How fucked are you?
Your party encounters the setting equivalent of pic related
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They maybe able to fight them in a straight up fight, but I think the party would be driven insane before they realized the evil that was before them.
Everything goes well until we have to deal with Ork Charlie.
addition thought: they own the local tavern where the party meets and are the quest givers
They constantly fuck up the quests because they inevitably try to "help" or endlessly argue about the quest reward
No one who encounters the gang comes out ahead. The lawyer did for a while, but they broke even him.
>Ork Charlie
But they are them
Unstoppable force meets the immovable object.
I don’t think they’d go out of their way to do anything harmful, but rather their actions would lead to the town being put in danger
>Dennis: “Okay can someone explain to me why there’s a goddamn elder brain in the basement?”
>Mac: “oh yeah some guys moved in yesterday after seeing our ad”
>Dennis: “The whole purpose of the ad was so we could take adventurers shit and fuck elf girls! Not goddamn mindflayers!”
What would their classes and stats be?
Love it.
>the gang becomes recurring NPC’s
>Mac tries to join the party as a shitty monk
>Dennis sexually harassing female party members
>Turns out frank is responsible for giving weapons to the multiple orc and goblin war bands in the area
>Dee tries to seduce the party’s paladin
>the BBEG turns out to be Charlie’s Dad
>Dee tries to seduce the paladin
”I’m devoted to my cause and my cause alone”
“No I think you’re just gay”
Jokes on you OP my party is the equivalent of It's Always Sunny.
Son, our party literally sold the kidnapped princess to an orc army after rescuing her from a goblin one because the orcs offered a better reward than the humans.
The party is these guys.
I cast rum ham
My party is the setting equivalent
Considering the entire party is bordering on Murderhobo territory, I'd say they'd either get along swimmingly or kill them.
>Turtle Monk uses penis as a combat tool
>Tiefling Druid was responsible for burning the Starting Tavern
>Half-Orc Cleric was instrumental in orchestrating a prison riot and provided a prisoner with a mace.
Forgot to mention this was in the first session alone.
>dee defects to the mindflayers and tries to lure the gang and others into the boiler room to get their brains eaten
>charlie ends up getting his mind flayed but it doesn't really hurt him and it gives the mindflayers AWFUL indigestion
Fund it
Every game I run, without fail, my players somehow turn into the Always Sunny crew and all of their plans are Charlie plans.
Last session they landed on a planet that had been out of contact for a long time. The locals wanted to send some representatives to the Not-Space-UN so they could be part of the sector. But how will they decide who goes?
>[Theme Song] "The Gang has a Talent Show."
>a cadre of whizzards
I tell them to piss off.
They've got a friendly rivalry with a runner team that's already more or less exactly them
Really though, Sunny is basically in every wacky group
>playing Wod VtM
>gm asks us if we need to find any blood
>Dirty Gangrel (me) look for a drunk guy so he won't remember what I do
>he's taking a piss
>go up behind him
>forget how much blood is too much blood
>guy goes limp, he's practically in a coma
>piss gets all over us as he fell
>need to think
>"I know!" I decide to pick up a rock or brick and hit the guy over the head making it L O O K like he was robbed and beaten over the head
>realize my character is also drunk from ingesting blood with such high alcohol concentration
>the hit on the head was too soft and there's no way doctors will say he lost the blood from the hit
>hit him again on the head but slightly harder
>other members start going "what the hell you doing bro?!"
>I realize I'm covered in piss, stone drunk, hitting a guy in the head with a brick and trying to figure out when to call the police for the guy.
I became the charlie of the group
We ARE the setting equivalent of the gang
The Gang as Kamen Riders would be horrific.
"Hey guys, so I just got this new spider from this shady pet shop alley guy, but he was cool, so anyway it's gotten to big for my apartment, can i keep him here?"
"Jesus Charlie, how big is it?"
*Pic related bursts in and starts spraying web everywhere*
*jingle* 一家は変身をする (The Gang Transforms) *jingle*
They’d be invited onto the zombie party boat unaware that their hosts are undead, but they’d use Frank as an anchor to keep him away from the kid and Dennis would have a 50/50 shot of nailing the rag doll woman. He’d be attempting to steal her detachable vagina either way. Mac and said rag doll would take turns annoying the beefy masculine robot, and the loli and Charlie would get to build cardboard forts next to the locker of dead bodies. Dee wouldn’t get along with any of them, especially after her awful attempt to make the rag doll her ‘gal pal’ and all the awful shit that entails with that. Her finding detatched body parts everywhere isn’t helping. Paranoia would set in on the party wanting to turn The Gang into zombies. They don’t survive more than three days.
Charlie- halfling rogue
Dee- Aarakocra monk
Dennis- Aasimar barbarian
Frank- Dwarf Fighter
Mac- Half-orc Monk
Dee is clearly a half-elf rogue you fuck
>Mac-Half-Orc Ranger who thinks he's a Monk
But she's a bird
>Not getting the bird reference
>Ugly ass dee being even 1/10 elf
Confirmed for not watching the show.
don't you mean Mac's dad? Charlie is frank's illegitimate bastard.
>mfw already did this
It is incredibly hard to play five characters whose gimmick is non stop arguing by yourself
The end result was the group killing Dennis and Charlie and the rest ran away.
Couple of sessions later they met them again, Dennis and Charlie were alive again, and they never figured out how since it just descended in arguing who would kick the local lichs ass