Is it okay for a religious person to play religion based characters?
Whats the coolest thing your dm has done for the players?
How far is to far when it comes to getting into character?
Longest session?
Have you ever mixed mini war gaming with ttrpgs?
Is it okay for a religious person to play religion based characters?
Weird questions thread, for some reasone didnt put the title
>religious player, religious character
Hi! I'm user, I play paladins, and I'm a Mormon.
Do you play the character as a christian character or is it ok to use the settings mythology?
> Mormon
> Christian
Choose one
It's cool for a religious person to play any kind of character as long as they're not causing a problem, same with an atheist person
Gygax was religious, it's not like it's some crazy thing
Reminder that the Bible says thou shalt have no God's BEFORE me, not 'thou shalt have no other Gods'
>Gygax was religious
Well duh, according to Chick tracts he was a satanist.
you're not fooling anyone
>Is it okay for a religious person to play religion based characters?
Of course it is, why wouldn't it be?
>Coolest thing DM has ever done?
Put together a PDF explaining all the In universe shit we keep forgetting
>How far is too far?
Rule of fun. If everyone is having fun, everything is fine. Once things stop being fun, you are that guy, don't be that guy.
>Longest Session
6 hours
>Have you ever mixed wargame minis with tt rpg
That's basically what D&D originally was
I mean from more of a religious moral perspective, like would the church or "god" as a throwall term be ok with it.
If it's okay to pretend you're murdering someone in your religion, I think it's okay to pretend you're someone with a different mindset.
>Is it okay for a religious person to play religion based characters?
As long as they can roleplay, why wouldn't it be?
>Whats the coolest thing your dm has done for the players?
Perservered. It's been a decade.
>How far is to far when it comes to getting into character?
Eh? I mean, if you start LARPing as them or identifying, personally, as them, I guess? I don't think I understand the question.
>Longest session?
10 hours.
>Have you ever mixed mini war gaming with ttrpgs?
I've always used the setting's mythology.
>friend is a die-hard Christian with pictures of Jesus all over his house
>I run a Forgotten Realms campaign for him and his buddies
>he plays a cleric who insists his patron deity is the only god and everyone else is wrong
>I try to explain that it's a polytheistic setting and his character's god is part of a pantheon
>he ignores me completely and keeps on smiting the "heretics"
If you can't handle playing pretend as a character who believes in a god of their own, your faith is a lot more fragile than you may wish to believe...
In which case you should listen to that nagging little "something feels wrong" voice and explore other belief systems, starting with playing out another god's clerics. That may not be good for your current level faith in your current faith, but it'll leave you much healthier spiritually speaking.
There was a Hackmaster cleric-variant, the Zealot, which is exactly that. They take their beliefs and preaching too far, though if they can avoid being killed by their stupidity, the rewards can be quite impressive.
>run a great campaign
>Dark Dungeons
>two days
>do mass combat rules count?
On a related note, I'm playing a setting using the Forgotten Realms cosmology right now and take every opportunity in-character to remind all the atheist and agnostic PCs in the party that they're gonna be spending eternity as a cinder block in Kelemvor's border wall if they don't at least worship SOMEONE.
pic related?
>Have you ever mixed mini war gaming with ttrpgs?
Everytime anyone plays 3.x, Pathfinder. 4e. or 5e.
If you aren't experienced enough in RPGs to know, the D&D brand is one of the RPGs that is closest to TT War Gaming (Coming from chainmail and all).
Most other RPGs shy away from the heavy rules, or the heavy grid map, or both.
>Is it okay for a religious person to play religion based characters?
My brother is a pastor and we had a long talk about this a few days ago. Basically, there’s nothing particularly bad about a religious person roleplaying someone of a different faith unless the player feels uncomfortable. If the player has any hesitation about their faith, just play a rogue or a fighter instead. No reason to have a crisis of faith over an rpg.
>Whats the coolest thing your dm has done for the players?
Sous-vide spare ribs. Oh my god they were the best fucking ribs ever. The game is shitty but the food game is amazing.
>How far is to far when it comes to getting into character?
Probably when reality gets confused with fantasy. Please don’t cry over a dead npc or get genuinely mad about a slight against your character.
>Longest session?
Like, 6 hours. We all have other things to do. Jobs and kids and stuff.
Have you ever mixed mini war gaming with ttrpgs?
A little bit I didn’t really enjoy it. These days I prefer freeform, theatre of the mind type games. I’m running a game of Blades in the Dark and having a great time.
>most other RPGs
The ones you listed account for 70% of the market.
And a lot of the well-recognized B and C-listers also use grids and/or detailed rules (e.g. GURPS, the 40k rpgs)
And then on top of this, you have the games that totally don't use a grid, but actually work better with one.
I'm a Pentecostal and I love playing religious characters. It's not like I start speaking in tongues while I'm playing or anything, so it's all fine.
>the D&D brand is one of the RPGs that is closest to TT War Gaming (Coming from chainmail and all).
>Most other RPGs shy away from the heavy rules, or the heavy grid map, or both.
Newfags pls go and stay go
Its not a real god, it's not real worship and its not even you doing it its an imaginary persona you created. If they're the kind of people autistic enough to think that god spends his days shitting on rpers and actors for pretending to worship pagan gods than they're probably at the jack chick tier level of christianity and aren't worth having around anyway.
The protestant version of the text says no gods before me. the Catholic version on the other hand clearly states "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." it is this unique difference which allows the Catholics to worship saints.
Catholics don't worship saints dude.
No, they just pray to them and keep idols with their images around the house, especially near whatever they are the patron of. Totally not worship.
I play religious characters and I’m an atheist, so I agree your own feelings about religion have little bearing on your character’s.
That sounds like a great campaign timeline.
In polytheistic cultures of the real world there's always a few faggots who insists there is only one god.
Its not really unrealistic that there are people that hold one god above all others. Even going as far as saying the others are not gods/just figments of the one god.
Issue arises if this guy is actually slowing down the game to spread his gospel or annoying you/others.
Akhenaten would be proud
Far worse than that. He was a Jehovah's Witness.
>Is it okay for a religious person to play religion based characters?
Yes. Why would you ask? Is a religious person allowed to write stories with other gods in them? Can a religious person play an atheist in a play?
>Whats the coolest thing your dm has done for the players?
I'm a sucker for any GM who can have two dozen background music tracks lined up and transition them seamlessly.
>How far is to far when it comes to getting into character?
If you start acting like your character when not at the table you have gone too far. If you find it necessary to vocally disturb other players by yelling at, interrupting, or otherwise annoying them it is too far. Personally I would never come to the table in costume, but I wouldn't care if someone else did so. Beat me to it.
>Longest session?
Ten hours. I was GMing for the first time on my birthday back in high school. We took breaks of course, but it was a blast. I'd love to do a proper marathon for Extra Life one day.
>Have you ever mixed mini war gaming with ttrpgs?
I've tried a few times, but the players never show much interest. Some players really don't like strategy games so the rest never get to enjoy a hybrid system. I also have a tendency to make my strategy elements way too complicated.
Jesus Fucking Christ I'm areligious and this shit annoys me to no end, do Mormons, Jehovahs Witnesses etc. commit heresies according to Christian teaching that was canonized at the Council of Nicea, or tons of things that would be heretical in a ton of Protestant denominations? Of course they fucking do. Does that change that they are offshoots of Christianity? No it fucking doesn't. They revive specific early Christian practices/beliefs or the teachings of any number of rogue theolgians throughout history that were declared heretical. To call them completely removed from Christian theology or influence is retarded, to call them not Christian cause whatever jackoff is in charge of your strain of Christianity does is just a dick move. So maybe fucking think before you lower the current state of theological discourse even more.
Also fuck you I just came to this thread to save the fucking bird image OP posted, and I end up wasting my time writing all this shit god fucking dammit.
nice peep
That is a clearly a chirpchirp.
>its another fedora tipper being mad that mommy dragged him to church instead of letting him get fat and watch cartoons
I'm glad you two could connect on the points of being fat and watching cartoons.
Op here, just curious as to what the fuck happened to this thread
Patrician taste
Someone who thinks gnostics, Arians, and thomas jefferson are christians.
>Hi, I'm a shintoist, but there's only one true god who is completely seperated from the world and objects in the world
You forgot the title so everyone only focused on the questions you asked instead of asking their own, and it boiled down to discussion over the most divisive of them.
As a future fail safe you could ignore the title field entirely and just stick it at the top of your post.
Yeah, good enough explination. Phones are not the best for making threads, but I have a do nothing night shift security job so figured fuck it.
>Hi, I'm a Hindu, but there's only one true Krishna who is completely seperated from the world and objects in the world
>Hi, I'm a Roman, but there's only one true Zeus who is completely seperated from the world and objects in the world
>Hi, I'm Zoroaster and I'm a Magi but there's only one true Ahura Mazda who is completely seperated from the world and objects in the world
>Hi, I'm a Canaanite but there's only one true YHWH who is completely seperated from the world and objects in the world
Yes. Monotheist Shintoism makes sense.
Hmm, was Arianism and Gnostic Christianity not developed within the context of Christianity? Christian in this case has two fucking meanings as an adjective and as a theological/religious system. Arianism is Christian, tons of Christians can claim it isn't Christian, but it was developed in the context of Christianity and is therefore a Christian religious system. As far as I'm concerned interfaith fighting should be ignored when talking about the actual facts of the situation and not inane theological dogma.
Depends on the setting and the GM. In Shadow Run you can totally have a Muslim, Christian, or Jewish character.
My GM gave me a cursed weapon with a dark god as a source of its power. Had my character take levels of paladin, because he became convinced by the gods argument and the GM lifted the curse and made it more powerful.
When you start to take things personally, be it the actions of another player or the actions of the GM.
12 Hours. It was in college and we were finishing up a game just after finals.
Yes, with mixed results.
Is there a point when a particular particular group of Christians become distinct from others? Yeah of course we've got 15million Protestants churches and a couple of Catholic ones, not including the weird new American ones that don't count.
Don't know what you think "Protestant version" of the bible is but
which are the three/four biggest translations used by English speaking protestants all have
>Thou/You shalt/shall have no other gods before Me.
so maybe you'd better study a bit harder before your Bible College exams.
I loved that dlc.
Also posting this since its clearly related to the thread now. (non-denominational Christian.)