let's settle this Veeky Forums
Which race is better, Elves or Dwarves?
Let's settle this Veeky Forums
Short Humans.
Elves are pussy-ass mary sue trash while dwarfs are powerful magnificent space-eficient intoxicated beard in heavy armor with violence isues.
You fucking tell me.
You didn't prove anything with those descriptions.
I have a soft spot for dwarves.
The answer is obvious.
Dwarves are the bro race, buuuuuuuut...
Elves are OP as fuck as a whole. They come in every flavor of terrain, are universally sexy regardless of gender, and are better than you at everything including life, as in they live a long fucking time. Writers have to invent reasons for elves not to dominate the world.
There is a reason why half-elves are a core player race in D&D and not half-dwarves.
Elves. I want Lelf to bully me nonsexually yes sexually.
Totally subjective breakdown based on general depiction. Mostly regarding GM use, disregarding the fixes one could make. Dark versions not included.
>basically just a human in looks
>only produces woodlands of normal or cleaned up variety
>work well for female characters, but including the proper allotment of male character feels like a chore
>often excessively long lives that make for monotonous and dumb life stories
>unpleasant and often hypocritical romantization, mostly towards nature, often good by word of god
>extreme prowess in crafts despite lack of infrastructure
>portrayed as practically invincible on home ground, still extremely skilled outside of it.
>boring item aesthetic, indistinct between general fantasy objects
>more potential as magic movers and shakers, though magic will be a generalist flavor if not nature themed
>more sex-appeal
>at least distinctive proportions, but designs are often caricaturesque
>superior terra/setting former, underground environments have more adventure potential
>works as both sexes, if you forego the beard meme
>still long but more manageable lifespans
>acknowledged as flawed people
>major prowess regarding crafts with portrayed infrastructure
>regular martial abilities
>more distinct item aesthetic, though often fails to look pleasing
>struggle to establish magic flavor, rune magic ill realized beyond visual clue for magic items
>less sex-appeal
All in all I give it to the Dwarves. Elves have to be Darkelves to match them in utility.
I'm interested in elves that are a little more plant
What settings have explored this?
Dwarves are just shitty Scottish stereotypes
They aren't plant there, the one faction just has dryad allies.
>work well for female characters, but including the proper allotment of male character feels like a chore
I hate those angular arms and armor all dwarves have now, post LOTR. Looks awful.
But at least its not as bad as the WoW crystal stuff.
Warcraft ruined the aesthetic of modern fantasy races.
Glorantha, their elves ARE the fucking plants.
I disagree on both points.
The dwarf's "no-curves" aesthetic gives them their own clear and distinctive style, as well as makes sense for a race specializing in stone and iron as well as contrasts well verses, say, elf designs that are all squiggly.
The crystals of the draenei are again, a nice thing to set them apart from other races as well as playing in with their more "magic aliens" ideas.
Back to OP though, dwarfs are clearly better than elves.
It got too popular I guess. The cartoony style does have its perks
>Snobby cunts with a ruined kingdom who have nothing to back their unbased shit talk.
>Hard working mountain kingdom men with the best beards and most based society.
Dwarf wins 10/10
Elves suck dick. And are nothing more than fapbait, Rape bait, and magic Al realm Mary Sues.
The emphasis on beauty, fine thin lines, long hair, grace, floral themes, transfiguration of nature, etc. all those themes are a much more ready combination with writing a character as female. But not all elven characters can be female if you care for verisimilitude.
I think the High Elves hit a good vein of inspiration when they emphasized an Eagle aesthetic with Elves, rather than a simply natural one.
Plus, focusing on sunny meadows and bright forest paths is not going deep enough. Nature can be terrifying.
>Snobby cunts with a ruined kingdom
>when you meme so hard you meme yourself
(pic from 6th ed High elf army book)
Elf fags are 100% gay. People who like elves are garbage cunts who need the Mary Sue race to feel good. They are the worst kind of fags and make elves the worst race.
>implying you can't have graceful A E S T H E T I C and still be manly as fuck
>Being this ugly.
I personally like my elves being ugly, but I hate anime and anime tropes.
>Waiting for you to prove your point.
Your post doesn't prove that point.
These guys still live in the forests, they just didn't succumb to fantasy stasis like hundreds of other settings.
Those seems crossing into Eldar tier
Not what I implied.
I meant common elf themes go easier with female.
Elf and manly you have to do more active, careful work to reconcile. Like And you will be redefining and shifting connotations.
I was talking out of the box popculture melange elf.
High magic elves are infinitely better than meme hippie elves.
Their boss is also pretty big.
It's funny, as I'm a full blown elf hater, but there is stuff about Eldar I really like. Like just their design is interesting to the eye and I really love the soul crystals-wraithbone-wraith units thing, I just find that terribly interesting as a concept.
Pop culture elves are formed mainly by parodies that forgot they are parodies.
Even animelves are better at this point.
Elves/Eldar designs are pretty good, has a tall and grace feel to them
They are still the best basis to start discussing elves, because otherwise you can always pull out one of the thousands of settings with elves, where any given element isn't the case and totally what we consider "fixed" at the moment.
Let's see...
Unimaginative mary sue race that author tries too hard to make sympathetic and treats every word from their mouth like some sort of wisdom, a race made solely for power fantasy with a few token "flaws" that are not registered as such...
...or elves.
Yeah, i'll choose elves.
Well, here dwarves have the advantage of being so boring you can't really do anything else with them.
No, no, i like dwarves too, but as I get older it becomes increasingly harder to justify their existence in my settings. Elves have advantage of their tropes being flexible enough here.
Truly both ought to be dismantled and their subelements used for the construction of some moderately newer fantasy races. Genre is much too codified for its title.
>Genre is much too codified for its title.
What would you rather see in it?
See, it's important to not overdo it. Classic races still have their place, and the main criteria for races should not be how "original" they are, but rather how they fit into settings.
Yes, yes I hear you, still how about just a step further than redoing exactly what we already have?
Quality doesn't suddenly stop to matter once I mention different. Why do people always think that?
I don't want much maybe something halfway between elf and dwarf that isn't defined by its absence like dwemer. Throw in some minor new physical signal traits, tweak the color, a new mundane affinity in the mix. I just think people should get their move on with baby steps and stir their meltingpots a bit better than taking the default elf and giving it default dwarf culture or making the Dwarves exactly Aztecs.
It doesn't have to be the sentient gaseous color people always strawman with.
>Quality doesn't suddenly stop to matter once I mention different.
No, but being different solely for the sake of being different almost always leads to a drop in quality.
So much things lead to drops in quality. The universal conclusion shouldn't be do nothing. We ignore the bad results, we always do. The majority of conservative material is likewise bad. When looking for something new to enjoy you now encounter a cringy try at innovation instead of a braindead derivative you don't need to consume to know everything about. Big deal.
Different will increase my flavor choices over time. Different bad will produce new lessons on what not to do. Different will at least satisfy the base desire for fresh input. Different might contain new salvageable ideas.
And I don't give a fuck if some author just sought to differentiate himself by "being different for the sake of being different". It's a perfectly natural desire. Like an inventor trying to make a living trying to find an unsatisfied niche. Why should that be offensive to me?
I could swear Veeky Forums is trying to be double hipster sometimes.
Usually it's "different" only in terms of races when the rest of the setting is the same uninspired schlock.
So its a failed try then. Thats fine. At least the races part can be a partial success. No point in dismissing what went right because there also were things that went wrong.
If the author made interesting races and then failed to accomodate these interesting races into a setting it's a failure more tragic than author not trying at all.
But the interesting races are still good and out there now. Our author will have practiced to flex his creative muscles. He can improve in the second iteration or somebody else can take them or what made them good and use them better. There is a net gain here, tragic only because the gain could have been bigger.
Tomorrow you wake up as a dwarf or an elf.
Which do you hope for?
Thought so.
Don't both live retarded long time?
Arnt elves generally weak?
I'm tall IRL, I think I'd like to try being short.
Dwarf wins.
Your belly fat is not actually muscle and you need to fucking shave the goddamn crumb-infested face pubes you try to pass off as a fashion statement
When elves have a family feud, the whole universe fucking tells about it
When dwarves self-genocide because some greedy fuck dug too deep, not even their relatives fucking notice.
>may as well be the protagonist race if humans wouldn't exist
>maximum aesthetics
>most badass characters
>swords, bows, spears, horses, magic, even masters of the sea
>great versatility when it comes to classes
>sometimes even too much variety between setttings
>or in a setting itself I'm looking at you, Faerun
>but at least they are not always the same
>Veeky Forums, /v/ and /a/ get absolutely ass-wrecked if you mention them in a positive light
It's not even a contest.
>all of that and humans are still top dog
You're right.
>elbereth on the shirt
My fucking sides
It's almost like humans are writing these stories and most of these stories take place in times after elves had their golden age dwarves as well, which is surprisingly convenient for these writers.
So....What you're saying is all other races are so shit they don't even exist and even if they did exist they were shit enough to have fallen instead of constantly maintaining forward momentum despite all their gifts?
No, what I'm saying is that HFY-faggots are sorry little creatures whose fragile egos need to shit on fictional races or else they would kill themselves in droves.
Other than that not being the point of the thread why not just come out and say that then?
It's almost like you invented a scenario to get butthurt over.
>Other than that not being the point of the thread
I was not the one bringing up humans in an elves vs dwarves thread, user. So please stop getting triggered over someone saying something positive about a fictional race.
>>Veeky Forums, /v/ and /a/ get absolutely ass-wrecked if you mention them in a positive light
I was right.
>can grow a beard
Orcfag here throwing my lot in for Dwarves.
All I did was make basic statements then asked for verification. You're the one that got uppity about it all.
/thread, desu
Elves being expert smiths, brewers, vintners, weavers, soldiers, and builders without raping the lands with quarries, farms, war camps is genuinely Mary-Sue bullshit. There’s no way around that Elffags want the best of both worlds without sacrificing a single thing.
This is on top of them being immortal and beautiful, fast, strong, having the keenest senses and intellect.
Honestly I don’t mind Elves when they have flaws
>snobby lanklets with massive superiority complexes in trees or ivory towers
>snobby manlets with massive superiority complexes hiding underground
Is there any setting with dwarves but without elves?
>>works as both sexes
Ahahaha, no. Dwarf-fags are so anti-feminine it has become a mental illness. Meanwhile the best elf characters are always male.
>All I did was make basic statements
Which had nothing to do with this thread. Now go back to /v/ and make a pelinal thread to vent about the pointy ears.
The thread already had several "human" posts earlier all I did was posit it as an option for "best race" and YOU brought them up first in our line of dialogue.
You also talk a lot about others getting assblasted but you seem to be the one getting angry over base neutral statements and questions that you yourself started the lead of.
Elves give me boners, dwarves give me shorty bonuses.
Real life?
>The thread already had several "human" posts earlier
Replying to posts several hours ago is a waste of time if it doesn't contribute anything to the overall thread. And I'm not so butthurt that I need to hand out (You)'s to everyone I disagree with.
>and YOU brought them up first in our line of dialogue
I did not make any statement about if one is better than the other, or compared humans to elves. You got your fragile self hurt because I brought up the fact that elves may as well be the heroes of the settings, something that dwarves do not so well. That's it.
Personally I prefer Dwarves for their music.
Nobody replied to either of the posts all I was saying is that they were part of the thread topic on hand due precedent. Beyond that replying to hours long posts is a thing that happens here all the time we aren't a high traffic board.
You also said if humans weren't a thing elves would be the setting protag. Therefore Humans>Elves and I was merely making a base statement off that then asking for verification. I never once made the claim myself I merely made assertions supporting the one you made. Ontop of that you keep claiming I'm getting assblasted when you're the only one getting angry over all of this.
For DnD at least Dragonborn, while obviously scale bait, are objectively more interesting than both, history, looks and culture wise, change my mind
Depends on the setting.
Both, because I have decent fantasies regarding both archetypes.
I prefer elf girls. And most of their males are girls as well!
elves are literally "better than you: the race"
how can manlet pride world wide even compete?
>Therefore Humans>Elves
But this is a retarded statement since you don't seem to grasp why humans are the protagonists most of the time and also completely misread what that post was about.
Elf-hater please fuck off.
The fact remains the humans are protags and the elves are not. I was merely stating this means one is therefore better than the other inherently somehow.
>bringing humans into this
humans are the designated protagonist race because humans write the stories and as such give them unlimited plot armor
they arent better than the alternatives in any way save self-insertion
How about you pick some of the popular settings and read up on their history to learn why they aren't the protagonist race anymore?
This user reaches out and punctures the veil of mundus. 10/10
Did anime rape you or something? Why do you mention it in reply to a post that doesn't feature anime or anime tropes at all?
>plastic bone lacing
>not carbon nanotubes lattices or some form of violated metal for actual strength and utility
>half and half blade edge instead of smooth on one side and serrated on the other without hindering functionality
Fucking posers, man.