How would they fare in 40k?
How would they fare in 40k?
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How would the Inquisition fare in 40k?
About as well as they normally do.
Best case scenario, they'd get way, way too much business and get completely swamped very quickly.
Worst case scenario, Chaos gets to the less stable personnel, they collapse into infighting and the Inquisition finishes off the pieces.
How would 40k fare in the SCP foundation?
Get eaten by Pattern Screamers before they even realize what's going on.
They would be corrupted by chaos because the Foundation is too stubborn to ever try to actually kill something. The Global Occult Coalition would love the Black Templars. Chaos Insurgency would be like the Foundation.
>They would be corrupted by chaos
>343, 179, The Sun, and countless others: NO
If the Foundation as a whole hasn't succumbed under the wills of Yaldabaoth, St Alagadda, the fucking Dog, and literally countless more beyond, what makes you think that Chaos has a chance at succeeding where they failed?
Do you really think that capturing a bunch of daemons and heretics and having personnel be near them won't cause corruption?
It certainly would, yes, but not to the degree that you're implying here. The Foundation has faced afar worse than the vast majority of Chaos, and has survived in spite of what seem to be insurmountable odds. Will there be corrupted personnel? Yes, and lots of them, all of them seeking to spread their taint and kill as many as possible. But will they afflict the ENTIRETY of the Foundation? No, not at all.
Seeing as the SCP foundation is essentially the Inquisition, except without all of the dogmatic religious bullshit, ignorance, and seething hatred, ran by brilliant minds with checks, balances, oversight, safety procedures... Shit, they'd do better than the Inquisition given a few years. Theyd reverse engineer tech from everyone, chaos corruption would be treated not unlike biohazards, psykers would be quarantined, and given time to reverse engineer Tau/Necron/Eldar/Imperial tech, they'd quickly become a dominant force for impressive change in the galaxy. I'd say if they survive the first five years, they end up winning 40k.
A significant amount of the tech they could reverse engineer would qualify as anomalous, including basic FTL, which will hamstring their ability to do anything.
The Foundation isn't as averse to anomalous stuff as you might think user, as they use anomalous or supernatural crap all the time. For fucks sake, their basic amnestics are derived from a giant man-eating sanity-shattering abomination in the shape of an eel (which may or may not be the King Of All Nagas).
they try to uphold normalcy
however in a universe where FTL travel is common place the normalcy baseline would permit them to use FTL travel
in universe if an anomaly were to breach the masquerade they'd roll with it and at best try to alter the global narrative so it always has been a part of the world.
One of the -ex articles is about exactly such a scenario (8900-ex)
>this shit again
A Tau laboratory that tries to scientifically study chaos would be pretty neat
>Anphelion project
can you stop making these threads
Go back to Peddit why dont you? And take the rest of your buddies with you too.
>autisticly spamming the same thread topic over and over again is fun
Neck yourself faggot
'Nah, (you) first. After you give me a proper reasoning as to why these threads are somehow worse than /pol/bait or what we usually get on here. Also, there are different people making these threads at any one point user.
The Custodes are the ones with a secret prison filled with eldritch horrors, though.
>> I enjoy having shrieking tantrums because seeing other people enjoy crossing fictional universes triggers my autism.
Fuck off, rape yourself, and die.
They'd get absorbed into the Imperium of Man, get a lot more resources, and relegated to fighting Chaos and other anomalies. SCP Foundation is essentially the Inquisition in a modern setting.
Wonder how the Imperium would react to the knowledge that there are FAR worse things than Xenos or Chaos out there, and they all desire the destruction of everything, with only the Foundation and some of its fdllow GOIs working to preserve reality against the tides?
Very few things in the SCP verse warrant much more than a basic Inquisition response, with most not even warranting that much.
Eh, I could see a genuinely serious 173 warranting a major response from the Imperium, but then again, a serious 173 is just as much unlikely as it is utterly unstoppable. 173 doesn't usually drop its act for anything, not even the apocalypse.
what is a serious 173?
I know the 'kill you when it looks away' is just a game it plays
>what is a serious 173?
This is but a very, very small 'taste' of what 173 is like when it wants to showcase why it's so dangerous;
>"My frame by frame review finds that at frame 235 938 of camera two’s edited log, SCP-173 closes to within 10 cm of D-173-2267. D-173-2267’s eyes remain fully closed; SCP-173’s arms remain fixed in their usual “at rest” positions. At frame 235 939, less than 0.00001 seconds later, subject D-173-2267’s head is turned upward such that it stares directly into subject SCP-173’s “eyes,” and -2267’s eyes are now fully open."
Note that this isn't even it being serious. It's still "playing" around here, this is just it making a tiny show for the Foundation personnel. If it were to ever drop the facade, 173 could pretty casually speedblitz everyone within the facility and beyond, with the only reason that it doesn't being the it gains amusement from watching the Foundation struggle against it and try to figure out its "rules". 40k likely will not be granted this mercy at all.
I don't think that's a point in the Foundation's favor when it only stays contained because it feels like it. They literally can't do anything about it. 40k could at least use psyker powers or throw it in the warp or exterminatus the planet its on.
A huge part of the SCP foundation's problem is that they're trying to understand and study the anomalies they run into. The Inquisition would just destroy most of them, especially the tickle monster.
>especially the tickle monster.
>Destroying 999
Whilst it's HIGHLY unlikely that the Imperium could even do so (682 and quite a few others higher on the totem pole sure as hell can't), why would they? Just by its mere presence 999 can dispel negativity and evil, and replace it with joy and positive thought.
There's a reason why some past threads considered the likely possibility of the little guy purifying even the Chaos Gods themselves eventually.
"They" wouldn´t react, one of the few good things about 40k they actually take care that no one know too much. The few people who deal with this kind of stuff ...well I doubt there are "much" worse things than an eternity of tortue by demons.
>my setting is superior to yours because reasons
>well I doubt there are "much" worse things than an eternity of tortue by demons.
This, I'm always amazed by how many people miss this little detail of the 40k setting.
Although possibly the user meant things that will simply create insta-apocalypses if they get loose. Chaos can still be fought and (at least temporarily) thwarted.
>40k likely will not be granted this mercy at all.
But y tho?
They can just shunt it away to a corner by itself. Or just plop it down on an isolated planet. Most SCPs could be neutralized in 40k by just plopping them down on a barren rock and forgetting they exist.
>Abandon 999 on a barren and empty rock of a world, thinking that it will never again be seen or mentioned
>It somehow manages to find and enter a Way and lands right on top of the Emperor upon his Throne on Terra
>Wanderers Library: [JustAsKeikakuIntensifies]
And then it gets psyker'd away again.
>Implying it wouldnt revive Emps just before it gets spirited away once more (and inevitably comes back because Ways are silly, silly things)
999 would probably just bring the Emperor back to proper life, before crawling away to parts unknown. Probably to go bother Slaanesh at his palace.
i was just asking politely if OP could stop making these threads, but if you want to make it weird that's fine by me.
we've already done it, multiple times. this exact topic. there's nothing new to be had here, it's just yesterday's used up discussion recycled and regurgitated.
you can have fun with re-used garbage, but it won't make it anything more than garbage, and i don't really think it's healthy to be consuming garbage when one could otherwise be expanding their horizons. i don't mean to be overtly offensive here, but doesn't this all seem a little bit peurile to you? isn't there anything that you would find more stimulating to discuss? i'm not asking for a philosophical grudge match here, but just, you know, something that has a little beat of meat to it.
comparing yourself to the next lowest denominator isn't doing you any favours, user. aspire to greater things than just having slightly shinier garbage than the next dumpster along, for your sake as well as mine.
Sorry, didn't read past the first "i". By the way, you should've probably gone on ahead to capitalize that before making your rant, friend.
The thing is that powers that are entirely unexplainable in one setting are not in the other. 40k's "normal" includes bullshit teleportation and crazy magic. A lot of the SCPs are a pain because the foundation is stuck using a normal model of physics and normal human abilities except when they figure out how to harness certain artifacts and decide it's worth the risks. Other settings are not so limited. 40k has bullshit anomalies, but also just has straight up magic that is well understood within the setting. The higher up you go, the more likely it is that they've got a custom gellar field generator or some other ability or piece of magitech to undo whatever strange things are going on.
That's the thing though. Things like Ways DON'T have proper analogues in 40k at all really (except -maaaaaaybe- the Webway, and that's iffy at best). Ways are less "instant teleportation" and are more speaking Words to the world, and making reality open up paths through the roots of the Wanderers Library for you to pass through. Few beings know of this skill beyond those of the Library itself, and the vast majority of those beings are the Scarlet Kings spawn (of which 999 is one). So sure, they could boot him out over and over as much as they like, but given enough time, 999 will simply open up another Way and slorp right back in at some point, or even anywhere else given the nature of Ways.
What if the nature of Ways doesn't work in 40k?
That is also debatable, given that all Ways stem from the Wanderers Library, a place that is straight-up stated as being "located outside any other universe", and as having Ways in every other universe despite this. Perhaps it might be much more difficult to open Ways than usual due to background interference from the Warp maybe, but it should still be possible, if only due to the nature of the Library itself.
let's not kid ourselves, user. you read the entire thing, but you want to act flippant so you can pretend that you don't see the truth and feel shame. going on to attack my grammar is just a further defensive mechanism.
it's alright, though. i'm going to leave now, i just wanted to see if i could inspire people to perhaps pull themselves from the pointless red paste that may once have been a horse.
i genuinely hope you enjoy yourself, though, even if i don't personally approve of what you are doing here.
That sounds an awful lot like opening parts of the warp, which is precisely what gellar fields are good at preventing.
Of course it's debatable. What if it didn't work?
I am not well versed with the SCP stuff but I assume the vast majority of them would not pose any "real" threat. Speak the worst they could do is kill a million people or something like that. So the question is which ones are hostile and dangerous on a planetary wide scale.
From there on one could maybe get something interesting.
Then the Library itself likely ensured that you couldn't do so. The only force (beyond the REALLY high-tiers like the Brothers Death and the like) capable of preventing the opening of Ways for those who mean the Library no harm or value knowledge and experience, is the Library itself. If you can't open a Way to either the Library or anywhere else, then it probably means that the Library has a reason for not allowing you to, perhaps perceiving threat to itself or some such.
The whole foundation thing is a bit silly in places. I realize it's a collaborative project so the pieces don't really fit together logically by its very nature, but with SCP-2935 alone they have a practical gift from the goddamn tentacle alien gods. Oh sure it's a portal to a dead universe, ooo fucking scary, but as long as you don't send living people there and run the risk of them coming back it's fucking fine. Remote drones perform just dandy going back and forth. It's the perfect dumping ground for all manner of deep fried shit they otherwise fret over. That indestructible laptop that sends people through time and if someone visits from the future a "dog" fucks your universe to death? Chuck it in. All kinds of cursed shit? Chuck it in. As long as the SCP doesn't qualify as living and could possibly make it back to your universe who gives a fuck?
Essentially most scp-1500 are just full of wacky shit that should be ignored.
What if 999 got stuck in a Tesseract Vault, or got lost in another dimension, or into Tzeentch's infinite Library?
But that would be...fruitless.
But that's terrible. I don't remember what it was, but there was a wooden chair that teleported behind you when you went to sit down. Some guys on a quest to destroy all anomalous objects couldn't find a way to weaponize it against other anomalous object, so they threw it in a wood chipper. Now it's a pile of splinters that teleports into your throat when you think bad thoughts.
So all they'd need is a servitor stuck to think bad thoughts for a while, and a vortex grenade with a timer setting.
40k deals with that kind of crap too. They just blast it more. They have infohazards that open a screaming portal to literal hell if you say them out loud. And not some pansy ass passive hole in reality either, those portals are teeming with demons and demon wizards just waiting for the door to open so they can come through and convert whole planets over to a physical representation of the warp.
Yep, I don't remember the number but that's one of the ones that's basically at the Foundation voluntarily-- they can't actually confine it, but it always comes back because they've built it a nonthreatening environment. (And it doesn't kill you just for thinking bad thoughts, it only attacks if it perceives your *behavior* as threatening.)
That is a damn cool artistic interpretation of 173
>What if 999 got stuck in a Tesseract Vault
He would most likely try to befriend any of the entities contained within, before attempting to create a Way to lead them all out, or if he can't do that, he just -somehow- alters himself to slither out out and beyond the vault all whilst hoping to free his newfound friends someday.
>or got lost in another dimension
Probably just wander around a bit, find and hug and tickle anything that needs (or seems to be in need of) hugs and tickles, and if he doesn't find a normal exit out eventually, he just find a spot to open a Way and path himself out.
>or into Tzeentch's infinite Library?
Now This is interesting, given that the Infinite Library is in quite a few ways 'alive', and it's actively misleading and treacherous by nature. It's most devastating effects (such as entrapping and corrupting souls trapped in it forever) probably won't affect 999, but given that it's a Warp location (one made by fucking Tzeentch to boot), it's certainly going to be a bigger nuisance than anything else thus far. Not sure how things might play out, but they'd be interesting to see. From like, a couple universes over of course.
I mean in cases where something has to be contained there are always black sites on some dead moon in some system in bumfuck nowhere. 40k has the simple advantage of size and ressources.
It's possible the primary reason is the unknown. Whatever kills those alternate Earths clearly needs a living being to hitchhike so presumably a dead Earth would be the perfect dumping ground. Still who can say how certain objects might react to being shoved through a dimensional gateway into another reality or how the gateway would react to them? It's probably best not to fuck with something that can wipe out all life and lifelike objects just in case. Of course there's always the SCP "big book of bad ideas" (can't remember the one off the top of my head) so if it's a bad idea it'll probably get an entry.
The GoC is superior in LITERALLY every way.
Simple containment would not cut it in 40k
Forget Tzeentch, throw it at Slaanesh. Within fifteen minutes the poor little bastard is reduced to a French Tickler while begging for death.
Poor little guy...
>Implying that 999 would be the one suffering
Slaanesh will be purified of corruption gia hugs, sugary cuteness, and the raw power of hope and love.
what does GoC stand for ?
Global Occult Coalition
If Veeky Forums, that most noble servant of Slaanesh, has taught me anything it is that hugs are the most corrupting force of all, save hand holding.
>Implying implications
If there is any being who would be able to sate Slaanesh and its neverending hunger, its Slime Boi.
That's why the only safe way to touch another person is not to. Hover hands are the wisest form of protection against corruption.
It's kinda cute that you think it could be done at all. Slaanesh sated would not be Slaanesh.
>Slaanesh sated would not be Slaanesh.
That's the goal. Just like how a 682 or a Scarlet King 'sated' wouldn't be either of said entities, that's basically the whole POINT of 999 existing. He's literally a gooey Anti-Evil cosmic weapon that just hasn't grown into his own yet.
I will concede that it might be the best tool for the job, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
That's what he wants you to think, dumb dumb. Baby critters often seem harmless until they grow up and you realize you've been raising a monster.
Don't they operate under the United Nations? How much superior could they even be as part of the fucking UN?
Would rather plop them into pic related and see how they fare.
Fuck that, is there an SCP RPG?
>The GoC is superior in LITERALLY every way.
They lost to a chair.
They'd do decently well in all honesty, and they have enough high-tier stuff to hold their own if Archmages/Technocracy come a knocking. Though, I dont think that the WoD could survive something like 3125 or such.
There's an SCP gamemaker RPG.
Sort of, there was a rp forum wiki thingy going on with a dice pool system.
When in doubt GURPS it out.
The Foundation is basically the Technocracy, so they'd do alright.
I'm curious how Delta Green would fair
SCP has no canon and all articles should be treated as if they exist in their own universe
>Some guys on a quest to destroy all anomalous objects
I think you mean best GoI, the Global Occult Coalition
Well honestly what the fuck can you do about a pile of wood chunks and nails that teleports into your lungs?
Too many cross references in certain articles for that to make sense, SCP-2935 being a prime example.
Shoulda tried fire. They need to fire more problems by firing things into the sun. Let the sun god SCP deal with that shit.
If anything, i'd say that the SCP foundation is better prepared for Chaos than most other outside of 40k organizations