are you having fun with your group, Veeky Forums?
Are you having fun with your group, Veeky Forums?
the group has been undermining and betraying each other for nearly a year now, things are progressing within the tolerance limits,.
What is your obsession with that character?
Avatarfagging is haram user, stop that.
you see user, it was all a scheme to lure you in.
Of course.
Every time I kill a player over stupid decisions I'm loving it. What they do in the meanwhile is controlled, so I'm having fun.
It's a disastrous group as we're all really new to tabletop games, but aside from trying to keep my murderhoboing companions in check I've been having a lot of fun.
I became dissatisfied with the lack of freedom in videogames and after having played some dungeon crawler/blobber vidya I decided that moving on to actual pen and paper rpgs might sate my desires.
So far it's been everything I've imagined and more, and I can only imagine how fun it would be if I were playing with an experienced dm and players that actually roleplay instead of rollplay.
Yes. I'm the real problem since we had to take a months hiatus since work was kicking my ass. I fucking hate working.
>Paladin is a bro
>Cleric hits as good as he heals
>Barbarian is retarded and his player has 6 int
>Ranger is a crow
i only hate one of them...
Not really, no.
I think that's mostly an issue with the official adventure and how poorly it meshes with the GMs style, plus some minor but irritating homebrew rules.
The other guys are all right, but they lack any mastery over the game. Now, this isn't to say I'm some fantastic tactician, but basic stuff like flanking and knowing what spells you have and which spells are good is a must, in my opinion.
Combats are needlessly difficult since I'm the only one that acts tactically and the GM actively punishes metagaming behavior (like giving advice on what to do) with levels of exhaustion.
Hi Fa!
I haven't had a group in years, and probably never will again
This. For various reasons IRL, every RP group I've been part of has fallen apart within two sessions. Now, even the EDH/FoW group I was part of fell apart. I barely get to do anything Veeky Forums related anymore.
Nah, it was promising at first but feels more like a chore lately.
I'll see this campaign to the end to give it some closure, but no way in hell I'm joining the next with the same people.
do you have everything for online sessions? i could hook you up with a GM that wants to run the "Rippers" segment for savage worlds, but lacks some players
Thanks for the offer user but that sounds like a job for gamefinder- I'm just burned out
Different user here, but what do you mean by gamefinder? Google has given me nothing and I'm desperate for a group right now.
>Captain was mortally wounded as the party escaped from the Tomb of Ranjakaal.
>Only the professor and him knew.
>The Black Whisper was critically damaged and sinking.
>Captain forced everyone to the lifepods, knocking the Lieutenant out when he refused to move.
>Has the Submarine AI arm every torpedo it can.
>The two hands trapped by the breach manage to arm a few more and expose the warheads of the others so they hopefully go off.
>Ramming speed while the engines could still operate.
The rest of the party could feel the explosions rock their pods. Now they're just floating. Waiting. Hoping. They lost about half the shore party/landing force the session before. Seventy-three characters started this journey, now forty-one remain. The gravity of the situation and losing the captain actually had a couple of my players choking up last night.
For those of you wondering, only six of the seventy-three characters were major players: the Captain, his Lieutenant, the Marine Sergeant, the doctor, the professor, and the stowaway. One was a GMPC: the submarine's AI system. The rest were minor characters split between the PCs as needed at the beginning.
The Captain is dead, the Sergeant is believed dead. (He's actually a mole, but only his player knows that.)
Safe to say; we're having a blast.
Fuck off you stupid chicken nigger
He means the gamefinder thread
Group is great but I feel like I'm bringing the group down since my motivation has vanished lately. I could be putting more work into my character but just getting the energy to show up is hard enough. I don't want to ruin it for them but they keep inviting me.
Please update your OP image! I feel bad for the missed pixels.
>D&D 5e
Group #1
>Paladin Joe
Player is a powergaming munchkin who's bought into the meme of 'lol just dip warlock bro' and who will act like a fucking space alien in-game due to acting on outside information.
Still one of the more tactically-minded players and a guy who makes a fucking effort to RP sometimes.
>Ranger Rick
Revised animal companion ranger whose interests lie squarely in getting "da bess" animal companion, squandering money on constant bonding to new animals and armor/rez's for the one he has this day.
One-note RP with alcoholism as his only defining trait, and a reluctance to actually engage with other players.
>Mister Monk
Just joined the last couple of sessions after our Barbarian player decided to leave.
Very new to TTRPGs and showing tons of signs of "muh skyrim".
Acts with a constant veneer of ironic detachment, and will do nothing but sneak or draw maps, as that's the stuff his character can apparently do, and nothing else.
>Be me, Bard
Realistically, the only healer, buffer, debuffer, crowd control, utility caster, main party face and ersatz rogue. Shit damage, but in a few levels I'll take fucking Steel Wind Strike and shit out 30d10 on a good day.
Try to engage others and RP as well as I can, but only the paladin ever seems to bite.
Verdict: Kinda frustrating. New players, too much DPS.
No, they treat RPGs as some kind of bizarre mix between bad miniature wargames and a social event to get drunk and text at. The other players pretty much ignore the DM and one player pretty much controls all the characters including my own under the logic that "they're the leader". Only reason I haven't left is because I have no one else to play with.
Group #2
>Arcane Archer Alan
Spotlight hog, morally questionable character, enthusiastic player. Borders on overbearing, but at least wants to take charge for the most part.
>Mushroom Man
Wallflower druid of the spore who's occasionally pretty clever. Hard to engage, but will sometimes try at least.
>Tiberius Stormwind reborn
Same player as the Monk in group#1. Been there for all of one session, so not much to go off of. Replaced our other player who was in the group as a monk and did NOTHING.
>Rogue me
Ranged rogue, only party member with a STR over 8 and CHA over 12. Picked up Swashbuckler level 3 due to being forced into a lot of melee and even off-tanking.
Moral center of the group somehow.
Verdict: We're not as far into this campaign as the other one, so we've had less time to work out the dynamics and whatnot. It shows, and the DM is also a first-timer, so...
>HackMaster group
>Autismus Maximus Dominus Excarnificandi
DM. I suspect some flavor of actual legit autism. Will take 15+ minutes to determine the actual percentage of silver in a silver coin, as well as the weight.
>Busted Bombshell Betty
Can't take not playing a character that doesn't have a good Looks stat, and tends to have stupid luck with rolls, stats and other. Often hosts sessions and makes food and treats, and is level-headed. Tries to push plot forward, too, and make characters work.
At the moment juggling an older character that's a bit busted due to several factors (such as the character meatgrinder that is HackMaster) and having managed to survive that long, and some clerical errors from the GM's part early on, and a newer, slightly more balanced character with none of that pesky history.
>That Guy in Recovery/Chaoticus Maximus
First character was a pink-haired gnome that waltzed into town, shat in a well, attempted to stab a stable boy and got executed by bamboo.
Second character was a dwarf so ugly you'd have to make a check to not puke looking at him.
Combine that with both a player and character temper, and he became trouble. Died to stray dogs.
Just go to your LGS, they all have gaming groups, right? Finding a group shouldn't be hard, that's what Veeky Forums tells me.
Third character was a gnome thief someone else made for him. Retired after a number of sessions.
Current character is a dwarf fighter gone cleric of the merciful one.
Problem is, the player and character are both super fucking inept at not being a penis-collecting murderhobo. Managed to piss off the character's god so bad it caused one of the three moons to glow blood red. The type to go "HURR DURR BUT DIS GOBLIN WE FOUGHT IS HURT SURELY I SHOULD HEAL THAT BEFORE YOU GUYS ALL LIVES R PRSHUS HURR DURR".
>Sleepy sloppy Simon
Constantly sleepy wallflower that's generally new to RPGs and just awkwardly latches onto other people's characters instead of doing anything independently ever. Showing some That Guy tendencies, like helping the dwarf provoke the guards into filling us with fucking holes.
>Get-by-George (me)
Doing my best but ending up with shitty rolls (HM skills range from 1-100 and you purchase rolls of the mastery die, rather than set ranks. Imagine getting two rolls of 1 on one of the more expensive skills, etc., and that's the sort of shit I end up with). Try to push plot along together with Betty, but either the two others do nothing but meme, or my elf and TGIR's dwarf end up bickering, even when I've tried to steer away from that.
Verdict: Good but not without its troubles.
tells us more user
2 years long campaign, plus side expeditions to other universes
so hells yeah
Not really. When DMing, only one character really -actually- roleplays. The other guy who speaks up plays essentially the same character over and over and over again with shades of evil actions added or removed. The other three are just kind of there, quiet most of the time. One of them is actively disinterested in any story we've ever had, another is actively disinterested in general. It's just really...kind of a downer, y'dig?
> chicken nigger
Well, might as well go offline for the rest of the day, because nothing else I see will be as funny as that.
>dragonborn nearly wiped the entire party with a bomb
>bard just lost a rare item because he wanted to do a neat trick with it
>Dwarf cleric won't heal me
>Ranger elf kinda acting freaky and paranoid
>Druid is a "wah respect nature" type
>My entire party has so far had no problems stealing from a priest, a shopkeeper, attempting to murder folks, and graverobbing
I choose poorly when I decided to make my character on the good alignment. Though I wont deny that their antics and the way I'm forced to respond to them have been amusing at least
oh look, it's my dragon loli wife
Just started with a new group, all of them are OK except for one autist
At one point the group was attacked and the only guy with a gun fired at him, stating that he was aiming to get him between the eyes
Autist then goes on a massive tangent about how aiming for headshots in a combat situation is stupid and that you should go for centre mass instead, I reckon he browses /k/
Nah, Not Really. DM brought Cthulhu today but they just Talk singe an Hour. Dubs will Desire wat i do.
crossposter fag here, /k/ still understands enough about fun to not sperg about headshots.
Ya, but none of them like Grimderp and I want to venerate the most holy God-Emperor and vanquish His foes ):
I recently got ejected from my group of college kids, in part because I voted for Donald Trump. (I'm pretty liberal but couldn't stomach voting for Clinton because of her stance with regard to Syria, and to a lesser extent trade.) I realized that everyone else at the table would be upset by that and actively avoided talking about politics but it came out somehow and apparently I've been "making the experience uncomfortable and unenjoyable" for other players. So I guess you could say it went pretty badly.
pic related, basicly. it's hella fun
I'm playing with a group of friends for the first time in 14 years, we're doing 5e Lost Mines of Phandelver and having a blast.
I rolled up a NG human fighter, former soldier background. Kinda basic I know, but I haven't played in nearly two decades and just want to get a grip on things before I go wild. The other two party members are an old gnome wizard who is steadily losing his grip on reality and a bomb-throwing alchemist who tries to keep us all healed but is really fucking bad with medicine.
We've almost TPK'd twice so far, but pulled through. We just killed Venomfang and his worshipers mostly through luck, and things are going well overall. Next session is tomorrow and I'm excited.
>this happened
what do you want for proof? I could quote the message I was sent
All of them except one. He's the most inexperienced of the group but constantly tries to tell me how to DM. Combined with his general entitlement in how he believes NPC's and enemies should act he's not a particularly enjoyable player.
I wouldn't consider e-mails and messages you sent to yourself as proof.
I'm interested as to which part of the story, which happened just last night, you find so implausible. I figured you were doubting my description of my own conduct leading up to it which is why I thought posting the complaint might satisfy your doubts.
>"college kids"
>"I'm pretty liberal, but Trump>Hillary"
>"her stance on Syria and trade"
Because how could you be against Hillary's position (enforced no fly zone) then want boots on the ground in Syria (Trumps stance during the election) a global trade war against America's allies and rivals (Trumps stance during the election) and refer to people who should have been your friends, or at least casual acquaintances, as "my group of college kids"
Everything you said oozes an underlying bias and agenda. You're trying too hard to appear as a victim. How can you act like an SJW but claim to have voted for Trump?
>Hillary's position (enforced no fly zone) then want boots on the ground in Syria (Trumps stance during the election)
because the boots on the ground were meant to combat ISIS and the NFZ was meant to combat Assad / support Al-Qaeda light in Syria. the fact that you don't understand the difference, but still felt like you were informed enough to share your opinion, is actually pretty distressing.
>a global trade war against America's allies and rivals
maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but trade protectionism isn't a conservative thing. neoconservatives and neoliberals alike are advocates of FTAs. we really did withdraw from TPP so I'm pretty happy about that
>and refer to people who should have been your friends, or at least casual acquaintances, as "my group of college kids"
I don't understand what you mean by this or in what why I'm acting like a victim. this is what actually happened to me, exactly last night which is why I posted it in the thread. I'm not trying to push an agenda.
>boots on the ground were meant to combat ISIS
>Donald Trump is pro-free trade
>this is what actually happened to me
>I'm not trying to push an agenda
>boots on the ground were meant to combat ISIS
well, primarily they were to prop up the YPG as an American proxy, but I'm pro YPG and that support was achieved by means of wiping out ISIS which I'm in favor of doing. again I'm not sure you have enough context to talk about this
>Donald Trump is pro-free trade
that's the opposite of what I said, though.
I'm playing a mangled 5e game set in a pathfinder campaign (Reign of Winter). Shit's whacky as fuck because the GM tries his hardest to balance the enemies we fight. Sometimes they can one-hit kill us. Other times we storm the dungeons and kill everyone and everything without even taking a scratch. But I'm having fun, everyone's making jokes.
Can we go back to talking about RPGs? At least contribute instead of spamming meme arrows.
>but I'm pro YPG
Yet you voted for someone who has proven to be against them. Good job.
>that's the opposite of what I said, though.
But it is what you said.
>votes for the anti-Kurd candidate
Amerifats are fucking retarded.
With my D&D group, sure! The character I’m playing is cool and the group seems to gel very well!
With my Black Crusade group, not so much. I feel like my GM is putting a lot of effort that is not reciprocated by the rest of the table, mostly because half of them are inexperienced anyway and BC is certainly not a beginners system.
What do you guys think of a Max strength min intellect peasant farmer with almost no dexterity and below average constitution. Ugg smash firetrap.
Clinton wasn't any more pro-YPG than Kurd. if Öcalan had been running I would have voted for him.
you can keep pretending to know what you're talking about, whatever. anyway it did happen. here's the message, featuring shitty censorship job done by my phone's editing software.
feel free to invent whatever kind of "offensive and unacceptable things" I've said to satisfy your weird preconceived notion that I can't possibly be telling the truth. maybe you'll assume that I called someone a nigger or a faggot or said "Black Lives Don't Matter hurr hurr hurr." as far as I've been able to gather, the problematic comments in question seem to have been when I said that I was no longer able to be shocked at sexual misconduct allegations coming out of Hollywood because there have been so many, and a perceived (and unintentional) slight towards the pagan Gaelic culture that one member of the group identifies with, specifically with regards to Cuchulainn. I'm not 100% certain because none of the people in question actually talked to me to tell me at any point until last night.
also I meant to sage with this post because this idiotic discussion doesn't belong on the front page of Veeky Forums but I forgot to. sage
>doesn't realize that the YPG is primarily Kurdish
>doesn't realize that Clinton was pro-YPG
Amerifats don't even know their own candidates. Sad. Gonna be nice to see you finally go the way of Russia and slide out of the big picture.
this is the last (You) I contribute to this thread.
Clinton and Trump were both in favor of backing the YPG in relatively equal measure. the problem I had with Clinton's stance on Syria was not her stance towards the YPG, it was her stance with regard to establishing a no fly zone in support of the jihadi rebels and to the detriment of the Assad regime and Russian airforce. sage
>a perceived (and unintentional) slight towards the pagan Gaelic culture
why does this sound extremely fake to me?
>I was kicked out my SJW group for being anti-white
fake and gay
I miss my group
Serious question, since voting is non compulsory in America couldn’t you just say that you didn’t vote?
Alternatively just say you voted for the shitty party that got 3 votes max
I didn't tell any of them, didn't post about it to Facebook either. I think they caught wind of it through mutual friends.
Is this herbivore dragon?
Sounds like a load of crap to me.
You mean my dragon loli wife
Been waiting for you to post. Took you long enough.
all myrrhposts are mine, if you care so much
Even ?
Guess I need to tweak my radar then.
Yeah, but I'll show myrrhcy on you this time
Guess the spoilers should have given it away now that I think about it. Just me being dumb again.
I'll shut up and stop cluttering the thread now. Unless you just wanna keep posting Myrrhs for our enjoyment.
Still waiting for you in the usual place- come see me sometime, it gets lonely
Syrrh though, one more Myrrh for the road
I have no fucking clue anymore. Storytime I guess.
>Playing 5e in a heavily homebrewed custom setting
>5-player party is composed of a group of mostly-chaotic renegades and charmers (in total, there's a wizard, bard, sorcerer, ranger, and monk; not a single one of them is Lawful)
>Most of the players are great personal friends of mine outside of the game, though the ranger is brand-new and the monk tends to fuck around and isn't present 50% of the time
>Party is receiving limited aid from a fiend, who willingly admits he's got his own ulterior motives, to stop a campaign-defining phenomenon that's been wrecking the setting
>Party has recently been declared outlaws in their country by a celestial serving the Lawful Good patron deity of their theocratic nation for looking into said phenomenon too much, receiving help from fiends, and refusing to stop when asked
>So far so good, but here's where the problems start
>The celestial in question is huge on scrying
>He's stated as such, several times
>It's even in his title
>He's admitted to taking a special interest in the party due to the circumstances they're in
>The monk was outright told by a third-party rogue's guild that she was being scried on, but characteristically didn't bother to tell anyone
>The wizard was told when it first started that he felt like he had eyes on him, but he just shrugged it off because nothing was attacking him
>The bard, sorcerer, and wizard have all neglected to pick up any countermeasures against divination, even something as basic as Detect Magic
>Nobody fucking cares
>I'm not sure if they just haven't noticed the hints, or if they legitimately don't care that some old faceless asshole in the clouds is ogling them every morning as they get dressed
>So far the party has only traveled to towns that were falling apart at the seams, weren't affiliated with the nation proper, or had no formal chain of command anymore
>In general, the party's main defense is that people are too worn-down or too disconnected from royal authority and/or the church to give a shit about what some archon or even royal authority says
>Almost everything is feudal and controlled by local lords
>The party recently had a chance meeting in the wilderness with one of their old bros, a commander who leads one of the kingdom's royal armies, and decided to group up with him as they walked into some of the bigger towns in this area of the setting
>Commanderbro directly serves the crown and is one step removed from directly serving the deity the celestial worships
>Commanderbro's previous appearance in the campaign was murdering the shit out of some creepy-but-seemingly-benign harvest cultists on the unconfirmed suspicion of working with fiends
>The celestial, of course, already knows this
>The celestial will likely be contacting commanderbro sometime next session
>The party has made given absolutely no hint that they give a fuck
>They can still technically get away if they take off now
>I am fully expecting commanderbro to confront the party in town during the next session or two and then cause a TPK, only for the party to exclaim "HOW WERE WE SUPPOSED TO KNOW?"
Should I attempt to stop them from waltzing into town with this guy, or just sit back and watch the fireworks?
Sometimes I feel like I'm detrimental to the group's flow, am too slow to react to things and take too long to think about what I'm going to do, don't have a grasp of what kind of tone everyone else wants, am wildly over optimized in some areas but incompetent elsewhere to the point I can FEEL glares whenever my one area of expertise shines and I sweep it or I wind up stuck on the sideline whenever it's not relevant, am too afraid of seeming like a bother for wanting to ask questions and see about interacting with certain NPCs off-session so I don't bog things down...
I'm having fun
I'd say to relax, user. If you are messing with the flow of the games you're in then it's quite possible it's because of your own self-consciousness. Just get into character, lose yourself in the RP for a while, don't worry about things so much, and if it doesn't work out then it probably wouldn't have worked out for much longer anyways.
I have a similar player at my own table who's pretty awkward in the same ways you say you are. He started off as somewhat of an irritant due to taking so long deliberating over every little thing, but now that he's gotten more and more into things he's one of the best players I have.
i welcome the increasing amount of dragon lolis on Veeky Forums
are myrrhposter and faeposter seperate people? will we have a nowiposter in the future??
Bit annoyed.
It took the part almost 2 sessions to make a fucking deal with a vampire. They wanted his help trying to deal with an army of werewolves but were unable to express what they wanted.
They literally started yelling at each other. It took fucking 6 hours to make a god damn deal exchanging a demon book for a magic amulet, tutorship in blood magic, and the vampire's general assistance on the problem.
the nowiposters are exclusively on /v/
a tikiposter would be nice though
I need to know more
we are a bunch of silly metalheads, on of us me also being a huge weeb. already played a darksiders-style campaign, except the issues of being a 6 tons monster man were also incooperated into the system.
>Nobody pays attention, browses facebook/Veeky Forums/reddit the entirety of the session
>Combat is a huge slog since almost every turn you have to go. "user... user! user!" "Huh? What" "It's your turn." "Ooh I attack or whatever." Rinse and repeat for three hours
>Nobody roleplays
>Somehow despite the fact that we've all been playing for a good five years nobody remembers half of the rules
>Everyone else refuses to DM despite not having jobs or responsibilities, they're all just NEETs who do nothing but play video games and watch anime all day
>Despite this they're all somehow almost always late to sessions
>Campaigns always just slowly die because one person will not show up one week, we'll put them game "on hold" and then everyone will just instantly lose the sliver of interest they had and stop showing up all together
>Like a month later they all come to me begging for me to run a game again
>I for some reason always say yes and the cycle continues
Maybe I just hate myself
As a DM I'm having fun watching the group fall apart emotionally.
One of the players is running his own campaign soon and I'm pretty stoked to play again, been like a year since I got the chance to actually play.
>having fun
I am. It’s hard to tell if everyone else is, though. We play online, so it’s not like I can read their body language or whatever. I guess if they werent into it they’d say something.
Not really, I got hooked since the DM gave a really cool setting idea, but nothing in game has actually followed that idea. Granted it's only been 3 sessions but I feel a little lied to.
Slow and not much happening. >I haven't had a group in years, and probably never will again
Sounds like you're not even trying
Not at all, but I live where we meet to RP, so I just kind of do it anyways. At least there's always alcohol involved.
Have you tried not metagaming? How bout you run your own character and shut your annoying high-pitched know it all mouth?
Do something you fucker
This happened at my groups. I take everyones phones and put them on a table on the other side of the room. If a phone buzzes, they need to ask permission to check. If we're doing something important i'll say tough shit and they cant.
Don't let it die user, you've been playing too long to go out like that
My first game was like that, it was awful. Dump them and get a new game.
Loli dragon party and campaign when.
My SR5 group has great times all around with our desire for nuyen even if the mage keeps blasting away every, single, boss NPC the GM throws at us.
The Star Wars group I'm GMing for is a treat with all their wacky ideas and no-holds-barred approach to problem solving.
They have a Jabba The Hutt costume which requires the two Silhouette 0 characters to operate.
Right now they're advancing the force sensitive PC's plot which is nice due to it forces them to roleplay in other situations than happy-go-lucky.
Finding unburied graves of men, women and children that were slaughtered tends to do that to people.
The Dark Heresy group I'm in is going along great even if it was off to a rocky start when we ran away from protecting a settlement and kind off caused a chaos greater daemon to be summoned and the planet exterminatused.
Still, it's all good much to the GM's chagrin.
I was, but then circumstance, mostly college, ripped us all apart in different directions.
Now I'm tfw no game
i think it already happened.