In the emperor of mankind book, a sister of silence looked at him without his glamour and said he was just a normal man, does that mean he is smaller than the primarchs?
How does the emperor really look like?
I just want to know if the Emperor is bros with his armor's machine spirit.
I mean he disguised himself as a normal huy in the last church
>How does the emperor really look like?
this is my favorite head cannon on the matter desu
He's been said to be the size of the Primarchs, but 40k fluff isn't really consistent.
There's also that painting where he's fighting Horus, and they're about the same size. Sanguinius, at Horus' feet, looks smaller or at least less bulky than the Emperor.
Sisters of silence are immune to his glamour
We know he is a kebab. So go look at your local falafel stand and you’ll have a clearer picture.
>does that mean he is smaller than the primarchs?
Yes. He was born from a human woman, and isn't a bio-engineered 10 foot tall post-human.
However, when you have as much psychic power as him, your material form means very little, and you can pretty much choose how you look to (most) others. Like Magnus.
It's been canon since 1996 that the Emperor looks like Steve Austin.
Which is why they're silent, or else they would spread the word of his true form.
He can look like who ever he wants. He does not really have a "True form"
This. Because of his power level, he may as well be considered formless for our purposes.
Why is this sword the Emperor's Kryptonite?
in deliverance lost corus remembers him looking like a normal indistinct dude with brown hair while in the pod , and he catches a glimpse of this form again when he first meets the emperor
Silly roach the Emperor was no kbab he was an Indo-European
You're an idiot.
If he was human sized then why are the Primarchs built like brick shithouses?
Because it's a physical manifestation of the man's first sin since the fall?
Born in Anatolia, modern day Turkey.
Emporer is a kebab. No wonder he stayed on Terra through most of the expansion crusade. He couldn’t walk past a corner without opening a quickmart.
>Hah we glorious turks are the emperors of mankind
Anatolia was inhabited by various indigenous peoples long before the turks migrated there from fucking central asia btw
Because of the concept behind it.
It is basically the embodiment of all human murder and the end of empires. As long as humans kill each other, it can't really be defeated.
Like this
It's a fucking daemon weapon. It's kryptonite to everyone. What do you think would happen to an Eldar or Tyranid if it got stabbed with Drach'nyen?
Because ADB felt it needed to be to pump up his main man abbadon. There really isn't a good clear reason for it beside him making something up about that first murder. And then not defining what the fuck murder means since there was clearly civilization already around emps.
the first murder wasn't emps uncle and dad. it was the two ape dudes described earlier.
Olive skin and long dark hair is how I always imagined him.
I could see him looking in a wide variety of ways though.
I think blue eyes and blonde hair have their origin north of the black sea, so even going that route isn't too far fetched, just less likely.
With all the shamans reincarnating into him he could possibly change the way he's percieved too, but I prefer to imagine him as being able to pass naturally among a lot of different people, like between all caucasians at least, so brown/black eyes and hair and pale to faint olive skin
>first sin since the fall
Hebrew mythology ain't real in the 40k universe my dude.
Isnt the emperor literally just Conan if he had psychic powers?
The trips of truth. And look at all these infidel dogs trying so hard to deny the facts.
Well look, I like the Christmas Emperor best, and I'm sayin grace. When you say grace, you can say it to grown up golden armored halo Emperor, or teenage scale armor banishing-the-Void Dragon Emperor, or skeletal corpse-on-the-Throne Emperor, or whatever you want. But when I'm saying grace it'll be to the sweet baby eight pound six ounce laying in his little crib watching Baby Einsteins and learning about colors Emperor.
Now shut the hell up and eat, Chip.
That Emps secret identity is Malcador?
It isn't Hebrew but I'll leave it at that because there's another board and people like to get offended.
There are not gods it is bull shit
there are nooot.
Oh hai Horus.
The emperor is a psychic vision created by Malcador.
are you implying Malcador is Norman Bates
No I'm implying the emperor is his stand
"The Emperors New Clothes"
Who's body is on the throne?
How do her arms fit into that?
Gonna guess a puppet system between her fingers and the glove.
>How does the emperor really look like?
No man can gaze upon the glory of his form. No woman would remain sane if she did.
Maybe not but the truth behind the myth probably is.
>What's that device for?
>I can't tell you dat Mortarion, it's confidential. Anyway how's your sex life?
>Who's body is on the throne?
I'm more concerned about the shoulder width
Damn I didn't know Big E had a pair of big Es.
>eh eh anyone.
>trump as emperor
This never made sense to me. A lot of people voted for Trump because they wanted someone who would go to Washington and "shake things up," i.e. fuck everything up for the establishment globalists. So Kek, god of Chaos is a much better stand-in, especially since the 40k chaos gods really don't quite fit.