>Vietnam war campaign
>GM starts playing it aint me as we sit down
Vietnam war campaign
>Murder Hobo smiles as he has found the holy land
We doing Frank Castle or Barracuda?
>Vietnam war sessions
>Tell me over and over again starts playing
Our GM played it for the Only War scenario Eleventh Hour. The premise is that the Navy is going to orbitally bombard the PCs' area to clear out the orks infesting it, so the PCs have 11 hours to get clear.
RIP Burke and Urok, you're with the Emperor now ;_;7
>a bunch of rebels have started an uprising against the king
>dixieland starts playing
>playing sci fi mech campaign.
>PCs recently issued new mechs
>my PC’s mech has a launcher that fires corrosive gas
>my PC doesn’t know exactly what the gas does
>tl:dr it can melt metal and turn human organs into toxic slushie
>fire it in a city during combat
>one of the other players starts playing “Erika”
That sounds pretty fucking rad user.
I was that GM. Short Only War campaign on a jungle world with Tau/Kroot/gue'vesa waging a guerilla war after being pushed out of the cities.
Each session had a theme song which loosely related to what was happening. All the songs were vietnam era rock.
The song is called Fortunate Son, dunkass
I was wondering why OP would be impressed by that trash song from last year.
>Convoluted plotline intensifies
It's a meme, ya dip
Why? It doesn't feel appropriate in the slightest...
fucking Urok, most useless premade character of all time
>can't shoot for shit
>the Orks you're fighting the entire scenario beat him in strength and toughness
>isn't even a bone'ead so he literally can't do shit
I played him on Free RPG Day. Second worst fucking time with a 40kRPG I've had.
>Shit thread
>OP starts saying penetrate me as he gargles cum
>session 0
>war by edwin starr starts playing
What’s the relation between a song by some irrelevant modern artist featuring Selena Gomes and the Vietnam War?
>puts on a better song
Get on my level OP.
>he doesn't know
>Space Campaign
>Carmen Miranada's Ghost starts playing
It's called Fortunate Son you backwards mouth breathers
>he also doesn't know
I DMed that for some friends who'd never played RP before. They fucking loved it. They made it all the way to the end; then the techpriest was shredded from full health to nothing in a single round of Big Shoota shooting.
>he doesn't know he doesn't know
no, no, Im fairly sure OP is retarded
>Highlander campaign
>GM starts playing Princes of the Universe as we sit down
>Plays "Who wants to live forever" when something sad happens.
>a really serious, grim RPG campaign reaches a satisfying but bittersweet ending
>a fellow player who is known to be a good GM offers to go next and everyone agrees
>he says something about a superhero-ish campaign but just to make a bunch of high school students with no stats for now who all have different relationships with NPCs and one another
>have a session zero where everyone does just that, and because of the tone of the previous campaign, it's all pretty dramatic and serious
>session one, you're playing, and the PCs all end up in this warehouse at night, where they find a strange box containing a number of alien devices equal to the number of players
>GM presses a button on his computer
It's a /tv/ meme and this is a /tv/ tier trash thread.
I see you’ve been to /tv/ recently
this shit might be older than baneposting
I always thought this would be good for a session where they're escaping Saigon