I third this, DEldar are the most well loved of any army in 40k by Veeky Forums as a whole. They are edgy but in a 40k fun way and they dont get too much love from GW compared to a lot of other popular armies. People who play them are usually bro's too.
Maybe Ad Mech, though it does have lots of toxic memery.
The faction choice of little kids. No thanks.
Haha no.
William White
>deathwatch is that sarcasm because those look like fire hawks or legion of the damned im seriously mirin' that underslung missile launcher in the middle
cause i have a captain with a storm bolter, and ill be damned if i have to put it off to put a combi bolter on because 2 editions later they want all to be just 1 option
Mason Gonzalez
When is the big errata supposed to happen? I have some hopes that need to be dashed, and I think this will be just the thing for them.
You wouldn't need to remove it, they could've just had a single profile entry + (you may use Combi-bolter, Twin Boltgun, and Storm Bolter bits to represent this)
Eli Jackson
What are you up to my fine anons? Played a bunch of fun games this week. This one for my 40k campaign against some loyalist Emperor's Children and then today first played in a 3v3 and then a 2v2 against Nids and Crons. Any fun games? Also up for a batrep my dudes?
Alright so a friend of mine is selling his army, and I'm thinking about buying it. It's crons, and he says he has ~4 units of warriors (I think 40 but maybe 80), 10 or 20 Immortals, 3 Destroyers, a magentized ghost/doomsday ark, 3 Canoptek Scarabs, a metal one with a hideous paintjob, a Monolith, a bunch of scarabs, and a metal lord. Everything is primed black
Wyatt Harris
user talking about first time painting earlier. WIP update. Still needs a wash, the gun and parchment finished but any advice for a total noob.
They themselves said that the FAQ is being posted after Adepticon. Adepticon ends tomorrow.
Juan Brooks
He's a cutie, I like the colors. Is that one of geedubs' paintjobs or your own? Looks kinda like Ryza but I don't really recall..
Jackson Brooks
It is right, Radium Carbines do more damage against pretty much anything, Galvannic Rifles are only better if you want to gunline and stay further than 18" the whole game.
You're not wrong that the main reason for Rangers is their versatility but their guns are flat-out better too.
cheaper russ's. cheaper russ commanders. better commissars. basically anything that makes my tanks and infantry better. and nerfs to all other armys, especially ones that get a -1 to being hit, fuck those armies
Connor Jackson
I have a question about the Yncarne. The inevitable death rule is not precise. It says he cannot charge when "set up in this manner". But is this valid every time it is set up including the first time or just when he's already on the table and teleport to another place after a unit dies ?
Samuel Watson
Oh, shit, I forgot to put it. 100-120ish, plus he's got some paints that I can probably use if I want to paint it.
Christian Johnson
Please help me, I want to believe Lorgar is wrong. But I can't prove it.
whats his details i'll uhhhh buyitoutfromunderyou ask him mroe details to get you info on if it's valuable
Kevin Williams
>not too strong >not terrible >great style >models are nicely detailed >fits the setting
Caleb Baker
Do you think that Chapter Masters/Captains/Chaplains sometimes go undercover as new recruits who just got their armor to see how the older veterans treat the new guys?
user, you are trying to over complicate things. remember, there are people here who couldnt even get 8 pages of simplified rules right when 8th began
Xavier Johnson
My advice, be careful with the wash. It'll instantly fuck up the model if you do it sloppily. Apply very carefully, only in crevases.
Oliver Perry
i dont think a space marine chapter is like the army. there probably isnt much bullying and raping going on, when you spend 90% of non combat days in training, and the other 10% eathing, sleeping, and venerating the emperor
Charles Hughes
It's a test scheme for a different army I'm making so if it's Ryza that's news to me. I'm brand new to the hobby and all I know is Ryza has orange cloaks and not anything else. This was my learn how to paint and assemble minis.
Josiah Gutierrez
>not too strong
take out the word 'too' and you are spot on.
>only faction in the entire game with no access to transports
I've played with him a lot, he's actually pretty viable. That said he's a super 'tech' unit so you'll feel like he's dogshit in the games you don't get him dead on. I played against an amazing Ynnari list with him at a tournament this weekend that took massive advantage of him.
Wyatt Miller
I'll be careful. A big problem I have had is thin and thickness of paints. I have no idea if I am in the sweet spot at any point. Everything has felt overly runny. I think I put to much water in my pallette is my guess.
William Nelson
So, if you could choose one small change for your army in the upcoming FAQ, what would it be?
>Blood Angels >all librarians get a 4++ invuln save, even the dread
Jacob White
need another thin coat, on the coat. Be careful with the washes. The gun needs highlighting.
Jordan Richardson
Played my first game of Tau in 8e today. Ran a brigade with fusionstar, ethereal, fireblade, 6 msu Strike teams, 2 ion pathfinder squads 1 vanilla, 2 stealth teams+ full melta keel, 2missilesides and an ionhead(borkan sept btw). Was against my buddies combined WE+Khorne Daemons. Was a really really fun game. Ionhead 1 shot his Heldrake with solid roles on overcharge plus a lucky seeker hit, fusion commander chunked out most of his Bloodthirster in one round of shooting. Missile sides eat bloodletters alive. Was a fairly close game but deployment ended up happening short-ways on the table so it was a quick and bloody battle p much decided by the bottom of turn 2, after which he conceded. Big takeaways: I’m never not giving my Keel an EWO. Target lock did jack shit, EWO woulda done so much work. Fusion commanders aren’t a meme. They’re savage. Ionheads can Fuck shit up really hard with just a tiny bit of strat support. Tau have a million ways to buffer deepstrikers further out. Oh, and ethereal suck balls if you’re not going first. >/blog