It's always being joked that gaining money on Kickstarter is 5% making your product, 95% knowing what to sell people so they'll throw it blindly at it.
How would you make the perfect moneygrubbing Kickstarter campaign for your own tabletop game?
It's always being joked that gaining money on Kickstarter is 5% making your product, 95% knowing what to sell people so they'll throw it blindly at it.
How would you make the perfect moneygrubbing Kickstarter campaign for your own tabletop game?
>have the main artist do sexy pinup art
>only reveal that the pinups aren't part of the main game after you've got all the money
I don't know, I have a crippling inability to scam people for money due to an unfortunate case of possessing a spine and a vague comprehension of the limits of my skills.
>implying I'd tell you
you sound like a commie
I'd make an RPG or boardgame that promises innovating mechanics, go into just enough detail that everyone can imagine freely what innovative mechanics would mean to them, while not technically excluding any other person's fantasy of the ideal game.
This is important because you want the armchair designers and developers to buy into the product by thinking you promised them exactly what they would design.
then after it's backed release some frankenstein's monster of other, better games combined in a way that it technically meets the definition of innovative.
I don't know what the game would be about, but the art definitely needs to prominently feature a nice collection of ambiguously brown cripples of ambiguous sexuality wearing hijabs and smiling heartily.
Sexy art. For a start, I'd sell it on sexy art and controversy. More, I'll start with something I can basically achieve with no budget - so I can deliver, at the very least - and then I'll do the rest.
The most appealing things to people are sex and violence, so I'll send it on the promise of sex and the promise of violence. You know, like those Evony advertisements.
>I'll start with something I can basically achieve with no budget
The thing about selling an RPG is that this is kind of the default situation - the bulk of the product is literally just text. You can "deliver" it if you have access to Google Docs (OPP has been counting on that for years).
The stuff that costs money nowadays is mostly just art. Many games would never even get to the point where you need to worry about printing physical books.
Exactly. That's sort of why the money is really only for the art. (As a side note, I sort of miss the mega-modules we used to have. I think only Pathfinder does that anymore.)
Pretty much anything+ cool miniatures.
Sexy dinosaurs?
I'm not going to lie, is but a game with cool sexy dinosaurs.
Never in my life did I think I'll find myself linking to this comic, but this is actually sort of relevant (although the example is from the world of video games, it's essentially the same idea)
So what are the magic empty buzzwords that sell tabletop games, as opposed to video games?
Reviving obscure games from the late 80's to early 90's seems like it went well for some.
Maybe its just me, and Im a weirdo, but if I have a kickstarter that makes a lot of money I'd rather just make a good product and use that money to bootstrap myself into larger scale production so I can keep making money AND provide something people enjoy?
Like, that just seems more financially sustainable and enjoyable from a day to day standpoint?
>How would you make the perfect moneygrubbing Kickstarter campaign for your own tabletop game?
If I had to do it again I'd be sure to get my project manager's help. Couldn't have done it without him!
It's also how Kickstarter is meant to work. People focus on the scams and fuckups, but if you go into it with sincerity and integrity as a creator, or a healthy degree of skepticism as a backer, it can lead to some really good shit.
Yep. Kingdom Death is the cinderella story example, but honestly for all its flaws I'm glad I got the Dark Souls board game too. Its not perfect, but now I have a set of Dark Souls minis with more on the way, and the game itself is flawed but enjoyable on its own.
You're a garbage tier piece of shit person id you are actually considering this. Get a fuckin job, some self respect (if possible), and stop finacially sucking the bank accounts of gullible idiots.
>Implying there's a game at all.
by Kickstarter's rules you need to use all pledge money on the product, granted there's not really any legal repercussions for not doing that.
There really need to be. Kickstarter are putting profits before business ethics and seriously risking the long term viability of their platform if they keep letting that shit slide.
But taking money from the stupid and gullible is the most American and capital-C Capitalist thing to do. What are you, some kind of commie faggot?
I assume they have the same setup as Uber where by keeping things as legally light as possible they can keep their own hands clean with all the shenanigans that happen when their service is abused
Zombie Deckbuilder Strategy Worker Placement.
if you want to scam, use patreon instead of kickstarter
you literally don't have to deliver anything with patreon
I fucking hate patreon so much
With legacy elements
Its sort of unenforceable. What are you going to do? Perform a mandatory financial audit of the kickerstarter and its generated funds at the time the last wave ends? Someone has to shell out money to fund said audits for EVERY kickstarter, and there are plenty of cases where the product might fail or run into unexpected costs or whatever. What then? If the guy legitimately lost all of the money gained from hi 400,000 dollar kickstarter, where do you expect the money to come from to refund people or whatever?
And even that system can be easily gamed by just pushing your final fulfillement date really late. Because then you can just take your money and run and the Kickstarter police wont start looking for until for another 8 years so you have plenty of time to cover your tracks.
That depends which demographic you're targeting. All of them contain stupid idiots willing to part with their money. You could target the OSR people with a "hardcode oldskool RPG... just like in the old days!" or the newer waves with a "new generation of narrativist experience!" and do some study to sprinkle related buzzwords and ideas to your kickstarter marketing pitch. Making money is hard work, you have to know how to fool the rubes or you won't be rolling in it.
>How would you make the perfect moneygrubbing Kickstarter campaign for your own tabletop game?
Well firstly i would trawl various forums for ideas, maybe create threads asking what other people would do and hope that some creative people make some good shit up that i can stea.... modify.
Hey Viral, we miss you.
I'd start a channel that preys on anti-SJW , autist, neckbeards. I'd promise to make a video series that debunks all the SJW 'myths' in gaming.
I'd then run away with all the money and produce nothing.
There's literally no guilt in this one as the only victims are already most likely, sexist, racist pieces of shit literally holding the entire human race back from advancing.
Like the actual 'men against anita sarkeesian kickstarter' group did.
Pitch a Pathfinder MMO. Base your campaign entirely on the validation of your fans' feelings of superiority. It's a license to print money.
Its a solid gambit, because your targets are people with a demonstrated lack of critical thinking and easily manipulated emotions. Just use the same buzzwords their twitter feeds do and they'll buy it hook, line and sinker.
The only thing you have to worry about is that they have a paranoid streak, but as long as you dont trigger that you'll be fine.
They already did that.
Anita please go
This is obviously a joke thread, you raging autist. Take your pills and chill out.
I would release a system that fixes all the issues with 3.5.
It would not exist at all______________
Fortunately, Kickstarter doesn’t require it do!
Imagine being this tedious a person
>targets are people with a demonstrated lack of critical thinking and easily manipulated emotions
>Hello, Kettle? Yes, this is Pot. You're a nigger.
Nazis vs. Feminists wargame
Featuring sexy pinup models and tumblr model...depending on the army
>Almost like both groups are fucking around pretending identity politics actually matters, while the worlds going to shit outside.
>Implying that idea would ever get that amount of funding.
Come on man, at least pitch something guaranteed to milk fun bucks. How about a sandbox battle royale with zombies game?
>How would you make the perfect moneygrubbing Kickstarter campaign for your own tabletop game?
I'd start by being Kevin Siembedia.
Inflammatory gender war bullshit and/or furries. Then build whatever the fuck I want because everyone's too angry with each other to care whether the product has anything to do with what they're screaming at each other about.
>Featuring sexy pinup models and tumblr model...depending on the army
Oh this is nice.
J.J. Abrams directs.
Kickstarter proved that free money is not enought to make the variable called ItExist of some idea goes from Off to On after X amount of years.
So, the entire theory behind kickstarter is flawed and so kickstarter (and other crowdfunding sites) are flawed
Yes, and...?
I have an idea to make an RPG + setting where its just the shared universe of furries. probably would be a bit crunchy. It would also include weird stuff like being a trap would give you a bonus to charm because of your cute appearance, but equally it turns down your intimidation.
Really it was just an idea to build a game with an excellent suite of options for char-gen.
I then realized that I doubt there'd be too much of a campaign and most people would just use it to make their OC Donut steal characters and murder shit randomly.
If you're planning on ripping people off, put some goddamn effort into thinking of scam ideas for yourself and not asking us.
I don't believe it has any restrictions on where costs are actual allocated, so the easy answer is to give the team bonuses with excess funds. Entirely above board, just don't do it until the product is complete.