You can't do X with a character/enemy/item because it doesn't work that way in the book!

>you can't do X with a character/enemy/item because it doesn't work that way in the book!
Actually, yes I can. It's my game, and I can ignore or change anything about the rules that I want. Now obviously going full retard isn't going to make for a good setting, but if the book rules don't really make sense for my setting, I can change it. Why is this so hard to understand, and why do people keep making threads saying that you CAN'T do X or Y because the book doesn't say you can?

Attached: 1521288474704.png (518x880, 468K)

>why do people keep making threads saying that you CAN'T do X or Y because the book doesn't say you can?
They don't. You just like posting that picture.

But they do. Look at threads like or , they're full of idiots who think that because the RULES say something works a certain way, it can never be different even if your setting is different. Granted, they are pretty stupid threads to begin with, but the fact remains that people are morons regarding rule flexibility.

fem bilbo a qt


and yes, yes she is.

Ah, I failed to follow the first rule of posting: Never post an image more interesting that your post. Oh well.

Attached: 1520736951896.jpg (800x778, 137K)

Do not lewd your burglar.

>tfw Bilmoe inspired your wife to try ttrpgs out.

Back on topic, some people are autistic user. Some are autistic about their fluff or setting, others about the rules as they perceive them. Just gotta find a good group.

Attached: SMZYida.jpg (406x311, 21K)

I've given up on finding a group I like, so I DM mostly. None of my players ever complain too much about changes in the rules, but it's had to have conversations on Veeky Forums about it. As for autism, I'm genuinely, diagnosed autistic and I tend to like creating my own enemies, powers, etc as opposed to following the book, save using it as a guideline for proper power scaling. I think they're just lacking in imagination.

It's less imagination and more that they like being secure in their knowledge of a system. Some players just don't enjoy mechanics or established lore being shook up too much.

Fluff is purposefully bland so that Dms can make stuff up. As for mechanics, as long is follows the same logic, what's the problem? I'm talking about something as simple as, say, levels 21-40 following the same stat progression as levels 1-20 instead of capping off so that your settings gods are actually god-like and not just really strong PC classes.

>my game
No, says the user on Veeky Forums, it belongs to everybody on the table.

Don't mistake me for someone who cares user. I was just letting you know how some players feel. Why they feel that way is going to depend on those individual players. Now, I know you're actually retarded, but try not to dwell on stuff too much. Just move on.

>rule flexibility
People got around your table to play the game everybody knows, not your shitty home-brew.

>No, says the user on Veeky Forums, it belongs to everybody on the table.
Yes, but the rules are up to the DM. As long as you don't do some gay shit like not telling your players the rules will be adjusted for certain things, what's the problem? When I say "my game" I really should have said "my setting". I created this world and the way it's laws of physics work are ultimately up to me. The players can interact with those physics however they want, but as DM I call the shots on whether something does or does not work a certain way. That's just my job as DM, otherwise

>Yes, but the rules are up to the DM
Only if everyone agrees they are. Sounds to me you need to find a group that wants to play in your setting, with your house rules. Right now you're forcing your fanfic on people that don't want to be a part of it. Pretty shitty thing to do as a DM.

Stop pretending to be retarded/obtuse. Obviously I let my players know before hand if, and what, I've modified. Don't be a faggot about this and don't project or put words in my mouth when i didn't speak them.

>Don't be a faggot about this and don't project or put words in my mouth when i didn't speak them.
You're asking for a lot from nu/tg/ my friend.

>the actual retard tells others not to be retarded
Try to be less of a butthurt faggot. I'm really feeling sorry for your "friends" if this is how you run things.

Well, now you're just being silly user. Don't you ever feel ashamed of being the fool? I know what you're doing, and it isn't going to work. I'm only responding because, hell, maybe you'll actually read this and think about it.

>I'm as dense as lead, the post.
Do us a favor and stay away from the gamefinder threads. You're cancer.

Well, anyway. Looks like that isn't going anywhere good. Anyone got more picture of fem bilbo?

Google does wonders.

So I guess the answer is "Veeky Forums is retarded and can't imagine things outside it's box"? Good to know. Must make for pretty lousy players in a game about imagination though.

Attached: 15.jpg (564x649, 71K)

Then establish your own lore and mechanics BEFORE it becomes a plot point. Because people feel cheated when you play on expectations in a completely logical way then go "haha, not in MY setting!" like you're a good writer for breaking expectations, when really you're just being inconsistent in an infuriating way. Literally no one will give a shit that you make "hobbits" 10 feet tall and blue if you write it into the narrative, it's shit like "oh that thing you just killed was a friendly hobbit btw, your characters are evil now" that makes people go "wait but what the actual fuck?"

>ass burger can't accept that he might be the problem.
>shits on people trying to give him decent advice.
>chooses to be a faggot instead

Christ OP, you need medication or something.

Because those are fetish bait threads looking for an excuse to post fetish art.
I say this as a faggot who loves giantess I hate every thread with them in it because it’s just /d/ trying to bring their shit here.

Attached: 4A3F07D7-AF2B-479E-AC8A-2ADE23E53E65.jpg (164x230, 19K)


You sound salty as fuck mate.

>call user out on his lack of reading comprehension
>hurr you salty
10/10, quality posts

That's cool, but will you please actually write down your house rules, instead of changing them inconsistently whenever you feel like it? What's the point of even having rules if they never work the same way two sessions in a row?

Try to less of an gaping asshole user. It builds character.


>Newfag discovers rule 0

Lurk more

>Why is this so hard to understand, and why do people keep making threads saying that you CAN'T do X or Y because the book doesn't say you can?
>They don't.

If you are asking why anons keep citing the book, like "That's not how mindflayer physiology works." or whatever, it's because they aren't familiar with the intricacies of the setting in question, so they default to the book.

Those examples are shit for making your point.
The thread that triggers you is not always the thread you really object to.

If, theoretically, an user when presented with the details of the setting, still insists that it can't be done, one of three things is happening:
(Let's say they express "You can't homebrew Superman as being weak to silver! That's not how it is in the book!")

>1. They are just saying that the details are stupid and shouldn't be that way.
"It's stupid to homebrew Superman as being weak against silver because [reasons]."

>2. They are stupid and are insisting the details are badwrongfun.
"You can't play your game your way because it's stupid to homebrew Superman as being weak against silver."

>3. They are being inarticulate with their objection.
"You can't play your Superman game your way, or rather, you can, but it's not really Superman anymore as you've changed fundamental aspects."

Does that help you understand?

Pic unrelated but I have no Bilmoe images and we gotta keep the classic blunder going.

Attached: 1476510304748.png (1510x500, 398K)

This is not a matter of course. I've met people like you countless times, and you never let people know ahead of time.

>"You can't play your Superman game your way, or rather, you can, but it's not really Superman anymore as you've changed fundamental aspects."
And what of it? So many writers take something, say for example elves, and change it without changing the name. Tolkiens elves certainly differ from classical fairy tales, and his dwarves are of a slightly different sort as well. They are no longer the same thing, and yet when he called them elves or dwarves people did not rage and scream, but rather said "ah, so it's different in this setting".

>this weak bait again

Attached: 98b.jpg (926x532, 86K)

I can see the Ip count you know

And? I'm still allowed you call you a dense retard, you dense fucking retard. Are you even capable of self-reflection?

Alright, so let us assume for a moment that I am, in fact dense. I'll concede to your accusations, but only if you can point out my density. Supposedly I have missed or otherwise been oblivious to something apparent. What was it, user?

That you're the problem here, not your players. They don't appreciate your snowflake homebrew, so stop using it or get new players.

Ah, I see. No, my players have never complained about my setting, and they are well aware of it's differences. I was talking specifically about posters on Veeky Forums. I'm afraid there was a misunderstanding. My players are all really good players and good friends of mine, and we all made sure we knew what the game would be like before playing. I guess I said something somewhere that made you think it was my own players who complained? I apologize for the lack of verbosity.

>Try to less of an gaping asshole user
>Try to less
ESL get out

>an gaping asshole
>an gaping
No kidding, who the fuck let this spic in?

>He doesn't know Veeky Forums is /d/-lite
Welcome to Veeky Forums, newfriend

>I was talking specifically about posters on Veeky Forums
Why do you care about what posters on Veeky Forums think about your setting? Out of all the things you could give a shit about, this is one of them?

Not him, but if your own game life were so happy you wouldn't be letting randoms on Veeky Forums rile you up so much that you have to make a thread specifically bitching about it. You're just an angry little twat, but you don't need to project by pissing in a sea of piss. It does no good.

It's actually

Yeah, well, I'd kind of like to have conversations here without some faggot going "HEY WAIT IT'S NOT LIKE THAT IN DA BOOK YOU CAN'T DO THAT". I don't talk about my setting for good reason, that being that' it's a very basic and un-special setting with the only differences being that, in my games, I've uncapped levels and other things that scale so that if players wish they can play at higher levels, although it hasn't happened and isn't really that important.

Believe it or not, I actually, erringly, wish that this board was decent.

Grow thicker skin and come back when you're less of a pretentious faggot.

>Believe it or not, I actually, erringly, wish that this board was decent.
If you think Veeky Forums isnt decent, you should avoid 90% of the non-porn boards

>I'm not the problem, Veeky Forums is
Do mommy and daddy know their autist is on Veeky Forums? Maybe daddy should put some access controls in place the next time mommy calls you down for tendies.

And I do

>Believe it or not, I actually, erringly, wish that this board was decent.
Then do us all a favor and stop shitting in it.

You must be ACK's younger brother or something. You alright there mate?

I am This is not me, nor are the following posts.

That said, you are a bit dense.
>And what of it?
They are inarticulately making a valid point.
You are not running a LOTR game, you are running a game fundamentally different than LOTR and shouldn't call it a LOTR game.
If you are running a D&D game set in the the Star Trek universe that doesn't use a d20, it isn't D&D.
That's what.

>So many writers take something, say for example elves, and change it without changing the name. They are no longer the same thing, and yet when he called them elves or dwarves people did not rage and scream, but rather said "ah, so it's different in this setting".
Right, because the reception of literary works has never objected to novelty or change. Yeah.

But the point is that, yeah, you can change stuff.
But if you change it too much, than it is no longer what you are calling it.
And (this bit is important) "too much" change is entirely subjective and therefore unpredictable.
Their point is valid, subjective and therefore not "right", but they are not wrong to voice the opinion.

Now, does that help you understand?

>Grow thicker skin

Welcome to Veeky Forums.
Your waifu is shit.
Your favorite system sucks.
Your opinions are objectively wrong.
Enjoy your stay!

>I'd kind of like to have conversations here without some faggot going...
They don't.

That makes it clearer, yes. That said, my main issue was not with people disliking different settings, but rather with peoples inability to imagine that a setting might be different. Say, for example, user says "okay, so in my setting goblins have an AC of 5". Now, the anons in particular which I am talking about are not those that would respond "that's shit, I don't like it", but rather those that would respond "how can a golin have an AC of 5? Their AC is higher than that". I'm talking about anons who can;t imagine a different setting, not anons who don't like them.

Link us some actual examples of your posts that have been received this way user.

They weren't my posts, but this thread had much of what I described. I guess It's futile and pointless though, because it occurred to me that no one can prevent people on Veeky Forums from being stupid if they really want to.

I didn't ask for other peoples posts user, I asked for yours. You understand that, right?

Some of the posts in those threads are mine. Just look at all the posts in saying "that's not how a mindflayer works!", completely ignoring that maybe, just maybe, it IS how a mindflayer works in this setting. Anyway this thread was a bad idea and I realize I'm hitting my head against a wall of my choosing.

Link us to your posts user. It's not hard.

Those threads seem to lack what you're talking about though.
You know you can cite specific posts if there are any, right?
But I don't see any.
I suspect you are misreading actual posts and projecting like a motherfucking riot.

>Just look at all the posts saying "that's not how a mindflayer works!", completely ignoring that maybe, just maybe, it IS how a mindflayer works in this setting.
They are defaulting to the standard, because that's what you do until informed otherwise.
It is.

If I post a picture of a cow and call it a horse, I'm going to be corrected.
Anons aren't going to say to themselves "Maybe that's called a horse in his setting!".
If given the possibility of originality or ignorance, ignorance is the more likely.

I only chewed through half the thread, but I saw no user presented with the idea that it was an aspect of their unique setting and responded with, "But you can't!" like you keep insisting.

It's also not hard to spot them.
Look for the bitter posts largely not replying to anyone directly, that amount to "Look at these idiots!"
They are sensibly being ignored for the most part.

Just link us to your posts.

You'd think me calling him bitter and justifiably ignored would have clued you in to the fact that I'm not OP.
He's far from right about everything, but he's not far off in that "no one can prevent people on Veeky Forums from being stupid if they really want to".

just link us to your posts.


Stop pushing this meme fucking wikifag.

You have the right to do what you want with your game, but for the purpose of discussing rules with other people, the default assumption is the default.