I'm going to reiterate a post I saw the other day
I've never seen someone resolve a cyclonic rift and lose. But unlike most other oneshot 'i wins' such as insurrection, triumph of the hordes, blightsteel etc. it doesn't actually *win* the game, it just puts everyone so disgustingly far behind and it lets the blue durdle cunt slowly win because there's just no way to beat such a ridiculous card advantage and board state swing. That and there's literally no counterplay to it, outside of a counterspell. You can't make your dudes hexproof, indestructible, regenerate or even redirect the spell. At best you can do something like ghostway but that's pretty damn unlikely.
Maybe y'kno, we're all overreacting a bit, a wincon is a wincon, sure, but it's in *every fucking blue edh deck under the sun*
I know not every red deck runs insurrection,not every green deck has triumph of the hordes, and not every white deck runs MLD, but when you shuffle up with a blue deck you know guaranteed there's a rift in there and if he casts it, lol i guess everyone loses.
I sound saltier than I am, I don't actually deal with rift very often in my meta, but there's very clear and obvious reasons why people really hate playing against it. It just straight up feels bad. It's like being punched in the gut every time it resolves. Maybe manacrypt is more bullehit, maybe some other high mana sorcery is actually more powerful, maybe fucking ramp spells are too powerful, but the difference is, playing against those doesn't feel like being gut punched, they feel like a challenge to overcome, or a sudden twist on how the game will play out. When cyclonic rift resolves you just go 'ugh' and roll your eyes because the interesting board state is gone and blue mage is probably going to win over the next 3 turns.
Point is, sometimes un-fun cards are worse than overpowered ones.
Whoa, this turned into a rant.
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