Why is Barbarian a class? Barbarian is more a background than a profession

Why is Barbarian a class? Barbarian is more a background than a profession.

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Realistically it should be called "berserker" because the emphasis is on a combat style.

Then again it should also be a fighter archetype, and like how most classes should be archetypes of three or four base classes.

You're beginning to see, pretty soon you'll be running classless levelless games like me.

Considering it represents a total absence of technology, intelligence and society, it's really more of a disability than a profession.

Pretty much most classic fantasy "classes" are idiotic when you start actually thinking about them. If you want your world to be a good fiction that makes sense, play a classless system. If you want your game to be easy to follow and offer ballance and variety and straight-forward mechanics in a world designed to accomodate gameplay rather than speculative fiction, play class based ones, and don't ask many questions.

Why is Berserker a class? Its more of a regional variant of a Champion
Why is Samurai a class? Its merely a regional variant of Knight
Why is Ur Priest a class? Its merely secret knowledge
Why do people want to RP as Conan the BARBARIAN, despite failing to roleplay his intellectual capabilities?

I think being unable to function without a dense network of support systems built up by generations of your ancestors is more of a disability.

Dude, if you want to mock people for being stupid, you might want to make sure you aren't dumber then they are. Way to completely miss OP's fucking point.

Evolutionary speaking, you are provably wrong.

It's a good thing I'm not talking from an evolutionary standpoint then: I don't consider a mob of overweight, bleating man-cattle who are "successful" because they get to wallow in corn syrup and breed on their tower of consumerism until the planet turns into an unlivable acid ball to be worth shit.

You can have electricity, houses and clean water without being a miserable baby-man. Learn to fucking multiclass.