I'm bored as fuck and just wondering what mythology would have the coolest faction if each one had their own units based on creatures and traditions from their regions. I'm talking norse gods vs Greek myths vs Yokai, fey and other horrors
I'm bored as fuck and just wondering what mythology would have the coolest faction if each one had their own units...
Hindu gods might win in terms of power level, Japan (hopping vampiric umbrellas, etc.) win for wildest-looking army on the table, and for sheer terrifying appearances look up Scottish and Irish fae and pre-fae monstrosities.
However, I don't know enough about African mythologies to guess how any of them measure up, so they might have some surprises, particularly gods.
You think it'd make a half decent board game if all the factions were more equalized in power scale?
I'd say Native Americans, but I'm a little biased. Whatever the injun version of a weaboo is I'm that. Plus I just love the idea of a bunch of Pathfinders creeping side by side with skinwalkers and Sasquatches on the table.
Only problem with the whole native american aspect is all separate tribes having few mythical creatures on their own.
That's why you fluff them as a confederation of various tribes, so you can have Wendigos, skinwalker shaman, and Thunderbirds all together.
They'd probably be a physically weak army, focusing more on low model count and fast attack a la Dark Eldar.
It would be an interesting challenge. I would worry for you that it would be difficult to find jobber/grunt level creatures to use for each faction, making balance hard to achieve with disparity in how wide of array of units one can put forward.
oh wait, shit, you said board game not war game. nvm.
It would totally make a fun wargame though. The problem is lore for each pantheon/mythology would require making an absolute retarded amount of factions. Like, Christian mythology would make for a fucking awesome set of miniatures, but you can't run angels with demons, they just don't get along, or things like Wendigos that are actively antagonistic to the everything that's not them.
indians win hands down
their mythology is dbz tier
Ever heard of something called "dominions"?
>be me
>have Indian friend
>neither of us are generally religious but we troll each other over our cultural faiths
>Razz him by referring to Shiva as Johnny Six-arms
>He tells me Shiva doesn't literally have six arms, it's just representative of his ability to do many things quickly
>Explain to him the message is confused then and they should update depictions to include anime speed lines between the arms
Run Christians and Satanists as separate mythologies then.
>depictions to include anime speed lines between the arms
that would be great
>johnny Six-arms
>anime speed lines.
Kek, Your friend sounds great. All my raj roommates do are be lazy poor communicators that have the great talent to dirty up and create discord in the rooms they use. despite doing little in them...
Well obviously, but the point I'm making is each mythology has so many cases like this that the theoretical game would easily reach a hundred separate factions/mythologies/whatever you wanna call it.
I guess it'd be easier to just make factions mostly based on confederations of smaller mythologies and fractured versions of larger ones.
Looking into it now
Actually meant to type wargame.
You are a man of taste.
Well then! I got the sense of play without even realizing it!
So merge the smaller ones by region and similarity like with the native Americans.
Play Dominions
He's first generation American.
He even eats steak.
I mean mine "integrated" fairly well as well (eats taboo meats etc), but haven't really taken on the implied personal responsibilities along with it.
It does make me worry about the comp sci work they do. If their cleaning habits are anything to go by, that must be some piss poor spaghetti code.
But that's vidya, and it just isn't the same without the little figures.
I'll use it as inspiration
That's right figures are where its at. It'd be nice to learn 3d sculpting to make basic units.
I wouldn't bother with grunts, or have them be tiny little humans. It'd be cool to have "armies" composed of big super-powerful dudes with tons of unique special abilities, turning into massive mystical slugfests.
I gotta be honest I wrote a brief overview of this idea with a single figure either be actually representing a squad or a singular badass.
Yeah, Native America seems like it would be going for the "Low model count but relatively strong and with a lot of environmental manipulation" kind of army. Having Wendigos cause a winter aura that impedes movement, skinwalkers be able to deploy and redeploy themselves by turning into an animal and stealthing in, all while Akhluts smash the front line.
Meanwhile you know what'd be a radical monster for the Hindu faction? The Raktabija. Motherfucker has the superpower to clone himself whenever a drop of blood is spilled. I would love to see that as a unit mechanically, where it could have a maximum clone number based on the points you spend on it, but they don't deploy until it or its clones get injured. Every time one takes damage, you can deploy a unit from your pool. How's that sound?
Sounds fun, but maybe use a die roll as a recharge for the power, like it only activates on a six. The unit could have only a certain health score and rolls one of those die for each wound it takes in a turn.
Yeah, I could see that. Either that or make it only work guaranteed on the first injury, then have subsequent injuries work based on rolls due to the lack of blood. The specifics behind his cloning come from the caveat that it happens literally "as his blood hits the ground". Kali killed him in the end by using her tongue to lick up all the blood and prevent it from spilling, then eating him. Additionally, his name literally translates to "Blood Seed", and so maybe giving him a cool plantlike theme with his model would be nice.
Play Dominions 5 and you can pit most things against most other things.
I actually used his blood in a weird MTG/XCOM urban fantasy shit I write for fun, long story short it made a super vampire who occasionally vomits demons.
>tfw the best army makeup for the Chinese faction would just be Imperial soup-tier shenanigans anchored by a Guilliman-tier Monkey King.
Mix all the bullshit from Taoism, Buddhism, Chinese folklore, and Wuxia and you end up with a faction that'd probably get within spitting distance of Hindu-tier mythology.
This is a good answer. There's so many different stories and symbols. I think my favorite that I heard was about an evil witch who would smear tar into children's eyes then put them in a basket on her back and take them to eat later.
High Heavens as a good jumping off point?