>Unearthed Arcana: Mikey Needed Nappies
>5e Trove
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What was the worst DM you ever had like?
>Unearthed Arcana: Mikey Needed Nappies
>5e Trove
Stable releases - get.5e.tools
>Last time on /5eg/:
What was the worst DM you ever had like?
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>tfw only GM i've ever had except for a warhammer RPG that exists purely to restrict players
I made an editable version of the class reference sheet from the pastebin. I couldn't quite get the font right, so feedback/help/polish would be nice.
Here's a test using the Storm Herald barbarian.
My only DM was my worst and best I guess. She's really good, but doesn't prepare a lot or do voices, and sometimes memes too much/takes the piss out of me (specifically). She knows how to set the mood well though: music, voices (weak voice so she gets hoarse quickly but oh well), runs combat well, and doesn't get hung up on rules that would stop the game from developing properly.
Could someone help me with this?
My weekly pathfinder group is starting storm kings' thunder soon. I was thinking of artificer, but they seem so much like they stand still and shoot over and over. They make up for it outside of combat with all their goodies, but it seems boring. Alternative is a Mystic following the Order of the Nomad, seems far more active and fickle.
What do you think I should play? I dont do much 5e.
Think more about the kinda character you want to play instead of the build or class cause you're gonna be disappointed if you're coming from PF, purely because of options.
both of the UA classes are broken in one way or another and are supposedly getting a complete overhaul before they see print, wouldn't suggest either mystic or articifer
> Could someone help me with this?
Yeah I'll help pretty heavily right here:
You're overthinking it, play it and see. If your players are dying too soon, dial it back - if they're coping too well, give them another kick or two.
Run away from artificer as fast as you can.
Literally every other class is better than them in any regard besides a free bag of holding at level 2, and the other questionably useful magical items you get.
>start new campaign
>we all wake up in a jail cell
>all items and equipment is removed
>you have no memory
>there is nothing in the cell
The Thundercannon is basically a ranged Greatsword that can benefit from Sharpshooter.
I generally agree, we try and alternate from our PF game for something more light hearted every now and again.
Broken in a good way or broken in an unusable way?
I tend to favor ranged weapon classes, hence artificer as my knee-jerk reaction. I wish there was a dice roll rule for class/personality.
Having no memory is probably the deal breaker here. How am I supposed to pick the lock with a chewed-off toenail if I don't know my own abilities?
Ok, it still sucks though. It'd be way better if they worked on it more than none at all.
Mystic is busted OP fuck, articifer's current implementation is just badly done. Neither is technically official since they've never seen print.
>The very thing that /5eg/ always bitches about sucks
the absolute state of /5eg/
Mystic is broken as in it's straight up bonkers OP (and frankly I'm not a fan of psionics).
Artificer is broken because it sucks ass (Compared to most other classes, cept maybe sun soul) and the alchemist subclass for it is unusable.
Still Crowd-confirming real estate prices with /tg5e/, please chime in
200 to 300gp for a hovel of 1 or 2 rooms
400-500gp for a simple house, one floor, 3/4 rooms
800gp-1.2 kgp for two floor townhouse, up to 6 rooms
1.2kgp to 1.6kgp for double fronted townhouses
3.5k for the most basic of keep or tower, the big jump based on the cost of stone quarrying
>Discover that the cell bars are painted balsa wood
>Cell is in a cave, where we find some dead kobolds and we take their knives
>Mug the gnome outside before he can speak
>Whoops, we accidentally killed him
>Wander in the forest until we get to a village
>Begin working with the traders there
>Earn enough coin to buy clothes, some horses, and map
>Everyone splits up, deciding to reconvene in a year at a predetermined spot
>Begin investigating what happened to us
>But one of us goes back to the cave, where they tied up the gnome
>He still lives, and is going to talk
>Dice roll rule for personality
If I'm understanding this right, there is exactly what you're looking for under the "Backgrounds" section of the PHB. Each background has a list of Personality Traits, character ideals, bonds and flaws that you can roll randomly for, and Xanathar's Guide to Everything features a section entirely devoted to rolling randomly to make a backstory
Wait so you guys just went through some bullshit and said "Nah, I'm gonna put that off for a year."?
>I get kicked in the head by a horse in the year between and die. My fate unknown, my friends will surely go searching for me on an anticlimactic adventure.
It's not good to make a rash decision in the heat of the moment user.
You're right, I know, and I'd do it if I could, but I'm not that good a DM, nor good with thinking on the fly. I'll leave it as is I suppose and try and respond to the flow of the fight. Thanks!
I think you're pretty close. How about purchasing already constructed property? Aren't there some tables in the DMG? And couldn't you calculate the price for constructing from that, based on how real-world construction/purchase price ratio is like?
Also what is double-fronted? Can you post a picture, I'm not a native speaker.
I use Warlock Homebre's system. It is additive to the stuff in the DMG, but you can add rooms with different features into the structures. Great for people that like to craft stuff, build a church, or invest their dragon gold in a business.
What's the most inane sounding way to roll for stats that would actually work?
Take 20 pebbles, paint numbers 1-20 on them, find an open space where you can't lose them, throw them in the air. The one landing closest to you is your score
Only one person knew the gnome still lived. Everyone else was looking for clues.
Fuck. That is pitiful. Guess you dropped the table after session one?
That about jives with the expected wages of laborers / skilled tradesmen.
Laborers could afford a house on 20 years of saved-up wages, tradesmen could buy a home in about two and a half, and townies could buy big homes after a couple more years.
...Neglecting taxes, of course.
2d6+6, retry until you get at least one 15 is the way I've always done it and new players tell me it's pretty weird.
>What was the worst DM you ever had like?
He decided that having pebble sized mimics that hide in rubble that respawn after the players take a long rest was a good idea.
15 or higher? Or just the first 15?
Do I toss them in the air one at a time or all at once?
Just thought of this now, but blackjack for stats would be pretty fucking awesome. The target number would be 18 instead of 21, naturally.
If you bust you have to settle for a 10
Oh shit, thanks user. That's perfect.
What if the dealer beats your score?
>Not settling for an 8
Really, how are you ever going to have a negative if you just settle on 10?
Shuffle a deck of playing cards numbered 6 through 17. Deal 6 cards to every player, if they don't have at least one card of 14 or higher or has 3 or more cards of 10 or lower, deal to that player again.
Your nemesis gets it.
But what if I double, does that just become roll for stat with advantage?
group all the ranged attackers into a dice grouping and then roll
To be clear as I can:
If I end up with:
I'd ditch everything and reroll all of my stats as many times as it takes until I got something like:
>15 (or higher, yes)
DM rolls a d20 and asks you to guess it. You add your difference to ten.
>Draw two fours (or worse)
>Can't bust, might as well hit me
>Later ability
>Four and a five, for nine
>Worst I can do is bust for 10, so hit me
Really, bust should be to 8 or 9.
Where does 5eg get their character art?
So, the less accurate your guesses, the better your stats?
Add your difference to 10? The distance between your two numbers? Absolute value?
>Always say 1 or 20
>Worst case, you get 10
>Best case you get 29
>Better case you do a different statgen, because that doesn't work.
Veeky Forums. The Character Art threads tend to be actually okay.
You guys like crapping all over warlock homebrew fixes, right?
How am I doing so far boys? :^)
Google, pinterest, artstation, Veeky Forums; wherever I can, really.
Should have clarified, if you under guess your subtracting from ten. Probably should be half. I dunno I just made it up
Is almost like if a lot of your gaming need could be resolved if you read the fucking game book
It's going to be very difficult finding art for my Half Elf Sorcadin who doesn't wear armor because his body is covered in scales, wields a Sun Blade (aka D&D lightsaber) in combat paired with a Sentinel Shield. I'd be happy even with just a portrait of a half elf with hints of scales on his skin.
I haven't found relevant tables yet, asked /tg5e/ and had none suggested, so am working on my own calculations. Double fronted means a wider building more suitable for an inn, business place or shopfront
> see pic
That link isn't working for me, sadly
This gives me hope I'm at least in the right ballpark, you doing the maths from the other direction and it making sense is very encouraging
I like having my players draw, or at least attempt to draw their art. If they can't, be descriptive and let imagination fill in the blanks.
Sounds like a trannylizard/Au Ra to my feeble bideo gem infested mind, start there. Just say your horns are fully scaled-the-fuck-up so they can't be seen.
>What was the worst DM you ever had like?
I haven't been apart of a lot of groups but I have done some one shots and there was one that stood out where the dude said it would be medium difficulty (4 level 3s and 2 level 4s).
So the party goes into this cave for a treasure. First area we get into is filled with like ten of these fish dudes. Get into fight and nearly two people drown but we kill all of the fish dues. We continue on without really resting cause some people have potions and one dude still has healing spells. We get into the next area and don't see anything and get surprised by a roper and some of it's little roper children. It grabs me and another dude then pulls us for the bite and nearly instant gibs us. Warlock pussy foots around attacking cause she doesn't wanna get hit. Cleric at least helps and gets one tentacle cut and I get away. Other dude is downed. Warlock finally decides to help and drives it off. We decide to rest cause that was a fucking awful experience but GM is like "I don't if you'll be able to rest when you know you're in an enemy cave." Yeah no shit that's why we're doing a short rest so we stay conscious and don't go down in a hit in the next combat encounter. We move on after resting into an area with a sarcophagus, turns out it's a mimic and the floor is a mimic as well! But we take them out with only one dude getting downed by being crushed by the floor. Take a short breather to drink potions and the gm actually asks us if it's a short rest and we have to argue with him it's not because at most the time to drink the pots for everyone should only take around 2 or 3 minutes. He at least backs off and we move on into some room where we see the treasure but see some lobster dudes swimming in a pool under it. Lobster dudes detect our magic users and attack us and we actually take them down pretty fast. So we take the treasure back to the dude thinking we're done but oh no!
The dude is actually some fucking insect changling and attacks us! For absolutely no reason because we literally just gave him the treasure! And then we fight him and some random as cronies that show up. And this fight actually pisses off all of the players so we cheese it by having the dude with the highest AC stand in the cave entrance and just use every turn taking the dodge action until we kill the dude through sheer "Fuck off".
>What was the worst DM you ever had like?
If i omit fooling around in highschool (which i barely remember because it was inconsistent as fuck), then worst DM i played with is probably my current one. BUT i gotta say he improved a lot during the year we are playing.
>"your familiar may take the attack action once every three turns"
>wedging the familiar into a pet
>three clauses for pseudo hand economy for the blade summoning instead of just one type of action (action, bonus action, or just a freebie)
>tome wording is weird when mystic arcanum already provides a blueprint for "get a spell once a long rest"
>capstone a mess of wording instead of some "Choose a spot within 5 feet. By spending 1 minute of uninterrupted supplication to your patron (as if concentrating on a spell, do X" or some shit
I assume Warlocks still have the same spell progression? I love me some Intelligence Warlocks, but it might be clearer to make a level 1 feature that determines whether you're using Charisma or Intelligence rather than having it in the spellcasting section. Afterward, refer to the rest of the abilities using "your spellcasting modifier" or whatever.
Great tip with the Au Ra, thanks friend. I might edit out some horns in gimp or just say that my Elfish ears became Horns
What sounds like an interesting mount for a cavalier?
A warhorse?
Any time my man, hopefully you can make something satisfactory for you work out.
non-horse mounts?
But you posted a picture of a badass on a horse?
A Griffin. Have fun getting one.
I asked the question above because i'm trying to make a sick jouster.
Some of the chain familiars have interesting DC saves that never see use. I considered giving it an a full turn as per normal but I thought that would be too much. I'm not particularly attached to it though.
Yes, I made blade that way to make it more flexible. I don't want it to be restricted to only a draw/interact with object action, or only limited to a bonus action, or to blatantly require a full action just to draw your weapon (which is RAW and awful). Frankly I'm tempted to just say "you summon it as a free action"
I wanted Tome to have an additional warlock spell slot in the grimoire itself, not another arcanum, to make it more of a "caster" type option. Especially useful at lower levels. Vanilla warlock only gets like 2-3 slots from low-to-mid level so an extra, book-exclusive one is appealing. Plus I think the tome should function as a spellcasting focus anyway. But yeah, to answer your question, spell slot progression is the same.
Capstone is messy but I wanted to give it more flexibility. I was considering rewording it as "10 charges" vs 1 minute/1 action/10 actions. Might just do that honestly.
I'll definitely take your advice to make it a separate feature description since that bugged me too. Didn't think of that. Thanks.
The first link is a $5.00 purchase page for something or other, the blog link is less than exactly on the topic in hand. Thank you all the same.
It says pay what you want though.
Griffin. Tell the DM to give you a pet birdy.
I want to make a badass Goliath Hunter type of character and I want to give him one or two animal companions but I don't know what. I'm thinking something that's dog or dog-like, but I could be swayed.
I don't know what level you're starting at, but if you're a goliath, anything giant-related would be appropriate.
>just checked
>he'd have to go 13 levels into Paladin to get Greater Steed for a free Griffin
Jesus Christ I didn't remember it being that far in. I thought they got a 4th Level slot at like 8 or 9.
Ask the DM to give you a babby griffin that's smaller and works with the first steed ability?
Fuck I forgot to say its an npc not my personal character
I barely cared what kind of dog your PC had, I can't be arsed to care what dog your DMPC runs around with.
The gloves are off, then. You could have him literally riding on a unicorn made of stardust with an elder dragon in tow.
It's on page 128 of the DMG, under Building your stronghold. No mention of houses etc. though. A bit up is the maintenance cost.
Many thanks, though consulting this doesn't quite work on the scale I'm thinking. Also now I look it up;
>50kgp for a keep or small castle
Not sure what WOTC considers a keep but that sounds a bit rich for my blood
Just make the Goliath into Stardust, and have him hunting Elder Dragons and Unicorns because they are 5th Columnists.
That something or other is pay what you want, which can be $0. It is a ruleset for making, maintaining, and using player bases. Really scaleable from a tavern to a castle.
The blog is full of home brew stuff. WH posted an expansion for the Strongholds' rules featuring a hidden coven, an arcane ziggurat, and ways for players to use a cult to help with magic.
Why are rogues and bards potentially better at arcana than wizards? Better at religion than (non-knowledge) clerics? Better at nature than druids?
They could just be better at the lore/science behind it, not actually in the practice of it.
But if you are shoving your expertise into those, rather than stealth, perception, persuasion... You are doing some silly stuff.
Which sane rogue would take proficiency, let alone expertise in Arcana?
Also, it is important to note, that wizards are not scientists. They're engineers.
(It is even worse with bards, who are not even engineers, but just have a lot of practice and eyeball it.)
Has anyone got any tips for running Murder in Baldur's Gate. I'm redoing all of the stats right now, but it looks really interesting and very fun. First impressions are that from the outset it looks like it's stacked for Silvershield to become the Chosen of Bhaal.
Is a Vrock too difficult for a part of 6 level 2's with basically no magical items but good stats
It is stacked, unless the PCs really interfere. I've run it before, but make sure you are organized with all the events that happen. They happen fast and often.
There's literally a subclass called Arcane Trickster. Why would you not take Arcana for thematic and rp reasons?
Arcana, yes.
Expertise, I wouldn't. Better used in sleight of hand for AT's.
>>They could just be better at the lore/science behind it
Even this doesn't make sense
>But if you are shoving your expertise into those, rather than stealth, perception, persuasion... You are doing some silly stuff.
>>Also, it is important to note, that wizards are not scientists.
Yeah, because rogues are clearly more of scientists than fucking wizards that study magic. Come on man.
You've got to be kidding me.
It's not quite what you want, but Valor bards make great knights, and get greater steed at 10.
Yeah I've written myself some flow charts and worked out a time frame leading up to the Feast of the Moon. But from what I've read you need to be way more organised than most published adventures.
Would it be wrong for a squire to already be wearing plate?
Wizards are practical, a rogue with expertise is theoretical, a bard is a bit of both.