Other urls found in this thread:
i dont want anymore newfags entering this market
>Not sure if retarded
Have fun with no money entering the market then
>due to overwhelming surge in popularity
Actually a good thing.
Probably because the influx of new users is affecting their server performance. Outages are being caused by so much traffic. TRX is also partly to blame for this, Binance deals 90% of all TRX exchanges, which blew up this week.
Will go back up when they get more servers and ensure stability.
what this guy said, the longer they stay out the more i can accumulate
so should i buy up a shit load of bnb?
>bittrex closed to new people
>binance closed to new people
> ED too difficult for new people
I expect kucoin to gain tons of new users soon but they too will close soon. New people can't even access the non coinbase coins now. Pretty soon we early adopters will become the new elite when the masses are finally allowed in.
why do you guys shill this exchange so much? their withdrawal fees are pure robbery.
Because I can make that money and I don’t care. They have a great app and they are so erc20 friendly without being so fucking shady like ether delta
Why is it so hard for exchanges to make good gear/system upgrades instead of making like a dozen and pissing everyone off?
>have been considering Binance for a while
>literally wanted to register right now because I grew frustrated with Kraken
>don't receive my registration mail
>see this thread
Jesus Christ how can I pick this much of a wrong time to register, fuck me
>overwhelming surge in popularity
muh dick
also binance is fucking unusable for me right now, it's impossible to daytrade
Legit yes. Once they open back up it's gonna be a fucking signal flare.
This is actually extremely bad.
Those pumps everywhere are basically just new people getting their eth from coinbase and buying any shitcoin they saw a shill.
Now money will just come from an alt to another so it'll be a 0 sum game.
selling binance accounts, price is 0,5 ETH
pm if interested :^
Lads this means all our shitcoins will skyrocket once normies can get back in.
Because people want to trade. Binance is to trade, not to withdraw from constantly. And Binance also has some of the lowest fees thanks to BNB.
It's hysterical how slapped together and juryrigged all this shit is. We really are still at the early adopter phase. We're trying to fly in aircraft that's held together with scotchtape and bubblegum.
reminder that even being on a major exchange gives you an advantage over millions of people
reminder that the vast majority of the market doesn't even have access to coins that they are desperate to buy
Give them time to adjust their server. Think of the normie FOMO as they're screaming "Shut up and take my money!" This is actually a good thing.
>so it'll be a 0 sum game.
Not yet. There is still kucoin.
a perfect metaphor for crypto trading, jesus.
Good, Binance is currently crashing because of the insane level of volume.
>Fuck off we're full
>11:12 am
>just tried to start binance at 12am
>going to miss all the fun
What do I do now?
Does BNB chart literally follow the activity of Binance?
Bittrex is closed since December 15,though. I'd appreciate if Binance could act a little bit faster.
how long does lvl2 verification from binance take
True, but nobody cared who Charles Conrad was.
I'd rather be in now and deal with the scotchtape than years from now when everything's easy, stable and nowhere near as profitable.
I was wondering this too.
posts on reddit have said anything from 3 hours to 3 days or more... but you can email if it takes a while and maybe get it expedited
since they kicked the normies out for a while it sounds like we have better odds for getting through
>CNBC comes out with a shit ton of articles about ripple
>two days later everything is bogged the fuck down, trades taking forever, cant go sign up at other exchanges
all because some faggot journalist at CNBC wanted to put his fucking coinbase referral link in an article
based binance cucking the normies while they fix shit for us
>mfw kucoin is going to moon into the top 20 exchanges easily all because of this
Thank you, binance.
Nobody cares about the people flying around the world today, but everyone remembers Charles Lindbergh, Amelia Earheart, and Wiley Post, because they were first and took the real risks
>thinks it'll moon without the exact same kind of system upgrades
Exchanges don't operate on thin air dumbshit
Kucoin is next!
Hurry and register!
Use my refcode and let's make money together!
refcode: E5zhnX
low trade fees even it out
register on kucoin and use my referral id 1x5v7
kucoin is going to be huge now that binance closed registration
Feels good when the shitty new fags can't fomo in.
This is good new
We burn over 500 000 BNB a day, yet price stays the same, with that announcement it is time to accumulate...
KuCoiners right now
This is literally a fucking casino anyway. I don't know how the fuck Americans are allowed to use this it's pure gambling.
Shhh, don't give those fuckers on Capitol Hill any god damn ideas. I'm still accumulating.
Because they can just up and tax it %40 short term and real casinos would never allow that type of restriction. Best type of legal gambling they can hope for
Quick give me a list of exchanges I should register for now before they all slam their doors shut.
Bump that shit, lemme get in
I think Cryptopia, Liqui and KuCoin, are the only ones left standing. KuCoin will definitely be pulling up the drawbridge soon. It will take you months to get verified on poloniex.
This. All the fiat => crypto exchanges broke down in mid-December. Gemini is still fucking down. Open an account ERRYWHERE right the fuck now.
This just means that alt popularity is higher than ever
>Gemini is still fucking down
nigger what? I literally signed up for gemini, did all the verification, messaged them on twitter about my verification, and was verified in a few hours