>For my next action, I roll to kiss the DM. It's a natural 20.
For my next action, I roll to kiss the DM. It's a natural 20
For the last time, skill checks don't have crit success / crit fail.
Too bad nat20 doesn't mean instant success.
Stop rolling the d20, we aren't playing DnD
I mean, okay?
Wtf you sicko. I only date monstergirls. Get your three-dimensional mammaries out of this place.
>Y-you too.
>*stabs you*
Outta my way thot fucking shit lmao
I laugh it off and still blush despite my best attempts.
Uwaaaaa~ Stop it s-senpai! We're supposed to be playing Dungeons and Dragons!
rocks fall, everyone dies
I put it to you that the only person actively moving to the head of the table where the DM is sitting, is the beardy dude standing up.
As such, we can infer that it is he who has rolled this supposedly successful kiss check
And he's smiling too... good work detective!
mom's spaghetti fall, everyone laughs
Why are you trying to make /tv/ threads stick on Veeky Forums? Have you fucking seen /tv/?
>"Ok just stop Samantha. I get that you like me but im not a lesbian."
>tfw you can stare at the picture for 30 seconds before their stares begin you need to look away
>playing with a bunch of 5's and 6's
Raise your sights higher.
let me look that one up in a rulebook
For fuck's sake, I'm trying to have a serious game here, do you even know hoe much work is required to prepare a decent game for 5+ people? This is why I didn't want to play with you, women can't take anything seriously unless it's dumb drama bullshit, you have done it, I'm out, game's over, fuck off my house everyone. Yeah Pete you too.
>cinderella tabletop rpg
>do you even know hoe much work is required
Well, ho's work very hard, I'm sure. Especially when "entertaining" groups of 5+ people. But what does that have to do with RPGs?
that's cute and all, but be serious.
Critical success user! Now roll 1D20 to see if you use tongue.
>haha, but seriously, your character is dead
This is the best course of action
For the last time, there is no "DM." The only people in the room are your characters and Bolthan the dwarf.
Why can't women into roleplaying?
Why the fuck wasn't I informed that that is an option!? Which splatbook is it in? Show me the page!
>rolls availability
"The District Manager at your character's workplace is not available at the moment. His secretary asks if you would like to leave a message. Also, don't roll dice for skill checks unless I call for such a roll."
God I hope its the pink haired one.
Back off, I enjoy not having cooties thank you very much.
>pink haired one
>not bangs
Shit taste.
Bangs looks too self conscious to kiss you in public, the one on right looks like an ex of one of my friends who was a total bitch, the one with the hair band is cute but looks prissy, Pink hair is the logical best choice.
You're both wrong
then I got kissed by a girl for the first time and it was Totally awesome and fuck you Johnny it reaaly happened!
I mean obviously this is the truth but let me dream.
You can't roll if the action has no possibility of success.
that's not what the thread implied you sperg
>do you even know hoe much work is required
That's a nice Freudian slip.
I roll to get out my dick.
Well you wont be getting a kiss with that attitude sunshine.
Girls that dye their hair unnatural colors are guaranteed to be nuts. Like, the sex is gonna be great, but you will need to stow all sharp objects before hand.
Alright, real talk nerds. How old were you when you had your first kiss, when did you lose your virginity?
Real kiss, not your mom or sister or that peck on the cheek in kindergarten.
> 11
Shut up /r9k/
Such is the way of the wizard
I knew one girl who dyed her hair who wasn't nuts but she was already taken.
The rest have been nuts, unfortunately.
Parroting things you read on Veeky Forums doesn't make anyone think you know what you're talking about.
10 and 10
You know that "you'll be a real catch when you're 30" thing? Apparently it happens sometimes.
/r9k/ would be "reeee normie sluts! I'm not gonna get cucked by some tumblr whore!"
Currently 22
Fuck off you unvirgins
So you got like... Super molested huh?
19 taking it in the butt counts right?