What can be done to drive the normalfag faux nerds out of tabletop? They’ve only come because it’s trendy and saw it on stranger things and critical roll
What can be done to drive the normalfag faux nerds out of tabletop...
Don't worry OP as soon as they've met you they never want to go near another table top game
try killing yourself.
Let me assess your anti-normie cred OP. Please tell me:
>the first tabletop game you played
>the age you were
>how you got into it
>how consistently you've played since then
>the group you have now
>the games you play now
>the last time you played a game
Why do you have to be like this
These threads are the closest OP gets to real human interaction.
nude gaming
>"normies" flock to your niche game
>breathe new life into it
>drive sales to record highs
>ensure health of product going forward
D&D is in a fucking golden age and you want this to stop???
Dang I don't know how he manages to carry on, I would have already killed myself
Just get deeper into the hobby so you can feel superior to them. Whatever your Veeky Forums hobby of choice, don't touch D&D, Warhammer or Magic, that's "normie shit." Now you only run unique homebrew settings through GURPS and play only the most obscure games, so you can still feel a step ahead of people who enjoy similar things as you.
>literal classism
>critical roll
Normalfags don't even know what the fuck that show is.
>ignoring the part where they water down the rules because normies can't handle complicated things because ugh it's just so much math
>They’ve only come because it’s trendy and saw it on stranger things and critical roll
This is mostly true, however, no one outside the hobby has even heard of Critical Roll. Don't be a fucking idiot.
Big Bang Theory and Stranger Things have drawn more attention to tabletop, but all fads die. The normies will leave and you'll have to find something else to be miserable about.
It's about making the games flow better.
The games can flow fine if you took the time to remember how the fucking rules worked. Adding a couple numbers in your head takes about 1 second unless you're a fucking normie, and then there's nothing to worry about. Face it, it just's cause normies don't actually want to take the time to learn the rules and how characters work.
I kind of feel like people cling to clunky rules as a passive method of gatekeeping. "Oh, you don't like that the rules are overly complex and slow down playing the game? What a normie." Not wanting to improve whatever game you like out of spite for other people that might also appreciate that is beyond silly.
It's a show. A show involving a bunch of failed actors and actresses pretending to "nerd it up" so we can all "smash that Like button". Rules are the last thing that show cares about.
>I don't understand the rules and don't give enough of a shit to learn. Can you just change them for me?
>The games can flow fine if you took the time to remember how the fucking rules worked.
Na, all the grognards moved to rules light editions if they aren't still playing b/x or Ad&d.
I legitimately feel bad for you that you make this shit up just to have something to be upset about.