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What book from an older edition of any gameline would you like to see receive an up-to-date version (20th Anniversary/2e for cWoD/CofD respectively)?
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
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I would love to see a V20 version of WOD: Gypsies.
Let's see if they can fix that mess without overcompensation.
Which splat is the sunniest? Like literally and can be set under sunny clear blue skies. Does it have to be night for anything over than Vampire?
I'm posting a question about chronicles that didn't get answered last thread, since it was posted like 3 replies before archive.
I'm running a cod game that might turn into a Hunter game depending on how my players react to things. They're first time players, I'm a first time gm. my thoughts were to set the session in Nevada at a town in the middle of a sandstorm, and to have a slasher and a necromancer witch as the main antagonists. I'm just trying to get my plot hooks square. I was thinking that the pc characters are at first mistaken for Union members by a bartender, who at least lightly informs them that there have been odd things happening in town, disappearances, cattle slaughtering and the like, and I had planned on the witch being the descendent of an Indian tribe that had their land robbed by the ancestors of the mayor, the deed for the town received for a pathetic sum, and the slasher is sort of Frankenstein' s monster, an old tribal chief that had a spirit put into his corpse to do the muscle work for the necromancer.
Is this something that would be too hard for new players? How should I go about this information dump without resorting to long James bond villain monologues and shit? Is it just an awful idea? Throw me a bone if you could
Probably Changeling (both), but a Werewolf game where Helios takes the sage is also a good contender. Maybe certain Mummy (Resurrection) games given that the Intimallki are also called the Sun Spears.
Hunter perhaps. Gotta use the light to your advantage when dealing with blood suckers
So how fucked is a neonate that unwittingly pisses of a wraith for example by killing a strong fetter.
>V20 version
You're already getting a 1WOD version though
WtA with the sun-powered lycanthropes
That would depend mostly on the wraith's legion and arcanoi.
The Iron legion is known to be more liberal in the application of the dictuum mortum than say the Legion of Fate.
Also the wraith would have to survive the harrowing first
Given their new direction, I'd want to see WoD: Jews
The only direction Onyx Path wants to take the Jews is the one towards Auschwitz.
Surprisingly, no. According to Wraith 20, they weren't involved in the Holocaust.
What is the ideal demon?
Nothing about this is confirmed, fucktard, stop spreading it. Martin did say he'd like to do the WoD Gypsies book 'better' using modern politics and understanding. But that's about it. Tobias is much, much more savvy than Martin and likely won't let that fly.
>What book from an older edition of any gameline would you like to see receive an up-to-date version
Changing Breeds. Do it fucking right this time.
Did a count in the Wr20 book. The word "jew" appeared seven times: four times in the word "jewelry", three times in the word "jew". No mentions of the word Hebrew, the word "shoah" appears in the list of backers as "Shoah the Appropriator" alongside the word "Israel" as another backer.
Oh good, more animal fucking books.
I said do it RIGHT.
Fallen, Descent or a different type?
I know it's worded extremely retarded but come on
>As bad as the civilian dead seemed, sent to their doom by the exigencies of war, even that was not the worst. First as a trickle and then a torrent, the wraiths of the people of Abraham inundated the Shadowlands. People arrived naked, their death marks proclaiming them as victims of poisoning or asphyxiation.
>Along with them came those Hitler also deemed unfit: Romani, homosexuals, intellectuals, the mentally ill, physically disabled, and clergy, as well as many Soviet prisoners of war.
Though I agree it's strange how hard they try to avoid saying Jew.
They don't even call it Holocaust
>According to Wraith 20, they weren't involved in the Holocaust.
According to OPP, dead Jews aren't victims, they're a bonus. How else is OPP going to demonstrate their "virtue" to their left-wing and "brown" fans?
>What book from an older edition of any gameline would you like to see receive an up-to-date version (20th Anniversary/2e for cWoD/CofD respectively)?
I'd like a Virtual Adept book that doesn't suck dick and is written by someone who at least knows how to use a computer, same with a modern Glasswalker tribe book.
A New Technomancer's Toybox would be nice as well, some of the tech that was magic is a bit dated at this point.
I assume VR stuff probably looks a bit different hat pic at this point.
And then a new version of 'The Props Book' but for every game line. The various handouts are really nice to get players into a game. There was a similar Pentex book as well.
And finally, I'd love to see a more tightly put together Samuel Haight chronicle book, with some more information about the things he actually has instead of just a bunch of handwaves.
>"brown" fans?
Do they even have any of these? Aren't RPGs more a middle class white person hobby?
Don't forget all of OPP's 'opressed minority' fans and the fact that they're why we get such awesome writing as 'male menstrual blood' or 'vampire okay with be castrated because of the patriarchy' or 'homeless trans who loves animals more than people.
>'opressed minority'
These are almost always middle class to upper middle class extremely 'privileged' people who want to be victims because of things like white guilt.;
That's the point I'm trying to make.
So apparently WW did an interview with Crazy Bitch Magazine. I snipped the stuff here, where it talks about V5.
I like how they pretend OPP and x20 just don't exist pretty much. Like they naturally inherited it and are the only successor even though someone else was publishing books for years under the name.
They are the owners of the IP. OPP is just a licensee. They don't have to acknowledge OPP at all. I'm kinda glad they're not, what with RichT being a shitbag.
It's not good or professional when licensor and licensee are not on the same page, no less when the former barely acknowledges the latter. It implies there are problems and devalues the IP.
While RichT is indeed a weapons-grade douche, he's still WW's douche publishing materials using WW IP.
Yeah, he fucked m20, so it's funny he won't get credit for anything he's done since he was working for White Wolf. Sadly this means people might not blame him for the disasters he caused though.
squeeze my balls and rub my ass
Yep. It doesn't bode well. It will likely alienate any OPP writers from wanting to work with them... Is this a bad thing? I'd say its only bad in the case of a very limited amount of devs. Hopefully it means Brucatto won't even get to look at it, much less ruin it with his rapist goat cock.
squeeze my ass and rub my balls
I don't think Brucato's brain could handle a 'modern interpretation of Mage' tht actually make sense updating Ascension to a more modern setting. I did like the hint of 'Tecnocracy won and the Traditions are anti-gubmint terrorists' that came from the One World of Darkness trailer and little bits of what were revealed about Mage society proper in Mage: We Fuck Refugees though. But it'd be hard on Phil's brain to try to do something like that and have his beliefs on Real Magick shine through.
This looks insanely fake.
No weapons of any kind, no shirt, and the fight ends when someone gets knocked out.
>Modern Mage
>Several Groups use technology
>Brucatto couldn't even figure out how to post on reddit
Hes too much of a Luddite to write a game set in the modern era.
Fake or not, it's the most recent stuff that anyone can find. it was in Crazy Bitch Magazine issue 7 from January.
How does it make sense to make the Technocracy try to stop refugees from flooding Europe? The only way to make them properly antagonistic right now is to actively shovel refugees into Europe to use as human wage cattle. It's otherwise just insane troll logic and it's just completely retarded not to support the Technocracy at this point.
>How does it make sense to make the Technocracy try to stop refugees from flooding Europe?
Because the technocracy prefers stability. And their plans for a world/european government can't progress when Europe has a massive ressurgence of nationalism
It might even be that different sections of the technocracy oppose each other on what is the correct choice.
Its because they didn't want Tatafani, the vulgar child rapist mages, coming into their other wise Deviant Free country. You'll remember in OWoD, unlike NWoD, there is no quick easy level 1 ability to just figure out someone's template.
Note: this still made it into the book, but the Lions of Zion are just too provocative.
Just like the Canadian government, the left loves excusing child rapists because they are uncivilized and don't know any better.
Because Magick is predicated on sex, you fucking heathen. GET RIGHT WITH THE GODDESS!
Zions of Zion, fighting pedophilia since 2000 BCE!
Fun fact: "Ziun" is Hebrew slang for "have sex"/"fuck".
>this still made it into the book, but the Lions of Zion are just too provocative.
Antisemitism, the bigotry that's not only tolerable, but unites the new Left.
>Ziun" is Hebrew slang for "have sex"/"fuck
I assume it's *not* slang for have sex / fuck *young children*.
Pederasty is a Muslim. Catholic priest and left-wing media personality thing, and nothing to do with Judaism.
The Hebrew for that is "pederastia" (it's just a loanword, there's no native word for it. There is a native term, but משכב קטין is literally just, word for word, "have sex with an underaged person" - it only looks short because Hebrew is extremely grammatically efficient)
Beasts can make it extremely bright sunlight wherever they go without a roll. Yay environmental tilts.
I wonder if a mage could have bright sunshine as a nimbus?
what the FUCK
Muslims are child rapists, why woulnd't muslim mages be?
Jesus fucking christ is the kike back?
Some do and some don't is the most reasonable assumption. With big C Control being Threat Null'd or at the very least stuck in the umbra since the new millenium, I doubt the Union is as cohesive as it was durung former decades. There's also the ethical gray areas of delusions and narrow-mindedness.
Example is that a nephandus can want that flood of rapefugees to happen because it will drive more native people into despair and drag mages suceptable to nationalism or at least ethnic pride (looking at you, verbena-ass evropa spammer) into the army of descent, while a technocrat spook can want it because of what a previous user said about a one world government which falls in line with Union plans and ideals, meanwhile any tradition crystal-waving retard can just be drinking the koolaid and think that like every culture is great and no human is illegal maaaannn
Boom three diametrically opposed willworkers all desiring that end for their own, believeable reasons. Similarly, you can do the opposite as well arguing for each faction for really any mundane political scenario
Pic related is basically what you should expect for any crossover with supernaturals and mundie politics because their concerns are often literally not of our world
We exist. We mostly stick to nWOD.
>The Hebrew for that is "pederastia" (it's just a loanword, there's no native word for it. There is a native term, but משכב קטין is literally just, word for word, "have sex with an underaged person" - it only looks short because Hebrew is extremely grammatically efficient)
>there's no native word for it
The Lions of Zion are too triggering, but the Tatafani are just swell.
Fuck Brucato, Fuck RichT, and Fuck WW.
How many editions are too many?
Anything after revised
Reminder that WoD is a period piece about the turn of ther millenium
When we finally get a good edition the one right after that will be too many.
I figured they'd at least somewhat glamorize/idealize them.
Hell I use muslims in my game after a player ranted about how much he loves muslim Ascending Ones and wants them to be in my game, don't like them IRL but the only negative is that they "try to keep the peace between supernaturals" according to him (ok.exe), so their mission is not only inherently impossible and insane but they are trying to broker peace between strix and a mummy that eats people's hearts like they're candy.
(they're all one guy's wife)
Also I think it's funny that Jason says in that interview posted above 'the mechanics weren't perfect, sorry'.
How is a minor, non inherently magical splat supposed to keep peace between top-tier, uber-powerful splats like mages and woofs?
More importantly, in CofD, totally unlike WOD, there is no inherent animosity or institutional tension among the various splats.
Your AO player is retarded.
I'm inclined to agree with this user.
You know I want that Hunter the Vigil 2e, OP. Mortal Remains bridges the gap fine, but I wouldn't mind some fresh material.
What would be some good Hunter-only merits? A few fighting styles, a favored enemy type of merit (bonuses to tracking and knowledge of them seem more WoD than combat boosts though) perhaps some merits aiding against fear and mindfuckery, or should those be built in to the splat?
Maybe something like "Scholar of Vampires/Ghosts/etc" giving boni to most non combat rolls regarding them. Such as tracking, finding out whether the MO of a crime fits, what the weaknesses are etc.
Would obviously not fit for a Hunter that has just taken up the Vigil
>What book from an older edition of any gameline would you like to see receive an up-to-date version (20th Anniversary/2e for cWoD/CofD respectively)?
Guide to Technocracy
Pretty much my response, yeah.
The Revised Convention books are pretty good, but nothing comes close to the original Guide to the Technocracy.
I am definitely not looking forward to hunter 2e since its gonna invalidate most conspiracies and remove endowments. My current chronicle is going to be the last time I feature hunters at all, my next will probably omit the major lines that also existed to some extent in owod (vamp, were, changeling, mage, and hunter).
Soon, when Mage5 releases!
>What book from an older edition of any gameline would you like to see receive an up-to-date version (20th Anniversary/2e for cWoD/CofD respectively)?
Vampire - The Masquerade, but with actually good artwork.
Isn't OPP half assing one? A quick scan of their projects says yes but nothing is done on it.
Mage: The Ascension
Digital Web 3.0: Between the keyboard and the mind lies the Digital Web, a Net of virtual reality spinning in an endless loop of format and creation. This expanding Realm of living thought forms what might be the most dangerous frontier in the Ascension War. A new and modern Mage 20th Anniversary Edition version of the classic magic infused internet sourcebook. 160 pages. PDF/PoD.
Rich Bastard’s Guide to Magick: A Mage 20th Anniversary Edition sourcebook that expands on the mystique of the elite with an exploration of how the REAL movers and shakers operate when you throw magick into their world as well. Mansions, high-ticket toys, expanded Backgrounds for wealthy wizards, Technocrats, and other high-resource types. 120 pages. PDF/PoD.
Victorian Mage: This book will cover the Victorian era with as much detail and respect for sources as Victorian Age: Vampire. VA: Mage will cover 1880 to 1897, building on the foundation of the Order of the Golden Dawn, and revealing the foundation of the modern Technocracy. 320 pages. PDF/PoD.
Stretch Goals:
[Mage20] Book of the Fallen: 100,000+ words. PDF/PoD
[Mage20] Gods, Monsters, and Other Familiar Strangers: An M20 Character Compendium: 115,000+ words. PDF/PoD
[Mage20] Technocracy: Reloaded: PDF/PoD
Do you expect it before 2025 though?
I don't expect m5 before then either. Hell I have doubts they'll manage v5 before the end of the year.
The main merits that are effectively hunter ones is Deadpan from Mage (fear proof, req: integrity, so does work for ghosts and ghoulies) and Clear Sighted (obfuscate/nightmare/other illusion proof, req: human, so doesn't work for ghouls but would for mages). If they had a way to see shit in twilight and take Moral Support they'd be basically like owod hunters minus the Ebon Dragon.
I hope 2e moral support still exists (probably not) and is as good as in 1e (probably not).
Check out the mage merits from summoners if you want them good at killing certain things
Slayer (•••) *pre: Occult 4, Brawl 4 or Weaponry 4 Summ p185 May make Int+Occult check to reduce summoned creature's Defense against attacks
Otherworldly Lore (••••) *pre: Gnosis ••• Summ p184 gain 9-Again when dealing with a particular breed of other-world creature
>this made it into the book
that image is from Lost Paths, Revised. Why do Jews get so butthurt they're left out of a book?
>Lost Paths
Year of the Scarab was the best one.
Taftani fucking hate Muslims, they're Zoroastrians. Though honestly I prefer cultural honesty that 'Lots of Arabs are pedo' to pretending that 300+ year old archmages share modern cultural sensibilities.
In my setting the practice is less prevalent though, because it grosses me out to think my Taftani was buttraped at any point in the past.
Well that's good.
I don't mind mages having SOMEWHAT more advanced morality than sleepers, for example they can have magical empathy (even if they're just intending to spy on people they could learn firsthand how their actions hurt others).
Oh you're right. I'm thinking of the other group in the same book, the Ahl-i-Batin.
Finally getting around to reading Wraith20.
And damn the art is great
I think in a setting where existence is self is relative, the idea that everyone would just bandwagon on the morality of 1990s liberals [which isn't even the same morality at 2010s liberals] is a bit silly.
So the idea that there's Hermetics wanting monarchy back or Choristers who hate gays, or Verbena who think there is nothing wrong with animal sacrifice, or radical pacifist Akashics, or or or sounds a lot more realistic to me.
Even a very mystically 'empathic' Mage probably has very specific ideas on how he thinks the world works and ought to work, and they almost certainly do not agree with whats in the vogue right now in the western world [and I say this without getting into any real world political discussion, just saying many Mages probably aren't standing in the Overton Window].
How's that dodge treating you?
Do you guys want me to add anything to the pastebin?
>just saying many Mages probably aren't standing in the Overton Window].
Gods of any sort, which any super power of any sort really makes you into one, shouldn't really share much in common with anything but the contemporary morality of when they got those powers plus the degradation of no longer truly being able to connect with other humans.
Hey /tg, got a plot hook I want t run by you, idea is for vtm setting but could go to werewolf, mage, ect
Pc human family come to town, each member of coterie has to spend some time with a human clinging to them meaning they need to hide what they are, meanwhile the Sabbat will be launching small attacks to mess with them and make them break.
Thoughts? Anyone done anything similar?
Also how do you feel about unwinnable situations as a sort of cut scene
Eg- I want to close a scene so I send in a sabbat raid in such large numbers that the players can only escape. Or an enemy haven has been found but going in is certain death, they need to call the prince to tell him where the location is and he’ll send the sheriff (who will win offscene because of temporary plot armour)
why did you leave, fagness
True, they aren't necessarily modern, but I mean, I like to think of mages in general as being a lot more peaceful and enlightened than one might think.
Just as an example as why I think this is helpful, you can do a lot more storylinewise with mages who curse/banish people as a first resort than mages who kill people as a first resort. I kinda like how in nmage, you have few good direct attack options til Adept (or Forces) and you're best off throwing someone into twilight or banning them rather than killing them, unless they are truly out to get you.
Though I am surprised that Celestial Choristers would be anti gay, I thought their point was that they're hippy frou frou "Whoa, dude, every belief is a way to the One! it doesn't matter what you believe, so long as you just believe... dude, I'm spiritual, not religious"
Is there anything actually new to add to the pastepin? Do you have the final version of Beckett's Jyhad Diary?
I disagree, the opposite is often just as prevalent a phenomena. Powerful beings are often beings of Ideals they've constructed themselves, they have values and views about how things should be and use their power to bring them back. The idea that a powerful being is necessarily an alien or cruel being is Davewank that has no place in Ascension.
However they almost certainly don't share the SAME values as the target audience. A four hundred year old Chorister may be the single most compassionate being you've ever see. He may truly love and care for all life. But he probably thinks adultery and sodomy should get the death penalty, and that secularization is literally the worst thing that has ever happened. Depending on his country of origin he might also have a hateboner for Muslims.
Which is really where I think the most interesting ideas are had. Not the idea that 'Give a man power he turns into a dick', but the idea that people in different cultures will HAVE different values and ideas.
I doubt a Samurai would suddenly drop his ideals of duty just because he Awakened. If anything he'd apply then MORE, and trying to apply feudal ties to the modern world and how he copes with that is a very interesting concept.
I don't think PCs should be punished for caring about human NPCs as doing so means they should have their chars be more distant and less social, which is exactly what you DON'T want to have happen.
1. Nah I like to think of Mages as being generally either 'Normal people with powers' or 'Well intentioned extremists' depending on who it is that Awakened.
2. The Chorus are omni-monotheists, but most Choristers cling to the trappings and much of the theology of their host religion. In THEORY the Chorus believes all [monotheist] paths lead to the One, in practice they're viciously sectarian.
mage posting got too bad
Question: Which Mage faction is the comfiest? Being a Seer or a Guardian sounds really stressful.
oMage the comfiest faction is probably either the Chorus, the Akashics, or the Ecstatics.
nMage the comfiest faction is probably Free Council or Silver Ladder, they're the most pro-social factions.