Don't tell me you didn't buy the dip
dumped my TRX at ath to buy
Of course
>tfw sold the dip
"ITS CRASHING" they said
"SELLSELLSELL" they said
Sometimes I hate you Veeky Forums
weak handed faggot
There is no way this post is real
Why did it drop and then rise so quickly?
>buy high sell low
Buy high, sell low. You might lose money but you make Veeky Forums proud.
Here's your answer.
Just another day in Veeky Forums
Its not. I've been holding since 20 cents. I'm Just trying to enjoy the ride to be honest.
Binance went down for 45 minutes.
Show me your Iron Hands
Stellar marines
>dont buy shitcoins
>never panic sell
Feels good man, feels good
nothing better than to see a giant red dildo on this coin. bought more, thanks for the bags all you weak handed fools
i didn't come home in time to buy the dip. I'm greedy, but not dumb enough to send my exchange logins over public wifi
im proud of you
The real MVP of this thread.
islee islee islee u nvr lern
Bought high and sold low. Am I one of you now biz?
it's going to crash at 6200 again
realistic estimate as to what this will be priced at EOM?
How likely is this coin to go over 1$ in the next couple of days?
Thanks for the money duder
Look at this, it's just beautiful! This game is not for weak hand.
But we're going to moon without you
Check the order book
shit is being manipulated, its going back to 5500 now
I moved over my XMR for another 1.5k Lumens when it was shitting the bed like...an hour ago. My first perfectly timed trade! This is better than the first time I came on a girl's tits.
>mfw bought before the dip
back in the greem now but those gains
>mfw buying 1BTC's worth at the absolute bottom
Few things in the world are as satisfying as timing the market perfectly by pure luck
Fuck, had to work.
Come on snek, gimme another dip. i wanna throw moneys at you.
Dumped my REQ bags for this.
struggling a little vs ETH and I stupidly bought just under ATH. First time I've ever FOMO'd so hoping not to get burned this time.
Hoping to break through.
>dropping again
This is not okay
>dumping your REQ right before it is about to x5
You're going to kill yourself tomorrow.
This is a game for the strong
and only the strong will make it
up to 40K
holding still from my .855 buy
Going to sleep now.
I have a sell order prepped at 1.03
I couldn't buy the dip because I was already all in
probably activated sell orders at 6000 sats
>letting go of a fucking space ship
I sold the high now, almost at the top satoshi. Felt good.
Will rebuy this coming dip
Stellar lumens are for long term holding niggur.
I went all in last night at 6110
GettingREAAL fucking nervous here folks
I already sold I my 0.02$ trx @ 0.04$. This will kill me sooner.
Nobody said that, except for the pajeet shills from these amateurish PnD groups.
just readjusting for a better grip my mans
>still dropping
you could have picked literally any other coin on binance today and done better kek
This not a daytrading game, you fucking noob poorfag.
Sell now and buy again at 5000, this shit is going down
Hmm, lads?
What makes you think that?
I see many buy orders at 0.00005, ist that what you mean?
Jesus christ, I've finally decided to quit Veeky Forums. There's no oldfags left anymore. You're all new and underage, aren't you?
If it makes you feel better I'm pissed because I sold the dip and I'm trying to FUD it back down. The market is overdue for a correction anyway.
you guys know how to beat memes into the fucking grave, everytime something dips 2% you guys post pink wojacks
guys please make it stop
Dont know if you fags are trolling or what, but if you look at the order book for more than 5 minutes you will see some big orders appearing and disappearing, bringing the price up and down, from 5300 to 6200, causing slides to panic sell and panic buy.
Sell now and set your buy orders to 5000 - 5200.
I'm in my mid 30's, this board gives me a headache these days... but still has a lot of good insights if you can weed through the garbage.
If i never saw this board, i would never have an extra 80k in crypto to save for med school.
Thanks you autists i love you
Best binch and diddly
I can only buy BTC, XRP, LTC, BCH and ETH on Bitstamp, they all surged to the top, no more room to rise an di cant buy anything else.
transfer XRP to binance
spaghetti arms bro
This is how you win, ride normie hype on shitcoins and then dump them at ATH for legit coins
Why not ETH?
Should I go in now?
XLM is good but take care, the king is waking
How, exactly, do you know what 1.03 is??
enjoy your shit stuck in cryptokitties shit
This. I am /comfy/ as one can be.
This fucking guy knows what hes doing. smartmoney
If you say that enough times, it'll be true and your BTC you bought at 20k might be worth something again.
nigger what the fuck its crashing i bought at 6110
are you fuckingjoking?????????????
TFW sad user was right. Buy back in and enjoy your gains bro.
Quit watching charts you're obviously a bit inexperienced for it
Haha fuck wanted to sell at 90 like an hour ago but stuck wagecucking at work and couldn't.
Nigger it went down while i was asleep
what do you mean watching charts? pffttt
if you dont believe in XLM long term, than you shouldn't have bought it. if you do believe in XLM long term, then you wouldnt be worried about it dropping a few hundred sats
im just in it for the flip bro
t. portfolio sub 5k
bought at 6110? LOL
have fun with your bags. this is going down to 4000 and will take at least 2 weaks to get up again..
you should stop trading if you dont know what a stoploss is!
Dumped my tron to buy at the tip, yes :)
See u on the moon my friends this coin's logo is a rocket if y'all too dumb to realise what that means then you're beyond saving.
you shoudl suck my cock faggot
nigger i sold at loss
back on the trx mission
i hope this coin crashes and burns
>sold at a loss
are you retarded?
It was 600 bucks
FUck it