What's your favourite armor system so far? >AC + flat damage resistance

what's your favourite armor system so far? >AC + flat damage resistance

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Dwarf Fortress armor system.

I'm personally partial to damage-soak.

how does that work ?


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Armor is damage reduction
Armor weighs something that encumbers
Encumberence affects dodge, but not block, and fencing or unarmed parries

It's all logically linked.

there's no armor, just penalties to attack and/or damage

that's a cute nazi

damage reduction is the only sane way I see it being done, as opposed to getting harder to hit while wearing a mountain of steel

Adamantine pierces steel, steel pierces iron and bronze, iron and bronze pierce copper, copper pierces wood. If armor is pierced then it might as well not have been there at all for all the damage that it will stop. If armor deflects the blow, then the blow is converted into blunt energy instead, which is generally less damaging unless you're using a mace.