Both genders can use magic

>both genders can use magic
>but women are way better at it

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I'm ok with this.

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Moon power, bitch.

+4 Magic

Fine but you might have to reintroduce physical stat caps if your players are particularly whiny.

Makes more sense to me to have that be a calling that women might gravitate towards more frequently than men. Remember user, your setting is only as stupid as you are

Balanced by -4 STR?

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unless they wear something high-cut, which boosts their stats

No what's wrong with you?

And negative willpower.

user are you trying to bait here? Aside from that user fetishposting, it seems reasonable that if there's a limit on one sex of PCs then there might also be a limit on the other. And women are physically less capable than men.

So while some people might not like it, IMO a setting where the spellcasters are mainly women and the fighters are mainly men is workable and is not prejudiced, sexist etc. in a particularly unworkable way. It's all about the implementation.

I would play in this setting/game as long as I trusted the GM and the pitch was interesting. Basically got it.

That could be part of the setting. There is a reason why women were more likely to be accused of whichcraft, but there were exceptions, as in many countries magic was viewed as masculine and so not accessible to women.

> but only men contain enough power for most really powerful magic., and that power can only be accessed by those who get fucked.

Isn't there a setting like this? Wheel of Time or something, where men aren't as good at magic and it drives them crazy or something?

I would be totally be okay if there was a setting with some kind of reasonably balanced mechanical sexism and racism as long as it clearly was for flavor than magical realm (magical power is based on how pregnant you are!) or political agenda (women can only cast evil mind control) bullshit.

You would have to tread real carefully to do it, especially if you want to release it at some point to avoid "REEEE SEXISM!"

I felt it was due to men not liking the idea of women trying to gain power "outside the system" and women were lured to it as they were unable to gain much power "inside the system".

>Men can compensate for this by dressing up as women

You may think this is a magical realm, but it's actually just Norse mythology.

Bigger tits.

Forgot my picture

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>Gods have decreed that men can't practice magic
>Wizards dress up as women to avoid the god's wrath

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In the Wheel of Time the men are actually much stronger than women to the point where it's standard procedure to send at least a dozen woman against any male magic users they find.
The only thing is that the men tend to have less training, on account of the whole go crazy them die thing

>to complete the illusion, wizards castrate themselves

Why isn't he wearing high heels?

Why aren't you?

He's a young wizard's apprentice, who hasn't yet been schooled in the ways of wizardry.

that's because historically, men were the ones who did the fighting, the hunting, etc. Women couldn't beat men in hand to hand combat but coul dmake curses, do magic, poison wells and animals, etc. although there were male magical users (like most shamans were male).

No that's sorcerers, wizards just tuck until they're done preparing their spells.


>Men can compensate for this by dressing up as women
Wouldn't that just lead to a shift in common perception where women's clothing would become unisex as it is used both women and male magicians?

Like now woman can wear male clothing no questions asked.

>it was all about specific clothing from the start, it was just women that were wearing it

>Wouldn't that just lead to a shift in common perception where women's clothing would become unisex as it is used both women and male magicians?

No, because then it would stop working.

>Wouldn't that just lead to a shift in common perception where women's clothing would become unisex as it is used both women and male magicians?
>the origin of the wizard's robe

>it was all about specific clothing from the start, it was just women that were wearing it
user, why do you think wizards wear dres- I mean robes?

See now, what is more "magical realm", this:
Or it being linked to some kind of biological function of being a woman? See, Veeky Forums has so disgusted me with magical realms and fetish shit that nothing seems safe anymore and everyone in the game world needs to be like sexless doll people as everything is open for perversion.

>Or it being linked to some kind of biological function of being a woman?
>everything is open for perversion.

Are you implying that female biological functions aren't open to perversion?

Witcher and nordic myth in general

I was trying to measure the least of two evils in the first part of the post. Then by the end realized there was no hope.

According to the old Norse, magic was for women and unmanly.

>Women better at literally anything

I think a woman holds the record for furthest distance a person can push their eyes out using only their facial muscles.

-No female can have a natural Strength Score greater than 14, any points over 14 can be transferred to dexterity or charisma. Females cannot raise their strength score over 14 by gaining levels, or by any natural in-game means.
-Females can cast an extra two 1st level spells per day, if they choose a spellcasting class (arcane, divine or psionic).This applies only to the first class they choose. The extra magical energy is due to females being able to store extra magical energy. If they are not a spellcasting class they receive an extra 4 skill points at 1st level which however are not multiplied.

The problem wasn't the skill of the men, but that the devil had corrupted the source of male magic (women and men drew magic from different places, roughly equal before the corruption)

Women should be stronger at magic because men are always going to be stronger physically. Its a fantasy that they can be equal to men so it belongs in fantasy settings.

Tucker always looks like a confused and scared toddler

Well, this happened in Wheel of Time. It made sense, because otherwise, women wouldn't have been allowed on the battlefield except in very, very rare circumstances.

It turns out that men are better at magic, however. It's just that there were terrible consequences, like rotting and madness.

Not really. Men did magic all the time.
Seiðr magic was considered unmanly though. Because it involved foretelling the future and manipulating people.

>implying 2

>And women are physically less capable than men.
Mentally too, so +4 magic makes no sense either.


bigger mana tanks

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Men were more powerful wizards in Wheel Of Time, but women were more versatile and had more control over their power, so they had more ways to use it. Male wizards were also likely to go insane due to the devil corrupting their magic.

>everyone in the game world needs to be like sexless doll people

>complains about magical realms
>comes up with the idea of a whole setting where people are sexless dolls
>making a literal magical realm to avoid magical realms

Gr8 b8 m8

Makes sense balance wise

Doubt it, women are spiritually inept.

I run a princess the hopeful game where magical girls fight against the forces of evil. Only women and girls can become a princess. Does this piss you off too you fucking idiot?

Why would posting replies in a bait thread make OP upset?

Name 1 (one) setting that does this

>the gods are too stupid to recognize a trap.

>Men get far superior physical stats and can increase them more easily than women
Women are highly powerful but frail mages, men are low tier Greek hero murder machines capable of juggling boulders squatting ships.

One of reasons of why during Ramadan Muslims can eat when there is no sun is that:
Allah does not see after the dark.

So gods too stupid to recognize a trap is believable.

Also magic is regulated by qt god of /fa, so the cutter and more fabulous your outfit the better your magic.

>Mentally too
Not really, women tend to have a similar IQ to men, but men are more likely to be outliers. However this assumes that magic is mental instead of some sort of spiritual or emotional link to the world.

Letter of the law.

>the gods recognize traps, but are all also deep trap fetishists

>women are better at using magic internally - doing things like hardening their flesh, increasing their speed or strength, beautifying themselves - the "magic makes me better" spells
>men, on the other hand, are the ones throwing lightning and fire and all the "magic makes that guy dead" spells

Would it work?

Those are not mutually exclusive

Magic doesn't have to be about smarts, and in general is cooler when it isn't.

>the same people who are okay with this would also have an autistic shitfit if you gave women -4 STR

Not OP, but mine does this. Women can inherently host magical energy (for lack of a better term since I don't have enough space to go into detail about the setting) which means all you have to do is offer yourself up to demons/ghosts/etc and you can start casting spells, and the more you do it the easier it gets.

Men can't do this so they have to hoard physical objects that have been previously enchanted by someone else if they want to be considered "wizards".

>the gods are too stupid to recognize a trap.
Wasn't the original purpose of bridesmaids at a wedding to confuse the god when he came to abduct the bride?

Like, god wants le hottie fiancé of the hero, so he swoops down to Earth to snatch her up but when he gets there he can't tell which one is the bride because they're all dressed alike and humans all look the same to him

And then it was only later that bridesmaids started wearing a different color than the bride?

Do you see the posts literally contradicting you ITT, before you posted this?

There's an important difference. The "-4 strength for women" people think that subtracting the strength from women makes the game more realistic which is not only way too much of a penalty for realism's sake, but nobody fucking cares about realism in a fantasy setting.

The people who would make one gender better at magic than the other are trying to make an interesting fantasy setting, and don't give a fuck about being "realistic".

>magic is hindered by muscle
>women have higher mana but less control over it

A non-homebrew setting, user.

>Im-fucking-plying that Muscle Wizard is inferior

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Says who?

Women are better at all schools except enchantment and necromancy.

Making up stuff just to present a case isn't bringing much weight.

Magika no Kenshi to Shoukan Maou. Almost only women can hold the power of divinites, and their regular magic is better than the men's.

Depends on if you want control or power. Muscle also can direct magic energy due to it's hindering nature.

So fat is a better magical conduit then?

>both genders can fight
>but men are way better at it

Remember kids, you can always play an abnormality or a bell curve extreme of either end.

The idea that magic is a feminine thing is a very recent historical meme. Even in Norse mythology, where Seior IS a feminine aspect of sorcery, you still got the likes of Odin, a dude, mastering it to a degree further than Freyja, his teacher, ever could.

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It's hard for women to compete with that -4 to STR.

So am i

Spotted the chaos worshipper

Life isn't fair. Too bad.

> not realizing the gods wanted magical traps the whole time

>you still got the likes of Odin, a dude, mastering it to a degree further than Freyja, his teacher, ever could.

What are you basing that on?

Do you not know what Norse mythology is?

The way I'd just do it is let PCs roll up normally, but note that a 16str female is a huge abnormality, same as a powerful casting wizard.

Although this wouldn't work well for D&D, given that all 3 mental attributes do different kinds of magic. And honestly, if men got a racial -4 to int, wis, or cha, even if it was just one of them, on a societal level is way more of a disadvantage than -4str. Essentially women would run everything and men would be brute labor.

Anyway, I just usually tell my players that a woman with high str is gonna be viewed weirder than a man with high str. If they wanted to play an amazon-esque woman already, that won't dissuade them.

Also dex-based fighters exist.

Odin dressed up as a chick, drank semen from hanging bodies, and pursued all forms of magic, not just Seidr.

Kind of, but muscle is like a magical resistor. Yes, it lowers your maximum output, but it allows to better control it. Females have a higher chance of spell failure but also greater size of effects. Males have almost no spell failure in exchange for decreased power.

I know what Norse mythology is, I'm doubting that it says outright somewhere "Odin was a level 8 seidr-mage while Freyja was only level 6".

>Life isn't fair. Too bad.
Do you suppose a lot of people would want to buy a board game where some of the players get to roll two dice to move forward, but other players only get to roll one die?

This is hella gay. I don't mean that in a bad way. I'm down with gay. But this is hella gay.

Never stated such. He was only deemed the most skilled and knowledgeable in it. Whether this means more powerful is open to interpretation.

Do you suppose a lot of people play games where there are actual stats per gender, and not generalized like most everything else is?

Where is he called the most skilled and knowledgeable practitioner of seidr, specifically?

>He was only deemed the most skilled and knowledgeable in it.

I can't find a source for that and it sounds more specific than I'd usually expect from mythology on a subject like this. All I can find is that both gods were associated with the practice.
Check he sources. I'm not linking them all.

Like a lot of magic, seidr is transgressive. At the same time I don't know what is on about because half the point is that the men using it are disgraced because they're taking on femininity.

Like Odin mastering seidr is not an argument that seidr isn't feminine.

Seidr is feminine. Odin had to specifically feminize himself to become the best in it and for some reason the semen from dead hanged man was a potent source of fuel...

What about a system with multiple types of magic where some of the magic types favor specific sexes or even races?
I get the impression that the all powerful beings that create magic wouldn't be unbiased in who they deal out magic powers to.

That article doesn't even differentiate between seidr and other forms of norse magic, like galdr (which Odin is very famous for).