axe so he technically already exists in the setting.

>Ereth Khial aelves
Elven goddess that has been stealing elven souls before they could be nommed from Slaanesh. Army would probably be some sort of Snuff/BSDM aelves with her rephalim.

Attached: thewarqueenpoem.jpg (1244x2608, 741K)

>Ereth Khial aelves
>Ereth Khial

I see what you did there and I like it.

Well... I did not do that, but it was really smart of whoever at Games Workshop did that.

Ereth Khial was a goddess in the World-That-Was:

Show me a better Age of Sigmar illustration. Spoiler, you can't.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-23-23-23-16-809.jpg (1599x2126, 1.58M)

>this nigga randomly remembers some obscure mesopotamian goddess' name
What kind of wizard are you?

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The kind that spends way too much time reading shitty novels and playing shitty video games

Double dubs confirms based silver tower art work

So sayeth the Cod Emperor of Minnow Kind

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Was my first attempt at Photoshop. The blur tool did nothing when i pressed it. No bully pls.

>That ome guy going at a Bloodthirster with a fucking pea shooter
Truly a real Dwarf's Dwarf.

It's a real shame Silver Tower never really caught on. Great idea, great art, it gave us Kairics, Tzaangors and the Ogroid, but in the end, barely anybody plays the damn thing and even Hammerhal isn't exactly alive either

Games Workshop could make a army out of them. As far as I know nothing happened to Ereth khial so she could have escaped the World-That-Was by being in her hell during the End Times.

Can I make an army revolving around grave guard?


Sure, but they seem desperate to get rid of the old gods. Just look at how they were bending over backwards to focus the DoK on Morathi and relegate Khaine to some sort of broken echo of a god.

So if Ereth Khial already existed, it's unlikely they'll bring her back

>In the case of the Deepkin I think it's actually a prestige thing.

But why monoboob?

That's what the bone zone is, user.

In that case they could give her the Kurnoth treatment, whatever is up with that guy.

cause it's hotter than separate cups

Different strokes, I guess. From that Gathering Storm Inquisitor lady we can see GW is clearly still making boob plate, so for the Idoneth lady not to have it seems like a design choice.

So guys I'm trying to decide on my first army and I've got it narrowed down to a few options.

>fully supported modern release
>decent chance of getting new models
>blood warriors look badass
>bloodthirster makes me drool
>fluff kind of limiting and bland
>gameplay seems a bit dull as well

>love aztec shit
>giant dinosaurs are awesome
>lots of awesome looking models
>but a ton of them are resin
>saurus and cold ones look like shit

>the new hotness
>great aesthetics
>flying fish feel a bit off though
>might have cool lore, might not, will have to wait for that
>big range by AoS new release standards
>seems like a nice mix of melee, ranged and magic

I want all of them and can't choose

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>From that Gathering Storm Inquisitor lady we can see GW is clearly still making boob plate

That's all old though. All recent sculpts have been monoboob.

Wait for fish rules and see if you'll like how they play

The magic of weeb, user

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Go for either Seraphon or Deepkin. If you end up preferring one over the other, you can always lump them together into the same Order Soup list. Bloodbound, if you don't like them, you can't do anything else with unless you stray outside your preferences.

Haven’t they just brought back a different Fantasy god as leader of the Idoneth?

I can't decide either, i am in worse situation though because i completely don't know which faction i want

I've been a horrible Morathi apologist ever since the WHFB days though, so I'm biased.

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Ereth Khial actually died during the End Times when Nagash stole the wind of death, though her essence latched on to Tyrion's squire who became the new elven death goddess who used her power to create the Haven for Araloth and the daughter he had with Lilealth.

Fucking what

>Kinda want to give AOS a chance
>Still no new Skaven faction

How long are these fucks going to make me wait? Hope they dont fuck the rats up as bad as they did the slayers.

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So the fish people will probably be my first foray into magic in AoS. Anything i need to watch out for?

buy the not!Nurgle rats goy

Well that sucks, through Tyrion's squire could be the new aelven goddess of the dead in the Mortal Realms. What was her name?

Listen, the best way to diversify GA: Death would be to focus on different aspects or forms of Nagash, as he represents the afterlife or god of the faction. We know that Nagash means a lot of things to a lot of different groups of people, so we could go off of that:

Really, all the things we need in a Death faction are:

1) Are loyal, connected to or controlled by Nagash
2) Make use of the Undead in some form or way.

So what can we do with those?

play grand alliance chaos and use whatever skaven you want.
They are still strong.

Felineth Catkin when?

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Seaphon and Deepkin have the best painting opportunities because of the monsters, and seraphon are good value because they have a SC box. When a new army comes out they dont get an SC box for a while

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They ARE Nurgle rats. They have the Nurgle keyword.

The 1) is not necessary as many Flesh-Eater Courts despise and disobey Nagash. 2) Can also be a bit of loose requirement if they make some sort of Living army for Nagash.

How can I tell when the fumes are starting to effect me?

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Nurgle doesn't like the Skaven Pestilens and the Great Corruptor aspect of the Great Horned Rat because it represents entropy without renewal.

Other wizards.

you'll start feeling sick, and your nose will hurt
when that happens put it down and walk away

Nose doesn't hurt but yeah I feel sick.

walk away, pack your shit up so no one steals it if you have to. You painted way too much in one go desu

You're spraying outside so you are fine. just cover your mouth and go inside if it gets strong

Why do Pestilens fight alongside Nurgle forces all the time while also having the Nurgle keyword, then?

1) Thats why I also added "Connected" to him. All the leaders of a FEC are vampiric in nature, meaning they really don't have a choice in the matter of serving him or not.

2) It would be silly for those loyal to Nagash to not use the dead in some measure. It'd be like Stormcast that didn't use lightning, or Khornates that didn't use their gods blessings. Thats still a valid idea, but It would still have Skeleton shield barers or Ghost guided arrows.

Nah my backyard is locked and everything should be cool.

I needed it to be at least base coated for a mega battle tomorrow and it was fucking pouring all week.

Their powers are just similar enough that they are effectively the only forces able to tolerate each other.

Kind of reminds me of old SoC orcs and chaos and Dark Elves.

They were chaotic forces but not really aligned with each other.

Actually the new lore states that Morathi served Slaanesh and Atharthi in the World-That-Was. It's quite possible that the Cult of Pleasure changed their patron deity frequently.

it's too fucking cold for me to prime here
shoot me

Which of the Start Collecting! should I get for Death? I have some of the newer stuff when they revamped the Vampire Counts in 6th/7th.

10-20 Crypt Ghouls
20-30 Skeletons
Corpse Cart
Crypt Ogre things.
Random Vampires (Vlad, Army Force Female)
Cairn Wraith
10 Dire Wolves
2 Morghasts being built as Archai
20 Grave Guard

Trying to get a feel for what to play since they are all on square bases. I also have Seraphon.

Also, why is a Terrorgheist considered better than a Zombie Dragon?

>Actually the new lore states that Morathi served Slaanesh

Page number? All I see is a single reference saying she was, among other things, a "consort of daemons". Even after the Cult of Pleasure fluff was retconned, both Malekith and Morathi were portrayed as being quite willing to make short-term pacts with daemons to loose them on their enemies, without devolving into actual chaos worship.

Terrorgheist on its own is better than a zombie dragon on its own, but a vampire on a zombie dragons is leagues better

In what capacity?

Also, you should be fine. Just pick up a 'skeleton horde' box or some more skeletons. You need a brick of 40 at least and a Mortarch of your choice.

As in, watch out for the other wizards that can unbind your shit. Else you're gravy.