Hey Veeky Forums I was wondering what would be a good system for running an Alex jones themed rpg I have a vauge idea for it essentially the pcs would be members of an Alex jones army/cult and would go around fighting interdisemsional demons and lizard people culminating in a final battle with Hilary Clinton in a demon form. All suggestions are welcome thanks
Hey Veeky Forums I was wondering what would be a good system for running an Alex jones themed rpg I have a vauge idea...
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You've pretty much described an Unknown Armies game. That or Conspiracy X.
Gay frogs as basic enemies
That or Delta Green
I hate replying to a /pol/ shitpost but an Alex Jones themed CoC game would actually be good.
Stat him.
This. I'm a libturd-leaning centercuck and I think the premise is hilarious. Sounds like great fun.
Alex Jones is too crazy for Delta Green.
You could use this is inspiration.youtube.com
Also, OP, a refluffed Dark Heresy could work.
My god
Dark Heresy where the players are alt-right edgelords trying to root out degenerates.
At that stage is the emperor Alex Jones or Trump? or Hitler?
"Pandemonium! Adventures in Tabloid World" is the game you are looking for. It's literally a game about being the unsung defenders of humanity in a world where insane conspiracy theories are correct.
What else does he know?
Genesys could work since then you wouldn't have to worry about stats as much.
why do you hate freedom commie scum?
Join the Neo-Fascist Alliance
A Better Tomorrow, Today!
Okay, so you want a realistic RPG? The main issue is that the dudes you listed are all pretty much top tier rippy enemies.
>interdimensional demons
You would need to institute a chi-system for the adventurers to even have a chance. And an understanding of basic estorics. For example, distance in higher dimensions exists, but what appears close can be infinitely far away. Travel there is not so much by distance or time alone, but rather by willpower fueled repulsion or attraction. Willpower and discipline honed by rigorous training. And good luck using non-euclidian structures, because our basic understanding of distance and geometry only get you so far. Fighting them would be an acid trip all on their own. And then you get into the issue that demons are basically negative energy and you simply cannot use physical force against them. Or ideally, use them as plot points to get your characters to develop strength. They wouldn't quite function as bosses as we would normally understand.
>lizard people
These tend to be elites of the civilization, each one would have to basically be a campaign boss , with psychic vampires acting as session bosses. Because of their status as elites, you'd need to mow down a lot of people just to get to them. Or plot assassinations/capers
>BBEG is Hillary
Nah, wouldn't work. Especially when demons are the fucking mid-bosses. You're better off using some gnostic forces, like the adventurers are fighting a shard of the demiurge or an archon.
So you want a system that caters more to diplo, stealth and planning rather than pure 100% combat. Because 100% combat COME AT ME BRO sort of shit won't fly in the setting. .You need a more cerebral sort of system, unless you feel like DMing 4 wannabe Chads who are so Chadded up that they bend the rules of nature to their whims.
Call of Cthulu?
Run it in new Delta Green, throw all of the insane, batshit deep state bullshit you can in there, and whenever they do vignettes with their bonds, show everyone close to them slowly succumbing to the EVUL STRAWMAN LIBERAL AGENDA.
This would be hilarious on so many levels.
Bump for human hybrids.
Is she sticking her fucking tounge out?
I guarantee you the premise isn't nearly as funny as you think it is, and I don't even believe you think it's that funny in the first place
no, she's sticking her tongue out
Hillary is just a tool of the globalists. Their ultimate masters are the higher-dimensional beings that they channel as part of their technocratic, transhumanist religion.
It's like you didn't even read the documents.
>everything has to be le funny
Delta Green.