Filename thread

reached image limit, so here we go!

Attached: Sound the alarm! The Drow are coming!.gif (480x270, 1.45M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Precise shot.gif (245x308, 1.61M)

Attached: I cast fist!.jpg (640x360, 33K)

Attached: skill_proficiency.webm (640x360, 2.5M)

>Lawful Neutral.webm

Attached: I pin and prepare action to silence.jpg (1200x900, 369K)

A classic

Attached: Albino Drow.gif (430x440, 1.99M)

Attached: High AC Builds.gif (374x456, 1.95M)

Attached: morathi&malekith.webm (320x180, 2.7M)

>not tool_proficency.gif

I haven't seen this in a while, is this Monogatari?

Attached: Five minutes after the paladin fell.jpg (680x498, 71K)

Attached: Lovecraftian Horror.png (720x480, 586K)

I have a couple, missed the last few threads though, so these may be repeats.

Attached: Dump stats.jpg (1724x1244, 366K)

Attached: Problemsolving.jpg (137x197, 24K)

Attached: Retiring a PC.jpg (750x937, 167K)

Attached: PC plans.png (796x577, 431K)

Attached: I rolled a 19 I want to know what I see.jpg (761x1024, 139K)

GIS, saucenao and iqdb all failed me. Sauce?

Attached: High AV Star Players.png (869x94, 14K)


Attached: Can I still roll an untrained skill.jpg (1896x2860, 997K)

I totally forgot the existence of this.

It's a masterpiece, you know. Never will so much autism exist in that concentration ever again.

Jesus Christ, how dumb do you have to be?

Attached: dm villain monologue.png (411x400, 231K)

I'm planning to read it as soon as I can find it to purchase it.
Last one I have Ran out of creativity before I ran out of pictures

Attached: With Bluff this high, who needs [Skill].jpg (2000x2000, 1.23M)

>as soon as I can find it to purchase it.
Physical and eBook

Free reading (apparently the images may not work properly)
It's all I could find.

Attached: Gunslinger attempts alchemy.png (1210x1016, 107K)

>Weaknesses: Physical, Magical Attack, No Emotions
>No Emotions
Writing emotions would have been too hard, I see.

Attached: shadowrun.gif (540x736, 1.27M)

Oh shit, there's a maths appendix.

Pitching while gliding
With level gliding, or pitching straight up or down, the acceleration
in the direction of travel is easy. It’s when the angle is oblique that the motion is
awkward and getting the final result involves six formulas, five used!

Used: while any character glides.

If pitching up (errors if pitching down):
Accel = (((1-sin(PitchAngle))-1)*-1)^0.654317989965143*-20;

If pitching down (errors if pitching up):
Accel = (sin(PitchAngle)*-1)^0.654317989965143*20;

In both cases (to include the effects of banking):
Accel *= abs(cos(BankAngle));

For the vertical descent rate (two feet per second when level):
VertDescent = (15/11) * cos(PitchAngle) +

For the vertical speed (the speed going up and down):
VertSpeed = sin(PitchAngle)*BaseSpeed - (cos(PitchAngle)*VertDescent);

For the horizontal speed (the speed horizontally (over the map)):
HorizSpeed = sqrt(BaseSpeed^2-VertSpeed^2);

Notes: I had to spend two hours fiddling with numbers in a spreadsheet to get
this formula. One of the first two formulas must be used, based on when they are
used. The “0.654318” number is the value at which, at maximum speed, one
glides perfectly level, which occurs at an angle near 6.827994177089°. Also note
that gliding cannot occur below 2 feet per second. Use a sine and cosine function
on the horizontal speed to get the Z and X speeds (respectively – 0° is due north
like on a compass).

It's cropped, published 2 days ago, and frames moved around a bit, there's no way in hell reverse image search can pick it up.

On the other hand, searching it by character name + author name will get you the sauce just fine.

You are a wonderful person, user.

I've been looking for this for ages, thanks user.

Veeky Forums goes outside.jpg

>Lib morals

>Smite evil

Attached: shrine to sanguinius.jpg (824x546, 62K)

Attached: character-select screens.png (1254x890, 1.04M)

Attached: signs_the_gm's_angry.webm (420x236, 959K)

Jesus Christ what the fuck women

Attached: that guy threads.png (700x615, 150K)

I don’t see how fish people or white apes are a metaphor for interracial relationships.
One of Lovecraft’s greatest fears was inherited sin/problems because both his mother and father had mental illnesses. The rats in the walls and Arthur Jermyn are prime examples of this.
Another focus was on the regression of man into beast, I’d argue that Innsmouth along with The Beast in the Cave and The Lurking Fear are more indicative of this than of racism/xenophobia.
I think that “Lovecraft’s extreme racism is apparent in his writings” is a meme Carried on by people who want to be offended over anything
>tl;dr Lovecraft did nothing wrong

Attached: 800089BB-5E53-423E-B24E-E6FC716348A7.jpg (598x564, 120K)


Attached: american visits japan.jpg (400x225, 32K)

Accurate pic, it was nice being able to see over everyone’s head

Patrician taste


A man of refined taste.

Attached: d8139258ff52e8a2ea13d719768406cd34aa094af65e8a746aa90f989e347658.jpg (1000x1257, 127K)

meant for

Attached: Average Shadowrun game.jpg (661x1024, 192K)

Attached: Bard party.jpg (1023x731, 126K)

Attached: ancient lore.jpg (500x500, 83K)

Attached: tg writes a fapfic.jpg (800x555, 174K)

Attached: CREEEEED.gif (600x480, 1.99M)

Attached: imperial guard modified tank causes apoplexy in the Mechanics sent to observe the battle.jpg (640x471, 81K)

Attached: lawful evil.jpg (519x3500, 376K)

What is that?

That... jaguar? is so fucking tiny, yet all of these retards are scrambling away individually instead of clustering together and giving it a wide escape path.

Attached: mixed alignment party.png (753x251, 37K)

Attached: dm didn't think of an ending.jpg (900x321, 52K)

Armageddon board game

>top 10 pranks that went way too far

>meme Carried on by people who want to be offended over anything
It is, but there's no denying that Lovecraft was xenophobic, and bit of racist.
Mostly by today's standards, however. He wasn't actively racist and rampant about it. His views are mostly normal for back then.
Maybe slightly steeper than the average joe, which is why the views slip through in his prose, but he was not actively harmful.

Attached: soviet paladin banishing nazi vampires.webm (480x360, 448K)

Attached: joke npc dies.jpg (1128x1177, 291K)

If it really had been adapted as an anime, that would be amazing to watch.

Needs a better name

Attached: mtg.png (1280x720, 533K)

the longest single piece of fiction in the English language is a super smash brothers fanfic.


Autism is one hell of a drug

Attached: warlock familiar.jpg (573x571, 72K)

>I cast bait!.jpg

>That... jaguar? is so fucking tiny, yet all of these retards are scrambling away individually instead of clustering together and giving it a wide escape path.
Yeah, I know when I'm standing on the roof of a building I'm repairing and a jaguar suddenly pops out of a hole in the roof, I always remain calm, as though I'm just watching a tiny gif image while comfortably sitting in my room instead of actually being surprised by a jaguar while standing on a broken roof.

I believe that's a leopard, not a jaguar. It's my autism, sorry.

Attached: 1516820172065.png (498x717, 453K)


Pat is an actual sociopath which is ironic considering he took psychology classes

Attached: urban fantasy.jpg (548x718, 26K)

Is he though

Attached: 1520049107730.jpg (769x1024, 72K)

No, he's just wrong about everything, including social interaction

Attached: bq272toxrhey.jpg (551x156, 8K)

Post more you slut

He's not a sociopath, he's just stupid.

Attached: 1521663640427.jpg (271x186, 5K)

Kind of yeah. I've listened to far too many podcasts. I didn't even especially like Liam but he was necessary on the podcast becuase would pat would get dickish enough Liam is the only one who'd say "no, fuck you pat" and actually fight him on it.

Attached: Captain rolls CHA to control their rowdy crew.jpg (848x1200, 177K)

Attached: GURPS infinite worlds.png (500x513, 118K)

I've watched enough of Pat and Paige's streams to know Pat is the least sociopathic person ever, he's just a big dumb idiot.

Attached: Roll to charm person.jpg (848x1200, 1.08M)

it's all fun and games until somebody gets keelhauled

Attached: making a character in your least liked system.jpg (2448x3264, 597K)

I can't otherwise explain why he has, at multiple times, said that "person's feelings on thing are stupid and I don't get them" and others tried to explain that maybe they don't make perfect sense but that's how feelings work and maybe you can see how a person might feel this way and he can only say "no that's stupid that doesn't make sense". I'm not trying to say he's a horrible person.

Maybe hes just saying those things to get a reaction. He wouldnt have a girlfriend if he was ACTUALLY autistic

That is one sexy minx

Because theyre cheap and normies don't want to spend more than 15 bucks on a statue, they just want a little thing on their desk that is the thing they like. They don't even much care about the quality.

Psychopathy isn't the only reason for lack of emotional intelligence.

Thats just a joke user, it's his brand of personal comedy that feeds into his image of being a shut in goblin man who can't deal with social situations or other people. It's funny because Paige is the exact same way on streams, so the two of them clash over simple topics because they call each other's standpoints stupid and nonsensical

Attached: DM focuses on something super important.webm (720x405, 2.87M)

Then it's even more fun

Attached: “There! – A star, in the depths,” said Enyis to the Boar King. “The journey is dark and peri (768x432, 305K)

I'm not saying he's more than...Mildy autistic.

Attached: melee_build.jpg (125x79, 1K)

Wow fuck me I saved the thumbnail

>not "cleric in a classless system"
you had one job

Get smoked yah idiot