>release a shit masters set
>literally every playable modern card shoots up in price 20%
so what cards did you miss out on, Veeky Forums?
Mtg modern general
Other urls found in this thread:
Boy am I glad I bought my Hierarchs for 60 a pop literally 5 days ago
I just bought 4 Utopia Sprawls 4 Arbor Elf and 4 Simien Spirit Guides for 2 dollars.
I'm aiming for 4 Ash Barrens, because that card is great in Legacy delver.
Master set wasn't too bad for uncommons. It was great for many legacy players. Rish Port being reprinted just brought down D&T to like 500 dollars; as much as a modern deck!
Modern Jund costs quadruple that.
Reposting because stupid people in the other thread assumed I stole the cards for some reason and didn't bother replying.
>Mardu Pyromancer has more of a colour problem so you'd generally want your on colour fetches. Foothills can't fetch a Godless Shrine.
I already have 1 Marsh Flats.
So you're saying that I only need a Wooded Foothills for Mardu Pyro, right? Would I need 4 copies of it or can I manage with 2 copies and 2 Scalding Tarns?
I'm sorry but I'm a noob and I'm really trying to optimize here, you can save up a lot if you buy on MCM, especially if you can buy from the smallest number of sellers and save on the shipping.
>so what cards did you miss out on, Veeky Forums?
Every single one.
>Master set wasn't too bad for uncommons
Too bad those are supposed to be commons, you cuck.
>Too bad those are supposed to be commons, you cuck.
SSG are way too strong to be commons. The uprarity was necessary.
>Liliana keeps rising
Will she ever stop?
>X card is too strong
Fuck off, Mark. When will you understand no one drafts this shit, you fucking retard? People only buy and "draft" this shit to get the cards they want.
why is drafting more popular than sealed? i hate the idea of passing my pack to other people.
You fucks won't ever be happy until they print Snapcaster mage at Common.
And SSG, and Utopia Sprawl used to be common has nothing to do with their prices rising. Prices rise because people want them. If people are still willing to buy Snap Caster mages at 100 dollars, then they're going to be sold at 100 dollars.
I'll be happy when they print it at rare, faggot. Now fuck off, Mark.
>And SSG, and Utopia Sprawl used to be common has nothing to do with their prices rising. Prices rise because people want them. If people are still willing to buy Snap Caster mages at 100 dollars, then they're going to be sold at 100 dollars.
Wrong you fucking imbecile, if Snapcaster was a rare and those uncommon reprints were commons like they should maybe people would have bought your fucking retarded product instead of leaving it on the shelves.
You people never learn and always try to make excuses.
You're just an angry child that can't even comprehend supply and demand. Even if snap was in it at rare, if tons of people want it they'll still sell for $100.
Retard. Just because they didn't print your waifu you don't need to seeth in triggered rage. Go quit modern and sell all your cards then if you're this mad cuck.
>continually put all the good cards at high rarities
>every format is just mythic.dec
>don’t understand why standard keeps being shit no matter how much is banned because the limited space of rares is where all the constructed playables are and the huge number of commons and uncommons that could give rise to different play styles and strategies are rendered worthless because of how much more dogshit a common or uncommon creature is compared to its strictly better rare counterpart
For every rekindling Phoenix and Glorybringer there’s ten commons and uncommons that could be just as powerful, but WotC insists on limiting themselves.
>You're just an angry child that can't even comprehend supply and demand
Okay, Mark. Now go back to responding to cucks at your tumblr blog.
>Even if snap was in it at rare, if tons of people want it they'll still sell for $100.
>Retard. Just because they didn't print your waifu you don't need to seeth in triggered rage. Go quit modern and sell all your cards then if you're this mad cuck.
You sound like one of those retards that have a shop and speculate on cards, like Rogue Deckbuilder. You keep making excuses to justify pieces of cardboard being a 100 bucks a pop. Fucking pathetic.
If you got a real job you wouldn't need to rely on a fake economy of a childrens card game.
Tireless Tracker
fuck me, I should have picked up a playset after rotation
No, you shouldn't feel bad about that. If you picked up every Modern card after rotation it would be... stupid. Don't get me wrong, you'd be up in value or have a set of a highly desired card.
It's just that the game let alone the format is becoming a shitshow. Prices are just reaching stupid-levels. What I'm saying is that you should never have been put into a situation to feel as bad as you do. Everything bad about this game is explained by "you should have been playing X years ago". I'm really sad it's gotten to that point but it has. I've felt as you do many times and I have a sizable number of high-value cards but chasing this collection where you can build any deck is just a losing goal.
I don't really want cards to build any deck, just Burn, and recently Ponza. Although Bogles appeals to my inner Timmy, I don't think it would be that fun to play.
>Have a dozen cool tribes like Druids, Shamans, Knights, Rogues, Elementals and Warriors
>Lets give all these interesting utility cards to Merfolks/Elves!
Fucking wow
>wow I can't believe they're supporting tribes that people really like
I feel the same, where's my homarid lords?
I'd skip Burn man. Don't get me wrong its a solid deck it's just not the deck you can play more than 20 times. Same goes for combo decks like Living End or things like Tron. In many ways it's like UWr Control - you ultimately just do the same thing over and over whether it's slapping someone in the face with a Colonnade or a Bolt or combo off.
When it comes to Modern I think the only deck to really bother with is some Delver variation or some Jund variation, which includes UWr Tempo. There are many other good decks but nothing really defines the speed and interaction of the format than those decks. But demonstrates the speed but not the interaction.
Ideally I'd want people to experience the full range of Modern with little effort. But given that prices are fucking outrageous, if you're limited on money and have to make priorities, I'd go with Jund (Thoughtseize), UWx Tempo (Path to Exile), or some Delver (countermagic) thing.
Except no one really likes Homarids. There's a difference between printing good cards every once in a while for stock tribes, then theres literally giving them good cards almost every block when tribes like Vampires and Zombies are fringe playable, and Im pretty sure those are tribes people like
>listing classes instead of actual tribes
Don't worry user, they'll print a good druid/shaman/knight/warrior and rogue. A Human one that is.
I don't think many people really give a shit about druids either. Many of those tribes you listed have cards that fall under a larger tribe of "Human", which is a top tier deck at the moment.
>Suggesting Jund and UW when you're tight on budget
Just tell him to play Eldrazi, Storm or Dredge.
Storm and Dredge are kind of complex and have tons of micro decisions that can win or lose them the game. Eldrazi is a strong deck with cards that won't go anywhere any time soon and the only really expensive part is Chalice which just got reprinted.
>literally every playable modern card shoots up in price 20%
this is because people are getting wise that Wizards isn't willing to do reprints shit thats actually in demand
Look at Imperial Recruiter, he was a 100 buck card, but that was because of scarcity not demand. Now that he's reprinted in Master 25 he's about 30 bucks now
If I were you people I'd buy all the best Wizards because the Wizards deck will soon be a thing and they'll spike up like crazy, just like with Humans.
No, it wasn't because this set is shit. It's because they made an article saying they're not going to do Modern Masters anymore.
"We are entering a new age of Masters. We're moving away from the days of focusing on formats, specifically for reprint-only sets. That's both limiting for us and limiting for you.
Instead of being focused on formats, Masters sets going forward are going to be focused on themes."
P.S. - Fuck you, pay $10 for packs and enjoy the shitty draft
If they just copy pasted the MM2013 card list and printed it in "Modern Masters RELOADED" they'd be showered in praise and shekels
What are they thinking
5C Humans wasn't a premeditated attempt by WotC to be good. It was a meme deck developed by a Youtube brewer that jams all the best creatures that just happens to be human.
I agree that right now is the right time to buy things like Voidmage Prodigy or Master of the Waves if anything.
Honestly, if they did straight up reprints of older sets, people would splooge money all over them and it wouldn't take any design work at all.
Imagine if instead of some shitty master's set they just reprinted Innistrad, as it was when it first came out.
It's funny because it's Magic Aids that said the Wizards deck is almost a thing.
Christ, imagine what Snapcaster will be like if it really becomes a thing. Modern can never catch a break.
>When it comes to Modern I think the only deck to really bother with is some Delver variation or some Jund variation, which includes UWr Tempo. There are many other good decks but nothing really defines the speed and interaction of the format than those decks. But demonstrates the speed but not the interaction.
Lantern? I think it's the hardest deck to pilot.
actually i brewed it before him.. but since im not a yt fag i guess its normal.
and voidmage is nut yes, i stockpile them for the moment, at 0.20€-0.50€ range it's criminally underpriced on mcm, i brewed some Ux (R andW) martyr versions featuring him and he is insane in late game.
pick one and only one
No, they'll never reprint old sets. That would create an idiotic precedent that they'd never be able to roll back. Not to mention the costs of doing a physical run and the ENDLESS screaming for "what about that set?" The only thing that will ever come remotely close to that is throwback drafts on MTGO.
The thing about making a truckload of money is that you always want to make the biggest truckload of money in the end. If your goal is to hook new players, reprinting old Innistrad isn't going to do it - they have no fucking clue what that is nor is it useful to them so you're purely going on the nostalgia kick from old players and we all know what they think of old players in addition to the fact that anybody who is still around after all these years is a jaded fuck who doesn't spend their money.
But then, they can't even be bothered to reprint high-demand cards. So we're getting nothing either way.
That's fair, I think Lantern is a highly brain intensive deck that demonstrates what can be done in Modern; it definitely stands along the others. Problem is, it also seems to have a giant ban target painted on its face and because all the cards are parasitic as fuck I wouldn't sink money into it before something like Jund.
>If your goal is to hook new players, reprinting old Innistrad isn't going to do it
neither is printing these $10 pack sets
masters sets are for established players who want to burn extra cash
The only card that lantern could lose is bridge. Everything else is 100% safe unless wizards decided B discards are broken for some reason. Even then, bridge is really safe and requires far more building restrictions than really strong cards for specific decks like Opal or CoCo.
the main issue with modern is most good players are easily bored with it since it's too easy to pilot, there is no such thing as skillful decks to pilot beside lantern (and even lantern is brainless compared to decks like Doomsday or Ant). The stupid decision made by wizco to only powercreep non stop creatures and nerf spells created a weird yugiho 2.0, it's so dumbed down to attract new players at any cost it's not even magic anymore.
I think we can safely say Lantern is safe from bans, for 3 reasons.
1) They said very clearly after the PT that just because a deck wins it doesn't mean they're going to ban it.
2) They just reprinted Bridge in M25 and considering how long it takes these retards to conceive a Masters set they have no intention to ban it.
3) Lantern is irrelevant now that Jund is a thing.
Dude anons here told people to buy it less than 1 month ago at $6.
Bitcoin is $10000. Once again supply and demand.
I guess I missed that thread.
You cannot print bitcoins on demand. Stupid example.
Can someone help me figure out this Please.
This was the original post:
So I was looking at the cheapest and most interesting decks I can build with some cards I have and then I tried to find all the cards they have in common to start buying those and then eventually build one deck after the other buying the rest of the cards, specific to each deck. I think it's better to buy them all in one go on Magiccardmarket to save some money on the shipping and optimize.
The decks are BR Hollow One, Mardu Pyro, Storm and Burn and the cards I found at least two of them have in common are
- Lightning Bolt x4
- Bloodstained Mire x4
- Stomping Ground x1
- Wooded Foothills x4
- Collective Brutality x2
- Fatal Push x3
- Grim Lavamance x2
- Scalding Tarn x4
I have a couple of questions.
1) Why the fuck does BR Hollow One run Wooded Foothills?
2) Why are the card breakdowns below the decklists different on mtggoldfish? You have a certain number of copies in the decklist and then in the card breakdown there's a different number of copies with a 100 percentage.
I already have 1 Bloodstained Mire, 1 Collective Brutality, 1 Fatal Push and 3 Scalding Tarns of the cards listed above and many more from all the decks.
I think I'll buy the cards in the list and then I'll probably build BR Hollow One first and slowly buy all the cards for the other decks, starting from the reprints of M25 like Eidolon of the Great Revel and Blood Moon for example.
To clarify a guy already confirmed they just run the cheapest fetch that can grab a mountain.
I swear if the next Signature Spellbook isn't about Lili and doesn't reprint LotV I'm gonna gurn WotC's offices
>he honestly thinks WotC would reprint LotV as anything other than a chase mythic
enjoy your Liliana Vess
>If they had printed more copies of a card it would still sell for the same price
Now who is the one that doesn't understand supply and demand?
>why is drafting more popular than sealed? i hate the idea of passing my pack to other people.
Because at least with drafting you can make a decent deck and there is less luck involved. With sealed, it basically comes down to what you opened with no more skill needed other than basic deckbuilding.
I still doubt they will ever outdo Eternal Masters in terms of drafting. That was a great set.
Fuck that they'll just give Vess. Now a Tibalt Spellbook I could see happening with red RNG staples like Burning Inquiry and Goblin Lore
>Imagine if they just reprinted Innistrad
Fuck, I was just done masturbating for the day
>LotV for 20$
Enjoy your Liliana of the Dark Realms ;)
At the absolute MOST we're getting The Last Hope, which would honestly be sweet
Tibalt Spellbook would be badass, but WotC product designers don't have any balls.
>go to work
>no paycheck
>no explanation of where my money is
>end of the month
>rent is due on the first
>cash only
>final destination
welp, time to sell modern cards. ahm keepin' me legacy deck though.
That's not nearly ambitious enough
>Signature Spellbook: Liliana
Liliana of the Veil
Demonic Tutor
Vampiric Tutor
Rise of the Dark Realms
Animate Dead
Dark Ritual
That shit's unacceptable
What the fuck man?
>MSRP 200$
Thanks for the purchase goyim, we don't want those filthy, evil LGS opening (Your) product, you see.we're only doing what's best for you.
No need to thank us
>No thoughtseize
>No fatal push
Shit tbqh
idk man. HR is gone til monday. we checked pretty much everywhere in the hotel, it isn't anywhere. getting mad isn't going to make it appear in my pocket, i'll still have no paycheck and also be mad. sucks but i can always buy more magic cards later on if i ever want to play those decks again.
cut that MSRP by 80%, it's fucking cardboard and ink and every single card in that list deserves to be printed to oblivion
They also need another print so I'm willing to replace them for Animate Dead and Dark Ritual but I really wanted those 2 with the Signature Spellbook border
What is it, 1950?
Don't you get it accredited to your bank account?
Sure thing user, we'll make it worth 20$.
Uh oh, it looks like it's sold out in all stores we sent it too, a shame. But do not fret, coincidentally they are all selling singles of every card belong to Signature Spellbook: Liliana™ as singles instead. You can have a full playset of the ones you want for just 80$.
Can’t wait to start my first couple legacy decks, already have a few of the cards, just gotta but the rest :)
print 10 times more than you did for Jace and then reprint them to demand, give them to wallmart too, I want every card in there to be worth 5$ at the most
next product is gonna be Signature Spellbook: Fetches, we are gonna make it 10 cards for 25$, maybe by than modern will get some new blood
i'll make you save few bucks user : buy turbo depths and D&T. 2 best decks and thanks to non U based also the cheapest ones. Dragon stompy is a good pick too as budget deck
For fun I tossed one Kefnet into my taking turns deck and I ended up drawing him every single game tonight at FNM. He's actually pretty good in the deck, might try a build focusing on him. Sucks when you drew him after a mulligan, though.
I hope not I pulled one out of MM17.
When do I sell?!
probably around $200, peak goyf
before they announce the next master set, after 2 fuck ups like Iconic and 25 the next master set will have to be Modern masters 2018 under a fake name, If you want to try to speculate I'd sell it just after they give away the name of the set but before spoilers
why is scapeshift $50
who is playing this card
Le price memory faec ;^)
>ye olde morningtide rare
>never been reprinted
Is there a deck where the main wincon is a big torment of hailfire or fireball?
Dredge, sometimes, as the final blow.
no, but you can build one
More like:
>dark ritual
>the chain vail
>sign in blood
I mean they printed fucking negate in spellbook jace. A shitty common every casual drafter owns a playset of. In a ""premium product"".
Skredless Skred aka Goggles Control feat Koth, I can post a list. Or Red Tron with Goggles.
Mono R Tron
got a list for those?
Pretty sure he's saying that if you had a more reasonable chance at getting cards you might actually use then more people would buy the sealed product. Which is basically correct if there is a bunch of unsold stock floating around but I don't really know about that.
considering that the price of 25 has dropped like a rock ($170), I don't think he's entirely wrong
>ye olde
Fuck you I was in high school
of course i have, i own them irl. Will i post lists here while all you have to do is fckg google it ? fuck no.
any set before RTR can be considered "ye olde" due to lower print runs
lmao loser
>sold off my set of Gemstone Caverns right after the spike
>sold off 2 sets of Trinispheres yesterday, still have 1 copy
I'm sure glad I don't play Modern right now.
how can you be so fckg lazy faggot? kys alrdy
There's one that uses Worldfire. It's real weird.
I think Caverns is haivng ok success, I don't know where it's used other than the Taking Turns deck.
Trinisphere is an easy sell because it's not gonna do dick because there isn't any fast mana like the moxen or Ancient Tomb/ of Traitors in the format to exploit the hell out of it.
Whoever is seriously buying into those cards are fucking retards.
The inconsistent Eldrazi deck runs caverns, which is why it shot up from like $8 to $35 for a while.
>1 deck uses previously unused niche land
>Investors buyout everything and keep an artificially high price for long enough that it becomes the regular price for the card
Can't wait to see the reprint on MM2021 and finally get it for 20$
You can't wait to buy a niche land that only matters in two decks, one of them probably a fad?
What's on your watch list right now? I'm eyeing Kytheon, Voidmage Prodigy, Goblin Rabblemaster and some of the knight cards like Knight Exemplar and Mirran Crusader.
Well my Legacy scene also dried up so I figured selling the sets were a good idea since most everyone plays EDH now. It's the bullshit format, I know, but it's still fun, and there's no real meta constraints
If you were gonna speculate on a two year plan with standard cards, what would you buy as soon as it rotates? Search for Azcanta seems really good because it's really hard for them to reprint.
Damnit, I created an OP pasta specifically so we would stop having these terrible low-effort OP's.