>implying bagpipes arent the best choice
ITT potential Bard instruments
Other urls found in this thread:
>le I choose a quirky instrument for le quirky sex class
I play a valor bard, so I don't really play the "lovable sex fiend" that everyone else seems to do. I just like bagpipes because muh Scottish heritage.
>choosing bagpipes
>not choosing to play the vagina, like any respectable bard
>Not a guitar-axe
>Not a guitar-axe with a solo-activated flamethrower.
Are you even trying?
I can't hear you over the sound of my bardic tag-team.
thanks for reminding me that movie exists
The world is my Instrument.
You should try and distance yourself from your heritage as much as possible, mostly because bagpipes are the retard cousin born of two cousins banging each other.
I just dont get the hate, yo.
i forgot about Stomp. is that even a thing anymore?
>implying dance isn't
The hips don't lie.
what movie ?
Kung Fu Hustle
Jew harp. In my group our bard plays the Jew harp, but he's also very much a father. All this spells revolve around taking care of his kids, and so his other instrument is his keychain, which he jingles and jangles to magically distract his kids.
thats simultaneously hilarious and wholesome at the same time
You don't get the hate for bagpipes? Have you ever even heard them? I'd rather listen to dubstep.
I like the sound.
thanks user
no problem friend user.
I think you can chop bard instruments into three groups: small woodwinds, large two handed, and vocal. Pic related has them all and what their users would look like.
>Big beefy guy using two handed instrument
>Lithe boy(girl) using woodwind
>woman singing with voice.
You can go against the trope easily but a small lithe girl using a massive bagpipe would stand out as much as a barrel-chested mongol raider belting out like he's in a disney movie.
I love stupid movies like that, have you ever seen shalulin soccer?
Look, there's only one way to play a Bard correctly.
>Not playing a Illithid bard who plays the Theremin to make spooky noises
Why even play bard?
By the same guy actually. He also recently made two movies based on the Journey to the West which are pretty fun.
For some reason Shu Qi is crazy hot to me. Maybe it's because she used to do softcore porn? Hell, she was in a chinese issue of playboy.
That's not a girl using that ocarina. That's Link dude.
I saw the trailer, didn’t know he did it, and thought it looked good, I’ll have to see that.
I’ll also look that up too, thanks
Upright Bass, used as both an instrument and a weapon;
user I think it's just that she is really hot. Nothing strange about it.
Also she seems a little awkward IRL which might be your thing
You're disgusting
preach brother
An ocarina made from a human skull (or maybe a flute made from a femur?). You could play pied piper but with skeletons instead.
>not playing a psionic bard inspired by the Mule
>Skeleton Bard that plays himself like a xylobone
That was a fun game.
>requires 2 hands and your mouth
Honestly singing is the best just because it keeps your hands free.
Dancing is even better if you can convince your DM that you have some sort of blade-dancer combat style that lets you perform and attack at the same time, then you can even still talk while doing Bardic music abilities.
The only way to bard correctly.
Maybe you should try blowing on a skinflute for your musical instrument, user