Stop being so inferior

>Superior dragon reporting. If you are unable to breathe damage type that clings to stuff and continues destroying it after you are gone, you are basically some sort of overgrown wyvern. Lightning or poison breath always made me chuckle. What's with all this inferioriy in dragon ranks anyway?

Attached: ancient_red_dragon_by_benwootten-d6kn6wy.jpg (927x1200, 630K)

>there is stuff left to destroy after you are gone

Attached: godzilla.webm (1000x563, 2.76M)

My lightning breath allows me to split the insurance money. Your move.

>unable to breathe damage type that clings to stuff and continues destroying it after you are gone
>continues destroying it after you are gone
>poison breath always made me chuckle

Wew, red dragon schools lacking funding?

Why don't more settings use sized-up Rhamphorhnychoids as dragons?

Attached: Raeticodactylus.jpg (588x606, 46K)

Attached: Dorygnathus_model72.jpg (508x492, 41K)

You are small time.
>Breathes air
>Doesn't have a breath weapon, unless you count bad breath.
>Actually has a breath weapon but doesn't use it because it hurts my mouth.
>Bulky and strong as fuck
>Rippin niggas apart with tooth, claw, and tail
>Got so mad once, grabbed some tinhead motherfucker and threw him over a mountain
>Punted his horse to space
>Straight up bitchslapped a rival dragon so hard it blew his arms off and made him a wyvern
>Ate another one whole, still trending on pornhub
>Despite all this, still respected as fuck and have bitches bringin' me treasure to stockpile my hoard out of tributes of awe and fear.
>still no qt elven priestess trying to redeem me though.

>breathing fire like a pussy
>not tearing assholes apart thanks to your MAD GAINS

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>uggo horns

Dragon should be aerodynamic. Imagine the drag from all those spikities. And is right, that's the most uggo dragon to be un-not-ugly.

Yeah, but aerodynamic isn't the end-all though. Nobody actually thinks those eastern sky-snakes are attractive.

>poison doesn't cling to things and damage it after you're gone
Ok buddy

Sky snakes don't even have wings. I mean they should just be sleek but muscular, like a bat. See Dragonslayer for kino dragon design.

Attached: Beefyboi.jpg (736x568, 72K)

Vermithrax wasn't actually built like a bat though, they had a pretty stereotypical lizard body.

Attached: 28959450_10216191343560580_2295991080086142976_o.jpg (1200x790, 70K)

Checked. Still manages to be sleek while not looking like a lion-snake-fish.

Ok Veeky Forums, riddle me this:

Horns or Tail. belly-fags need not apply

Horns of course. A tail is malleable, but your horns are pretty much set.

Attached: -1.jpg (1623x1011, 736K)

But the tail expresses the true quality of the dragon. A thicker tail represents a heartier and more skilled predator.

STILL give me chills to see

Maybe so, but a unique configuration of horns denote one's lineage as much or more so than even scale coloration, they are a thing that no amount of physical conditioning can truly change. It's a bit picky I suppose, but why settle for less?

Aerodynamics are for dragons with weak wings
T. Ents'o ironhide


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Because to settle for a lineage alone is to give up on Potential. Complacency is a weakness and settling for less than peak performance forged through determination and adversity is to say to yourself "This is good enough."

It is never good enough, there's always room to improve and get better.

That's why you opt for the winning combination of a stronger lineage and peak performance, rather than settle for either one or the other.

I feel like i need to elaborate further cuz autism:

With a horn, sure it can be a certain style that denotes a certain line of dragons, yes, but all you get from that is expectations. Those expectations are met, and thats that. It never gets any better, it never changes, its static. If youre willing to settle for that, then more power to you i guess. You play it safe, but thats just what youre comfortable with.

Now a tail on the otherhand tells a story not of what this dragon is supposed to be, but rather what he became. It is a living legacy that grows as the creature grows, longer and stronger, reflecting on the dragon's ability to deal with the encounters and situations he goes through. The tail serves as a banner of the individual, instead of the collective. Not to mention it also has practical uses. Horns can be used to gore, but that puts the dragon's head and neck into a dangerously vulnerable spot and in general it can be awkward to use. The tail, though, can be used to express a nonverbal warning, block paths, attack and deflect, and can even be used for fishing.

Not to mention, the tail can also be pulled close in a defensive curl for protection, warmth and something nice to hold when it comes to resting time.

Face it, horns might look nice, but they are a volkswagon compared to the charger that is a powerfully thick sexy tail.

Also yeah, but we are talkin about either or.

>Western fantasy dragons

Fuck off """"""""""""""""""dragon""""""""""""""""born wyvern rape baby poster.

> "wyverns"

You fucking DnD monogame people

What about this specimen here?

>no horns at all unless you're counting his damn chin

Attached: alessandro-briglia-stormdragon01.jpg (1920x1460, 336K)

This fellow's horns look pretty strange

Attached: klaher-baklaher-rock-dragon.jpg (1920x2743, 957K)

cluster of horns

Attached: dragon-complete.jpg (778x1000, 267K)

Attached: DVrVdC3V4AExFxh.jpg orig.jpg (495x700, 60K)

>i only play my SPECIAL homebrew furry otherkin vampire werewolf persona game
Kill yourself.

Anyone have art for alternative wing musculature? The 6 limb designs usually have the wings as awkward little things bolted above the front legs.
Anything different whilst keeping +6 limbs?

See what I mean?

Nobody wants to play your shitty homebrew Eric.

I figure the only ones who really care about horns are those eastern dragons. They seem to be all about ancestry and lineage, not to mention that they generally tend to have the most elaborate horns to begin with.

Only weaklings are aerodynamic, the true chad dragon is just a mountain of muscles under scales

Now I get how narrow of experience you have to have to be a DnD monopleb. It's just Pathfinder versus home-brew.

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>acts like a faggot
>gets called out on his faggotry
>thinks being a faggot further will change anything
Home Depot is having a sale on rope. Go buy yourself some.

I want to pet that dragon.

>Dragons should be aerodynamic

Yet they don't have hollow bones and some are literally metallic in D&D, howabout ya try harder.

Theres your problem

Im actually beginning a council of wyrms game for a few friends later this week. Their beginning(wyrmling) session is going to involve a possibly peaceful but likely violent take over of a kobold tribe after which theyll be given various tasks to improve their home base culminating in a "war" with a goblin tribe that blocks the exit to the caverns.

of course once they leave theyll learn that their struggle was just a bet between a couple adult dragons about which race would make the better servants.

Got any more fun ideas for me to throw at the players, Veeky Forums?

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Yes, D&D also has dragons made out of air and other wack shit but pretending other settings are no better with magical bullshit excuses for dragons is also retarded.

I mean, last I checked most Planes are metal too.

Wingless Red Dragon, can't fly but burrows through its hoard like a giant, fire breathing, Scrooge McDuck. Wings got torn off by siblings when it was younger.

Tomato Sauce

Would you lay on this dragon's belly, Veeky Forums?

Attached: drakslep_L.png (956x856, 23K)

There should be one adult dragon who has an invested interest in grooming one of them into his protege, to eventually use against everyone else.

That's a crest

Holy shit yes, sauce please. Also: I want to see Godzilla vs Cthulhu. Yes I know, he's not a kaiju but a cosmic entity, blah etc., I don't fucking care. All I want is for the stars to be right and for big C to show up, only to be bitch slapped into another dimension by Godzilla.

Attached: godzillasize.jpg (1409x960, 141K)

Not him, but if you literally think the only other option besides D&D is homebrew, you're fucking retarded.

Technically sauce is in your pic.
It came out in 2016

Skinny dragons a shit. Gimme bulky or fat ones, Veeky Forums

Yes. Or in it.

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