What Defines a Wizard?

Disregarding the genre specific prerequisites and sources from which they derive their preternatural powers, how does Veeky Forums distinguish wizards from comparable caster classes (e.g. Clerics, Druids, Bards, etc.)? Must all Wizards occupy stereotypically knowledge-oriented professions, such as teachers or scholars, or are they simply pursuers of arcane truths and the agency/relevance they bestow upon the wielder?

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Knowing things that are not common knowledge and getting weird power from it.

The difference is you can't play a wizard in my game.

What setting are you running?

He spent at least 30 years channeling the primordial energy

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Other casters get laid Wizards don't.

Other casters are celibate clerics, incel sorcerers and druids, who, let us be honest, prefer to do it in the animal form with animals, trees, or other druids.
Well, there's a bard who'd fuck anything that'd be mildly interested, but let's not count that worthless walking STD among the casters.

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>le epic bardy sex meme
>le epic celibate priest meme
>some retarded bullshit about incels that makes no sense
Time to move on, son.

The root of Wizard is wise. So wizards should be knowledgeable at least. The whole spell casting thing should reinforce that.

>let's not count that worthless walking STD among the casters
>t. kissless Wizard

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If anything sorcerers would be big dick chads, impressing all the wenches with their spontaneous spells they were just kinda born with, while laughing at the nerd wizard who has to work for his spells like a faggot.

I main Cleric/Paladin/EK, actually. Anyone unable to keep it wouldn't be in the order in the first place.
They'd like to think themselves that, but they're most horrid incels of D&D, both in and out of character.

Wizards study magic whereas witches and such practice traditions and invoke spirits.

Wizards live in towers and have pointy hats.

>bangs animals all the damn time
Pick one.
>celibate cleric
Depends when he started and what deity and i don't recall any that claim their clerics need to be virgins.
>walking STD
T.Jealous Incel.

Don't get all huffy because you were born having to climb for your grapes, mr.fox.

what's your logic for sorcerers being "incels" in-character? they are highly charismatic, powerful and typically members of an important bloodline.

His ego is bruised from not being pleased and his bruised from pleasing himself microdick is aching. Both are reminding the wizard of what he can't have so now he's in a jealous fit.

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They're weak, lazy, godless, pretentious turds with delusions of grandeur. They're weakest class in all but magic, and there they don't possess even a fraction of a wizard, much less a cleric, power, and no utility whatsoever. They can't buff and heal their comrades, they can't cripple their enemies, they can't create or enchant any items, they can't be of use even as a skill monkey since their player is the dumbest member in the party - and that includes mounts, pets and barbarian.
At least wizards are useful to the party, all sorcerers do is stroke their ego .

>all they do is stroke their ego
>being proud of accomplishments and earned status is called stroking ego by literal nobody incel mages these days to try and staunch their tears

What accomplishments? What earned status? Sorcerers coast on the scraps of power inherited from their ancestors. They never accomplish anything, they never earn anything, they never pick a sword nor book, and they're unbearable to everyone around them.

the source of their magical power is mostly gained from study.
their discipline is not strongly tied to a religious doctrine.

i don't think i need more than this. every setting is free to have smaller more subtle differences between wizards/sorcerers/witches/whatever the fuck you want

Big dinners.

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Incels are sorcerers, druids are zoophiles. Celibate cleric is the best cleric. Anybody whoring around instead of worshipping their deity (carnal acts for carnal deity are righteous, mind), spreading the good word or smiting foul heathens might as well be disease-ridden bard.
Foxes are obligatory carnivores, so fuck your grapes.

>monkey and cockatrice
Is that familiars?

>They're weakest class in all but magic, and there they don't possess even a fraction of a wizard, much less a cleric, power, and no utility whatsoever.

It sounds like you're buying into min-maxing memes. Sorcerers are not weaker than wizards or clerics in the fluff, and even in game terms they are only 1 tier apart. Besides, level is the most important factor - a high level sorcerer would still be regarded with awe and fear by the average wizard or cleric.

Sorcerers do need to work for their power like anyone else. That's why they start weak and grow more powerful by earning experience. They also need great force of personality to master their powers (represented by charisma) which doesn't strike me as an incel trait.

I'm detecting a hint of resentment.

I've met some powerful sorcerers, but never met a sorcerer, NPC or PC, that was charismatic in anything but numbers of their charisma, that ever known hard work, was humble or polite. They're whole world below from any other casters when it comes to anything but selfishly blasting things apart, all too often also hitting their comrades while they're at it.

>a hint of resentment
You could say that. Do note that I bear no resentment for any other class.

A wizards powers derive from Knowledge. This could be secrets of arcane magic that anyone can learn, or something else, but the primary reason they can cause supernatural effects is their knowledge. Ancient stories of wizards included things like "True Naming" or having knowledge of the True Names of trees or plants or creatures, enabling control over these things. Similarly witches would be female wizards, since their powers are derived from knowledge, usually of herbs and other natural elements.
Clerics, Warlocks and Druids derive their powers from outside themselves (gods, demons, nature etc). A wizard could theoretically very much resemble each of these classes, if they specialized in the sorts of magical effects that they create, but as long as the wizard is applying knowledge to create their effects, instead of borrowing power, they are a wizard. Sorcerors have a natural affinity for magic, and don't necessarily understand how they create their effects, simply doing it by feel.

Interestingly, Bards could be considered both, depending on how you fluff the effects. They could be a specialized Wizard, where their powers stem from the knowledge of different notes and musical elements creating supernatural effects, or they could be closer to a sorcerer.

Don’t call him a monkey, user.

That is the Librarian, and he is quite comfortably an Orangutan these days.

The other thing is a just a random bit of magical weirdness as happens in the presence of Wizards. Especially the Senior Wizards of University Staff.

Oh, right, Discworld. My own fault reading it via cheap paperbacks.

Don’t weigh yourself down, user. Thats just good economics. Sound course of action, that is. Not like you’re trying to be all posh with them on a shelf if you’re just going to enjoy them.

It sound a lot like how Pratchett's witches explain their power.

how much Monte Cook likes you