Tell me, user - why should I invest in REQ currently?
Tell me, user - why should I invest in REQ currently?
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DYOR daft cunt
Railblocks 2.0 tomorrow
You shouldn't. Fuck off.
because it is taking off again and is one of the only projects in crypto that are real
look at the goddamn chart and fuck off with these stupid questions
its too late
Because it's literally worth $5 at the very least.
Watch what happens in two weeks...
Because it will be a top 5 coin
Equivalent of Halo 2 announcement happening tomorrow
I’m from berlin btw
Because I assume you'd like to be part of the nex ETH
the fact that you're saying it's a fucking coin shows how many normies are behind this shit. Buy for the normie pump and dump it on them
OP here, thanks a lot. I will invest about 300$. Hope you're right.
What do you think their announcement will be to cause such explosive growth?
Can you give a hint beyond "Seattle" or whatever it was?
Where should I buy REQ?
Is etherdelta fine?
Coinbase listing.
Working network?
I'd get explosive diarrhea
This pajeet garbage isn't going anywhere. Made 100 bucks off this shit and moved on.
wow big baller, where do you store all 100 of those one dollar bills?
>90% or so pump
Nigga you're the pajeet here if you didn't make thousands.
how is life with mudslims?
Binance. Buy it on binance. Not etherdelta.
no way, not without a running mainnet at least
Holy fuck you're an actual brain dead CUNT. It's the 11th biggest gainer over 1 week out of the top 100 mcap AND WE HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED YET.
Just think about the ramp up to the product release - partnerships rolling in, merchants adopting it, ICOs adopting it, dev releases weekly, tokens burning.
You haven't seen anything yet with this coin.
I'd use Kucoin seeing that Binance is in full retard mode.
Yep, never selling here. It would be nice to see my pretend internet money value skyrocket though.
Just bought a bunch of REQ. I hope Veeky Forums didn't just fuck me over.
520 of these, my highest coin count cos i'm a peasant. planning to HODL for a while
will i make ok money? (relative)
Copy paste
>Solid concept
>Applicable to nearly everyone in the entire world
>Devs distinguished and accomplished with a similar project
>Backed by the highly selective Y Combinator, the seed accelerator behind Coinbase, Stripe, Airbnb, Dropbox, Twitch
>The first ICO backed by Y Combinator, naturally drawing more attention
>Y Combinator can use their shareholder leverage to potentially have REQ combined or used by Coinbase instead of having it eat away at the purpose of the exchange
>Operates at razorthin margins, virtually impossible to compete with once established
>Massive roadmap for 2018 and Q1
>Exceeds the use case of paypal through currency agnosticism and future tax and accounting automation
>Provides options for buyer and seller protection
>Provides a way to cash out of any coin
>Being picked up on the radar by investment firms
It will most likely not double overnight, and it will most likely not be the #1 best performing investment of 2018. But it's a very safe investment with incredible potential, something which is incredibly rare in crypto. Do your own research.
Paypal market cap = 92 Bln
Request market cap = 500 mln
You decide
It'll be more money than you have probably ever had at one time if that's all you can afford. Just don't sell early, this one has long legs.
Only a fucking pajeet woudn't invest in this, because they only like shit, they feel at home in poo. REQ prices are kept low by whales. Watch it moon.
what the fuck? not a single post between your original and this one offered any value and you're convinced?
I'm not going to lie. There's a genuine chance that REQ is going to dump tomorrow due to "sell the news". However if you are smart and keep holding this coin will make you rich EOY 2018. I predict REQ to be the biggest grower in 2018.
Look at the background
Depends what the news ends up being I suppose
Any source on the announcement time/location?
they act like it's some kind of crypto secret. there was information that the owner of bitrex was interested in REQ.
that's it.
so probably it's going on bitrex. or maybe not. it's almost like you can't predict this thing. fucking LINK dollar'd before req. that can't be a good sign.
Oh, cool!
6am PST one of the times I tried to time it if I recall correctly. Probably the same this time, adjust accordingly for your time zone of course.
Where can I watch it?
Whales are suppressing req to accumulate
1pm London time
how do you tell that by looking at the books? i hear people say that about lots of different coins.
i guess i don't understand what to look for?
Where will this coin be eoy 2019?
Honestly, there's so many moon missions going on right now I'm not surprised ol reliable Req got a bit overlooked. This is a safe bet for sure though, I can't sleep if I have money in some whale pumped HypeCoin of the week, the dumps are insane on some of those and they never come back up.
My favorite place is the binance chart with 1 minute candles. Just pretend the sell button doesn't exist, there will be a lot of assholes trying to give fake TA signals to try and fuck you. Theres probably video somewhere too, if you aren't an autist.
If you didn't invest when it was between .07 and .25 then you really shouldn't unless you're only looking for 25% gains. It'll hit $1 maybe a little more and then crash.
Are you fucking retarded?
Look for big sell walls driving the price down. They often disappear and reappear magically, it's called spoofing, and is illegal in regulated markets like the stock exchange and Forex. Wild west out here!
It all depends on how many transactions are happening on the mainnet. If a large company or two adopts Req and there is token burn happening on every transaction, combined with the limited supply of Req tokens, this could easily hit triple digits by then.
BUT please understand that's a dream scenario based on large companies adopting Req as a payment option. That's a pretty big hump to get over. I would think it's possible with the combined shilling of normies at reddit and then Veeky Forumsraelis to the mainstream, but it's such a big move that it's not totally likely.
Nope. They have no idea what they are doing and Q2 will show that definitively.
I don't get it.
What does this have to do with REQ?
6/10 FUD, needs work.
> They have no idea what they are doing
You probably think OMG is a good "investment".
>inb4 buy tron
what the fuck is this illuminati shit?
figure it out, dipshit
Do I need to remind you that we memed a reality TV star into the highest office of the United Fucking States of America a little over a year ago?
someone posted about seatle and the owner of bittrex. instead of just going the short way and saying that they're using the picture of Seattle.
REQ isn't on bittrex. the seattle stuff is saying that it will be soon.
That's because it's not FUD. Believe it or not, my conscience is clear ether way.