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>Unearthed Arcana: Fuck you, that's why

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What is your opinion on sessions that don't have combat at all? Like, six to eight hours of social interactions.

Attached: Herald.jpg (708x682, 181K)

Why not 16/18/18 and go full tanky?

>What is your opinion on sessions that don't have combat at all? Like, six to eight hours of social interactions.
Really depends on what interactions we're talking about
Spending 4 hours on planning how to fortify the party's hideout was interesting, but I doubt I'd want to repeat that

>What is your opinion on sessions that don't have combat at all? Like, six to eight hours of social interactions.
Could be fun, could be slog. I would totally love the non-combat session full of nice talking and all, but it probably wouldn't work very well with my current group.

I am early bird, though, and often get tired later during gaming nights and became unable to contribute much to the RP, but i can still roll dice.

Also, the DnD is generally aimed toward combat, which could easily make someone feel like we are wasting time. I mean, if you are Fighter and everything on your character sheet is concerned with fighting, you kind of want to use it. (It is mostly same issue to most of the classes, but it is more pronounced for martials.)

Also, nice gay OP.

>What is your opinion on sessions that don't have combat at all? Like, six to eight hours of social interactions.
as a player I would fucking despise that. Most of my DnD sessions are around 4 hours though. Six hours of just talking would leave me mentally exhausted but it really depends on whats being talked about and if anything is actually being done?

>I mean, if you are Fighter and everything on your character sheet is concerned with fighting, you kind of want to use it. (It is mostly same issue to most of the classes, but it is more pronounced for martials.)
this is another point. As a fighter the only thing I can likely do is intimidate because the rogue gets the skills and the casters get everything in their fucking tool box. If im a fighter, then chances are all I can do is throw in my two cents while everyone else gets to roll unless I can leverage my strength for an intimidation check.

>what are background features
>what are skills
>what are personal quests
>what is roleplaying
Sorry, your DM is shit if you have "nothing to do" while you aren't rolling dice to break things.

So I'm getting terminally bored of 5e.

>What is your opinion on sessions that don't have combat at all? Like, six to eight hours of social interactions.
My sessions are usually 4-5 hours. But yeah, we've had combatless sessions. My players love prepping and wheeling and dealing more than combat, so they tend to go really into the weeds on social interaction and planning unless I force the issue. When it makes sense for the story (most times) I will force the issue, but occasionally I'll give them reprieve for variety's sake and we get social/planning heavy sessions.

>Arcane archer is being tested seems like a really idea and I like the concept
> xanathars comes out if has been nerfed when it needed a slight boost.
Why can't martials have nice things?

My previous post , wasn't concerned with limits of martials, but rather outright ignoring game mechanics in favor of freeform role playing. Which is pretty cool, but i though we came to play DnD tonight, didn't we? DnD session raises certain expectations and purely RP session would probably leave them unfulfilled.

(I once actually left the game because the DM played so loosely with rules they failed to give the the firm framework to work with. Add to it the fact i played fighter, who had relatively little tools to improvise with (and i am pretty bad at improvising from nothing). It was kinda cool game, but i would prefer should it be played in system loose enough to reflect how the DM used the rules. The disparity between relatively rules-heavy DnD and the very liberal way the DM handled it caused me some serious dissonance.)

>get started playing an adventure with a buddy
>we decide to pick two brothers from the same background, with the same quest, who diverged in method
>I'm a fighter/knight, he's a court wizard, but we both have the same connections
>realize, belatedly, that he can literally do everything I can do roleplaying wise, but better thanks to spell access.

5e has a problem. Stop denying it.

Because DnD has historical roots as revenge porn for nerds against jocks which also let them imagine themselves to be chad. The sacred cows built into the system will always result in martial/caster disparity.

If wotc tries to kill the sacred cows (4e), they'll make an actually good system, but the nerds who no longer have revenge porn will complain and demand the sacred cows be brought back in.

D&D always had this problem probably with the exception of 4th edition, i don't have any experience with it
Also, helping someone is a thing, you know

Seems like something that could've been avoided at least somewhat by playing up your differences a little more, but that's easy to say in retrospect and 5E (D&D in general, let's be real) certainly does little to help.

Rate my "This beats the Hexblade" warlock build:

1) Start with two levels of Fighter
2) Then go GOO/Fiend Warlock for 18 levels, with Strength based heavy armor wearing Bact of Plade.

What you think?

>actually good system
Dunno, i am not wholly convinced.

So what system is best to graduate to after 5e becomes boring?

I've been looking at Genesys (and the star wars systems it's based on), Cypher (and numenera), Burning Wheel (and mouseguard, which seems fucking delightful), going back to 4e with what i've learned from dming these last few years, or even Pathfinder/3.5 (because I've played a few games in pathfinder and it seemed alright; plus the huge influx of options would certainly help to make things less boring, even if they do ultimately exacerbate 5e's balance issues).

What are the top "must have" spells for an Illusion Arcane Tradition Wizard?

Other than Minor/Major Illusion of course.

Please hjelp.

What do you hope to accomplish by this? MAD melee warlock with little to none invocations, since he needs to pay his taxes? In that case, bravo, you succeeded.

I mean, it would probably be viable, but far from optimal.

>pick exactly the same background, race, skills and feats as another player
>get confused and upset when you feel redundant
D&D is designed to be played with a diverse party with different strengths and weaknesses. Nobody's stopping you from playing an identikit party as a fun gimmick, but don't cry that the game has a balance problem when you intentionally gimp your party by doubling up on a huge chunk of out-of-combat abilities.

Attached: are you a bit mentally retarded.jpg (1920x1080, 176K)

Mirage Arcane.

Step 1. Turn the open field everyone is standing to into a ravine (something explictly mentioned to be possible in the description text). Everyone falls into the ravine.
Step 2. Turn it back with your level 6 perk. Everyone is now buried alive.

Programmed Illusion. You can reform the programmed illusions to be whatever you want with whatever trigger you want using your level 6 perk.

Not as much a list of stuff that benefits illusionists more than other wizards as a list of good illusion spells, but: Invisibility, Greater Invisibility, Fear, Hypnotic Pattern, Simulacrum

>So what system is best to graduate to after 5e becomes boring?
What are you looking for?

I'd consider 4e if you like combat on grid and anime-sque over-the-top action.
You could also check GURPS if you are into simulations and have time and patience to dig through plethora of materials.

>why be optimal user, you need to ROLEPLAY
>oh hey, here's something cool we did for ROLEPLAY that the system punished me for
>why ROLEPLAY user, you need to be OPTIMAL

If I wanted to not intentionally gimp my party with my character choices I would still pick a caster every time. Further, the example I listed does show a balance problem: People always say that martials can use skills, backgrounds, and roleplaying to contribute, but so can the fucking casters.

Martials=attacking + skills + background + roleplay =/= Casters = attacking + skills + background + roleplay + SPELLS

I like the idea of social combat, nonbinary results, resource pools (i.e. casting from a stat that when it reaches 0 you fall unconscious, with multiple different stats to cast from), and metacurrency like story points.

Easily doable with a Dragonborn in example. Or a Fallen Aasimar.

16 STR 16 CHA 14 CON 10 DEX and heavy armor and you're fuckin set man, you're fucking set.

Warlock-Fighters are actually not that mad though? I mean you could even go for 14 Cha if you use spells like Hex, Armor of Aghatys, Misty Step, Bepis, Mirror Image, etc.

My DM is going to be using a half-orcs where the "half" is from demonic heritage and due to that (and other setting specific reasons) they are highly-intelligent, with the following characteristics

>+2 INT, +1 STR
>Arcana proficiency
>Can cast Find Familiar as a ritual, must be a fiend
>Fire Resistance
>Knows Fire Bolt cantrip, at 3rd level can cast Burning Hands once per long rest

How do you guys feel about this? I'm kinda iffy on the fire res, but with the flavor and etc he sent me I like pretty much most of it

The best sessions in both of the campaigns I’ve been a part of have lacked combat. Not to say I don’t like fucking shit up, but performing a ballad in honor of a dead ally for a rowdy mead hall and making a feast for a packed inn and having a good time we’re better than any big dicerolls

Tieflings get fire resistance and I pretty much have never seen it be a problem or anyone complain about it being such. This kind of looks like an altered tiefling in general so it seems fine, if anything the ASIs are narrowly useful for getting much out of both.

That's just a lightly tweaked tiefling.

Honestly, how?

What was he able to do in a social setting that you could not?

Maybe it is just from my perspective coming from 2e more than anything else. But casters were never really a major social power because using spells on people was a sure way to have things fall apart when they stop working - if casting them didn't trigger the problem in the first place.

Maybe it is just this whole 'you have to have a skill to be able to do something' thing that seems to have come out of 3e+ game play.

But, what is it about the caster that makes them so much better in social settings?

Dunno, sounds reasonable. Int is dumb stat for anyone but wizards anyway.

I looked properly and i guess it could work, but you will still want high CHA for Lifedrinker invocation (+Charisma to damage). Or not?

Meh. All these snowflake custom races are absolutely pointless anyway. I really don't know what good making a speshul flavored race is to anyone. What you described is pretty much a tiefling but looks like an orc...

>Paladin 7/Sorcerer 6
Should I take a level in Paladin for the ASI or just finish to 20 with Sorcerer levels?

I am a nerd I'm just a nerd that took up martial art and athletics during my childhood.

LIES. Begone CHAD. Go play 4e, an accursed edition that caters to your kind.

So what's with that horse's huge anime eyes?

He decided to make a custom setting and is kind of going crazy, added dwarves, humans, elves, gnomes, half-elves and half-orcs, tweaked them a bit and then added 8 or so custom races

Some are pretty cool, others are a bit stupid but eh. I think what he tried to do with the orcs is discourage race/class stereotypes, he goes on and on about that from time to time

huh I honestly hadn't realized that

I too have noticed that casters seem to solve as many problems as they cause.
>oops I forgot people realize they were charmed after the spell wears off
>oops I forgot that spell affects friendly creatures in the area as well as hostile ones
>oops I forgot my fire spells ignite flammable objects
>oops I forgot that spell makes a loud noise and a visible flash
>oops I forgot to word my wish in an unambiguous way

Attached: wizards.png (180x210, 37K)

>What is your opinion on sessions that don't have combat at all? Like, six to eight hours of social interactions.

We had something like that last session. Truth be told, there was some combat, but it was over before everyone got their turn because they were such low CR monsters. The rest of the session was RP within the party, since we were offered gifts in return of something physically revolting. Basically, the gifts FEEL evil, but don't necessarily ARE evil, meaning there was a lot of RP with the good and neutral aligned characters. It took 5 hours, and it was a fucking blast. Plus some characters got all kinds of new interesting abilities and drawbacks.

I beaten by chad growing up, Chad has more or less destroyed my life.

>I was beaten

Aasimar get resistance to two damage types that are much harder to get it to, though they also don't get as many other things out of their race as a lot do.

The most basic thing I can think of is using prestidigitation to ensure you smell good and your shirt is supernaturally pressed when giving a presentation to your boss. Little things like that.

Ultimately spells will be limited only by the creativity of those using them. While typical use may be balanced if you assume boring, uncreative players, it will never be balanced in a real game, because spells are an entirely exclusive way to interact with the game rules that martials don't get.

To use a rough analogy, martials are black, and they're playing with checkers rules. Casters are white, and they're playing with chess pieces and rules.

Tieflings are arguably a bit better, because they get Burning Hands as a 2nd level spell, as well as Darkness, which is also 2nd level. Still, Find Familiar is a useful spell to have, and Fire Bolt is a good cantrip.

Since Glabrezu are not allowed to polymorph, does that mean that when they pretend to be humans, they are using Illusions?

>Aasimar ... don't get as many other things out of their race as a lot do.
They have like longest stat block of all races, man!

I guess I should have said they don't get any skill proficiencies, which isn't unheard of or anything, it just tends to be traded for something special like this or dwarves' armor proficiency or bonus HP.

You cloned another player's character sheet, changing only the class, and now you're whining that your class is shit because he can do everything you can.
>but we're brothers so we have to be the same
I've lived in the same town as my brother for most of my life, but we still have completely different qualifications and skills. Even identical twins aren't exact copies of each other by the time they reach adulthood.
>I did it for roleplay reasons
Then why not *roleplay* your feelings of inadequacy as a character flaw, allowing for character development as you gain levels? As a fighter, you'll get plenty of feats or ability score increases, allowing you to reflect that in-character progress with cold, hard stats.

Have you tried not being a jealous loser and stick with your choices?

So they're the Monks of races, how's that working out?

>What is your opinion on sessions that don't have combat at all? Like, six to eight hours of social interactions.

Done about 3 hours of characters just doing their downtime actions, simming business deals and building their stronghold and stuff.
Ended up being really fun, closest they got to combat was they held a halfling hostage in a deal almost gone wrong.
I think I ended it with a 3 or 4 round encounter involving only one of the PC's, tho.

>I mean, if you are Fighter and everything on your character sheet is concerned with fighting, you kind of want to use it.

Hey, not everything is fighting now. Thanks to integrated Backgrounds, your fighter probably has a proficiency or two that isn't combat based.

Classes you want to see
Shaman for primal/spirit based magic and I don't fucking care the Spellsword.

Including stuff they've tried to make already? Artificer is a character type I want them to get right, and god knows we need another int class.


What is a Glabrezu?

big ass demon in the MM

Oh I agree I want both the Artificer and the Mystic done. I played a battlemind back in 4th.

which arcane tradition?

Elementalist Genie Patron for Warlock.
Horse Archer for Barb/Fighter/Ranger (pick one)
A Druid subclass that borrows Bardic Inspiration mechanics and is themed like a Native American dancer. Call it Witch Doctor, maybe?

Not new classes per se, but I just want viable unarmed builds for fighter and barb

the one that fits your character senpai
but divination wiz could be the strongest build in the whole game

If only one member of the party has an Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location, it's pretty useless, right? People could still scry some other member that doesn't wear the amulet.

>as you gain levels
Yes, I too look forward to my wizard player eclipsing me more and more because 5e is even less balanced at higher levels.

If you hate your character that much, just let him die and roll something new.

Divination if you want to have a powerful ability, but I find portent a little dry and illusion a lot more fun and flavorful.

>game punishes you for it

Its no ones fault but your own that you cant think of good ways to roleplay without needing magic as a crutch.

You are unhappy with you character. You may be happier playing something else, with less overlap with the wizard. And the wizard would gain RP options about dealing with his brother's death.

I mean shit, you could just roll another Fighter, and pick a new background even.

Have you ever published anything on drivethrurpg or DMs guild or otherwise made money from material you wrote for dnd?


one of my players is asking to play a Warlock but using INT as his warlock stat, to play as a madman who's been touched by the greater powers that be
I don't see any problem with this, but could there any particular issues down the line in terms of multi classing or skill checks?

>Warlock with INT
This is a pretty common houserule, especially for warlocks who made pacts with Old Ones or through some ritual bullshit. The worst thing it does is synchronize with wizard well, but straight wizard is more cheeseworthy than a warlock/wizard multi and anyone with sense bans wizard anyway. No worries.

INT is underpowered. Nothing he could multiclass or build into would be more broken than Sorlock.

Anybody know of any good assassination plot modules/adventures?

Bans wizards huh? Why?

Martial/Caster disparity. Wizards and Bards are the most overpowered of the bunch, and banning both helps fix the issue.

Wizards have a historied reputation of being garbage since 3.0

I just love how people complain that mystic is OP and can be used to replace other classes when bards exist and do the same shit but better and with level 9 spell on top of that

>we decide to pick two brothers from the same background, with the same quest, who diverged in method
Your fault for picking the most boring shit possible, retard. i.e. literally copying another players character sheet word for fucking word

Hurr durr why does literal reality warping magic user have more "tools" than guy who is really really good at using a sword. Kill yourself you fucking sperg.

Anyone have any cool adventure hooks or dungeon ideas they want to share?

>why does literal reality warping magic user have more "tools" than guy who is really really good at using a sword.

Well literally why? 4e showed that it didn't have to be that way. Why do we have to have another angel summoner and bmx bandit edition?

Attached: angel_summoner_and_bmx_bandit_by_teh_dave-d4auxy4[1].png (800x450, 278K)

Someone stole the king's spider collection.

The players wake up in fae, with no memory of how they got there or who they were. A dickass faerie expects them to serve him as serfs, whores, and victims. The players must escape from the mansion, and later, Fae itself, to return home.

Why do people hate evocation Wizard so much?

>not using your martial powers to roleplay
Laughing at u.

4e was fucking garbage man. Stop turning this game into a vidya dick measuring contest.

This. Unfortunately most of these muh martial/caster disparity posters are too brainlet to do this

Because it's a worse sorcerer for blasting, and blasting is boring anyways

4e was legitimately great. The only reason to play 5e over 4e is that as the latest edition of dnd, it has the most appeal to superficial normies and is easier to find a game with.

The thing about Mystic is that it becomes OP faster. Bards really don't get going until at least level 6 if you're a lore bard, and 10 if you're any other bard; without magical secrets Bard is just a sorcerer with bardic inspiration instead of metamagic.
Mystic's strength lies primarily in its psionic foci, which are available with a bonus action and zero psi point cost from level 1. Its disciplines and psi limit also grow a lot faster than spell slots. Past level 10 Mystics slow down significantly and become dependent on upcasting, but most adventures don't go far beyond level 10, so as far as most campaigns go they're very powerful for most of it.

The absolute state of D&D

Any ideas please?

So there’s no UA this month?

>you wake up and d&d has completely removed alignments from everything

Would you still play?

I literally have to give my barbarian player something to fight each session or he's bored out of his skull. He likes it when I do a creative voice for an NPC, but he doesn't make much of an effort to speak up himself when it's not his turn in combat.

Last week I had the monk open a bank account and the barb and ranger about lost it.

there's six days left in the month, what the fuck do you think?

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I don't play with alignments already. It's a stupid mechanic, only suitable for legitimate white supremacists running a crusade against the goblin-!not!jews campaign.

Who gives a fuck about alignment in the 21st century.

So like I we play it already?