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What are you doing to get ready for Pathfinder 2e?
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Paizo Games General /pgg/
What are you doing to get ready for Pathfinder 2e?
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Continuing to play 1e like I have and will. Stop shilling.
It’s still too early to know what I’m going to do, but I can assure you this development means I might continue playing Pathfinder rather than switch to 5e after my current campaigns run their course.
>What are you doing to get ready for Pathfinder 2e?
Eagerly awaiting more in depth system mechanics and game balance trends reveals so I can convert Kineticist to 2e as faithfully and well balanced as I possibly can.
Buying normal Pathfinder stuff as it goes on sale.
I'm using Cityscapes, by Otherverse Games, in my latest campaign.
If I roll a nat 20 on an attack roll against a creature with concealment, do I skip the miss chance roll?
Nope, such is the power of concealment.
Some DMs houserule that you can forego rolling concealment in exchange for making it a normal hit, but by RAW no.
What about forced reroll abilities like the misfortune hex? If I rolled a nat 20 on the first roll, would I skip the reroll?
>that would remove her from the line of succession and make her completely ineligible to the throne. Is Paizo completely inept?
Nani? She’s completely ineligible for the throne already, Taldor is agnatic. The main thing Eutropia is fighting for is gender equality, War for the Crown is a social revolution far more than a political one.
No, that would largely defeat the point of misfortune.
>Taldor needs to shed their patrilineal habits and evolve into a more tolerant, gender-equal society
When are we going to get the same with Qadira?
I finally got my player, a 5th level, dwarven Ordained Defender (Warder), Forgemaster (Cleric), gestalt to give me his character sheet for audit. It doesn't look good:
>Didn't update BAB, CMB, or CMD when he made level 5
>Didn't include his +1 platemail into his AC
>Didn't add new hit points when he made level 5
>Didn't add Wisdom to Initiative from the Warder's Tactical Acumen
>Still doesn't add the trained bonus to his total skill bonuses
That's almost half of what I found wrong or missing. I'll have to rewrite the whole thing before the next game. Have the rest of you DMs looked at your PCs sheets recently?
Paizo has vowed they’re going to focus more on Garund and Casmaron in the next edition, to atone for the uneven focus they put on Avistan. Maybe we’ll get it then.
I keep encouraging my DM to check our sheets regularly but he doesn't care. He (corectly so far) assumes we've got our sheets in order.
I could probably put 10,000g of discreet magical items on a level 1 sheet and go unnoticed until I used one that has an obviously powerful effect that has to be declared or specifically accounted for.
Is the Witch spell list hot garbage or am I just not looking hard enough?
>most powerful debuffs
>all the healing
>manipulation of enemies
You're just not looking hard enough.
there's one or two or so "Great" spells per level, and four-ish "Good" spells, but a lot of them are more thematic than anything else. Nonetheless, Cure Spells and Debuffs are always good, and they get decent summoning and battlefield control spells.
I found more stuff on the first page:
>Added +2 to Strength for being a Dwarf
>It carried over into CMB, CMD, and attack bonuses.
Page 2:
>Added the Earth Domain abilites
>Didn't pick new runes at 2nd level
>Didn't add masterwork bonus to armor check penalties
>Didn't choose his 3rd level stance
I gave him a cheat sheet months ago with all his abilities written on him. It's going to get rough when he forgets he can damage constructs and incorporeal beings later in the campaign.
>Queer Eye but it's a Pathfinder game and all the players are adventurers trying to spice up the lives of commoners
How is is this idea?
Hey /pfg/, I remember a list of custom spell-likes that were in use for the newer phantoms (I think lust and greed?) for the fractured mind archetype. I saw them in a games houserules at some point and was wondering if anyone might have a list of spell-likes I can use. I know unnatural lust is an obvious pick, but apart of that I really can't remember any of the ones that were in that homebrew thing of the campaign. Thanks in advance!
sounds like pf2e is going to be more of the same feat taxes, fighters can't do anything out of combat and are worse than non-fighters at killing things anyways .
How is this for house rules for a age of sail game?
Adept, Alchemist, Barbarian, Bard, Bloodrager, Inquisitor, Hunter, Investigator, Kineticist, Magus, Medium, Mesmerist, Occultist, Paladin/Antipaladin, Ranger, Shifter, Skald, Slayer, Spiritualist, Warpriest
(the other classes do exist but are either rare af, or significantly less powerful than the PC classes)
-Core: Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Half-elves, Humans
-Other: Catfolk (Scent), Hobgoblins, Kobold (no light weakness), Ifrit (Efreeti Magic), Oread (Granite Skin), Sylph (Sky Speaker), Undine (Amphibious)
House Rules:
-Chargen: 18 16 14 12 12 10 or 18 18 16 14 10 6
-No 3rd party stuff unless actively approved/encouraged.
-Firearms: Commonplace Guns, but no advanced firearms. Firearms bypass DR, but hit against Defense.
-All classes have at least 4 + Int Skill points
-Always Max HP on level up
-Only ONE person can roll for a skill check and only ONE OTHER person can assist.
-Crafting mundane items doesn't exist for you. Alchemists partially exempt. Crafting magical items doesn't exist for you either. Exceptions abound.
-You can break up movement and actions.
-Total Skill bonuses are equal to 10 + your character level.
-Feats: No metamagic. No crafting.
-Required to have at least 1 skill point in a Craft/Profession. More points can give you synergy bonuses on appropriate skills. You can add the higher of your Intelligence or Wisdom for the stat bonus.
-Favored class bonuses of +1 skill point/+1 HP only.
Was there a feat to increase your sneak attack damage? I can't seem to find anything, but i could've sworn there was
The only thing that sounds good is the fact that the majority of Feats will be designed for specific classes. This hopefully means less garbage feats that nobody will take and more attention paid to class features
>all classes get 4+int
Make this all classes except int based casters.
>no metamagic
>alternate FCB not allowed
Yeah, no.
>Make this all classes except int based casters.
You meant fullcasters, I assume, because that's probably the least retarded thing on there
Has anyone ran into any good ways to do Blood Magic style things? Doesn't matter the source, I just need options here, and I'm not finding many.
How is it retarded? Is it because I banned your precious full casters, none of which exist?
You talking like cast-from-hp blood magic or magic based on manipulating blood? The only thing I can think of off the top of my head is the cabalist vigilante, but that's more about inflicting bleeding and then taking advantage of it.
>No crafting
>Must have a Craft skill
Honestly, at this point, I'll take anything blood themed.
Kineticist is "spend HP to get stuff" with some costless basic options.
They even have a blood-based archetype specifically for edgelords like you and me
Basically, I want this. I want to fling spikes of blood, protect allies by making a hardened shield of blood, and just generally blood it up.
What's that smell?
There's also the Blood Caster from some 3rd party stuff, but I dunno how balanced that is.
There's a Blood Magic tradition in Spheres, plus with how fluff agnostic it is you can easily flavor your different magic effects as having blood effects
I don't know what that image is and I'm far to lazy to research the source but blood kineticist can do those things.
It's some random image I found that I thought was neat, that's all.
How is it?
Starfinder question:
What's some good level 2 loot that would make sense for a party to come across in an abandoned space station shopping mall?
>mfw my dumb bossfight goes over excellently with the party
An unopened shipment of condoms for the Vitamin Shoppe
Some pocket computers?
Maybe they can find a stash of pharmaceuticals?
Alien fashion.
People love fancy clothes, you just have to sell them on it.
All I know of is Accomplished Sneak Attacker, but it won't let you get more dice than half your level.
did someone edit that to make her look like a centaur?
It would appear so, and honestly I didn't notice until you just mentioned.
Centaur Darkness does sound kinky as fuck though
Yes, there's a running joke between the Musume and Konosuba fandoms that Darkness and Centorea are practically related to each other, and in that picture in particular you can tell it's edited from the lines around her gloves.
Hey, guys are lockets a thing in Golarion? Does the public have access to cameras? Like does Absalom or Magnimar have a camera or something to make a picture of someone for a locket.
It's called painting, user.
I'm new to Pathfinder, and I was gonna run my next campaign in 5e, but if 2e fixes some of the problems of PF I might use that instead
I'm always interested in trying different systems
I'm waiting for other people to notice how identical Darkness and brigitte from Overwatch look to each other. It's only a matter of time.
A space radio shack with components to make higher level stuff later.
A ring of resistance mk1 lost behind a counter in an otherwise empty jewelry store.
Some slightly better armor left on a manikin.
A first aid kit with some healing serums in the mall office.
Random scrap they can melt to UBPs.
A food court employee's hidden stash of pharmaceuticals.
Sporting goods store with a box of ammo or 2 left behind.
A maintenance room has a lot of possibilities. Maybe a work suit there with very low ac but several armor mod slots along with a radiation buffer and/or infrared sensors. Things that could be explained as safety equipment like descent thrusters or something higher level with an energy resist like an electrostatic field mk1 if you want to be nice. Again on the higher end, a load lifter armor mod also makes some sense for the maintenance guy to have had. Some other appropriate technological items could be thrown in including a few batteries. Flashlights, radiation badges, magboots, cable line, and tool kits all might be found in this room.
A hidden datapad with a credstick that some store or mall manager was using to embezzle with. The data pad could also include gossip about a jewelry store clerk getting fired about the missing ring or the food court guy's drug habit.
Also while not loot a manikin could actually be an on the run SRO, android, or other shape shifting alien with a bounty that was hiding out in the dead mall.
Playing D&D like a normal non-contrarian, silly
Could someone please help me understand the power level of oni voidlords, oni daimyos, rakshasa rajadhirajas, and rakshasa immortals?
According to this page, the hierarchy is oni void yai (CR 20) < oni voidlords < oni daimyo. Indeed, in Jade Regent #6: The Empty Throne, Shogun Tsuneni is a CR 24 oni voidlord.
Similarly, these pages imply a hierarchy of rakshasa maharajas (CR 20) < rakshasa rajadhirajas < rakshasa immortals.
However, according to the Book of the Damned, oni daimyos and rakshasa immortals are only CR 21 to 25. How can this possibly be the case when that is the exact range that oni voidlords (e.g. Shogun Tsuneni at CR 24) and rakshasa rajadhirajas are supposed to occupy?
Is the Book of the Damned mistaken? Are oni daimyos and rakshasa immortals actually supposed to be in the CR 26 to 30 range, much like asura ranas and kyton demagogues?
Is the Book of the Damned actually correct? Are oni voidlords and rakshasa rajadhirajas actually in the same power tier as oni daimyos and rakshasa immortals, with the latter two having the advantage of granting spells and domains?
This is actually relevant for a campaign I am currently running.
I'll help you understand that when you help us understand why you bother to live despite being quite literally the single most worthless person anyone on this board has ever heard of.
If you're new to Pathfinder how would you know what the problems are?
What are ways to adjust for a smaller player party as a GM? For both Pathfinder and Starfinder. Scheduling is the true nightmare of games and my friends want to see about something like being able to have small, rotating adventures for when they can't make it.
>What are ways to adjust for a smaller player party as a GM?
Adjust encounters to be more in their favor.
If you have stuff like Cavalier and Paladin put a larger portion of the difficulty in a single big mean enemy that they can make explode given the chance.
If you have stuff like Wizard or Alchemist go harder on more enemies rather than stronger ones.
I don't know Starfinder classes but I assume there are analogous specialties among PCs.
As always, you'll probably have to play with it as you go along to find the sweet spot for whatever party you have.
You can paint a picture that small?
user, people with brushes made of a single hair paint pictures on single grains of rice right now on a beach somewhere, anything's possible if you put your mind to it.
>Prerequisites: 1st-level character, human of Mwangi ethnicity, Walkena worshiper, must personally create a token worth at least 50 gp prior to an 8-hour branding ritual during which you survive taking 2d6 points of fire damage.
>Benefit: Dedicated to ridding your land of colonialist invaders, you have pledged your eternal soul to the purging of their presence from Mzali. Upon completion of the ritual, you gain fire resistance 2 and a +1 morale bonus on Will saves.
>When you are killed, you rise as a juju zombie (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 291) after 1d4 minutes. Upon rising, your alignment changes to evil. Lawful and chaotic components of your alignment are not changed. After this transformation, you deal an additional 1d6 points of fire damage with the slam attack gained from the template.
>Special: If you are a juju zombie at the time when Mzali is entirely purged of foreigners, your duty to Mzali is fulfilled and you are immediately destroyed.
Is this a cheap way to become a juju zombie? So as long as you are willing to be evil, and a certain Mwangi city-state remains culturally enriched, you are a juju zombie. The feat does not require you to actually rid Mzali of foreigners, or even be anywhere near Mzali, so long as you keep worshiping the mummified child-god Walkena.
I am a pirate, and i have 900 gold to spend.
What should i buy?
As DMs we have to assume our players wont be morons. The game is very heavy to run, and we hope our friends are moderately responsible to save time for us to do shit that actually makes the game fun to play.
Not him but as someone who started with Pathfinder ages ago, I could definitely see a player coming from other systems picking up Pathfinder's problems very quickly.
A big poofy hat, rum, lots of medicine for venereal diseases, and some sorta bird for the shoulder.
What backstory and themes are suitable for a fighter/barbarian mercenary from NotHolyRomanEMpire and a Warpriest from NotVenice?
At this point everyone with at least a sliver of intelligence have understood that 2.0 is just made so they are free from OGL and can do copyright strikes at free sources, since its not a better system but a bootleg 5E.
>DHB baked a cake
>posted about it on discord
>it’s lemon sponge cake from scratch with homemade lemon curd and whipped frosting
Anyone want to see?
>What are you doing to get ready for Pathfinder 2e?
Wrapping up my 5e Out of the abyss campaign so i can swap systems, my hopes are 2e is pretty much a 5e clone but with piazo quality adventure paths
PF2e is confirmed to be OGL, m80.
Why is a "mercenary rookie" CR 6?
"Prowess in one of any number of militaries or in a security role elsewhere" is CR 1 or 2 by "rookie" standards, particularly since a 1st level Starfinder PC can have the Mercenary theme.
if you think 5e is better system than PF1, then PF2 might be for you
I'm not because it really doesn't look that good to begin with.
Literally until their latest post, which only has a few interesting things(Like Mages able to reaction-counterspell), it's just been a pile of shit. But who knows, might be surprised, probably won't be.
Because a merc group doesn't want someone fresh out of basic training. They don't want someone who had some cushy base job for their whole tour. They want a real solid combat and professional record for their recruits and that seems to be around level six. The theme just means that is what a character aspires for but doesn't mean they are what other professional mercs may consider worth hiring.
On the other hand these are just examples of npcs and can easily be adjusted to fit the encounter. The arrays from the AA really do make scaling easy.
>being a mercenary is more prestigious and higher-standards than being a professional soldier
If you were hiring people for High-Risk patrol duty, would you hire ex-air force REMFs? Or would you hire a grunt who did a tour in a dangerous area and got back alive?
The former wouldn't be called "rookies."
If you enter a different job, and you're just starting out in it, you're a rookie to that job.
Ask /k/ about this. The prestige isn't higher, but companies like Academi do have higher standards.
I spent an hour yesterday updating his character sheet. Most of that was before the adventuring began, and some of it was during combat when a few things actions didn't sound right. I gave it another look this morning and realized he didn't add the Warder FCB to his Aegis. That might have stopped his allies from taking some damage.
Castruccio Castracani looks interesting. He was a former lord of Lucca, exiled, then came back once it was captured by his mentor. You could also try Cesare Borgia. Have the Warpriest be one of his buddies from the church.
So, I just saw that the Conjuration Handbook was released recently. How is it? Anyone gotten their hands on it?
You're not just retarded, but you're also stupid enough to think you're clever.
>black powder Inquisition sucks hot shit
>You only even get a single Inquisition/domain, so you can't prop it up with one of the stupid good ones
>Guns themselves suck such hot shit it doesn't even matter, and sword+pistol is even shittier
>SoM with its traditions could actually help me here, but that blows the doors open for dumb bullshit and assumes my GM would even allow any of it at all
Why does being thematic suck so much dick
Because Paizo believes whole heartedly in the Stormwind Fallacy, and thinks that making something thematic means they don't have to put actual effort into designing it
It's not fair. It's just not fair. SoM wouldn't really even fix it so much as slap a bandaid over it (trade out proficiencies for a tradition and feats for proficient progression, since the Adept trade is garbage) to make it at least functional. Which would put me at about the optimization level the party probably wants anyway.
Hey fellas if I'm gonna let a guy use leadership, how should we do the cohort's stats?
NPC array
Elite NPC Array, or something in line with it (15 PB). Maybe 20 PB arranged by you if it's a particularly high power game.
>Player constantly bitches how he can't have a good character because of party composition
>He says that the game forces him into a particular role
>Barely even bothers to find some roleplay reason as to why he's with the group
>Barely even roleplays
>Bitches that it's the system's fault
>Can't just kick him out because I'm a player and he's pretty close friends with the GM
Why does God curse me with shitty people
Tell us more about the party composition. Maybe we could recommend something.
I get the feeling That Guy only lives to bitch and whine.
Also, never change, Jolly Jack.
>tfw can't find any of Jolly Jack's porn comics except for that one on e621 with the minotaur
Nigga why you gotta be hurting me
Currently it's
>Envoy (Me)
>Weird Soldier/Operative multiclass
>Soldier (Him)
I really don't think it's the game i think he's just a shitty player