Could we have some pictures of parties, groups of adventurers, people around a campfire, etc. I want some group shots

Could we have some pictures of parties, groups of adventurers, people around a campfire, etc. I want some group shots.

Attached: 1515135775066.jpg (1080x1920, 1009K)

Attached: encamped party.jpg (1200x1600, 813K)

Who the fuck sits/lays THAT close in a group. Also, several people are definitely going to be burnt due to proximity to that fire.

When I first went camping I slept that close to the fire. My shoes melted.

Exactly. The dude in plate is absolutely going to have melted boots.

Attached: adventure party.png (1440x900, 2.19M)

Attached: adventurers.png (800x600, 793K)

>that knight's narrow waist


> s o y
Honestly wouldn't be surprised if the guy was an elf. Also, the mage looks like a young guy wearing a fake beard

Frickin' connection!

Attached: holy trio.jpg (1764x1044, 302K)

Also that huge metal flap is way too long.

Who did you play as lads?

Attached: 974760[1].jpg (900x575, 558K)

Attached: silent ones.jpg (1800x1021, 717K)

Hierarch, Elspeth, and?

Yes, I'm bi_

Fuck, Marry, Kill

Attached: 3masked.jpg (1920x1080, 311K)

Attached: elven hunters.jpg (1023x772, 142K)

depends on what its meant to cover. might be just the right length
especially if its an elf female (male)

Attached: fantasy medic.jpg (894x894, 211K)

I thought only bad guys used magic in Conan

This picture is painfully generic

Attached: 2EFD5EF8-CDB9-4ADD-9161-59DF5200E221.jpg (640x640, 100K)

Attached: bmp2nva6buga9.jpg (800x764, 171K)

Attached: shadowrun party original.jpg (720x535, 77K)

Attached: characters-mitchell-malloy.jpg (1920x1207, 342K)

Is Conan supposed to be twice as big as everyone else? Did the wizard cast a spell on him?

Attached: Fell's Five.jpg (800x1124, 243K)

Attached: adventurers.jpg (1920x1395, 248K)

Attached: 1_hostile takeover.jpg (1800x1083, 1.12M)

Attached: planeswalkers.jpg (5770x3216, 3.7M)

Attached: 1891457_0.jpg (630x630, 65K)

Attached: year_of_the_rat_flyleaf_by_hellstern.jpg (1000x783, 315K)

wrong picture

Attached: 1891457_1.jpg (540x400, 75K)

Attached: FF1.png (589x602, 684K)

Attached: 1515860801071.jpg (2254x1500, 2.94M)

Attached: (800x498, 265K)

Attached: mercs_molden_heath.jpg (860x484, 107K)

Attached: chillaxin.jpg (2560x1650, 573K)

Knight of the Reliquary

Attached: Last_Stand.png (1024x655, 866K)

Attached: delta_squad_by_rookie425-db8763w.png (939x573, 900K)

I guess this kind of counts. That's all I got.

Attached: The_Banner_Saga,_Travel_Bridge_screenshot.jpg (1920x1080, 1.28M)

Attached: magical_realm.png (899x1000, 1.58M)



tfw we will never get a true dark fantasy Dragon Age sequel with its original murky style.

Attached: 273388.jpg (1920x1200, 475K)

>"Would you like to join us by our fire?"
>"Uh, I don't see any fire..."
>"Yesssssss...there isssss."

Attached: SF_Camp.png (1000x703, 1.43M)


He's a dwarf. They basically bathe in love or sleepin a forge. Lets not talk about their parenting methods.

Attached: 01mar.jpg (1600x1600, 498K)

Attached: 25_Jean_Pierre_Targete_ThievesWorldTurningPoint.jpg (1004x1527, 640K)

Attached: 39_Richard_Hescox_JasonCosmo.jpg (995x1363, 516K)

Attached: 41_Richard_Hescox_DomainsofDarkover.jpg (930x1292, 505K)

>le epic soy meme

Attached: 42_Richard_Hescox_ShadowsRealm.jpg (947x1403, 413K)

Always ignore applesponges

Attached: big shot.jpg (998x818, 292K)

Did they defeat a giant can of soda?

That's clearly an ogre

Attached: 0706_jstatink1.jpg (1000x1373, 188K)

Attached: 172367.jpg (4388x1336, 3.13M)

Attached: DXzlWIgVQAA1hiC.jpg (658x800, 130K)

Attached: 1268389216644.jpg (1257x1680, 978K)

Sorry, I just couldn't help myself

Attached: 1290504405947.png (885x712, 1.22M)

Now hold the fuck on

Attached: 1369004846924.jpg (1261x838, 311K)

Attached: 1369615276156.jpg (488x450, 67K)

Oh shit, is that some Final Fantasy 1 art? I recognize that artist

Attached: 1370827959933.png (800x347, 1.4M)

>Space Marine

Attached: f4c.jpg (600x600, 43K)

Attached: 1374499735633.png (1100x800, 70K)

Attached: Darkest 2.jpg (646x387, 80K)

Attached: 1382526219503.jpg (1024x768, 172K)

Attached: 1383939218660.jpg (650x756, 270K)

Strahd, Mordenkainen, Elminster, Kylie, some red dragon, and some dude from Alternity, I think.

Attached: 1421793920578.jpg (1177x1600, 773K)

Attached: 1423330982754.jpg (877x1149, 279K)

Attached: 1439448697359.jpg (785x1015, 756K)

>triple barrelled clarinet

Attached: 1448992976269.png (1007x763, 933K)

Why oh why did the artist turn the arrow invisible where it crosses the guy's face? Somehow it looks like it's going THROUGH his chin instead.

Attached: 1439462894111.jpg (1600x1260, 296K)

Attached: 1439462968695.jpg (1600x1260, 186K)

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Attached: 1457992816531.jpg (700x511, 107K)

Attached: 1459773221877.jpg (639x348, 114K)

Attached: 1471536350303.png (762x839, 406K)

Attached: brave_the_dark_castle_by_weremole-d41genp.jpg (620x877, 604K)

Attached: Elmore_Larry_020_Companions_Of_The_Lance.jpg (1060x1036, 522K)

Attached: Elmore_Larry_036_Crystal_Shard.jpg (1043x1401, 441K)

Attached: 1509839724463.png (1920x1088, 2.5M)

Attached: Elmore_Larry_124_Ancient_Powers.jpg (1044x1506, 558K)

Attached: Elmore_Larry_157_Oath_Of_Swords.jpg (898x1120, 564K)

Attached: stonecircle_ddparty.jpg (1160x740, 177K)

Are those supposed to be Seguleh?

Attached: everquestbox.jpg (1920x1080, 662K)