Warhammer 40000 General - /40kg/

Grey Knights Edition!

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Attached: GK_Terminator2.jpg (879x845, 92K)

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I just want to stand a chance on the table...

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That's better op

>GK edition
So over in 3 posts?

Reminder that this is OBVIOUSLY a burka and if you can't see that your eyes have been permanently damaged by feminism and soy.

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So are there just two good load outs for Blightlord terminators?

5 man heavy hitters: Flail + Blight Launcher + 3 Combi-Plasma + Axes

5 man anti-horde/Objective holder: Flail + Plague Spewer + 3 Combi-Flamer + Baleswords

Attached: Blightlord_Terminator.png (1033x829, 1.71M)

This is the major art piece from the new Necron codex. Say something nice about it.

Attached: Necron art.png (1920x1080, 4.43M)

it has enough croissants for a good breakfast

cant grey knights fit like 25 paladins in a list + draigo + 2 dredknight GMs + 3 min troops? and DS all of them and charge with rerolling charges? why do people think they are bad, again?

Fuck the flamers, just go cheap. My favourite loadout is 3 combi-bolter, 1 autocannon, 1 flail and all axes.

god damn eldar!

He killed billions...

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what's the best warband?

this but uninronically

please don't bait the poltards. they can't handle it, and they'll shit up the thread.

>DS all of them in
You mean half of them. And woooo stormbolters on 20/55 point platforms. Gimped psykers, mediocre at best melee. Rerolling charges only within 6" of 1 dreadknight. Also, that's some cute anti-armor in that list you gave.

It''s visual fidelity is better than the pixel art gifs we occasionally post, and its perspective is definitely better than the meme comics we were posting at the beginning of 8th.

Its called soup my guy. Stop being an old grognard and take a look at the world of options you have.

Got my first tourney tomorrow what do we think of this list boys

++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Imperium - Dark Angels) [77 PL, 1500pts] ++

+ HQ +

Azrael [9 PL, 180pts]

Lieutenants [4 PL, 63pts]
. Lieutenant: Chainsword, Master-crafted boltgun

+ Troops +

Scout Squad [4 PL, 80pts]
. Heavy Weapon Scout: Missile launcher
. 3x Scout (Boltgun)
. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun

Scout Squad [4 PL, 80pts]
. Heavy Weapon Scout: Missile launcher
. 3x Scout (Boltgun)
. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun

Tactical Squad [5 PL, 70pts]: 4x Space Marine
. Space Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun, Power axe

+ Elites +

Company Ancient [4 PL, 63pts]: Bolt pistol

Venerable Dreadnought [8 PL, 154pts]: Assault cannon
. Dreadnought combat weapon w/Storm Bolter: Storm bolter

Venerable Dreadnought [8 PL, 182pts]: Twin lascannon
. Dreadnought combat weapon w/Storm Bolter: Storm bolter

+ Fast Attack +

Ravenwing Darkshroud [7 PL, 138pts]: Heavy bolter

+ Heavy Support +

Hellblaster Squad [16 PL, 330pts]
. 9x Hellblaster: 9x Plasma incinerator
. Hellblaster Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Plasma incinerator

+ Flyer +

Ravenwing Dark Talon [8 PL, 160pts]: 2x Hurricane bolter

++ Total: [77 PL, 1500pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe (battlescribe.net)

>You mean half of them
no, i mean all of them except the minimum troops and draigo who is gating in anyway
>Also, that's some cute anti-armor
yeah hammers are d3

>that guy in the middle
>"dude, you just let like half a dozen banshees run right past you"

>one top 4 list at Adepticon is 7 Hive Tyrants
>Commanders are 1 per Detachment
How is this okay exactly?

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Whats the best load out for these guys? I was thinking of buying a couple and give them lighting claws or thunder hammers.

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No shit canoe you can only ever deepstrike half your units. Read the fucking rules.

WAACfag detected.

I don't get it.

Wait for the FAQ that is going to apply the same limits to other armies. Cool your jets my guy.

I've been considering soup...but I have 2500+pts of GK...
You mean half of them. That's how I know you don't play. Matched play restrictions. And whooopie, d3 damage on roughly 4 attacks of which 1 or 2 will go through.

yeah dumbass, so take a libby HQ on foot or something.

Do you have to fire all of a single weapons shots into one target?
Or could you fire one of a boltguns shots into unit 1 and the other into unit 2?


In the grimdarkness of the 41st millennium there is only....idols?

>Half the units
The stupid list you posted has more than 4 units that you want to deepstrike. I won't bother explaining why the list is actually bad because you don't know the rules well enough to get it.

>You mean half of them.
i mean 3 max size paladin units and 2 DKs, if you cant figure out 5 other units in your army then you are a retard... then again you are a retard for playing gay knights anyway.
>hurrrr why cant i just autowin with dreadknight spam now?!

hmm 233 pts isn't bad


you can divide up any number of weapons any way you like

I liked the list that was 200 points of GSC and the rest shit like Hive Tyrants and a Shadowsword
But about your question, tau codex is a precursor

Thought it said Nurgle art for a second.

Attached: 1508522797860.jpg (672x893, 141K)

Yeah I mean playing the game the way GW intended makes me a WAACfag.

...of defenceless civilians because he was terrified to engage actual military forces

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I loath anything SJW, Islam or progressivism related, but this is some low ass quality bait.

>3 max size Paladin squads
You want me to take 30 Paladins, 2 DKs and 5 other units to somehow fit under 2000pts? Nigger you are retarded and do not play this game.

What happens with a random number of shots weapon?
if I choose six targets for a d6 attacks weapon and only roll a 3 do I get to just choose which of the original six I target?

And this is why people think Veeky Forums is bad at 40k.

then drop a few of them to make it fit, stupid. fuck just drop 2 units of them + DKs. keep them within 6 inches of the pie plate sized base your shitty baby carrier is on, and reroll their turn 1 charges.

Attached: blood angels 3rd company.png (935x1303, 641K)

They ruined my sex elves by putting burkas on every single one of them and now they're going to do the same to shitsters players. When will the SJW's stop and leave our poor hobby alone?

*just drop to 2 units of them

you can only fire at one thing per weapon
when you fire at that one thing you roll the d6.

Lol - hey man you can play this list I suggested.

>user that doesn't work

Well fuck you you stupid faggot, just make it worse and then you can.

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In 2k, you can fit 27 paladins and 2 of the cheapest HQ. Source: me, who ran it as a joke in a tournament and got blasted off the board by mobile dark eldar.

Please take a look at this fucking picture of Orikan

Attached: image.jpg (1194x854, 181K)

doomrider is actually a traitor white scar, not an emperor's child

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The thing here is you're giving "advice" like you know shit about the game. Relying on terminators is retarded this edition, and PAGK have no invuln, but the numbers slightly mitigate how garbage they are.

HQ detachment was a mistake

hows this for a list :
take as many max size units of 3 wound dickheads as you can deepstrike + 2 gay ass baby carriers and reroll charges with all of them turn 1.

or maybe just play an actual faction.

double plasma pistol

The guy I replied to literally said the opposite when I asked how that worked.

>teeth aligned so that his mouth can't close

>Metallic REEEEing noises

Man they got really friggin' cartoony.

That's still a shit list. You've moved the goal post already because you started out with - why do people think they're bad anyway? To 'play a real faction'. Stop being bad.

Attached: warmongers.png (928x1245, 500K)

Thoughts on this potential list using the two new mini knights?

Super Heavy Detachment (3cp) (994 points)

Knight Crusader (540)
-Rapid Fire Battle Cannon
Knight Armiger (227)
Knight Armiger (227)

Battalion Detachment (3cp) (303 points) (IG Vostroyans)

Company Commander (30)
Company Commander (30)
Infantry Squad (67)
Infantry Squad (67)
Infantry Squad (67)
Heavy Weapons Squad (42)
-Heavy Bolterx3

Battalion Detachment (3cp) (675 points) (AM Stygies)

Dominus (132)
Skitarii Vanguardx5 (45)
Skitarii Vanguardx5 (45)
Skitarii Vanguardx5 (45)
Sydonian Dragoonsx6 (408)

Basically I'm just trying to use the cool models that I think are awesome and rad.

it's kinda stupid how 5 apothercarys share 3 rhinos.

Attached: DaffyFlowerface.jpg (640x480, 28K)

Well its in line with his mini.

>You've moved the goal post already
i didnt move anything, i didnt bother pointing out the army list your dumbass non faction. original point still stands. just because you homos are forever stuck in ward codex mindset doesnt mean your whining is justified.

It looks like the bottom jaw hinges in at an angle so they end up going below the top teeth as if he has an overbite

Help! I'm moderately new and I've got the following from some friends:

>Emperor's champion
>Captain in gravis Armor
>Librarian in terminator armor
>8 Intercessors
>5 Tactical Marines
>5 Hellblasters
>3 Inceptors
>3 Reivers
>5 Terminators
>Land Raider Crusader

Can I make a decent army from this? What should I get?

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I'm not the GK dude, just a guy calling you out on your shit. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about it.

One in each rhino and the other two in Thunderhawks to treat more grievous wounds after the extraction.

Those rhino's are probably like battlefield ambulances tho. They probably just dont have the resources to give em 5 rhinos or they would

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Ah yes I forgot, and a Callidus assassin that I don't know if I can use with them.


Don't forget to wait on Knight Dakka and possible variants

The lore says that Orikan is close to transcending into a godhood, becoming a being of impossible celestial energies.

Anyways, the C'tan Shard section makes mention of Oldcron fluff. It says that Cegorach tricked the Outsider into eating his brothers. The exile Star God is now hidden somewhere south of the galaxy in a hollowed world. Also the text says that there are rumours that beneath Mars slumbers a C'tan.

Attached: C'tan Star God.jpg (791x444, 103K)

on the mini it looks like his mouth is in a fixed position, and what use would a necron have for a moving mouth anyway?

>You don't know what the fuck you're talking about it.
i know dropping 60+ wounds + 2 baby carriers in charge range turn with rerolling charges is better than 'waaa we dont stand a chance'

To be fair he is literally robot mumm-ra with access to a time machine.

I wouldn't be remotely surprised if his arch nemeses are a squad of Felinids.

>Also the text says that there are rumours that beneath Mars slumbers a C'tan.

>Necrons v AdMech ramping up as a 8th storyline

Its still a garbage list that lose to actual competitive builds that screen it out and then drown it.

I've only ever looked at it as if he is literally constantly screaming.

>Callidus assassin
they need to be in a auxiliary detachment

Attached: Untitled.jpg (956x852, 148K)

he probably is

Well yeah, how else would he make angry robot noises?

Is there anywhere I can safely get the Gathering Storm audio books to listen to while I paint? The only one on YT is Dark Imperium.

Attached: 1502305827506.webm (240x427, 1.79M)

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Three of these roll up and drop 105 scions in rapid fire range of your whole army, what do?

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Attached: pxn8eRk.jpg (354x775, 29K)

to answer your question, a couple more tactical squads with special/heavy weapons, and some anti-tank. predator annihilator, lascannon dev squad. Perhaps a vindicator. Maybe a non-jump pack assault squad to fill the crusader.

>Its still a garbage list that lose to actual competitive builds
>dude its not totally WAAC soup shit
uhhh ok?
>that screen it out and then drown it
screening out how many bolter shots?

might as well just say that guard are broken, no shit.


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how do they get to whatever they are investigating? Do they just ride in the hawks? Can three transporters move 11 vehicles and a dreadnought and 4 sentry guns?

Wow they really expanded the C'tan lore. The Deceiver and Nightbringer got character development

Attached: C'tan.png (1730x642, 665K)

No, I said you can fire any number of WEAPONS any way you like
not any number of shots

All these spam lists though.
>Ravenwing Dark Talon spam
>Flyrant spam
>poxwalker spam
>guardshit spam (21 mortars in """blud angels""""")
Holy fuck, my dudes. This is some advanced cancer even for a serious tournament.

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