>Which faction has objectively the best looking models?
I am personal fan of the GUO, but also the Overlords, since they have a lot of this metallic feeling instead of all the fleshy Maggotkin stuff I usually do
I'm actually fine with most Stormcast but the prime looks so fucking bad. If he had some kind of dynamic flying attack pose he could have been pretty cool but this just looks stupid.
Nathan Taylor
Spider elf faction with driders when? no grots allowed
Parker Gutierrez
>Which faction has objectively the best looking models? Khorne and Stormcast are both outstanding if a bit conventional.
Adrian Gray
actually rolled really well on the city generator. I have a bunch of dispossessed left over from WHFB which I can now build a little themed army around.
>just got unfriended and blocked on steam cheer me up guys, this hurts more than it should. This is why i don't make friends easily.. i am afraid of losing them
Rolled this up on the city gen Name: DREADKEEP Realm: Mobile Size: Village Inhabitants: Humans and Duardin. Distinguishing Features: A location of legend, known for its huge agricultural bounty, populace being plagued by dreams, underground Darkling Coven cult, being underground and mineral deposits.
Someone work with me here, what can we make out of this?