Radical Sons edition
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Radical Sons edition
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Can anyone please share a decent photo of the Armiger rules? Thanks!
nth for the Militarum Tempestus
I claim this artefact in the name of the Omnissiah
3st for chaos
Beep boops
How would they fare in 40k?
if you're a scionanon (but NOT scionanon) post your army list so I can see how to scionanon
Best chapter, best boxnaughts.
new player here, are Eldar Warlocks useful or should I just not bother with them?
why in the flying fuck did GW introduced nids? i mean fluff wise they already won, aesthetic wise they look boring, and rules perspective they are constantly buffed by gw
They're a nice cheap HQ. Warlock councils are shit though and not worth the points.
>Not Kasrkin
that's stupid. you should ask how 40k character in irrelevant anime character's world
if you're looking to include 1 as an hq for access to their spells, I think a Spirit Seer is better unless you desperately need the points
*angry fanatic sounds*
Oh man, we're never getting a new Redemptionist gang are we?
I want to make a list that bumbles its way around the field and then has sudden explosive moments of rng saving the day. Dark Angels with lots of plasma?
They've got to get the main houses out first.
Please post cool pictures of game tables
so she is the strongest psyker since malcador. so could she replace emperor on a golden throne, untill he heals himself??
pretty well actually
you asked this yesterday
I hope the Sisters release next year will be accompanied by some minitorum / witch hunters stuff.
So, do we know anything about the new necron fluff in the codex?
>Tempestor Prime (Rod)
>Tempestor Prime (Rod)
>Command Squad (4x Plasmaguns)
>Command Squad (2x Volley, 1x Banner for aesthetics)
>Scion Squad 5-man (2x Volley)
>Scion Squad 5-man (2x Volley, 1x Power Fist for aesthetics)
>Scion Squad 5-man (2x Plasmaguns, 1x Plasma Pistol)
>Taurox Prime (Gatling/Volleys/Stormbolter)
>Taurox Prime (Gatling/Volleys/Stormbolter)
Tend to try and drop Tempestor Prime with the plasma command and the plasma 5-man, putting the rest in Tauroxes to lower my number of deployments in hopes of going first.
With the unnecessary banner and power fist this is 677 pts. I also have 5 extra scions that I don't keep on the list, but could use to make a 10-man and allow squad mobility for the special weapons.
yeah but which flavor?
slow and shooty? Azrael,a company ancient, a lieutenant and a huge blob of hellblasters
fast and punchy? Sammael, a Talonmaster, a Darkshroud and a huge blob of Black Knights
The outsider is still alive and not shattered in a million pieces, he's sleeping in a hollow world somewhere.
Still a no you insufferable faggot.
sounds like bullshit
we could make shards of the Outsider back in 5th ed
Way back when, a GW employee watched Aliens.
>Flamers, Heavy Flamers and related weapons are now 2D3 autohits instead of 1D6, and ignore covers, with no price change.
Yay or Nay ?
why does imperium doesen't use qts in the imperial propaganda?
Just b8 I guess since he got set straight before
sounds about right
Because people of the Imperium have real matters that motivate them rather than having to be motivated by poorly drawn anime girls.
alright so lemme get this straight
Senseis are nulls
but they're also psykers
and they can fall to chaos
A warlock council of 2 has access to 2 stratagems that lone warlocks and spirit seers do not. It's a niche use tho
>immolators are now assault 4d3 12" S5 -1AP ignores cover
What are some entry level anime in the grim darkness of the far future?
Namefag begone
Senseis haven't been canon for around 20 years.
You've not been in these threads lately have you?
That sounds like bullshit, and even if it was true it's been retconned.
sounds about right
Someone was namefagging as ^ so everyone started namefagging as ^ to shitpost.
What would you like to see in an Imperial Agents Codex?
I'd like Rogue Traders and their retinues to be an option, make them squishy but highly customisable with likes of weargear and buff options, along with at the very least Arch Militant, Explorator and Telepath members of their court
a white dwarf entry written by mat Ward (author of the newcron fluff) told us which powers to pick in order to play a shard of the Outsider
the whole "outsider is asleep in a hollow world" shit is from back in 3rd edition
As all cross-IP enteties they don't, they are destroyed by the transition though 3-2 and 1 dimensional space and back.
At this point I have enough too play up to 2k maybe even 2.5k
MY 2k list is
BATTALION +3 -1 for two relics
Tempestor prime with (command rod/chainsword) 45points WLT grand strategist relic kurovs aquila
Tempestor prime with (command rod/chainsword) 45points relic laurels of command
10 man scion squad with 4 plasma guns and one plasma pistol 152points
10 man scion squad with 4 plasma guns and one plasma pistol 152points
10 man scion squad with 4 plasma guns and one plasma pistol 152points
10 man scion squad with 4 plasma guns and one plasma pistol 152points
10 man scion squad with 4 plasma guns and one plasma pistol 152points
dedicated transports
Taurox prime with gatling cannon/hotshot volley gun 114points
Taurox prime with gatling cannon/hotshot volley gun 114points
Taurox prime with gatling cannon/hotshot volley gun 114points
Taurox prime with gatling cannon/hotshot volley gun/storm bloter 116points
Taurox prime with gatling cannon/hotshot volley gun/storm bloter 116points
Taurox prime with gatling cannon/hotshot volley gun/storm bloter 116points
Vendetta gunship with 6 lascannons 230points
Vendetta gunship with 6 lascannons 230points
for 1.5k I get rid of a vendetta a taurox and a squad of scions with 2 of the storm bolters also being removed
As an army I enjoy this army very much If you have any questions I'll be happy to answer them.
yeah but even back then it sounds like a pretty big contradiction
>the whole "outsider is asleep in a hollow world" shit is from back in 3rd edition
Well it's back now you faggot, read the codex.
>thinking any faction is unbeatable when every single one except for imperium and eldar is pulling the "we already won" bs
>boring aesthetic
>constantly buffed
You have to be 18 years old to post here, you know.
to be fair they do have a boring aesthetic
That's not a thing, thankfully. Fuck that gay shit, play the game instead of relying on rng.
Those better not be monopose plasmaguys.
>all those coverless tables
Tau already won?
Change all d6 shots and d6 damage to 2d3. 2d6 to 4d3, 3d6 to 6d3 and so on.
I have a squad composed of 10 OG stormtroopers with their 4 plasma guns
10 kasrkins with 3 of their plasma guns currently trying to get a forth on ebay without spending 30 smackers and then 30 of the scions with the same pose but some do have a plasma pistol/plasma gun to meme it up ( Where else does that extra shot come from?)
It isn't, and never was, funny.
>no fun allowed
It's subjective, I guess. I think it's cool.
You know what I meant.
I never claimed it was.
how do Thousand Sons fare when summoning daemons as a strategy? i picked thousand sons as my first army and really like them and like the idea of utilising their available summons in order to spring up tarpits and objective holders around the map. question i have is, if i summon screamers, and theyre stuck sitting still at least 9" away from an enemy with a very difficult roll needed to charge, are they basically condemned to sit there and eat shit until the next turn unless i use warptime on them? pink horrors can shoot and flamers can shoot at 12" but screamers would spend an entire enemy turn in trouble.
Also if they are warptimed, can they make use of their flyover ability to try and put some wounds on a unit even tho it technically happened in the psychic phase instead of the movement phase?
>inb4 play a daemon detachment instead and dont summon
i like the idea of being able to have a pool of points available to bring in whatever is needed wherever it is needed, if only i could buy brimstone horrors by themselves and just have a shoebox full of them ready to lay them around the map
>dumb = fun
>hey guys, i did a dumb thing slightly out of the ordinary! hilarious, right guys?
post gaems
Fuck, just change every roll of d6 to a flat 4. In fact, why even play the game at all? Just enter two lists and the battlefield into a program and let it decide who wins.
>My idea of fun is the only correct way of having fun, everybody else is dumb
You're just as bad as the namefag impersonators
>implying we play the game
Nah, but I haven't played since 8th was released. It invalidated every single weapon and unit in my collection. I wasn't even cheesing, everything was just randomly nerfed into useless oblivion.
Apparently Lychguards are numerous now.
>I'm the only one allowed to have fun around here REEEEE
also whats with thousand sons discipline of change having such warp charge requirements but thousand sons, outside of ahriman, magnus, and a single seriously expensive one spell use stratagem have no inherent way to boost their ability to cast spells when they are a army of sorcerors?
>implying people with different tastes than me aren't wrong
>Out of order since fucking october
Why, FW ?
They realized there were only horse fuckers buying this, so they axed it and are currently trolling you.
Do you seriously enjoy the impersonating? Do you see someone named scionanon and go "haha, i remember, that was hilarious!"? I just feels like the most forced meme.
>Not playing IG blowing itself up more than the enemy.
Ah a fellow man of taste I see! I tip my hat to you good sir!
They need to devote more resources to sculpt the 5000 USD Roboute Pattern Super Primaris Ultramarine Megaheavy tank-transport-flyer-weapons-platform.
Suicide bombers weren't an army of dudes randomly moving up the battlefield randomly deleting units.
227 points with no stubber or melta
Forced it is. My filters are becoming a jumbled mess with all the repeat faggotry going on in just this general alone
Posted this in the wrong thread.
I can get a relatively large amount of dreadnoughts on the cheap but am also a 40k noob.
Are they worthwhile and can I play an all dreadnought army?
What the fuck, might as well just take more knights
Kill yourself namefag
>questor allegiance
possible renegade version in the future?
Are they regular dreads, Blood Angels dreads or Forgeworld dreads?
Regular dreads.
Nah, we nurgle now. Why would we even want anything except cultists and daemon primarchs? :Ʌ)
Last time someone said the same thing I went and had a look.
That large set is just made up of each of the smaller sub-sets.
One of the sets was out of stock.
The rest were in stock.
I think it might have been the command set.
Unless it's changed and they are all going out of stock, just buy an additional of the set that's in stock and convert the leader.
Warlocks are pretty great.
35 points for a HQ choice is excellent, and Protect/Jinx is really really good.
Spiritseers are decent too, particularly if you want to run Wraiths or spam Smite, but Warlocks get access to the Seer Council trait that gives them and a Farseer +1 to cast their powers, which helps make them a lot more reliable.
No excuse to avoid painting now.
Thanks user :D
When are they going to pay the Dark Eldar for fixing the Golden fucking Throne?