My number one question. How can I portray this setting in a serious light, and keep combat feeling intense when a Solar can bat aside mortals with relative ease?
I want to run an Exalted 3E game
...You face them with appropriately powerful opponents?
I struggle to see where your actual problem is coming from. For all its goofy high fantasy bullshit Exalted is honestly a pretty serious, dark setting, with some seriously bad shit on the horizon and a lot of complex politics going on just making everything more uncertain and dangerous. That your PC's are amazingly potent individuals does no inherent harm to the idea of a serious setting or to the feel of intense combat.
I apologize. More clarification. One of the Circle members is a War focused Zenith who wants to carve out a piece of creation for himself and his kinsmen, using guerrilla tactics to strike at any the Scarlet empire sends. At character creation with his merits, he has an effective fighting force of 1000 souls. While they are split up and sent out to raid and defend their territory, I see the biggest threat to them being mortals as the Wyld Hunt doesen't know he is Anathema. Yet. Still learning the system, would pitting the party against a sufficient force of mrtals be threatening enough until the DB's get involved?
Heh, they can all see her penis.
This is why, at it's core, Exalted is a game about power and consequences. If the player is even remotely competent in picking their War charms and using their Excellencies they will crush mortal armies with their own. My suggestion is to add real stakes that can't just be solved by throwing dice.
The general of the opposing army is the Solar's childhood friend. He knows that this will likely be the death of him, but if good men don't resist tyrants who will?
The opposing army is composed largely of peasant levies (this is true for the overwhelming vast majority of forces in Exalted's bronze age setting, by the way, even in the Realm most legionnaires are farmers who train and serve during fallow times. Professional forces like the Legion of Silence are an exceptional minority). When the Solar is done massacring them and conquers the lands, there is no one left to sow and harvest the crops. Cue famine and rebellion.
The most important thing to remember is that there has never been a charm for being a good ruler, and this is by design.
Oh that's good.... I've never really messed with the scale this setting provides.
>even in the Realm most legionnaires are farmers who train and serve during fallow times. Professional forces like the Legion of Silence are an exceptional minority
I have no idea where this misconception comes from, but the Dragon-Blooded books of the previous editions explicitly state that the Realm's legions are standing armies of professional soldiers.
>I want to run an Exalted 3E game.
No, you don't. Exalted is stupid. Most of it was written by the Chuubo bitch.
Yeah, it's big. I suggest a couple of social anthropology books: "Seeing Like A State" which a pretty easy read and talks about second- and third-order effects of governmental actions (great for thinking of consequences); and "Debt: The First 5,000 Years" which talks about the impact of debt and economic policy on culture, marriage, law, war, etc.
Literally none of 3E was written by her, and neither was most of the previous editions. Keep your shitposting grounded in facts, user.
I may do just that. I have a month or so before it starts.
None aside from the opening fiction, that is. None of the actual setting or mechanics were written by her, just one bit of fiction.
Dude wut. The Chuubo bitch is not a bitch okay. She is a fun person, slightly autistic in a good way. Also Exalted 3e was not written by the Chuubo autist, it was written by SJW devs who were fired because they were so grossly incompetent, and replaced by even more SJW devs who are only marginally more competent. No Chuubo autism in that.
Please get your fact straight okay.
Even in 1e/2e the Chuubo gal was only involved in one or two books, who had amazing ideas but dumbass execution. One needs to remember that the Chuubo girl is still a girl, and thus somewhat logically challenged. But she isn't a bitch at all.
Man, I wish Exalted 3e was written by Borgstrom / Moran. Her work in Games of Divinity still remains the best book in the entire game line. Sidereals 1e, Fair Folk 1e, and The Outcastes are similarly based.
From the minds of people that can not read; that is where. They always have been professional soldiers, like Roman soldiers. That is why they have the rectangular shields and large formations similar to maniples and the like. They always have been this, since 1e. Retards just like to pull shit out their asses and claim it's truth rather then do the due diligence and READ.
Serious is best done with consequences. Scale doesn't really matter, for a serious feel. You can have a serious story with 2 people and knife, or billions of people and nukes. Scale doesn't matter. Consequences do. Just be ruthless and fuck over any player mistake. Just like reality. You will get the serious feeling from that.
Well, she also wrote the mechanics in the Exalted 2E core with Neph so, I don’t think you’d enjoy it very much.
I'm far more in the "narrativist gamer who looks down our nose at munchkins" camp so I've actually been enjoying Exalted throughout all the editions. We play games where getting your first 5 is a big deal and things like paranoia combos are not even required. I don't even think my friends know about it, I'm probably the most well-read on how other, deeply-unfortunate souls try to play Exalted (incorrectly).
I think the thing that a lot of RPG players haven't realized is that some games are made to be played a certain way, and games touched by Borgstromancy especially so. When you play the game wrong, you have a poor experience. It's not really any surprise when you see all these people online who think having 5s is mandatory.
1000 souls = Size 5 Battle group. Of battle ready troops, it's bound to challenge anyone that's not a combat supernal Dawn.
>Even more SJW
[x] Doubt
That's not the one that has a penis ya dumbo
one of new devs is going to law school to become a lawyer for transgender people.
Well that's certainly disgusting. Thankfully I'm 100% high seas trader
Storytelling is about conflict, which isn't the same as combat. In order to have drama, there has to be stakes. While DnD generally use the players lives as those stakes, it's not the only thing that matters.The characters in exalted are required to have an epic goal (they may have changed what that's called, but I'm sure the concept is still there) that you can use to drive the drama.
This character wants to conquer territory, but what is it worth? If his clansmen are killed in the process, was it worth it? If he takes the territory, the Realm will actually respond in force. How will he keep what he's taken?
A solar loses to superior numbers.