Space thread
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Space thread
I really dig space-ships that are orientated to be 'tall', in a way. I'm not sure if there's a name for them, but I've been calling them that for awhile and no-one has corrected me yet.
Can be cool.
When it comes to music in space settings:
Broke: Electronic or orchestral
Woke: Bluegrass
>not Filk
Do you have infrastructure to launch things cheaply and easy into space?
What aesthetics are best for you in
>Ship style?
>Defence systems?
Also Hawaiian chill.
No fuck you why should I
In my setting, Earths' population is pretty low and mostly reclaimed by the wilderness.
Ships are easily able to make it to orbit by themselves, so all that's really on the planet are ancient landing pads and a few spaceports for refueling.
Because it allows much cheaper and numerous launches than any spaceship.
Maybe the technology I'm fielding means that fuel wastage is minimal anyway? Dont be so close minded
>ship styles
>defence systems
>He doesn't have mass drivers to send materials to their destination without the need of any spaceship.
>Ship style?
Boxy and functional.
Either two partners who've been bouncing between stars for 40 years or some big ragtag staff of misfits. No in-between.
>Defense systems
"Party Mix" of point defense, All or nothing armor, and general shields. Contingent of Imperial Marines to deal with any boarding actions.
I believe they want a crew of 6-12 people for Mars. Generally, you want to have a crew that can solve all the problems on the spaceship by themselves without having to rely on Mission Control too much due the lightspeed lag.
>Not just getting 3-4 engineer types, an onboard AI, a couple service droids and then half a dozen dog's-bodies
>The onboard AI won't stop pestering you with philosophical questions about the soul and God
>Ship style?
They are often equipped with giant laser sails made made of graphene and other nanomaterials. Ships are powered either by solar or nuclear fission depending on the distance from the Sun. Fusion reactors are too big for anything smaller than an aircraft carrier and thus only used on military and expeditionary ships.
>Defense systems
Laser shields, metal foams, point-defense lasers, bubble bullets, and drones/missiles launched by mass drivers. The warhead on the drones can be kinetic, nuclear shaped charges and nuclear pumped laser.
>space isn't the ocean
Fuck that, you aren't trying hard enough.
It's so hard to find ships that are oriented the right direction, where down is in the direction of the engines instead of at 90 degrees to them. It's fine if you're playing in some science fantasy type games or whatever, but for hard sci fi it makes it hard to find good art.
Any pair of ships with humans onboard is going to fight so far away from each other that combat is going to look a lot less like a 3-D and more like 1-D jousting. You don't want to go crazy with maneuvers unless you want to see your crew turned into pasta. Leave agile combat to drones and transhumans (even they have their limits).
Anyone has any carrier art?
Technically counts.
I don't think G-force works like that in a gravityless void
G-Force is just a measure acceleration, gravity is just acceleration, it is literally exactly the same except that gravity is always towards another mass.
Anyone has an old, rusty spaceship art?
Mah nigga
Notice how the guys on the 3-d ships are post-human cyborgs in G-force suits.
Yeah but in an encased environnental with its own artificial gravity, would you notice a shift in direction and speed unless near a larger gravity pull?
I mean, im not a physicist obviously, but wouldn't it be like earth, where despite the velocity our smelly ball is at, we have no realisation of it?
You have to go back.
Atmospheric or non-atmospheric space ships Veeky Forums?
Laser-boost. Love it when your air defence systems are also your transport infrastructure
Sure, if you have technological plebothanium, you can do whatever you want. Want to neutralize or diminish extreme G? You generate a gravity field on the opposite direction. I'm sure you can do other cool stuff with artificial gravity that it is often ignored.
In a harder scifi settings, the only way to do it is to use the centrifugal force of a spinning section.The main reason artificial gravity exist in fiction it is because it is much cheaper to film in it.
Non atmospheric is objectively best.
If you make artificial gravity, i.e just bullshitting physics away, then no you probably wouldn't notice anything. The reason we don't feel the velocity of earth is because a) we can't feel velocity, only acceleration, because only acceleration exerts a force, and b) the acceleration we feel upwards because of our rotation is so small compared to the acceleration down from gravity that it is basically irrelevent.
You forgot about the unions, mate
now that's a qt ship
Learning us fun.
I assumed we were discussing under the impression that in the context it wasn't hard scifi. Also fuckyou it may also be cheaper to film but cinematography is based in gravity, too much of the other is a bit disorientating for a viewer
What is best Union?
If you assume that you just have gravity generators that do it in a single direction, say at 90 degrees to your main engines like you would have on a boat or aircraft, even then you would experience the acceleration of your engines assuming they're beefy enough to actually get you anywhere. If you had 1g 'down', perpendicular to your engines, and were accelerating at 0.5g then you would feel everything "tilting", with the "uphill" towards the front of the ship and the "downhill" towards the engines. Everything would also be slightly heavier, since 1g and 0.5g at 90 degrees comes out to 1.1g overall, with the new "down" being at a tilt of ~26 degrees to your ships floors.
Gravity is always presents even on satellites and spaceships. The reason why it looks like gravity is null is because they are orbiting, aka spinning really fast around the planet. Centrifugal acceleration matches the acceleration due to gravity resulting neutralizing each other. Orbiting is just a falling without ever crashing down.
Huh, never had it explained to me in that sort of way of expectation or expereince, thankyou user!
biological and bio-mechanical ships are underrated desu, growing your ships instead of building them and having ships that are intelligent thinking beings instead of AI
Yuuzhan Vong get out
Is there any way to make bio-mechanical ships not eldritch-esque? Every iteration of them that I've seen looks villainous or an abomination.
Also no, by default organisms designed for space travel don't look earthly.
Make em sentient and friendly!
Just have everything be made of plants.
That looks fucking nuts. I love it.
What is this?
2013 Harlock movie. It doesn't hold a candle to the original series, but some scenes are pretty enough.
nature can look very beautiful, just take inspiration from that.
Another thing I think I saw on some thread on Veeky Forums was that some sort of plant hive-mind agreed to having its saplings grown in artificial human ships so they could interface with the electronic and computer systems and serve as a sort of AI, the downside being that they had to grow and also be taught how the ship worked and how to act around other people
amoebe ships were better
Shame they went full weeb on something that doesn't need to be full weeb.
they're not bad either
That's really fucking cool
Choose your Espatier corp Veeky Forums.
>The ship's AI keeps pestering you to buy them super hero comics
>At one point it asks you to tie a little cape to it's bridge camera
GDI Infantry looks cool
>old vanu soldiers
>laughs in Durandal
goddamn this picture feels old.
>Ship style?
Big and looking like pic related.
Small and standardized. There are 12 people crewing a small frigate and a huge battleship too. Most of the actual work is done by the ship computer and drones, the crew only make higher decisions and oversee the execution.
>Defence systems?
Extra-thicc armor (like on pic), insane electronic warfare, and phased-array pulse laser point-defense.
>David Bowie's locker.
Fuck, I'm stealing this for my next game.
Is that film worth watching?
Definitely not
Definitely maybe