Can we talk about what we would like to see from the Sisters of Battle release upcoming in 2019?

Can we talk about what we would like to see from the Sisters of Battle release upcoming in 2019?

Attached: SisterofBattle.jpg (564x797, 46K)

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The actual rules are fine IMO. Maybe an extra troop choice? A close combat oriented troop choice could be nice. I would also enjoy a psyker of some sort. The act of faith rule is nice already.

Gimme Salamander themed Sisters of Battle. Don't care how, don't care if it's just a single character who's a Salamander fangirl who made her own armor, just give me something.

Attached: salamander sister.jpg (1024x683, 108K)

I'll same fag here. They should fuse the ministorum and adepta sororita as a single faction for the female models. The penitent engine should be a sisters of battle faction model.

>They should fuse the ministorum and adepta sororita as a single faction for the female models.

You mean like a captive psyker?

>I would also enjoy a psyker of some sort.
psyker? In my witchhunters?
i think you need to pray more. and repent. and pray again

More SoB flavors. Make the Militant Orders visibly different in both aesthetics and tactics, like Marine Chapters or Guard Regiments.

An unit of Sisters in heavier armor. Basically Terminators.

Something like a SpecOps Elite group, too.

Also, as says, a CC troop choice.

It seems like GW has developed a serious fetish for giant vehicles, so what do you suppose their super-heavy tank or walker will be?

Boob armor.
That is all.

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A FemKnight with big tiddie guns

>An unit of Sisters in heavier armor. Basically Terminators.
Lame. Just put Celestials in Artificer Armor.

I hope it's like the Exorcist x10. A giant fuck-off walking or trundling cathedral with rocket organs and gargoyle lasers and enormous fucking flamethrowers.

I think this is an excellent opportunity to bring back the Capitol Imperialis or Leviathan, or at least a smaller variant.

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Plastic Miniatures.

Honestly, I'm half expecting just a codex with no new minis at all. Just the same metals.

Why does she have satyr legs?

The art from the old Witch Hunters codex had a huge cathedral on tank tracks in the background, though it looks way too big for 40k scale.

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I don't care, so long as they don't butcher the medieval gothic aesthetic. I want them to go ham on the braziers, small reliquaries, candles, scrolls and chains.

Art direction.


Did... Did you not see the video you cockmongler?

Boobplate. That's all I ask

Why would they need a CC troop choice, given the FOCs available in 8th? Just take a vanguard detachment or whatever.

>jet engine on a temple

Where do you see a jet engine?

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My wishlist:
>tanks that look like churches on wheels
>termie equivalent for SOB which look like human sized imperator titans with steeples on their back with built in rocket launchers or whatever
>A hq priest that isn't a special character
>Canoness kit with loads of parts like the Chaos termie lord
>not monopose shit
>a loyalist equivalent of chaos cultists, like a citizen's militia or something
>boob plate and high heels
>new penitent engine that doesn't look like a killa kan with sentinel legs
>female heads that scale well with guardsmen bodies, letting you make female guardsmen
>enough head variety to make every squad helmeted or helmetless

thanks for reading my blog

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Nuns in flightless iron man armor. The best equipment the Ecclesiarchy can afford (and the church of the Emperor can afford anything). Holy relics and high technology, force fields and sniper boltguns, specialist ammunition, precision shooting and bolter drills, armor with aggressively feminine features like boobplate and hips to make sure that all heretics know this is a legally sanctioned army of the Ecclesiarchy. Power axes over power swords because they are women and valkyrie.

Battle sisters that upgrade into veterans and have lots of bolter upgrade options. A deathwatch-type core unit for the Sororitas. Faith that works like the old witch hunters system, rewarding large and small squads for acts of joined faith or heroic martyrdom. A unit of canon fodder religious zealots, perhaps only a troop choice if you also take a priest. Repentia as a more elite canon fodder troop, perhaps tied to other units purchase like wolf guard.

Build Your Own Living Saints as Elite and HQ options.

Secret Archeotech Weapons of the Ecclesiarchy for Heavy Support.

TL,DR: nuns, candles, skulls, booty, tacticool guns, archeotech.

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>Power axes over power swords because they are women and valkyrie.

>terminator SoB
Why the fuck do you have such shit taste?
If you want marine girls just play marines with girl heads.

Some T H I C C thighs and big titties. Man faces are ok as long as they are well endowed.

An axe is a lever and puts more force behind the blow. It is the traditional main armament of ladies who slay monsters.

>tanks that look like churches on wheels

Attached: Church Tank 2.jpg (800x790, 151K)

you need some kind of elite that isn't just sisters but shinier.

>i want sisters but painted green

Power armour. It basically allows hip shooting heavy bolters. Making the strength problem not an issue.

I personally prefer swords and mauls, but current power swords with S User and Damage 1 suck ass for SoB

ohhhh i like this idea a lot. maybe she has a salamanders bf. that would be very sexy

Proper Celestians would be nice

Enjoy the magic of Sv+2 and 3++ Storm Shield with some flaming sword shit.

Terminator or Centurion like models or armour is a no go. One of the main points of SoB is the exaggerated female form. Ah fat man armour goes against it by design and aesthetics, even if you add tits and hips it will still look like a fat man

It's not a muh whymun issue, it's a this slays dragons issue. You don't like valkyries and lady barbarians?

What if it's like a terminator sized robot with a naked woman strapped to the front like a mini penitent engine

Probably never gonna happen considering fluff, but a man can dream.

I'd like to see Ephrael Stern make a comeback. Those graphic novels were pretty good.

A biker option. I want to make a son convent themed on bretonnians.

An entire Order dedicated to being Salamanders waifus would be cool.

Actually yeah. A bike option for regular sisters would be cool, as well as maybe a cavalry option in fast attack for those hard to reach places that don't permit jump packs.

I am probably the only one but I wouldn't mind losing the organ rocket launcher on the exorcist. I like over the top gothic aesthetics but it's just a little over the top for me. I don't need something as mundane as pic related just something a little more practical looking.
I won't be too bothered if they keep the organ though.

A cultist level troops choice like frateris militia.

Plastic represesor.

Attached: Exorcist01.png (1001x717, 1.39M)

Bikes would be rad.

Bigger codpieces that imply they have penises

grimderp af

It probably wouldn't be hard for the Ecclesiarchy to petition the mechanicus for some bikes. hell, with the speed on their side, weld a couple flamethrowers on it and you've got a hit and run blob scorcher. it'd make sense in-universe.

Are you serious?

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That penitent engine looks like a killa can. it's much too blocky.

Kind of pointless when Repentias and PE already exist

Renegade nuns on wheels write itself. GW must be brain dead if they do not make this

>wanting to make the Exorcist look as boring as possible when it's already one of the best looking vehicles

There's no probably about it, that's a terrible idea

This is rad as fuck.
If one army must have jetbike it should be SoB, Church can throw money at the problem.

Is that a Sister of Silence flying in the background?

There are a lot of people that simply do not get SoB. It worries me that GW has fucks making SoB that do not get them


Snipe old women SoB.
Nuns on wheels
More Church tank
More expose human form

Less grimdark religious nutters

More tacticool women elite soldiers

neck yourself

Exhibit A

No. It had a good run but I honestly want to see some new, proper chest plates.

The age of booty is here. We should recognize it.

Wanna know how I know you're not white?

This worries me too. Like most of 40k it's hard to fuck up completely, but it could be so much more.

>Less grimdark religious nutters

user, they're a religious organization.

I for one hope they include stuff like extra purity seals and iconography bits for customization. Also, that the Hospitaller be available for individual purchase.


Attached: sistersuperior.png (1000x1000, 1.13M)

Silly user, that's a cannon (perhaps)

Hey man, I never said it had to be purely practical. Just toned down a little, something resembling this would be nice.

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delete this

if you want that, convert a whirlwind
i like my organ gun

Go play Infinity if that bothers you so much.

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Never return to Veeky Forums

I already do, my dude.

But when I want to play 40k, I want a reasonable army with professional, elite women.

then just put female heads on some guardsmen instead of wanting to fuck up the sisters

>reasonable army
40k is not for you.

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>I want a reasonable army with professional, elite women.
Then play female scions.

Is this bait?

You missed the point. Fuck you and people like you.

I actually wonder about the particular forge worlds that operate with the Ecclesiarchy. It would be interesting to know more about those that have been able to reconcile their beliefs of the Omnissiah with that of the God-Emperor, like the builder unit for the Sisters in Dawn of War: Soulstorm.

"Reasonable" is not a word that applies to WH40k, user.

However, Victoria Miniatures makes a variety of female guardsmen.

Like fuck.

I want my devout canoness surrounded by candles and scrolls of music, pulling weird dials and levers with a mad glint in her eye, and playing blistering organ solos from her musical tank that rains explosions on the enemies of the Emperor as she rocks the fuck out.

Attached: exorcist01.jpg (640x480, 64K)

Let's be real, what you're looking for is female space marines arent' you?

female space marines when?

All I want is that GW doesn't fuck them over by making them female space marines instead of crazy religious warriors.

Some kind of heavy armor variant, with big ass halberds or spears or something. Kinda like this, except maybe without the wings.

Biggest concern is that they'll end up stealth squatting the repentia/penitent engines because they're "problematic"

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Just imagine all the new copy-right friendly names they will get.

I mean 40k doesn't really have that problem the same way fantasy does. regardless I couldn't really care less about the names as long as the models are good

As soon as Space Skaven get announced.

Enjoy your Zealousface Devotionbringer™

Kill yourself. That just looks like every other space marine/IG missile launcher

what the fuck is with these people wishlisting changes to the SoB that completely fucking defeats the purpose of the entire army

basically the exact opposite of everything this guy says

Hopefully not GW shilling false consensus for something they've already built. I want my nuns with guns done right dammit.

Yeah that would be even better since they are the focus of 40k.

But salty manboys reeee hard whenever we ask for some representation for women.

There is nothing wrong with wanting "reasonable" stuff but 40k is anything but "reasonable".

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fingers fucking crossed. I've been waiting for plastic sisters for more than a decade. If they fuck them up I will probably never touch another GW product.

beyond bait

Epic bait. Shared and upvoted ;)))

Only things that would make me buy them would be if they had reasonably proportioned bodies and the price wasn't rediculous.

So basically 2 things GW will never ever do.

I've just listened to Organ Donor three times in a row picturing an ecstatic, mad-eyed sister playing ten keyboards at once in the back of an incense filled tank, blowing up a nest of heretic guardsmen with every note she plays.

Fuck I love this army.

I want Veridyan to get plastic, Stern to come back and be plastic, and proper Celestians. After seeing it in this thread, Dominions on jetbikes would also be a plus.

I'm guessing the basic armor will look like this. I doubt GW would release a plastic sisters kit only to completely change the look two years later.

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They could run around with support weapons to compensate for the ‘natural deficiencies’ of Salamanders